The Walking Dead: All Seasons (DON'T POST SPOILERS)


Rising Star
Time to bring in the DH.


Time to shut that shit down!!


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Damn Talking Dead just opened my eyes about Carol going through this twice and Daryl having to be there.


Rising Star
Easily the best episode in the past 2 seasons

It was a good show, I had to do a double take on the heads on the pikes!! At first I didnt notice they all had turned!! Boy, Angela Kane did a good ass job this season.. I thought when rick left the show, it would fall apart. But, I havent thought about rick, since he left.. Im ready to see how they are going to handle Negan..

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
It was a good show, I had to do a double take on the heads on the pikes!! At first I didnt notice they all had turned!! Boy, Angela Kane did a good ass job this season.. I thought when rick left the show, it would fall apart. But, I havent thought about rick, since he left.. Im ready to see how they are going to handle Negan..
I have to admit, this season is a lot better than any I can remember. It's still frustrating because all of this shit is because of sucka for love Henry, but we had Michone and those children and then this. They could have got here a lot sooner, but it's TWD, not Supernatural.

Just the fact that the Henry character got his head on a stick made me happy.

The guy who was fucking up TWD went over to Fear and turned that show into complete fucking trash.


Rising Star
I have to admit, this season is a lot better than any I can remember. It's still frustrating because all of this shit is because of sucka for love Henry, but we had Michone and those children and then this. They could have got here a lot sooner, but it's TWD, not Supernatural.

Just the fact that the Henry character got his head on a stick made me happy.

The guy who was fucking up TWD went over to Fear and turned that show into complete fucking trash.

Was a couple of those heads on the pikes, the highway men?

I hear you about henry, I never like his part..


Rising Star
I have to admit, this season is a lot better than any I can remember. It's still frustrating because all of this shit is because of sucka for love Henry, but we had Michone and those children and then this. They could have got here a lot sooner, but it's TWD, not Supernatural.

Just the fact that the Henry character got his head on a stick made me happy.

The guy who was fucking up TWD went over to Fear and turned that show into complete fucking trash.

Scott Gimple was showrunner of TWD from S4 through S8. He didn't become showrunner of FTWD, Andrew Chambliss (Heroes and Once Upon a Time) and Ian Goldberg (Once Upon a Time and Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles) took over as showrunners in S4 of FTWD.

Scott Gimple is in charge of the TWD Universe of shows and movies on AMC, so he is in charge of FTWD, TWD, the upcoming movies with Rick, and another spin-off which is rumored to follow Abraham before he met up with Rick's group. Scott would have decided to move Morgan over to FTWD, but once he was moved over it was up to Andrew and Ian to write the main plot points, then the writers room to fill in dialog and episode to episode stuff plots.

Showrunners don't usually directly write each episode unless it is a major episode, and Gimple has written some of the best TWD episodes including:
  • Save the last one - Shane and Otis getting supplies to save Carl where Shane kills Otis
  • Pretty Much Dead Already - Where Shane opens the barn door and they find Sophia
  • Clear - Rick, Carl and Michonne go back to Ricks home town and find crazy Morgan
  • The Grove - Tyresse, Carl and the sisters are at the house and Carol tells the one girl to "look at the flowers" after she dismembers her sister.
  • A - Rick, Michonne and Carl get caught by the Claimers and Rick rips the guys throat out with his teeth
  • No Santuary - Escape from Terminus
  • What Happened and What's Going On - Tyresse's death episode with the sisters and Governor hallucinations


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Caught up on the show over the last few months.

So glad Henry and Tara both got offed.

Hated Tara's dumbass since the Governor episodes.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What Tara and Henry are done. My DVR cut off after Alpha sat near her daughter and said shhhhh. It said it recorded for an hour.

Was wondering why I didnt see next weeks preview or a preview of the Talking Dead.


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Hahhahahahhhaha fuck Henry

He got them all killed over that bitch

My guess is whisper fucks couldn’t fuck with the survivors


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just watched on Kodi. Some of the people I'm looking like who was that.

Times like this I wish Shane was alive and in charge. The Whisperers would of been dead on sight.


BGOL Legend
Anyone else trip off the fact that between Alexandria, Hilltop, and the Kingdom the only 1 that got a gun and ammo is Judith right now? What happened to Eugene being a bullet maker

The materials and shit were messing up
Remember a ton of them were defective even when he was with negan