
BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
If im correct...Sheamus only lost 1 regular match....Guess against who?....Triple H. All his other losses were in a 4way match, Elimination Chamber, and a Hell in a cell match with Orton. Sheamus is Company Protected.

Yep they're building him up so when he Triple H comes back to get his revenge it'll be a big deal. The same with Barrett - they'll put the belt on him at least once before Wrestlemania so that when he defeats Triple H for his retirement match, it'll be a big deal.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
If im correct...Sheamus only lost 1 regular match....Guess against who?....Triple H. All his other losses were in a 4way match, Elimination Chamber, and a Hell in a cell match with Orton. Sheamus is Company Protected.

The WWE did Punk dirty by having him job consistently to the Big Show though the stuff with Serena probably trickled down to him. I also agree that Sheamus is protected but they still haven't given him a clean legitimate win over Cena or Orton. He has beating them but it has always involved some shenanigans usually involving Nexus.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Sources say that the one person behind Wade Barrett's current push is none other than Triple H. It was even Triple H's idea on the whole Nexus taking over RAW angle that started in June. Barrett is also really well liked backstage by management and his peers, he is also the type of person that would sit in the locker room watching studying the game and improving his craft.

Triple H feels Barrett will be the biggest star by the end of this year and with Triple H considering retirement since getting involved in Corporate at Stamford headquarters he would love to put over Barrett at Wrestlemania next year to put closure and pass the torch to Wade Barrett. Management and Vince McMahon are also high on the idea. Stay tuned for more info as they develop.

Wrestling Observer

I dont think the company is high on Drew McIntire any longer

I never saw anything in Drew Mcyntire. That was the WWE or Vince's obsession with big white athletic guys gone wrong again.

I actually like Wade Barrett. I think it sucks that the WWE is basically the rest of Nexxus as lackeys just to help in the push but Wade Barrett is about one of the few good things about Raw. I'm actually a little shocked HHH was behind his recent push.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Gail Kim took the money and ran so im guessing diva money > knockout money

Fa sho. Both in a dollar amount and they work more shows.

Evil Doink





I never saw anything in Drew Mcyntire. That was the WWE or Vince's obsession with big white athletic guys gone wrong again.

Me neither. He's getting there but he's gone from IC champ getting his losses "expunged" to being the number two guy in a tag team in a company where tag teams don't matter.

I actually like Wade Barrett. I think it sucks that the WWE is basically the rest of Nexxus as lackeys just to help in the push but Wade Barrett is about one of the few good things about Raw. I'm actually a little shocked HHH was behind his recent push.

I like Barrett too but I'm not shocked that HHH likes him. Hunter has earned a bad rep but he's one of the few people in that company (with some say) who remembers and believes in old school principles. He wasn't some bodybuilder or underwear model or reality show star that Laurinitis or Vince hired and trained in the "WWE-style", he was trained by an old school guy and worked his way up. So he recognizes guys who can talk and work and still give Vince his big, athletic, White guy to push. Barrett has clearly taken McIntyre's spot behind Sheamus as the "hot young guy".


Rising Star
I like Barrett too but I'm not shocked that HHH likes him. Hunter has earned a bad rep but he's one of the few people in that company (with some say) who remembers and believes in old school principles. He wasn't some bodybuilder or underwear model or reality show star that Laurinitis or Vince hired and trained in the "WWE-style", he was trained by an old school guy and worked his way up. So he recognizes guys who can talk and work and still give Vince his big, athletic, White guy to push. Barrett has clearly taken McIntyre's spot behind Sheamus as the "hot young guy".


But seriously vince did mcintyre no favors by being the one to introduce him, the moment fans saw vince was behind him he was screwed. HHH being behind drew doesn't surprise me at all, he's like the bill parcells of wrestling, he gets behind the push of a rising star but distances himself from struggling to mediocre stars. Hunter imo always comes in on the tail end of things, He feuded with austin when steve had about 1 good year left, he got in the middle of the edge/cena rivalry and completely killed it and i think this nexus thing has a couple of weeks left.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star

I don't like to paint people as "gay" but Vince is a homo. And since his last boytoy didn't get over like he wanted, he's going with a new one.:D I swear Vince is on some Eddie Long shit.:D

All bullshit, you know what I meant:angry::D

But seriously vince did mcintyre no favors by being the one to introduce him, the moment fans saw vince was behind him he was screwed. HHH being behind drew doesn't surprise me at all, he's like the bill parcells of wrestling, he gets behind the push of a rising star but distances himself from struggling to mediocre stars. Hunter imo always comes in on the tail end of things, He feuded with austin when steve had about 1 good year left, he got in the middle of the edge/cena rivalry and completely killed it and i think this nexus thing has a couple of weeks left.

