Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Well, now I know that I can delete it off of my DVR.

On a good note, Pope is #1 contender. I'm glad they are finally giving homie the push he deserves.

They let him and Flair go get in the first 20 min. of the show. Pope and AJ should have a good match at Lockdown.


Support BGOL
As usual, WWE put on a subpar show last night. These celebrity guest host shit needs to end now. While I'm glad see Bastista with the title, the show was still a pisser. The best part was seeing Orton finally going back on his own. I see a good match between him and Dibiase in the future (I see a US title reign in Dibiase's future).

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
It looks like they have a three man match with Legacy planned for Mania:yawn: That might have meant something if they had made Dibiase and Rhodes look like real men instead of Orton's bitches all year.
Batista is a great heel and should probably stay one for the time being. Dude hasn't won anything in months and still has his heat.
Show was hit and miss.
They can bring Tiffany from ECW to be the permanent GM for Raw and kill the guest host shit.


Lurking. I'm on that other board
:lol: stupid wrestling fans calling the ambulance company involved with bret hart angle

look at the website message

"ATTENTION: Please do not call 222-2222 regarding the condition of Bret "Hit Man" Hart. Contact the WWE for updates. Our number is for emergency calls only. Thank you."



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
looks like hogan and flair stepping back in the ring themselves(on march 8)for those of u who saw tonight's edition of Impact.. :rolleyes:


Support BGOL
gotdammit, I HATE what they have done to Abyss' character. He used to be a monster, sort of like Kane was.......now he's a Mick Foley/Eugene wannabe.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
gotdammit, I HATE what they have done to Abyss' character. He used to be a monster, sort of like Kane was.......now he's a Mick Foley/Eugene wannabe.

I'm hoping this is building towards the return of "The Monster". He and AJ would be a good heel team with AJ as leader and Abyss as muscle.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
They ruined his character when they let him start talking.

The best way to fix Abyss would be to bring back James Mitchell.

Less than a week before the return of the Monday Night Wars. TNA will probably debut someone new. If his legal problems have cleared up, Jeff Hardy may be back. The Rob Van Dam talk has quieted down so that might be a good sign as far as him going to TNA.


Support BGOL
The best way to fix Abyss would be to bring back James Mitchell.

Less than a week before the return of the Monday Night Wars. TNA will probably debut someone new. If his legal problems have cleared up, Jeff Hardy may be back. The Rob Van Dam talk has quieted down so that might be a good sign as far as him going to TNA.

RVD is a shoe in for the X-Division. So is Paul London....wherever he is. Matt needs to leave WWE because it's apparent that Vince isn't gonna give him another title run.

I've said it before that James Mitchell made Abyss look unstoppable. The first time I saw Abyss is when he went against Matt Bentley, and did the black hole slam.

I'm not sure, but I also hear that Booker T may be coming back to WWE.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
RVD is a shoe in for the X-Division. So is Paul London....wherever he is. Matt needs to leave WWE because it's apparent that Vince isn't gonna give him another title run.

I've said it before that James Mitchell made Abyss look unstoppable. The first time I saw Abyss is when he went against Matt Bentley, and did the black hole slam.

I'm not sure, but I also hear that Booker T may be coming back to WWE.

If they used RVD for the X-Division, it would be a waste. Van Dam is a main eventer and would work great with Samoa Joe and Desmond Wolfe (who needs to be put back in the main event).

Matt Hardy, on the other hand, would be a great pick up and he's just spinning his wheels in WWE. He was doing great work on ECW and Smackdown and now he's become a high paid job guy (though he beats Drew McIntyre on Smackdown this week). His time is up and I bet he's one of those guys praying TNA's move to Monday is a huge success.

Booker and WWE were negotiating but they pulled their deal. I doubt they're going to make any major moves until after Mania.


Cripto millonario vampiro
BGOL Investor
If they used RVD for the X-Division, it would be a waste. Van Dam is a main eventer and would work great with Samoa Joe and Desmond Wolfe (who needs to be put back in the main event).

Matt Hardy, on the other hand, would be a great pick up and he's just spinning his wheels in WWE. He was doing great work on ECW and Smackdown and now he's become a high paid job guy (though he beats Drew McIntyre on Smackdown this week). His time is up and I bet he's one of those guys praying TNA's move to Monday is a huge success.

Booker and WWE were negotiating but they pulled their deal. I doubt they're going to make any major moves until after Mania.



Support BGOL
If they used RVD for the X-Division, it would be a waste. Van Dam is a main eventer and would work great with Samoa Joe and Desmond Wolfe (who needs to be put back in the main event).

