
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
most of us thought Cena was going to do a complete 360 and be a heel but wwe dont really want to turn him all the way . also i see he was still wearing his shirt and not the nexus shirt. If he's a member of nexus he should be in full nexus gear but wwe dont want to lose that money cena generates from merchandise sales.

Cena couldnt go full heel after being forced to join Nexus the night before.....If he's gonna become heel they have to slow burn the turn. It wouldnt make any sense for him to for him to be full heel right now.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
New Mick Foley interview...ON WWE.COM:eek:

Full interview can be read here:

Hardcore Legend. Former three-time WWE Champion and commentator. New York Times bestselling author. Mick Foley knows precisely who he is and what he’s talking about. And he has plenty to say in his latest personal memoir, Countdown to Lockdown, available in bookstores now.

“Mrs. Foley’s baby boy” pulls no punches in his latest book, grappling with topics that range from his own personal grudge match with mortality; the media’s often-skewed perceptions of both the ring profession and its warriors; and the elements that ultimately prompted him to leave World Wrestling Entertainment.’s Joey Styles, who called Foley’s greatest in-ring exploits at ECW, spoke personally with his longtime friend and WWE Alumnus regarding these and other subjects broached in Countdown to Lockdown. So, Mick, how many personal memoirs is this with Countdown to Lockdown?

MICK FOLEY: This is number four for me. I guess I had trouble sleeping knowing that I was still tied with [Winston] Churchill after number three. I just needed one more to put me in the lead. [Laughs.]

The truth is, pro wrestling is such an incredibly vast, incredibly surreal world. There’s no telling how many words could be written about the subject – especially when the subject involves WWE. That’s true. And it seems like your later memoirs cover shorter, but far more detailed periods of time. Can you elaborate on that?

FOLEY: It might surprise people to know that the person who convinced me to write the third memoir – The Hardcore Diaries – was actually Vince McMahon. We were on the WWE jet, which I had been on only a few times; in this case, there was a bad storm due to hit New York, and Vince really wanted me to be at Raw in Greensboro, N.C., to referee a match between John Cena and Edge. During what I thought was just pleasant small talk, Vince said he was a fan of my writing style and suggested that I write another book. I thought nothing else of it until two weeks later, when I got a call from our publisher, who said, “I heard you’re writing a book for us.” [Laughs.]

At that point, I had to think what my subjects would be, so I started looking at some sports autobiographies that I enjoyed when I was younger. Jim Bouton covered one season in detail with Ball Four. **** Butkus focused on a two-week period in Stop-action, and in Forty-Eight Minutes [by Bob Ryan and Terry Pluto], it was a single basketball game. I should probably add Buzz Bissinger’s Three Nights in August, which turned an otherwise forgettable three-game series in the middle of a long forgotten baseball season into this mesmerizing memoir. Anyway, I thought that if I could put that same amount of detail into the surreal world of professional wrestling, I would have the type of book that big fans especially would enjoy reading.


Support BGOL
Alicia is one of my favorites........but damn, Natalya is looking good as hell lately.........

Also...the Dibiase/Goldust angle = fail.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Alicia is one of my favorites........but damn, Natalya is looking good as hell lately.........

Also...the Dibiase/Goldust angle = fail.

They finally have a Diva match with two women that can have a decent/good match and doesn't include Gail Kim and they give it 2mins. They could have sacrificed Rosa Mendez for that.

Goldust? The guy has been enhancement for years. Well, 'Dust should have some good matches with Dibiase and Teddy Jr. should/could come out better, if they let him.
Last edited:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
i bet she'll turn heel at the PPV sunday and join the beautiful people...may also bring back her"stalker lesbian" persona :lol:

Wouldn't surprise me because that's how Russo thinks but it would be best if Angelina Love and Velvet were turned back heel and let Mickie chase the title.
While the debut of Mickie James is nice, more importantly is the debut of Bruce Prichard in a production role. Considering his close relationship with Jeff Jarrett, this looks to be something of a power move for Jarrett and it might be the first sign that the Hogan-Bischoff era is coming to an end. Why hire Prichard in the first place? Isn't Bischoff supposed to be running the production end? They fired Cornette just before they brought in Bischoff and Hulk and now they've brought in Brother Love after failing to bring in Paul Heyman. I think time might be running out for "Easy E".