Vince overestimated how much heat he still has with his audience and thought they could strap a rocket to McIntyre and he would blow up. He should have gone the ECW on SyFy route like Sheamus and had to work his way up but they crammed him down our throats and it's been an impediment.
If HHH likes the guys that actually study the game and not just the guys that kiss his ass, they'll get behind Ezekiel Jackson, a guy everyone says spends every free moment watching old footage trying to improve at his craft. I like that they've brought him back slowly in dark matches so I expect them to use him in a big way by either Bragging Rights or Survivor Series.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I notice that WWE are protecting the fact that Randy Orton is a boring face.
He hasnt been getting any real Facetime since he won the title.

I think they pulled the trigger on his title win as a face too early and now they don't know what to do.

Orton was always better as the chasing contender instead of the actual champ.


D.R.O.P. SQUAD General
BGOL Investor
I notice that WWE are protecting the fact that Randy Orton is a boring face.
He hasnt been getting any real Facetime since he won the title.

I think they pulled the trigger on his title win as a face too early and now they don't know what to do.

Orton was always better as the chasing contender instead of the actual champ.

I don't think so man, his pops are always HUGE.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I don't think so man, his pops are always HUGE.

But it's not translating into sales for WWE in any category. Since Orton's been on top, they've been losing ppv buys. Of course they blame it on the economy but UFC seems to be doing fine in the same economy and boxing does fine for it's big ppvs. Then when he has these completely uninteresting showing in big matches, it hurts him and the company more. Just like Cena isn't Hogan 2.0, Orton isn't Austin 2.0.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Causes of death for Luna Vachon and Lance Cade

The New Haven Register is reporting that the cause of death for former WWE star Lance "Cade" McNaught was from accidentally ingesting multiple drugs. He did however also have a weakened heart.

The paper reported that they were told by a worker at the Bexar County, Texas, Medical Examiner’s Office that “the cause was ruled mixed drug intoxication, complicating a cardiomyopathy.” The death was ruled accidental.

McNaught passed away on August 13 at the age of 29 years old. is reporting that former WWF, WCW and ECW star Luna Vachon's death was an "accidental overdose" of anti-anxiety and painkillers.
Vachon passed away in August.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
TNA Locker Room Salty at JWOW's paycheck and Swerves

EXCLUSIVE: Backstage Reaction To Dixie's Tweet & JWoww/TNA
by Nick Paglino

There is definite fallout from the Atmosphere of Swerves, aka "Working the Talent," that has taken over the TNA locker room recently.
"When Dixie tweeted UNBELIEVABLE tonight, my thought was, EXACTLY!" a long time TNA wrestler told WZ. "The dressing room atmosphere has changed noticeably in the past few weeks. You can see it everywhere. No one trusts anyone anymore. It's all swerves and working the boys. Bischoff and Russo and Hogan tried to recreate the birth of the nWo, but they've recreated the Fall of WCW instead."

The long time wrestler pointed out that tonight's pay per view concluded with Hogan revealing that his back problems are not nearly what he's played them up to be, and that Kurt Angle lost a match that is supposed to see him retire, yet the announcers never even mentioned it after the match.

"You can't blame Tenay and Taz for that," he said, "they were obviously told not to say anything when everything went down with Hulk, Bischoff, Jarrett, and Hardy all turning heel."

"And here's Nash, either working everyone, or really pissed off because they're not giving him the money he wants," the long time wrestler revealed, "and whether it's another swerve or not, JWOWW getting 15 grand just for one appearance, with a mid-card gimmick that sucks, is not going over well with the talent, either."

The TNA wrestler said, "way to reward the guys that are bleeding and risking their lives for the company!"

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
TNA Locker Room Salty at JWOW's paycheck and Swerves

EXCLUSIVE: Backstage Reaction To Dixie's Tweet & JWoww/TNA
by Nick Paglino

There is definite fallout from the Atmosphere of Swerves, aka "Working the Talent," that has taken over the TNA locker room recently.
"When Dixie tweeted UNBELIEVABLE tonight, my thought was, EXACTLY!" a long time TNA wrestler told WZ. "The dressing room atmosphere has changed noticeably in the past few weeks. You can see it everywhere. No one trusts anyone anymore. It's all swerves and working the boys. Bischoff and Russo and Hogan tried to recreate the birth of the nWo, but they've recreated the Fall of WCW instead."

