The Walking Dead: All Seasons (DON'T POST SPOILERS)


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
How about that horrible editing where the driver of the gun truck gets pushed out the drivers side before the crash but Rick says lets go down to the crash site to see if hes still alive.

I was halfway paying attention. I was still amazed that Rick's jeep had it's radiator shot by a 50 cal, and Darryl was right behind him. But Darryl was two miles away and the jeep with the busted radiator had caught up with the dude :hmm:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I was halfway paying attention. I was still amazed that Rick's jeep had it's radiator shot by a 50 cal, and Darryl was right behind him. But Darryl was two miles away and the jeep with the busted radiator had caught up with the dude :hmm:
That whole chase scene was terrible!

This shit barely held my attention, getting

Super wack!
Yea man... Chase scene was pretty bad. Hopefully someone can explain away that edit fuck up tho.. Maybe i missed something.. That was 70's blaxploitation level bad.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
The CGi on this show has always been terrible. I'm glad they found an excuse to get rid of the tiger.


Those cheap bastards don't want to spend the money. I could even believed the tiger just basically laid down. It would have ran off. The chase scene was terrible.

I'm glad they ain't dragging shit around, because even bad action is better than that slow shit.


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
50cal to the engine block stops that shit out right, that keep took 4 lol

The rifles have zero recoil.

King got more lives than a cat

White woman saves it again.


The Voice of Reason
BGOL Investor
1- Why was George Romero able to get it done decades ago?

2- They let Morgan lose while HE had the weapon. At least he could have thrown that shit down before the fight.
1- It's possibly because Romero created his flick outside of any Hollywood system. He, like Herk Harvey(Carnival of Souls) made commercials or industrial movies prior to attempting horror movies.
2- There's no way to explain this particular brand of fuckery.


The Voice of Reason
BGOL Investor
How about that horrible editing where the driver of the gun truck gets pushed out the drivers side before the crash but Rick says lets go down to the crash site to see if hes still alive.
I noticed that, too. I was hoping Ricky meant "let's go down the road and see if..."
I guess this is what jumping the proverbial shark looks like. SMDH.......


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I just started back with "TWD" this season. All the things I've complained about are still there (another time). But I was curious about how the producers would handle Ezekiel and Shiva. And Carol also. The latter because she has exhibited the most change out of all the characters on that show.

But the closing scene in which we watch a wounded Ezekiel stumbles back into the compound (his followers still believing in him), in which all you hear are his footsteps was CLASSIC and beautifully done.

But Yeah.
The show still tends to be stupid otherwise.
It plays out like a bad video game.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Ezekiel got captured by one of Napoleon Dynamite's homeys:lol:

Cheerful Jerry did split him in half though.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Chopping it up
Yo, this season is some straight up, unadulterated bullshit...... Rick and the chase scene, lookin like some shit off of TJ Hooker or The Dukes of Hazzard......
hell yeah!!! That shit was pathetic... this season has made me want to throw my tv out the window at least 3 times every show!

Carol dropped down from the ceiling like delta force chuck norris after just being on the ground 2 secs before... an that tiger part was the most ridiculous piece of shit


BGOL Legend

all you gotta do is sit back

We've talked about the chase. that was some low level Starksy and Hutch shit.
Carol can't he phased. Took on the entire crew by herself and came out on top easily. Nice
Meanwhile they showed the king's ra ra speech on purpose cause at the end he ain't a king no more just a con man broken zoo keeper.
Love how they managed to do all of that shit in 40 minutes.
No kind of fight. No resolve once things got really hairy. Leave me. Let me die. I ain't no king.
By the end they weren't even waking with him making sure he was OK all the respect they had for him was gone.
He wasn't even "man enough" to say anything to his former followers
I expect him to be cooking grits on kitchen duty