The Walking Dead: All Seasons (DON'T POST SPOILERS)


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Oh shit its Elvira


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
And people think breaking bad the fly episode was filler

That was a masterpiece compare to this shit tonight

Stopped watching a couple episodes ago, but judging by BGOL and other reviews I haven't missed shit. :smh: The mid-season finale will probably be worth viewing.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
And people think breaking bad the fly episode was filler

That was a masterpiece compare to this shit tonight

I actually really liked that BB episode, and tonight's episode of TWD as well ,

I understand TWD is a show alot of you didnt sign up for or was expecting, but you had 7 fucking season to figure out how this show works, and if in 7 seasons you complain about the same thing, then the problem might be you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Niggas watch every week talking about filler this filler that, STOP WATCHING THE FUCKING SHOW!

Like I said before check in with us we will let you know who dies since that's all that matters to you.

Do something else with your Sunday night.
Why you always get mad when people say they don't like an episode

No need to damage control unless you work for the show
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's hard to stick with the slow burn when other shows are doing it a little better right now however this was a good episode.
Just establishing more groups to fight and bring down Negan. Gonna take a nation to kill a nation.
I mean that's really all you can say about this episode lol
That would be the purpose but Tara did say no at the end
unless Cindy finds her way to ricks camp


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They are really struggling to come up with new ways to try to do jump scares with delapidated Zombies. How is it possible for Zombies who are all in front of our survivors somehow end up surrounding people within seconds. Maybe they should eliminate the zombies with flanking algorithms first.

Episode summary - More stupid human zombie interaction. Massive tits flopping up and down. Another group of survivors is added to possible list of Team Rickers.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I said this before and I'm going to say it again in a zombie apocalypse you have to worry more about the humans then the zombies


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Something just occurred to me. Cindy said that Negan killed all the men and boys over 10. That implies that Oceanside still has boys under 10 at their camp.

So where are they?

Something tells me that Negan isn't the one at fault here. perhaps the colony decided to kill the men themselves.
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Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Something just occurred to me. Cindy said that Negan killed all the men and boys under 10. That implies that Oceanside still has boys under 10 at their camp.

So where are they?

Something tells me that Negan isn't the one at fault here. perhaps the colony decided to kill the men themselves.

Did you mean over 10?