The long time wrestler pointed out that tonight's pay per view concluded with Hogan revealing that his back problems are not nearly what he's played them up to be, and that Kurt Angle lost a match that is supposed to see him retire, yet the announcers never even mentioned it after the match.

"You can't blame Tenay and Taz for that," he said, "they were obviously told not to say anything when everything went down with Hulk, Bischoff, Jarrett, and Hardy all turning heel."

"And here's Nash, either working everyone, or really pissed off because they're not giving him the money he wants," the long time wrestler revealed, "and whether it's another swerve or not, JWOWW getting 15 grand just for one appearance, with a mid-card gimmick that sucks, is not going over well with the talent, either."

The TNA wrestler said, "way to reward the guys that are bleeding and risking their lives for the company!"

Honestly, if someone said that, they should just get out of the business. Celebrities have been getting big checks for less than what JWOWW did forever. Can anyone name one wrestler on the TNA roster who would have gotten the mainstream attention that the JWOWW appearance got them for that money?
As for Dixie working the talent when she put "Unbelievable" on her Twitter page, what's the problem? Which one of the boys was fooled by that? She's working, period. I'm not a fan of her being a character but that's what she's become.
It's mad early to say this is recreating the "Fall of WCW", one show into the angle. Russo has a history of starting strong and not knowing what to do with it but as of right now, it's a strong angle. And if they don't want the office to work them, stop griping to every website in the world or giving away info. They needed Hogan being able to make the show a secret and that would not have happened if everyone in the back knew it was coming. To their credit, TNA managed to do something unexpected (Hardy turn and Hogan's appearance). What happens next? Who knows?


Support BGOL
Honestly, if someone said that, they should just get out of the business. Celebrities have been getting big checks for less than what JWOWW did forever. Can anyone name one wrestler on the TNA roster who would have gotten the mainstream attention that the JWOWW appearance got them for that money?
As for Dixie working the talent when she put "Unbelievable" on her Twitter page, what's the problem? Which one of the boys was fooled by that? She's working, period. I'm not a fan of her being a character but that's what she's become.
It's mad early to say this is recreating the "Fall of WCW", one show into the angle. Russo has a history of starting strong and not knowing what to do with it but as of right now, it's a strong angle. And if they don't want the office to work them, stop griping to every website in the world or giving away info. They needed Hogan being able to make the show a secret and that would not have happened if everyone in the back knew it was coming. To their credit, TNA managed to do something unexpected (Hardy turn and Hogan's appearance). What happens next? Who knows?

The whole thing is though, guys that have busted their ass to even get TNA to this point feel like once it got big enough, they were brushed away for guys like RVD, Hardy and such. It has been said over and over again, the TNA guys respect Angle and Sting because they came in praised Styles, Samoa Joe, EY and such and wanted to put them over.

RVD and Hardy came in like fuck ya'll, we running this shit and we're on top. As good as they were in the past, Hardy and RVD don't have shit on Styles or Joe. There have been talks that Dixie doesn't have enough money which is why some people left or were released. Should be interesting though because we have seen this before. WCW put all their eggs in one basket, failed big time and lost their stars and company.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
The whole thing is though, guys that have busted their ass to even get TNA to this point feel like once it got big enough, they were brushed away for guys like RVD, Hardy and such. It has been said over and over again, the TNA guys respect Angle and Sting because they came in praised Styles, Samoa Joe, EY and such and wanted to put them over.

RVD and Hardy came in like fuck ya'll, we running this shit and we're on top. As good as they were in the past, Hardy and RVD don't have shit on Styles or Joe. There have been talks that Dixie doesn't have enough money which is why some people left or were released. Should be interesting though because we have seen this before. WCW put all their eggs in one basket, failed big time and lost their stars and company.

Now I see some of that and that's on them to take that to RVD and Hardy personally. That's the way wrestlers always handled business before and now shouldn't be any different.

Everyone gets released at some point. WCW fired Ric Flair in 91. RIC FLAIR while he was world champion. I haven't seen them release anyone that they were using in a positive way and that includes Christopher Daniels (I think that's some other shit and not a real release) and Homicide. The only times I think TNA really wasted money was bringing in Bobby Lashley (who wouldn't do clean jobs because he was doing MMA. Huh?) and the Nasty Boys (they're old, fat, and they suck). But when TNA wanted to bring someone in, they always seem to find the money including JWOWW.


Support BGOL
Now I see some of that and that's on them to take that to RVD and Hardy personally. That's the way wrestlers always handled business before and now shouldn't be any different.