Rising Star
Mickie James looked sexy but that song was just awful:lol: She'll start off nice but after sleeping with all the top and bottom stars, she'll become depressed eat alot and half ass it in the ring:smh::smh:.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Man I wanna fuck the shit outta Mickie James...

...and Velvet Sky....and Tara...and Madison Rayne....and Miss Techmacker as well

Great job by Madison and Tara during the match getting immediate heat by not letting Velvet Sky do her thing and shake her ass before entering the ring.

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
Cena couldnt go full heel after being forced to join Nexus the night before.....If he's gonna become heel they have to slow burn the turn. It wouldnt make any sense for him to for him to be full heel right now.

Why's that I recall when Hogan turned full heel in about 10 seconds. It can be done and it would make perfect sense.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Why's that I recall when Hogan turned full heel in about 10 seconds. It can be done and it would make perfect sense.

Hogan was part of the NWO and revealed to be a member which is why it took him all of 10 seconds to go full blown heel. Cena was forced to join Nexus so it only makes sense that if he's to become a heel it will be a gradual thing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wouldn't surprise me because that's how Russo thinks but it would be best if Angelina Love and Velvet were turned back heel and let Mickie chase the title.
While the debut of Mickie James is nice, more importantly is the debut of Bruce Prichard in a production role. Considering his close relationship with Jeff Jarrett, this looks to be something of a power move for Jarrett and it might be the first sign that the Hogan-Bischoff era is coming to an end. Why hire Prichard in the first place? Isn't Bischoff supposed to be running the production end? They fired Cornette just before they brought in Bischoff and Hulk and now they've brought in Brother Love after failing to bring in Paul Heyman. I think time might be running out for "Easy E".

Good insight, TNA needs to push young talent, get rid of the over 50 club. Ratings will slowly rise also they need better marketing.

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
Hogan was part of the NWO and revealed to be a member which is why it took him all of 10 seconds to go full blown heel. Cena was forced to join Nexus so it only makes sense that if he's to become a heel it will be a gradual thing.

probably but i just dont see wwe turning Cena heel anytime soon if at all.It might be like that JBL/HBK angle a while back, even though HBK was being cheered he was taking orders from JBL. Also Cena does a lot of make a wish apperances as well and i'm pretty sure the last thing a terminally ill child wants to see is their hero turn bad.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor

probably but i just dont see wwe turning Cena heel anytime soon if at all.It might be like that JBL/HBK angle a while back, even though HBK was being cheered he was taking orders from JBL. Also Cena does a lot of make a wish apperances as well and i'm pretty sure the last thing a terminally ill child wants to see is their hero turn bad.

Cena does seem stuck. Maybe an injury(1 year off) and he comes back heel in the future.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Kevin Nash Says He's Nearly Done With TNA

"4 days left and I'm done, hope you that enjoyed me and are left happy. I always did my best with a beaten body. thanks and goodbye," Nash said at 3 AM.

Nash is scheduled for Bound For Glory this Sunday and the "four days" could mean he'll be at iMPACT!.

He also said he's not going to WWE.

"Time to be a husband and dad this part of my life is over. If I'm worth nothing than I need to stay at home. Thanks TNA 4 letting me go," Nash said.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
...and Velvet Sky....and Tara...and Madison Rayne....and Miss Techmacker as well

Great job by Madison and Tara during the match getting immediate heat by not letting Velvet Sky do her thing and shake her ass before entering the ring.

Stuff like that TNA often gets wrong. Considering these same chicks have been beefing for months (but Foley and Abyss only got one match) they shouldn't be letting each other preen for the crowd. Somebody should be pissed enough to jump the other.

probably but i just dont see wwe turning Cena heel anytime soon if at all.It might be like that JBL/HBK angle a while back, even though HBK was being cheered he was taking orders from JBL. Also Cena does a lot of make a wish apperances as well and i'm pretty sure the last thing a terminally ill child wants to see is their hero turn bad.

That's exactly the angle they're recycling and why Cena will not be turned heel. There's no payoff for a Cena heel turn right now. They would still have the same shitty writers and it would end up like Sting and Goldberg, where they never fully commit to the turn and it falls flat.