The reason why I said X-Division is because of his background. Samoa Joe was in the X-Division and now he's main eventing. Desmond Wolfe has been jobbing a lot lately, and he's supposed to be TNA's Irish Assassin.

Flair and Hogan wrestling again is a train wreck waiting to happen. They should have just put Abyss vs AJ for the title and be done with it. Turn him back into "The Monster" Abyss and give him a lengthy title run.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
The reason why I said X-Division is because of his background. Samoa Joe was in the X-Division and now he's main eventing. Desmond Wolfe has been jobbing a lot lately, and he's supposed to be TNA's Irish Assassin.
Yeah, but that was a different TNA, when they really put a lot of emphasis on the X-Division. Bischoff has a good history of promoting and pushing the lighter weight divisions so I'm expecting a strong comeback but not with RVD.
Wolfe's fortunate to have such a strong history. He jobs way too much to too many guys but he's still got his heat and could be pushed as a top guy again easily.

Flair and Hogan wrestling again is a train wreck waiting to happen. They should have just put Abyss vs AJ for the title and be done with it. Turn him back into "The Monster" Abyss and give him a lengthy title run.

Hell yeah it is. But I'd be surprised if they actually did much. If this doesn't end in an Abyss turn, they better have something else REALLY good planned.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
It's not official but Hogan was on the Jim Kerr Rock and Roll Morning Show and sort of "announced" TNA signing Rob Van Dam. In a conversation with the host, with Jimmy Hart present, Hogan mentioned the young talent being brought in and mentioned Jeff Hardy and then looked at Jimmy and did the Van Dam thumb gesture where he points at himself.

If they bring in Rob,that's a major move, name wise and talent wise.


Support BGOL
It's not official but Hogan was on the Jim Kerr Rock and Roll Morning Show and sort of "announced" TNA signing Rob Van Dam. In a conversation with the host, with Jimmy Hart present, Hogan mentioned the young talent being brought in and mentioned Jeff Hardy and then looked at Jimmy and did the Van Dam thumb gesture where he points at himself.

If they bring in Rob,that's a major move, name wise and talent wise.

i would say its confirmed check around 1:55

As previously reported, Hulk Hogan appeared on NYC radio host Jim Kerr's "Rock 'n Roll Morning Show" this morning and virtually confirmed that Rob Van Dam has signed with TNA Wrestling. While Hogan never mentioned Van Dam by name, studio cameras caught Hogan doing RVD's "pointing to yourself" gesture while talking about an exciting new talent acquisition that he just heard about last night.

With TNA moving to Monday nights and now news leaking out that RVD has likely signed with TNA, the logical assumption is that Van Dam is one of the "major surprises" TNA is teasing for Monday's live iMPACT!

According to sources, people within TNA are said to be "fuming" mad that the RVD news leaked out.

Additionally, it is worth noting Spike TV has acknowledged the news of RVD signing with TNA on Twitter, writing: RT @TNA_FANS: HULK HOGAN confirms "Mr. Monday Night" RVD has signed with TNA Wrestling!

dont know if i did the vid right heres the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm5n4JdZjLo


Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
i would say its confirmed check around 1:55

As previously reported, Hulk Hogan appeared on NYC radio host Jim Kerr's "Rock 'n Roll Morning Show" this morning and virtually confirmed that Rob Van Dam has signed with TNA Wrestling. While Hogan never mentioned Van Dam by name, studio cameras caught Hogan doing RVD's "pointing to yourself" gesture while talking about an exciting new talent acquisition that he just heard about last night.

With TNA moving to Monday nights and now news leaking out that RVD has likely signed with TNA, the logical assumption is that Van Dam is one of the "major surprises" TNA is teasing for Monday's live iMPACT!

According to sources, people within TNA are said to be "fuming" mad that the RVD news leaked out.

Additionally, it is worth noting Spike TV has acknowledged the news of RVD signing with TNA on Twitter, writing: RT @TNA_FANS: HULK HOGAN confirms "Mr. Monday Night" RVD has signed with TNA Wrestling!

dont know if i did the vid right heres the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm5n4JdZjLo

I know TNA offices are hot over this one but it'll work out for the best. It's only a couple days early and might give them a boost for tonight's show even though it was taped weeks ago.

Whatever goofy story they're working on that's got them "kidnapping" Samoa Joe should be scrapped and he should be built to wrestle Van Dam by Slammiversary.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So I watched TNA this week. Or I guess it was last weeks episode. What a fucking mess.