Everyone gets released at some point. WCW fired Ric Flair in 91. RIC FLAIR while he was world champion. I haven't seen them release anyone that they were using in a positive way and that includes Christopher Daniels (I think that's some other shit and not a real release) and Homicide. The only times I think TNA really wasted money was bringing in Bobby Lashley (who wouldn't do clean jobs because he was doing MMA. Huh?) and the Nasty Boys (they're old, fat, and they suck). But when TNA wanted to bring someone in, they always seem to find the money including JWOWW.

My point being is TNA needs to remember those who got them there. RVD and Hardy were "suppose" to push them over the top but that has yet to happen. Why spend all that money for a little nudge at the ratings? It has been said for awhile now that WWE has come to Samoa Joe, Robert Roode, among others. But they have showed their loyalty, but it's wearing thin. Joe was suspended because TNA fucked up on the ending of his match and he called them out on it.

On the other hand you have fuck ups like X-Pac, Scott Hall getting chances cause of Hogan and Nash. Let us not forget that Hardy left TNA last time because of a drug problem. RVD comes in and wins the belt in like his 3rd week after being out of wrestling for who knows how long...

Shit like that goes deeper then just stepping up to someone. It's getting to the point where they are turning into WWF who were bringing in old WCW stars. WWE finally realized that they have to mix the old with the new and make their own stars. Orton, Cena, Sheamus, The Rock. They all grew into stars and were given the chance.

TNA builds up stars then walks over them with guys they just brought in. Kurt Angle came in there with the right mindset and put on some of the greatest matches of his career. Why can't some of the others...?

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
My point being is TNA needs to remember those who got them there. RVD and Hardy were "suppose" to push them over the top but that has yet to happen. Why spend all that money for a little nudge at the ratings? It has been said for awhile now that WWE has come to Samoa Joe, Robert Roode, among others. But they have showed their loyalty, but it's wearing thin. Joe was suspended because TNA fucked up on the ending of his match and he called them out on it.

On the other hand you have fuck ups like X-Pac, Scott Hall getting chances cause of Hogan and Nash. Let us not forget that Hardy left TNA last time because of a drug problem. RVD comes in and wins the belt in like his 3rd week after being out of wrestling for who knows how long...

Shit like that goes deeper then just stepping up to someone. It's getting to the point where they are turning into WWF who were bringing in old WCW stars. WWE finally realized that they have to mix the old with the new and make their own stars. Orton, Cena, Sheamus, The Rock. They all grew into stars and were given the chance.

TNA builds up stars then walks over them with guys they just brought in. Kurt Angle came in there with the right mindset and put on some of the greatest matches of his career. Why can't some of the others...?

I don't disagree with most of that but TNA needed to freshen up their roster and they needed to try to get to the next level and that's where Hogan, Bischoff, RVD, and Hardy come in as an attempt to grow based on their name and face recognition.
TNA does do a shitty job of building up their stars. Matt Morgan had a great match with Kurt Angle and hasn't smelled the main event since and the same goes for Desmond Wolfe. They are absolutely guilty of that and that's a bigger problem than any perceived preferential treatment of RVD and Hardy.
I agree again on them bringing in guys that have burned them again and again and bring little to the table such as Hall and Waltman. Add that to the "Waste of Money" list.
Due to the way contracts are built, WWE probably didn't come to them while they were under contract to TNA. But it is known Roode turned down working for them after his tryout. I'm all for rewarding guys for loyalty but it can be said they do that by continuing to employ Joe and AJ and keeping them in prominent positions. Joe is right in the middle of the "They" angle with Jarrett, Sting, and Nash and AJ is the point guy for Fortune.

I wish they had built up RVD winning the title more but he was working the midcard when he first got there in a tag team with Jeff Hardy. Big names do and haven't had to work their way up in a very long time. AJ isn't the name that RVD is and he had to know that was coming.
You spend the money to make money. The ratings have nudged up and so has attendance and merchandise sales. Seeing as they make so much of their money on tv deals, it sells better with RVD and 09's biggest babyface in Jeff Hardy on or near the top than AJ or Joe (both of whom I love to death).


Support BGOL
I don't disagree with most of that but TNA needed to freshen up their roster and they needed to try to get to the next level and that's where Hogan, Bischoff, RVD, and Hardy come in as an attempt to grow based on their name and face recognition.
TNA does do a shitty job of building up their stars. Matt Morgan had a great match with Kurt Angle and hasn't smelled the main event since and the same goes for Desmond Wolfe. They are absolutely guilty of that and that's a bigger problem than any perceived preferential treatment of RVD and Hardy.
I agree again on them bringing in guys that have burned them again and again and bring little to the table such as Hall and Waltman. Add that to the "Waste of Money" list.
Due to the way contracts are built, WWE probably didn't come to them while they were under contract to TNA. But it is known Roode turned down working for them after his tryout. I'm all for rewarding guys for loyalty but it can be said they do that by continuing to employ Joe and AJ and keeping them in prominent positions. Joe is right in the middle of the "They" angle with Jarrett, Sting, and Nash and AJ is the point guy for Fortune.

