Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Tara, in my opinion, is the "milf" of women's wrestling. I think she needs to take up a "managers" role as opposed to wrestling.

Nah, she can still go. It's not like she's Wendi Richter or Madusa Miceli. She's still relatively young and TNA has a few Knockouts that could use a veteran to help them out, matchwise.

Anybody else notice that Russo is rehashing one of his old storylines with the Angle Top 10 thing. It's nothing more than when Goldberg had to redo his streak in WCW.

That's all the dude does: rehash. I can accept that wrestling recycles storylines, gimmicks,and finishes but Russo recycles his own shit while it's still fresh in everyone's mind and sometimes is running the same gimmick and/or angle in two different situations at the same time. Wasn't Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt feuding over a woman at the same time Kurt Angle and AJ Styles were feuding over Karen Angle? How about Jay Lethal doing "Black Machismo" and Petey Williams doing "Little Petey Pump"? Dude's trash. I wish Dixie would throw up that Russo KoolAid and sip some of Paul Heyman's. Everything he did and would do wasn't great and wouldn't be but at least it'll be different.

First her house burns down and now this. :smh: R I P

I know, right. Tragic.:smh:

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
That's what I meant. With her background, she should have been women's champion many times......

.........I'm sorry, I had TNA on the DVR and I'm just getting around to seeing the Beautiful People reunion. In my opinion...

Velvet Sky trumps any Diva Vince has....except for Layla and Alicia.

r.i.p to Luna.

as far as wwe divas go i'm feeling alicia fox but her days are numbered as vince has a history of cutting black talent.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Its like every year in wrestling someone dies too young...RIP Luna Vachon...

Yep and this is right after Lance Cade. It's one thing when an old head like Tony Borne dies but it's tragic when relatively young people or just flat out young people (like the 29 yr old Cade) die.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Went to the ROH show Saturday night and it was great.
I'm not a fan of "You Sold Out!" chants. When Tyler Black was a young child do they think his dream was to be ROH champion or headline WrestleMania as WWE champion? Now, I'm not a big fan of the guy. He's got some good stuff but I don't think he's ready to be ROH champion and there are at least 3 or 4 guys I think are ahead of him in ROH. But if Laurinatis likes him, so be it.

Well-booked and built to the semifinal Ultimate Endurance tag match and the main even of Black vs. Davey Richards.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Went to the ROH show Saturday night and it was great.
I'm not a fan of "You Sold Out!" chants. When Tyler Black was a young child do they think his dream was to be ROH champion or headline WrestleMania as WWE champion? Now, I'm not a big fan of the guy. He's got some good stuff but I don't think he's ready to be ROH champion and there are at least 3 or 4 guys I think are ahead of him in ROH. But if Laurinatis likes him, so be it.

Well-booked and built to the semifinal Ultimate Endurance tag match and the main even of Black vs. Davey Richards.

Black is good and he's only 24 years old.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Black is good and he's only 24 years old.

He is good but in the two matches I've seen him in live, he's underwhelming and neither time has he been the best wrestler in the ring.
I'm sure WWE can mold him into something though since he's so young and doesn't have a real gimmick or image yet.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
He is good but in the two matches I've seen him in live, he's underwhelming and neither time has he been the best wrestler in the ring.
I'm sure WWE can mold him into something though since he's so young and doesn't have a real gimmick or image yet.

I don't who you saw him against the first time but there aren't too many better wrestlers than Davey Richards. He's good, he's just not at the point where he could carry somebody else to a great match. Besides I would say he's a better wrestler than damn near everybody who has been on NXT so far with the exceptions of Kaval and Danielson.

Multi - Personality

Rising Star
Luna Vachon Police Report: Oxycodone, Pills & Paraphernalia
Posted on 08.30.10 | WWE News | Send news: News@24Wrestling.com
TMZ.com has published the police report from the Pasco County Sheriff's Office regarding former WWE performer Luna Vachon's death. Among the details revealed in the report include:

* Authorities found a box containing Oxycodone in Luna's kitchen. It was found near a pile of "blue, chalky debris next to a small straw."