Who's responsible for these dumb ass storylines? Abyss gets some powers from a ring? Seriously? And why is Abyss a bitch now anyway? TNA is coming off corny. I'm rooting for the underdog here but goodness. Their product is laughable. And why is AJ Stylez mini-Flair? That shit is corny too.

The big thing with TNA is it seems every week is a new storyline. Each week is a new feud. Let this shit brew a bit. Elijah Burke already getting a title shot? He's not gonna win the title. I can see this shit from a mile away. They should have given him more time in the ring. Seems like he had two matches and is a contender now.

And who exactly is on the TNA roster? Do they not sign contracts? Is it just like a weekly hire lol? Because one week I see one dude and he's not on for about a month afterwards. Where Samoa Joe at? Is Sting still on the roster? Seems like TNA has too many wrestlers for their own good. I wonder how they can afford to keep them all on the roster. WWE over here cutting guys every week.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
So I watched TNA this week. Or I guess it was last weeks episode. What a fucking mess.

Who's responsible for these dumb ass storylines? Abyss gets some powers from a ring? Seriously? And why is Abyss a bitch now anyway? TNA is coming off corny. I'm rooting for the underdog here but goodness. Their product is laughable. And why is AJ Stylez mini-Flair? That shit is corny too.

The big thing with TNA is it seems every week is a new storyline. Each week is a new feud. Let this shit brew a bit. Elijah Burke already getting a title shot? He's not gonna win the title. I can see this shit from a mile away. They should have given him more time in the ring. Seems like he had two matches and is a contender now.

And who exactly is on the TNA roster? Do they not sign contracts? Is it just like a weekly hire lol? Because one week I see one dude and he's not on for about a month afterwards. Where Samoa Joe at? Is Sting still on the roster? Seems like TNA has too many wrestlers for their own good. I wonder how they can afford to keep them all on the roster. WWE over here cutting guys every week.

It is a fucking mess, isn't it? I'm rooting for them but they need to do better.
I like D'Angelo Dinero/Elijah Burke, the guy's got IT but they shot him up way too fast. He won the tournament they had at the last ppv over Mr. Anderson and Matt Morgan but the Impact! audience is much bigger than the ppv audience and he lost to Orlando Jordan a few weeks ago (fucking Orlando Jordan!!!).
I can't speak on Abyss again, it's making my head hurt.
I almost don't want to tell you what they did to Joe. He got kidnapped by some masked guys in a van after getting beat by...Orlando Jordan (fucking Orlando Jordan!!!).

Heads have been rolling. They cut Alissa Flash (good chick), Scott Steiner, and now Traci Brooks. The interviewer Lauren left on good terms. I don't think the Nasty Boys or Scott Hall and Sean Waltman are under long term deals. Nasties will probably be gone by late summer at the latest (I hope) and they don't even have merchandise for "The Band".

Oh, that AJ as mini-Naitch is stupid as hell. Ric Flair is that guy, that's not a character for him, AJ is about as opposite as you can get. Pairing them isn't a bad idea but AJ should be more like Nick Bockwinkel to Ric's Bobby Heenan (old AWA heads get the reference).


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It is a fucking mess, isn't it? I'm rooting for them but they need to do better.
I like D'Angelo Dinero/Elijah Burke, the guy's got IT but they shot him up way too fast. He won the tournament they had at the last ppv over Mr. Anderson and Matt Morgan but the Impact! audience is much bigger than the ppv audience and he lost to Orlando Jordan a few weeks ago (fucking Orlando Jordan!!!).
I can't speak on Abyss again, it's making my head hurt.
I almost don't want to tell you what they did to Joe. He got kidnapped by some masked guys in a van after getting beat by...Orlando Jordan (fucking Orlando Jordan!!!).

Heads have been rolling. They cut Alissa Flash (good chick), Scott Steiner, and now Traci Brooks. The interviewer Lauren left on good terms. I don't think the Nasty Boys or Scott Hall and Sean Waltman are under long term deals. Nasties will probably be gone by late summer at the latest (I hope) and they don't even have merchandise for "The Band".

Oh, that AJ as mini-Naitch is stupid as hell. Ric Flair is that guy, that's not a character for him, AJ is about as opposite as you can get. Pairing them isn't a bad idea but AJ should be more like Nick Bockwinkel to Ric's Bobby Heenan (old AWA heads get the reference).