I wish they had built up RVD winning the title more but he was working the midcard when he first got there in a tag team with Jeff Hardy. Big names do and haven't had to work their way up in a very long time. AJ isn't the name that RVD is and he had to know that was coming.
You spend the money to make money. The ratings have nudged up and so has attendance and merchandise sales. Seeing as they make so much of their money on tv deals, it sells better with RVD and 09's biggest babyface in Jeff Hardy on or near the top than AJ or Joe (both of whom I love to death).

Freshen up in my mind is bringing something new to the table. Make a new feud, bring in a new guy, give someone who has earned it a push. But it just feels like they brought in guys who made a name somewhere else.

As for Roode, WWE did come to him again when his contract was almost up awhile back. In that small space of time, I think you're allowed to reach out to them.

Joe and Styles are in there now, but the question is how important will they be. I barely saw Styles last night except for being in the ring with Hogan and them. Samoa Joe had to be saved from RVD of all people...

The thing that people fail to realize in that you build stars for the future. Randy Orton wasn't always a star. Think back to Evolution. They slowly brought him along as he improved and when the time was right, he was huge and they never looked back. They did the same with The Rock, Edge, Triple H.

But with TNA, it's off and on. One minute Styles is the face of the company then he is pushed back a bit. They have to realize that Angle, Sting, Hardy, Hogan will not always be there and when that time comes for the younger guys to step up, who will still be there and will they have enough behind them so people don't question...

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Freshen up in my mind is bringing something new to the table. Make a new feud, bring in a new guy, give someone who has earned it a push. But it just feels like they brought in guys who made a name somewhere else.

As for Roode, WWE did come to him again when his contract was almost up awhile back. In that small space of time, I think you're allowed to reach out to them.

You are correct, sir.

Joe and Styles are in there now, but the question is how important will they be. I barely saw Styles last night except for being in the ring with Hogan and them. Samoa Joe had to be saved from RVD of all people...

I'll make a whole separate post about AJ in a second.

The thing that people fail to realize in that you build stars for the future. Randy Orton wasn't always a star. Think back to Evolution. They slowly brought him along as he improved and when the time was right, he was huge and they never looked back. They did the same with The Rock, Edge, Triple H.

True but to make space for those stars other stars had to leave/be released or be pushed down. I don't think TNA does this very well sometimes but it's something that has to be done. When you're number two (by a wide, wide margin) you have to bring in guys who made their name somewhere else, it's just not enough to "make your own stars".

But with TNA, it's off and on. One minute Styles is the face of the company then he is pushed back a bit. They have to realize that Angle, Sting, Hardy, Hogan will not always be there and when that time comes for the younger guys to step up, who will still be there and will they have enough behind them so people don't question...

Yep. I think if they went with the original idea of Style defending the tv title every week that would have been great for him and nearly guaranteed them one good match worth tuning in for every week (assuming booking didn't fuck it up).


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There's a rumor going on that Sting might leave TNA? Would he go to the WWE for that good payday,his own DVD and join them at Wrestlemania (possibly Hall of Fame) in Atlanta?


Support BGOL
I understand what you're saying and I guess it's a double-edge sword. Think back to when Styles/Joe/Daniels had that triple threat main event, the ratings were crazy for that and everyone was hooked. And on the other end, Angle and Hardy are still loved by many.

I honestly think TNA has to find a middle ground. So far they have been leaning towards Hogan and group. You have to be able to get ratings but also keep the roster somewhat happy. WWE has some problems but not as much as TNA has been having.

I remember when there was a time that everyone saw TNA as a better company because they did less traveling, the management wanted to reach out to everyone, and this was suppose to be a new era. They messed up by getting rid of the six-sided ring and not staying committed to some of their story-lines or feuds. Hopefully things get better soon.

Another thing that bugs me, when I watch Impact, it just feels cheap and takes me out of the show. Meanwhile WWE has amazing production and just really draws you in...