* There were "multiple prescription bottles and miscellaneous unsecured pills" in a bedroom.

* Also found was another small plate that contained more pill residue and another straw.

An autopsy was performed on Luna Vachon's body over the weekend and the official cause of death will be released when the results are in for the toxicology exam that was performed during the autopsy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i got a question, why are they allowed 2 release info of peoples death without permission. its really no ones business how she died and what was found in her house. is there a law 2 block all that?


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Over the past 3 weeks we lost Lance Cade, Skandor Akbar, Tony Bourne, and Luna Vachon. Four in August of 2010.


Rising Star
It was the 900th show and all we get is the same ole tired bullshit we've been getting. No surprises or nothing.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
It was the 900th show and all we get is the same ole tired bullshit we've been getting. No surprises or nothing.

At least on the Smackdown anniversary, they had The Rock do a promo. All they did for Raw was work Smackdown's storylines.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
The divas particularly Gail Kim, Alicia Fox, and Tamina were looking good in their outfits tonite.

For those who missed it like me:

Layla done grew some booty, I remember when she didn't have ass, she working with a little something back there :yes:



Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
as far as wwe divas go i'm feeling alicia fox but her days are numbered as vince has a history of cutting black talent.

I think the wwe should consider giving alicia a face run. I think she would be over as a fan favorite. wwe just needs patience, she is steadily improving and is surprisingly tough, she takes a beating but she dishes out pain just as good. They should add another black woman(alicia's real life sister rumored) to their roster as well as another asian chick. I think the white and latina chicks are well represented already on wwe's roster.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wish they would get rid of that Nexus crap. That shit is lame and boring, all the Nexus do is jump people every week. They have lame moves and watching them will put you to sleep.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
I wish they would get rid of that Nexus crap. That shit is lame and boring, all the Nexus do is jump people every week. They have lame moves and watching them will put you to sleep.

Especially Barrett's finisher. That one he did on Orton tonight look so damn weak.


Rising Star
I think his mask is one the best things about him personally. Makes him look menacing.

Tarver's cool him and barrett are the best talkers of the group, eve layla alicia and tamina looked great but the show sucked. I don't give a shit about orton and cena has now admitted in an interview that he plays a superman on tv so:puke::puke:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I don't who you saw him against the first time but there aren't too many better wrestlers than Davey Richards. He's good, he's just not at the point where he could carry somebody else to a great match. Besides I would say he's a better wrestler than damn near everybody who has been on NXT so far with the exceptions of Kaval and Danielson.

Oh yeah, he's better than most of the NXT guys (I don't think he's as good as Harris and equal to Joe Hennig/Michael McGillicutty).
The first match was the three way with Austin Aries and Roderick Strong.
If a guy's not at a level where he can carry another guy, he shouldn't be the champion, imo. Of course that old rule hasn't applied in a long time with WWE but ROH is a work-based wrestling company not a "sports entertainment" company.

I wish they would get rid of that Nexus crap. That shit is lame and boring, all the Nexus do is jump people every week. They have lame moves and watching them will put you to sleep.

This is the weakness of the angle. Most of them can't work on a Raw-level yet so you can't put them in matches. Constantly telling us how they're the "most dominant force in WWE history" is insulting to the audience's intelligence. They can spice it up by adding new members like Harris and maybe Kaval (but not Riley).

I think his mask is one the best things about him personally. Makes him look menacing.


Layla was never assless. She had a bubble since she debuted. Always has been, and likely always will, have one the best asses in the WWE.

Tarver's cool him and barrett are the best talkers of the group, eve layla alicia and tamina looked great but the show sucked. I don't give a shit about orton and cena has now admitted in an interview that he plays a superman on tv so:puke::puke:

What's amazing is that Tarver and Barrett are the best talkers and Otunga hasn't shown much of that and that was thought to be his strongest asset. WWE scriptwriting might be holding him back.