:lol: Co-sign. I thought I was the only one feeling this way. I'm trying to like this shit and i'm not some WWE loyal nigga frankly I just watch wrestling when I can now because neither products is must see TV for me. AS you can see i'm just seeing the TNA episode where Abyss gets powers from a gay ass ring so i'm thinking that was last weeks episode.

There's something here with this product but it sort of reminds me of like the Washington Deadskins in football go every year without really trying to develop players but try to go into free agency and buy players to rush the process of being a Super Bowl champ. That's sort of what it feels like here. They are signing all these wrestlers, they aren't developing shit. AJ Styles progression right now is stagnant as far as i'm concerned because they're fucking him over with this dumb Ric Flair shit. And I like Flair. I actually find this nigga funny. I forgot what he said on this episode but it was when Hogan was talking shit to him and he was going off on him. :lol: Most of all it seemed genuine.

TNA doesn't feel genuine. Every week there's a different gameplan. A new feud. Fuck that. Let this shit build. Their best bet is to go the more explicit route which is what I think they're doing but they're incoporating these old ass corny storylines. If they're going to be a alternate to WWE they need to offer what WWE won't. What upset and on the fence fans of the WWE want is more explicit content. Everyone wants the Attitude era. Feed off that.

BTW, where do I know this nigga Orlando Jordan from? He rubs me the wrong way. Nigga looks garbage. Acts garbage. I don't like that nigga. :lol: Is he from WCW or some shit? Or that Tough Enough shit?

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
:lol: Co-sign. I thought I was the only one feeling this way. I'm trying to like this shit and i'm not some WWE loyal nigga frankly I just watch wrestling when I can now because neither products is must see TV for me. AS you can see i'm just seeing the TNA episode where Abyss gets powers from a gay ass ring so i'm thinking that was last weeks episode.

There's something here with this product but it sort of reminds me of like the Washington Deadskins in football go every year without really trying to develop players but try to go into free agency and buy players to rush the process of being a Super Bowl champ. That's sort of what it feels like here. They are signing all these wrestlers, they aren't developing shit. AJ Styles progression right now is stagnant as far as i'm concerned because they're fucking him over with this dumb Ric Flair shit. And I like Flair. I actually find this nigga funny. I forgot what he said on this episode but it was when Hogan was talking shit to him and he was going off on him. :lol: Most of all it seemed genuine.

You have so much stuff in here I agree with, I had to split it up.
I love Flair and have since I was a kid and he's doing good at his role, it's the way they have AJ that's fucked up. Flair and Dinero ripped it a couple weeks ago and they could be and should be building up to the AJ/Dinero match at the Lockdown ppv. I don't even see where Abyss and Hogan fit into that.

TNA doesn't feel genuine. Every week there's a different gameplan. A new feud. Fuck that. Let this shit build. Their best bet is to go the more explicit route which is what I think they're doing but they're incoporating these old ass corny storylines. If they're going to be a alternate to WWE they need to offer what WWE won't. What upset and on the fence fans of the WWE want is more explicit content. Everyone wants the Attitude era. Feed off that.
Eric's trying to recreate Nitro, circa 96-98, with the surprises and cliffhangers. What obviously he never learned is that you can't do that forever and you have to build long term stories and characters from the top of the card on down. Hotshotting works for a minute but then what?
I've sent TNA emails and commented on Bischoff's Facebook account about them really being an alternative and not just talking about it (yes, I have too much spare time on my hands but it's better than the shit I usually get into, ask my wife:D).
Hall and Waltman jumped Kevin Nash and Mick Foley one week. Nash isn't on the next two shows but they are. They jump Kurt Angle two weeks in a row. Then Nash comes back and Kurt gets into it with Mr. Anderson, like the shit with Hall and Waltman never happened. WTF? You would think this was Bischoff, Hogan, and Russo's first wrestling jobs.

BTW, where do I know this nigga Orlando Jordan from? He rubs me the wrong way. Nigga looks garbage. Acts garbage. I don't like that nigga. :lol: Is he from WCW or some shit? Or that Tough Enough shit?

He's a WWE guy. Trained by Rocky Johnson and used to be JBL's underling on Smackdown. Don't blame WCW or Tough Enough for this one. He's horrible in the ring and horrible on the mic. He has no redeeming qualities but Bisch thinks he's a "star" and he's beaten Dinero and Joe, clean.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
:lol: Co-sign. I thought I was the only one feeling this way. I'm trying to like this shit and i'm not some WWE loyal nigga frankly I just watch wrestling when I can now because neither products is must see TV for me. AS you can see i'm just seeing the TNA episode where Abyss gets powers from a gay ass ring so i'm thinking that was last weeks episode.