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
A little fantasy booking here

I think it's time for AJ to leave. Not go to WWE, they wouldn't use him worth a damn. But leave TNA television for at least 6 months. Work some house shows, go to ROH and/or Dragon Gate USA and/or EVOLVE and/or JAPW plus some international dates. I just don't see what else TNA can do with him at this point.
Let him get thrown out of Fortune, feud with Kazarian including losing the TV title to him. Get some matches with him and Douglas Williams and then lose a loser-leave to Kazarian, giving Frankie a huge rub. All of this takes up the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011. Then they bring him back with Daniels and let them face Beer Money at Bound For Glory. Now that would take some long term booking (something nobody does anymore)and it would depend entirely on Russo being able to maintain Fortune as a top heel group.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
There's a rumor going on that Sting might leave TNA? Would he go to the WWE for that good payday,his own DVD and join them at Wrestlemania (possibly Hall of Fame) in Atlanta?

Of course he is. I can't see Sting staying with TNA after this year. What would be the point? No one would or should begrudge him going to WWE and getting that Hall of Fame ring, long promised DVD (which they had ready for production until he re-upped with TNA last winter) and maybe even one more big ppv payday. That's another guy TNA should let go of just like Nash.

I understand what you're saying and I guess it's a double-edge sword. Think back to when Styles/Joe/Daniels had that triple threat main event, the ratings were crazy for that and everyone was hooked. And on the other end, Angle and Hardy are still loved by many.

I honestly think TNA has to find a middle ground. So far they have been leaning towards Hogan and group. You have to be able to get ratings but also keep the roster somewhat happy. WWE has some problems but not as much as TNA has been having.

I remember when there was a time that everyone saw TNA as a better company because they did less traveling, the management wanted to reach out to everyone, and this was suppose to be a new era. They messed up by getting rid of the six-sided ring and not staying committed to some of their story-lines or feuds. Hopefully things get better soon.

Another thing that bugs me, when I watch Impact, it just feels cheap and takes me out of the show. Meanwhile WWE has amazing production and just really draws you in...

I do disagree that they don't have as many problems backstage as WWE especially on Raw, where politics have nearly ruined that show.
I definitely remember how they ended last year and I thought that was some of the best two months of the year. But you know that was when they were in a "holding pattern" because they were bringing in Hogan and Bischoff. Amazing how good TNA is when they just let the guys wrestle.

I have nothing against their production. WWE is the standard but TNA is way ahead of where they used to be. Hell, they don't even miss shots like they used to.


Support BGOL
Of course he is. I can't see Sting staying with TNA after this year. What would be the point? No one would or should begrudge him going to WWE and getting that Hall of Fame ring, long promised DVD (which they had ready for production until he re-upped with TNA last winter) and maybe even one more big ppv payday. That's another guy TNA should let go of just like Nash.

I've heard that Sting doesn't give a damn about WWE or the HOF but we've all heard that before. So we'll see what happens in the near future. Have a feeling Sting, Nash, Angle, Hardy, RVD, Dudleys, and a few others go back to WWE...

I do disagree that they don't have as many problems backstage as WWE especially on Raw, where politics have nearly ruined that show.
I definitely remember how they ended last year and I thought that was some of the best two months of the year. But you know that was when they were in a "holding pattern" because they were bringing in Hogan and Bischoff. Amazing how good TNA is when they just let the guys wrestle.

I have nothing against their production. WWE is the standard but TNA is way ahead of where they used to be. Hell, they don't even miss shots like they used to.

There will always be politics but has WWE's held them down as much as TNA? I don't hear as much from the wrestlers unless they are holding it in. Won't say they are perfect cause they don't know how to use Punk, Danielson, and a few others if their life depended on it but I still like what they are doing more than TNA...

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Well, here we go

by Mike Johnson @ 3:53 PM on 10/15/2010

If you said Matt Hardy, you'd be correct and he was even wished the best in his future endeavors.
Hardy has already commented via twitter (what, you expected Myspace?), writing:

"Thank God! :) I swear.. It was harder for me to get released then it was to get hired! This is ABSOLUTELY what I want, now I can be me! I wanna thank WWE for giving me an opportunity, & I thank all the people & friends that helped me there. But I HAD to move on to be happy. I wanna thank JR, who hired me, Michael Hayes, who taught me SO much, & Vince, for letting me make a living & learn from him for 12 years. While some of you make look at this as an ending-I promise you, this is THE MUTHAF*CKING BEGINNING FOR MATT HARDY! Now I can create change!"

We'll see what the future holds for Hardy. The smart money is obviously on TNA.

I'm thinking Matt's such a screwball, he doesn't sit out his whole 90 days.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I've heard that Sting doesn't give a damn about WWE or the HOF but we've all heard that before. So we'll see what happens in the near future. Have a feeling Sting, Nash, Angle, Hardy, RVD, Dudleys, and a few others go back to WWE...
Sting and Vince are said to have a good relationship but Sting wouldn't go while they were doing the more adult themed stuff. Well that's over and why would he leave money (a ton of it) on the table especially since he has young kids. He'll go.