I don't see what he adds to TNA so this is a good thing. Now they can take 2/3 of his salary and pay a younger guy or two.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn been missing out on wrestling a couple of weeks. I see Tarvar is gone out of Nexxus. I knew it was only a matter of time. I do like the thought of Mr Perfect JR and Husky being added. That would give them a much needed boost in the intimidation factor. Just wish they'd give these niggas more than 2 wrestling moves. They're holding Nexxus back. Atleast they're giving Wade a solid push.

Good to see Edge gone from Raw. Just wasn't room for him and Randy on the same show. WWE had no idea what the fuck to do with Edge on Raw for whatever reason.

ITs going to be interesting to see what they do with Cena and Nexxus. Probably the closet thing they can do to making him heel. Gives the show a much needed boost though.

Haven't even seen TNA in awhile. Didn't even know Mickie James was on there.


Potential Star
Honestly, does anyone have clear knowledge as to who "they" really is? I've read it's Dixie Carters parents, Eric & Hogan, Paul Heyman. Who is it really?


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Damn been missing out on wrestling a couple of weeks. I see Tarvar is gone out of Nexxus. I knew it was only a matter of time. I do like the thought of Mr Perfect JR and Husky being added. That would give them a much needed boost in the intimidation factor. Just wish they'd give these niggas more than 2 wrestling moves. They're holding Nexxus back. Atleast they're giving Wade a solid push.

I heard that Tarver messed his groin and is supposed to be out for awhile which is why they got him out of Nexus.He isn't that good of a wrestler but he does a good job with his character.And they are holding Nexus back. I understand that they aren't experiences but I'm pretty sure that they all with the exception of Otunga can do more than what they've shown in the ring thus far.
Good to see Edge gone from Raw. Just wasn't room for him and Randy on the same show. WWE had no idea what the fuck to do with Edge on Raw for whatever reason.
It shows just how bad the Raw writers are that they couldn't do anything with Edge who was the most hated man in the company 2 years ago,is a great wrestler, and outstanding on the mic. And yet somehow on the "A" show he became an afterthought.
ITs going to be interesting to see what they do with Cena and Nexxus. Probably the closet thing they can do to making him heel. Gives the show a much needed boost though.

Haven't even seen TNA in awhile. Didn't even know Mickie James was on there.
She showed up this past week and hopefully TNA can get the Knockout division back on track. They need to bring back Awesome Kong and Cheerleader Melissa. Things would be alot more interesting with them around.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
DVRing it so I haven't watched much but Lethal Lockdown was pretty good. Main event should be great.
I pick Anderson and a heel turn.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Well "they" are Hogan and Bischoff.Abyss and Jeff Jarrett were both in on it and the heel turn was made by Jeff Hardy who is the new TNA World Champion.


Support BGOL
So are they going to say that since Angle wasn't the one who was pinned that he didn't "lose" the match therefore doesn't retire...?:hmm:


Potential Star
Solid PPV... Great heel turn for Jeff. I hope they don't F' it up.

co/sign brother,

cant wait for impact on thursday, i wonder whats going to happen with joe, i see him joining with nash,sting,and pope but from what i read on nash retiring, things can go another route with him, hope nash sticks around a bit longer.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Well.....that swerve was definitaly....different.

I liked Bound for Glory.

Seemed good, just not on the usually high BFG level.

Solid PPV... Great heel turn for Jeff. I hope they don't F' it up.

This has potential. The problem I have already is that if makes Fortune a secondary player, like when Hogan's nWo did it to the Horsemen in WCW.

So are they going to say that since Angle wasn't the one who was pinned that he didn't "lose" the match therefore doesn't retire...?:hmm:

Well Dixie can always tell him he can't retire and TNA "needs" him to help fight back against the Jarrett/Hogan/Bischoff regime.

co/sign brother,

cant wait for impact on thursday, i wonder whats going to happen with joe, i see him joining with nash,sting,and pope but from what i read on nash retiring, things can go another route with him, hope nash sticks around a bit longer.

No, Nash can go. Phase him out and put Joe in his spot. Then Sting can put over Jeff Hardy in a title match and then he can be phased out with Pope taking his spot and getting some wins over Jeff Jarrett.

so i guess scott hall and xpac will be reinstated,and nash isnt retiring after all.. :rolleyes::lol:

Don't even joke about that.:D