There's something here with this product but it sort of reminds me of like the Washington Deadskins in football go every year without really trying to develop players but try to go into free agency and buy players to rush the process of being a Super Bowl champ. That's sort of what it feels like here. They are signing all these wrestlers, they aren't developing shit. AJ Styles progression right now is stagnant as far as i'm concerned because they're fucking him over with this dumb Ric Flair shit. And I like Flair. I actually find this nigga funny. I forgot what he said on this episode but it was when Hogan was talking shit to him and he was going off on him. :lol: Most of all it seemed genuine.

TNA doesn't feel genuine. Every week there's a different gameplan. A new feud. Fuck that. Let this shit build. Their best bet is to go the more explicit route which is what I think they're doing but they're incoporating these old ass corny storylines. If they're going to be a alternate to WWE they need to offer what WWE won't. What upset and on the fence fans of the WWE want is more explicit content. Everyone wants the Attitude era. Feed off that.

BTW, where do I know this nigga Orlando Jordan from? He rubs me the wrong way. Nigga looks garbage. Acts garbage. I don't like that nigga. :lol: Is he from WCW or some shit? Or that Tough Enough shit?

That muthafucka is gay, that's why. He's an admitted bisexual (*cough* HOMO! *cough*).

Jordan was then fired from the WWE on May 26, 2006 because of traveling with someone not authorized by WWE to travel with him.[16] Before his firing, there were plans for Jordan to be repackaged with a bisexual gimmick in a storyline that would have involved Trinity and a friend of Jordan's with no wrestling background,[16] considered in some circles to be taboo in wrestling, but was passed for Jordan since it is his real-life lifestyle.[4] The storyline was Jordan's idea, because the WWE creative team had no plans for him.[17]

Jordan is openly bisexual.[4]


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That muthafucka is gay, that's why. He's an admitted bisexual (*cough* HOMO! *cough*).

Jordan was then fired from the WWE on May 26, 2006 because of traveling with someone not authorized by WWE to travel with him.[16] Before his firing, there were plans for Jordan to be repackaged with a bisexual gimmick in a storyline that would have involved Trinity and a friend of Jordan's with no wrestling background,[16] considered in some circles to be taboo in wrestling, but was passed for Jordan since it is his real-life lifestyle.[4] The storyline was Jordan's idea, because the WWE creative team had no plans for him.[17]

Jordan is openly bisexual.[4]


I knew this nigga rubbed me the wrong way.

Eric's trying to recreate Nitro, circa 96-98, with the surprises and cliffhangers. What obviously he never learned is that you can't do that forever and you have to build long term stories and characters from the top of the card on down. Hotshotting works for a minute but then what?
I've sent TNA emails and commented on Bischoff's Facebook account about them really being an alternative and not just talking about it (yes, I have too much spare time on my hands but it's better than the shit I usually get into, ask my wife).
Hall and Waltman jumped Kevin Nash and Mick Foley one week. Nash isn't on the next two shows but they are. They jump Kurt Angle two weeks in a row. Then Nash comes back and Kurt gets into it with Mr. Anderson, like the shit with Hall and Waltman never happened. WTF? You would think this was Bischoff, Hogan, and Russo's first wrestling jobs.

I agree. It come off very amatuerish. And i'm wondering is Vince Russo even worth a damn. I think he got lucky with that WWF shit because I haven't seen him do shit since leaving.

You have so much stuff in here I agree with, I had to split it up.
I love Flair and have since I was a kid and he's doing good at his role, it's the way they have AJ that's fucked up. Flair and Dinero ripped it a couple weeks ago and they could be and should be building up to the AJ/Dinero match at the Lockdown ppv. I don't even see where Abyss and Hogan fit into that.

Yea they teamed Flair up with the wrong dude I feel. I'm not that familiar with the TNA roster so I can't say who they should've teamed him up with but AJ styles comes off too forced. Doesn't seem genuine. I don't know if its because his mic skills aren't as good as Flair's or what.

And yea that's another thing. How are these niggas showing up every once in awhile lol? Kevin Nash hasn't been on for awhile until he took an ass whooping. Dinero wasn't on the last show. This shit is ridiculous.

He's a WWE guy. Trained by Rocky Johnson and used to be JBL's underling on Smackdown. Don't blame WCW or Tough Enough for this one. He's horrible in the ring and horrible on the mic. He has no redeeming qualities but Bisch thinks he's a "star" and he's beaten Dinero and Joe, clean.

