
Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Where does this leave Roman Reigns going into Wrestlemania.
He has to come to Cody's defense and I guess that sets up Rock vs Roman. with Cena vs Cody
To squabble with Seth Rollins who he has unfinished business with after the Royal Rumble. Roman has no reason to come to Cody's defense.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
To squabble with Seth Rollins who he has unfinished business with after the Royal Rumble. Roman has no reason to come to Cody's defense.
They can't do a triple threat match because it wiill be 2 on 1 vs. seth rollins. For some reason, our buddy "trips" love triple threat matches.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well I guess this is his last ride in WWE, so he might as well change it up. But it's still too late.

It’s not too late this is perfect storytelling. It’s so good that y’all ran to this thread just to talk about it. Even the thread name changed. I bet some of y’all even checked if the old thread was still around :roflmao: .

I thought the turn would happen at WM for John , but they popped the cherry early. If they waited then i saw John winning at WM, but now I see Cody winning at WM, but losing it after to John via Money In the Bank briefcase or Backlash. Or Roman could come back at WM and act like he is helping Cody and turn to help John or accidental spear hits Cody and John wins. Either way Flairs streak will be broken this year.



El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Thread title change threw me off. Lolz

Last night's Elimination Chamber PPV was probably the best booked PPV since SummerSlam.

Every match made sense from a booking standpoint with the way they they set up the storylines for WrestleMania. The in ring action was entertaining as well.

A week ago people were saying they weren't excited for WrestleMania.

Now? Lolz

Can't wait to see how all the other pieces fall into place.
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BK Pop

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I figured cena was gonna turn heel during his rumble post show interview. He kept focusing on what he deserved and whats best for business. Then the fact he was absent when all others were present for the faceoff gave it away.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First off, switching the title of this thread had me shook for a sec. Well played. Almost like EC ending played out.

The women did a spectacular job. Obviously we knew Jade was coming back. I will say that type of beat down threw me off a bit. Jade looked a bit ghetto especially when she kicks. I love that shit. lol. The door slam ( I never notice the chamber door slid closed after all these years) was a nice touch. Bianca acting isn’t bad. She looked pretty broken up about it. My only issue is this: can Naomi pull off a heel run? She’s never been anything but a face. Curious to see where this goes and how Bianca will react. 2 friends beefing with one caught up in between them. Classic.

Bliss got robbed. I kinda don’t get the love liv gets. She gets a shit ton of spotlight time. I know she just got back but she don’t look rusty to me. I’m guessing since Bo is hurt they have to wait to push the Wyatt angle again. Personally she needs to pushed back to the top. Liv has had her run. That being said I am happy Bianca won. Didn’t see that coming. Got worried they were going with Liv again.

Trish and tiff. We knew they were gonna win. Boring match. Nia and dem just ain’t it. Jax is funny however doing house shows and makes comments like “I suck and I swallow” in response to “you suck” signs. Don’t like Candice either. No personality.i still don’t get how some people can stay on the roster for so long. Whatever.

KO and Sami. I know we done seen these 2 go at it for years. I remember seeing them inNXT. despite this being a stale feud these 2 can go. KO does not look the part and never has but his passion on the mic bleeds into his craft in the ring. U see it on his face. I can respect that. He BELIEVES that shit. Not only that but other than Brian cage, u don’t see too many big guys hitting the Swanton. And that fisherman’s off the top rope is always dope. I didn’t expect Sami to lose however and Randy coming back was a nice touch. Not a 5 star match but given how we done seen this dozens of times they did a good job.

Men’s rumble was predictable and boring. We knew Cena would take it. The Cena TURN however. Holy shit. Sho as fuck didn’t see that coming. Honestly it’s about damn time but this is his last year! He not going to be working to advance the story weekly. So it kinda sucks. Also, why was he so damn pale. Ol muscular, vampiric lookin ass. And why was Travis whoopin on Cody like that? That was funny. Rock whipping Cody like a slave was comical. Also, never heard the f bomb being dropped on wwe programming before. The overall show was like a 6 out of 10. Maybe 7 if you were faded. Curious to see what the WM plan is gonna be. Is Roman gonna be involved? If so how?

