I don't get why Negan is suppose to be a badazz. Lucille -- I don't think so. He has no skills or charisma for his character to be a real badazz. He is not a MMA person or a former Delta/Ranger/Navy Seal or part of the alphabet soup of law enforcement that is based around the Washington, DC; that is where Alexandria is located. His character is not believable to me. He has no skills nor do I get the hint that he has been trained. The Govenor at least had charisma, so I see why people followed him. This bama just walks around like his is tuff shyt. I don't think so. You will get handled.
It's the apocalypse, society has broke down and people have an instinctive need to be led. Practically every character on this show is willing to follow any person who declares themselves in charge and does a few things to make life better.
Hilltop's leader Gregory is a drunk spineless buffoon, but people still follow him because he "makes the trains run on time"
Rick became leader of his group because he talked loud and asserted himself.
King Ezekiel became leader of his group because of the whole tiger thing.
The junkie pharmacist (can't remember his name) from FTWD led his colony AND turned them into a death cult over a fake miracle
Negan fits right in with the rest of these jokers.