If Cena doesn't do it, then HHH definitely will. Remember, if Hunter wants it, Vince makes it so.
IMO.....UT should not "end" his streak....but get to 20, and announce his retirement.
That would be even worse. He needs the rub even less and he's only got a few more years left in him his damn self.
My "old schoolness" just thinks guys should go out looking up at the lights. Taker losing at SummerSlam or Night of Champions doesn't mean much but the guy who beats him at Mania would have to be taken as a serious top guy. They have plenty of time to put Alberto Rios or maybe Punk in that position. They need new superstars with HHH and Taker winding down and Edge, Orton, and Mysterio being fragile.
I read on another forum that they will have only one brand. That may end up in some talent cuts.
It'll definitely lead to talent cuts.