One more thing. Anyone else feel like fatu is being pushed a bit too fast? He over af with the fans. Got it. But the tension with Solo has come on too fast. It really don’t make no sense. I just don’t want to see a character get rushed to quick and fizzle out. Same with a guy like bron. Both these dudes got bright futures but they need some wars and good feuds before showering them belts. And yes I know fatu didn’t win but just saying.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Jey would be crazy since he's mega over with fans but Jey or CM Punk would work. Yeah WWE is doing a great job keeping fans guessing....Lolz



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First off, switching the title of this thread had me shook for a sec. Well played. Almost like EC ending played out.

The women did a spectacular job. Obviously we knew Jade was coming back. I will say that type of beat down threw me off a bit. Jade looked a bit ghetto especially when she kicks. I love that shit. lol. The door slam ( I never notice the chamber door slid closed after all these years) was a nice touch. Bianca acting isn’t bad. She looked pretty broken up about it. My only issue is this: can Naomi pull off a heel run? She’s never been anything but a face. Curious to see where this goes and how Bianca will react. 2 friends beefing with one caught up in between them. Classic.

Bliss got robbed. I kinda don’t get the love liv gets. She gets a shit ton of spotlight time. I know she just got back but she don’t look rusty to me. I’m guessing since Bo is hurt they have to wait to push the Wyatt angle again. Personally she needs to pushed back to the top. Liv has had her run. That being said I am happy Bianca won. Didn’t see that coming. Got worried they were going with Liv again.

Trish and tiff. We knew they were gonna win. Boring match. Nia and dem just ain’t it. Jax is funny however doing house shows and makes comments like “I suck and I swallow” in response to “you suck” signs. Don’t like Candice either. No personality.i still don’t get how some people can stay on the roster for so long. Whatever.

KO and Sami. I know we done seen these 2 go at it for years. I remember seeing them inNXT. despite this being a stale feud these 2 can go. KO does not look the part and never has but his passion on the mic bleeds into his craft in the ring. U see it on his face. I can respect that. He BELIEVES that shit. Not only that but other than Brian cage, u don’t see too many big guys hitting the Swanton. And that fisherman’s off the top rope is always dope. I didn’t expect Sami to lose however and Randy coming back was a nice touch. Not a 5 star match but given how we done seen this dozens of times they did a good job.

Men’s rumble was predictable and boring. We knew Cena would take it. The Cena TURN however. Holy shit. Sho as fuck didn’t see that coming. Honestly it’s about damn time but this is his last year! He not going to be working to advance the story weekly. So it kinda sucks. Also, why was he so damn pale. Ol muscular, vampiric lookin ass. And why was Travis whoopin on Cody like that? That was funny. Rock whipping Cody like a slave was comical. Also, never heard the f bomb being dropped on wwe programming before. The overall show was like a 6 out of 10. Maybe 7 if you were faded. Curious to see what the WM plan is gonna be. Is Roman gonna be involved? If so how?

One more thing. Anyone else feel like fatu is being pushed a bit too fast? He over af with the fans. Got it. But the tension with Solo has come on too fast. It really don’t make no sense. I just don’t want to see a character get rushed to quick and fizzle out. Same with a guy like bron. Both these dudes got bright futures but they need some wars and good feuds before showering them belts. And yes I know fatu didn’t win but just saying.
Agreed about Naomi having the chops to pull off a heel turn. I talked about it earlier in this thread. I don't see it, but who knows.
Like you said, she's been a babyface her whole career although you can say the same about Cena.

Disagree about Alexa Bliss. She's just getting back after being gone for 2 years. She still needs to show she's still over with the fans as before.
She'll probably link up with the Wyatt Sicks once Bo comes back from injury.
Liv is over due to her character work over the past year or so. She's played her role perfectly and is being rewarded for it.

The Trish and Tiffany match was meh, just there. I tuned out for most of the match. Tiffany still needs to work on her promo.
Right now she's taking a back seat to Charlotte and even Trish. I expect her to drop the title to Charlotte at WM.

KO and Sami "match" was fucking brutal, man. Randy coming back was cool. I'm guessing he'll have a match against KO at WM.

Disagree about the men's EC match being predictable. I, along with a lot of people, thought Punk would win.
That Cena heel turn is gonna be replayed over and over again for YEARS. It's up there with the Hogan heel turn.

I don't think Jacob Fatu is being pushed too fast. He's great in the ring and believable as an uncontrollable beast.
He's going to be world champion soon enough.