Rising Star
Raw might have been weak but CM Punk is great and if they don't resign Jericho, Punk will get a promotion.

If i'm jericho i just say fuck it and leave, there's only so many times he can job to cena/hhh and vince's mood swings don't help either. I've got most of the 98/99 seasons of raw on dvd and even though the attitude era was crash tv, it was good crash tv that kept me interested. Now between cena's preacher man speeches and lame jokes followed by orton and his sleeping pill promos, it's just getting harder and harder to watch raw smackdown is good wrestling but raw just feels old.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
If i'm jericho i just say fuck it and leave, there's only so many times he can job to cena/hhh and vince's mood swings don't help either. I've got most of the 98/99 seasons of raw on dvd and even though the attitude era was crash tv, it was good crash tv that kept me interested. Now between cena's preacher man speeches and lame jokes followed by orton and his sleeping pill promos, it's just getting harder and harder to watch raw smackdown is good wrestling but raw just feels old.

Yep to all of this. See, if there was another major company on WWE's level (sorry TNA) this wouldn't even be an issue for him or the Dudleys in TNA. These contracts would either be signed or they would be on the way out, no drama. But TNA can't take on everybody and WWE doesn't want everybody and some guys don't want to work for one or the other.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
WWE Reportedly Unifying All Major Titles

Creative plans as of Monday night was for WWE to unify all of its championships within the next year. There would be one World Championship, one Tag Team Championship, the Intercontinental Championship, and one Women's title. It is said that a WWE/World Title Unification Match will take place at next year's WrestleMania.

This is a good and bad situation. We will get to see new rivalries and storylines but also theres gonna be alot more of under used talent.

They better not let Cena beat Taker at Wrestlemania to win the unified title or they will have to turn his ass heel from all the backlash.


WWE Reportedly Unifying All Major Titles


They better not let Cena beat Taker at Wrestlemania to win the unified title or they will have to turn his ass heel from all the backlash.

I don't think Vince is insane enough to fuck with the Taker's streak in his 20th year, but I absolutely do think that Cena's gonna turn heel before the next Wrestlemania!

No proof mind you... just that old gut feeling I have as a life long wrestling fan!:yes:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
WWE Reportedly Unifying All Major Titles


This is a good and bad situation. We will get to see new rivalries and storylines but also theres gonna be alot more of under used talent.

They better not let Cena beat Taker at Wrestlemania to win the unified title or they will have to turn his ass heel from all the backlash.

If they unify the titles, what's the point of the separate branches? Unifying the tag and women's titles isn't a bad idea since they don't have a lot of good tags or women but the two top titles should be left alone. They could stop having both of them defended on every ppv.

I've been thinking Cena's going to snap Taker's streak for years now. I'm surprised they haven't done it yet. I do think Taker should lose to someone at Mania but I don't think it should be Cena anymore since he doesn't need the rub at all.


Support BGOL
If they unify the titles, what's the point of the separate branches? Unifying the tag and women's titles isn't a bad idea since they don't have a lot of good tags or women but the two top titles should be left alone. They could stop having both of them defended on every ppv.

I've been thinking Cena's going to snap Taker's streak for years now. I'm surprised they haven't done it yet. I do think Taker should lose to someone at Mania but I don't think it should be Cena anymore since he doesn't need the rub at all.

If Cena doesn't do it, then HHH definitely will. Remember, if Hunter wants it, Vince makes it so.

IMO.....UT should not "end" his streak....but get to 20, and announce his retirement.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
If they unify the titles, what's the point of the separate branches? Unifying the tag and women's titles isn't a bad idea since they don't have a lot of good tags or women but the two top titles should be left alone. They could stop having both of them defended on every ppv.

I read on another forum that they will have only one brand. That may end up in some talent cuts.