There will always be politics but has WWE's held them down as much as TNA? I don't hear as much from the wrestlers unless they are holding it in. Won't say they are perfect cause they don't know how to use Punk, Danielson, and a few others if their life depended on it but I still like what they are doing more than TNA...

In some ways, I do too. But it seems like the only young guys they consistently push are the ones who are buddied up with someone in mgmt. The way they've pushed Kofi and Dolph is very much how TNA has used Matt Morgan and Desmond: push, push, push and then ignore, ignore, ignore. It's should be a crime how they've mishandled MVP. The difference is you get paid a lot more to put up with their shit. It's a very similar situation to the WWF/WCW situation in the early 90s.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
That Sting DVD will be the shit. I watched Sting ever since I saw him as 1/2 of the Blade Runners(with Rock AKA Ultimate Warrior in Bill Watts UWF promotion(Mid South Rasslin for you young bucks). Man I miss territory wrestling:smh:. Back to Sting though he was much bigger earlier in his career muscle wise. Bill Watts used him as a heel and he would help Eddie Gilbert and Skandor Akbar's army. I knew Sting was going to be a huge star then especially when he gave a good accounting of himself in the ring with greats like Dr. Death Steve Williams, Ted Dibiase, Hacksaw Duggan(pre WWF when he was a big deal), and Terry Taylor . Then he had a face turn when Eddie Gilbert turned on him and Sting cemented his face status when he caused Eddie Gilbert to lose the UWF tv title to a very green Shane Douglass. Ted Dibiase, Kamala, One Man Gang, and Duggan left to work for Vince and the UWF eventually folded with Dr. Death as the man. The got absorbed by WCW and Sting got a steady push. He arrived as a legit star when he had a 1hr time limit draw vs Ric Flair in a classic 1988 Clash of The Champions. Not to mention the great high profile fueds with the likes of Flair's 4 Horsemen, The Great Muta, and Big Van Vader. That DVD better have that full Flair match and a match vs. The Great Muta:yes:.

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
Well, here we go

by Mike Johnson @ 3:53 PM on 10/15/2010

If you said Matt Hardy, you'd be correct and he was even wished the best in his future endeavors.
Hardy has already commented via twitter (what, you expected Myspace?), writing:

"Thank God! :) I swear.. It was harder for me to get released then it was to get hired! This is ABSOLUTELY what I want, now I can be me! I wanna thank WWE for giving me an opportunity, & I thank all the people & friends that helped me there. But I HAD to move on to be happy. I wanna thank JR, who hired me, Michael Hayes, who taught me SO much, & Vince, for letting me make a living & learn from him for 12 years. While some of you make look at this as an ending-I promise you, this is THE MUTHAF*CKING BEGINNING FOR MATT HARDY! Now I can create change!"

We'll see what the future holds for Hardy. The smart money is obviously on TNA.

I'm thinking Matt's such a screwball, he doesn't sit out his whole 90 days.

oh well it's not like we didnt expect it to happen. As of late Matt Hardy sucked. His matches were as boring as watching super glue harden, mabye TNA will be better for him.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Well, here we go

by Mike Johnson @ 3:53 PM on 10/15/2010

If you said Matt Hardy, you'd be correct and he was even wished the best in his future endeavors.
Hardy has already commented via twitter (what, you expected Myspace?), writing:

"Thank God! :) I swear.. It was harder for me to get released then it was to get hired! This is ABSOLUTELY what I want, now I can be me! I wanna thank WWE for giving me an opportunity, & I thank all the people & friends that helped me there. But I HAD to move on to be happy. I wanna thank JR, who hired me, Michael Hayes, who taught me SO much, & Vince, for letting me make a living & learn from him for 12 years. While some of you make look at this as an ending-I promise you, this is THE MUTHAF*CKING BEGINNING FOR MATT HARDY! Now I can create change!"

We'll see what the future holds for Hardy. The smart money is obviously on TNA.

I'm thinking Matt's such a screwball, he doesn't sit out his whole 90 days.

Have the Hardy's fued with Team 3D and Beer Money as well as other tag teams.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
That Sting DVD will be the shit. I watched Sting ever since I saw him as 1/2 of the Blade Runners(with Rock AKA Ultimate Warrior in Bill Watts UWF promotion(Mid South Rasslin for you young bucks). Man I miss territory wrestling:smh:. Back to Sting though he was much bigger earlier in his career muscle wise. Bill Watts used him as a heel and he would help Eddie Gilbert and Skandor Akbar's army. I knew Sting was going to be a huge star then especially when he gave a good accounting of himself in the ring with greats like Dr. Death Steve Williams, Ted Dibiase, Hacksaw Duggan(pre WWF when he was a big deal), and Terry Taylor . Then he had a face turn when Eddie Gilbert turned on him and Sting cemented his face status when he caused Eddie Gilbert to lose the UWF tv title to a very green Shane Douglass. Ted Dibiase, Kamala, One Man Gang, and Duggan left to work for Vince and the UWF eventually folded with Dr. Death as the man. The got absorbed by WCW and Sting got a steady push. He arrived as a legit star when he had a 1hr time limit draw vs Ric Flair in a classic 1988 Clash of The Champions. Not to mention the great high profile fueds with the likes of Flair's 4 Horsemen, The Great Muta, and Big Van Vader. That DVD better have that full Flair match and a match vs. The Great Muta:yes:.

That's pretty much Sting's early career in a snapshot. Except some of the Mid-South (not UWF)and Memphis stuff (where he and Rock were the Freedom Fighters), most of that should be on a dvd since Vince owns all of it.

Have the Hardy's fued with Team 3D and Beer Money as well as other tag teams.

Maybe a couple shots with 3D but the Hardys are singles guys now and should be used as such.

Multi - Personality

Rising Star
That's pretty much Sting's early career in a snapshot. Except some of the Mid-South (not UWF)and Memphis stuff (where he and Rock were the Freedom Fighters), most of that should be on a dvd since Vince owns all of it.

Maybe a couple shots with 3D but the Hardys are singles guys now and should be used as such.

everyone loves a reunion...unless Jeff crushes Matt first thing into TNA

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
Registered > WWE > Matt Hardy comments on being released from WWE
Posted by Roscoe De Soto on 10/15/2010 at 04:33 PM

From Matt Hardy's Twitter:

"Thank God! :) I swear.. It was harder for me to get released then it was to get hired! This is ABSOLUTELY what I want, now I can be me! I wanna thank WWE for giving me an opportunity, & I thank all the people & friends that helped me there. But I HAD to move on to be happy. I wanna thank JR, who hired me, Michael Hayes, who taught me SO much, & Vince, for letting me make a living & learn from him for 12 years. While some of you make look at this as an ending-I promise you, this is THE MUTHAF*CKING BEGINNING FOR MATT HARDY! Now I can create change! Altho WWE gave me SO much, I honestly feel like a prisoner set free. Now I have no more strict rules, personal or creative, to be bound by. I want to change the business in many area, the way workers are treated & think, & how to live happily outside of the machine. I'm excited!"
Well apparantely Matt has been dreaming of this day for a while now.

And not be outdone: > WWE > Is MVP going to be the next star to leave?
Posted by Roscoe De Soto on 10/16/2010 at 11:20 AM

There have been a few interesting messages posted on Twitter regarding MVP.

Carlito tweeted "Carlito is gone, Matt Hardy is gone! Damn @the305mvp I hope uve been training ur back!"

MVP tweeted "My jaw muscles are jacked from clenching 'em to keep my mouth shut! But I'm THAT guy in the meetings now ! Lol."

He also responded earlier today to a tweet asking if he would be on Team Smackdown at Bragging Rights by saying "Doesn't look like it. My star is fading! Lol!"

MVP later posted the following update with "I'm not 'trying to get fired' or 'worried about my spot'. These rumors are created by people reading into things or just made up! PRINT THAT"

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I saw MVP's tweets get reported earlier. That's what I meant when I said there are unhappy guys in both feds. It's a mystery how they've missed on MVP.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've heard that Sting doesn't give a damn about WWE or the HOF but we've all heard that before. So we'll see what happens in the near future. Have a feeling Sting, Nash, Angle, Hardy, RVD, Dudleys, and a few others go back to WWE...
Sting and Vince are said to have a good relationship but Sting wouldn't go while they were doing the more adult themed stuff. Well that's over and why would he leave money (a ton of it) on the table especially since he has young kids. He'll go.

All this speculation about Sting going to the WWE.......

If and I do mean IF that were to happen .............

Y'all know that eventually the match the folks have wanted to see for about 10 yrs is gonna have to happen right:yes:


Support BGOL
Man last thursday impact was pure trash except for the beautiful people time :) ,but really, like 95% of the show was talking and no wrestling ,wtf ???
tna gonna sink into the bottom of the sea soon ..