He just looked familiar. I didn't know where. I thought it was Tough Enough. Maybe its from Smackdown.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
That muthafucka is gay, that's why. He's an admitted bisexual (*cough* HOMO! *cough*).

Jordan was then fired from the WWE on May 26, 2006 because of traveling with someone not authorized by WWE to travel with him.[16] Before his firing, there were plans for Jordan to be repackaged with a bisexual gimmick in a storyline that would have involved Trinity and a friend of Jordan's with no wrestling background,[16] considered in some circles to be taboo in wrestling, but was passed for Jordan since it is his real-life lifestyle.[4] The storyline was Jordan's idea, because the WWE creative team had no plans for him.[17]

Jordan is openly bisexual.[4]

i think JBL was to have been involved as well..had jordan started making passes,layfield wouldve probably broke character and stomped him into the ground :lol:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
According to Dixie Carter, Sting will be back for the Monday night debut.
He better do more than hang out in the rafters.


Hulk Hogan talks about his TNA debut.


Frank Micelotta/Getty Images
Yes, Hulk Hogan is still wrestling. You can watch him Monday night.

For more than 25 years, the WWE has basically had a stranglehold on the professional wrestling industry. Now it might have a worthy competitor in TNA, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling.

Starting Monday, TNA's "iMPACT" will air on Spike TV in the same time slot as WWE's "Monday Night Raw." And none other than WWE legend Hulk Hogan believes TNA has a chance to knock the WWE off its perch.

Hogan has joined forces with TNA, and on Monday night, he will participate in a tag-team match versus old nemesis Ric Flair.

Hogan appeared on 106.7 The Fan in Washington, D.C., to talk about why he is still wrestling, his involvement with TNA and whether he is publicly feuding with Vince McMahon.

Click here for a transcript of highlights from the interview

Hulk Hogan Is Back!

March 5, 2010 – 10:45 am by timgunter For more than 25 years , the WWE has had a stranglehold (with a brief run by WCW in the 90’s) on the professional wrestling industry. Now, they might actually have a valid competitor in TNA, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Starting next Monday, TNA iMPACT will air on Spike TV and is going to battle WWE Monday Night Raw head on in the same time slot. The WCW and many other wrestling organizations have tried to compete against the WWE, but no one has had any long-term success. Much has been debated about this potential disastrous move by TNA, but Hulk Hogan believes they have a chance to knock off the big elephant in the room that is the WWE. Hogan will serve as the commissioner of TNA and has some familiar faces along with him such as: Kurt Angle, Ric Flair, and Mick Foley to name a few. What I am really excited about is Hulk Hogan will be stepping back into the ring and he will be fighting his old nemesis, “Nature Boy” Ric Flair. It will be interesting to these aging wrestlers (Hulk is 56 and Flair just turned 61) get after it like they used to, but it will be even more intriguing to see if TNA will succeed. This seems like a good approach but I don’t believe it can be done. The WWE wins again.
Hulk Hogan joined 106.7 The Fan in D.C. with the Junkies to talk about whether he can believe that he is still wrestling, his involvement with TNA, and whether he is publicly feuding with Vince McMahon.
Whether he can believe that he is still wrestling:
“Yeah. Because just like you guys, I am a junkie. I need the fix. I love this business. I just touch the ring and I get goosebumps like I am touching a female shaved body, brother. I am in for life.”
On what year he broke into the wrestling scene:
“I broke in 1977… Brother, I was going out in Madison Square Garden when you were pooping in your diapers dude.”
Whether he is publicly feuding with Vince McMahon:
“Well I guess in Vince’s mind he probably wants to take an anvil on my chest and pin me for the one, two, three but at the end of the day it is a love hate relationship. I love Vince to death. I am so grateful for the opportunities that he gave me. He has basically been the guy that keeps the business flowing you know. We wish Vince no ill will, but what we are doing is we are giving the fans a choice. We are going to make the wrestling universe bigger like the last time we went head-to-head when I was with Ted Turner. He knows that the wrestling universe got about five million people bigger so it is going to be great for the fans and by the way, the talent out there in the WWE, they are rejoicing and celebrating because now they have got some choices too.”

Whether TNA is going to have a larger than life president like Vince McMahon:
“You will see that I am running the show. I am the guy. I am the commissioner. I am running TNA and then hang onto your hats because a couple of days later on Monday March 8, when we go to Monday nights, I am actually climbing into the ring, and I kind of got boxed in. I screwed up. I got boxed in. I am climbing in the ring for the first time in ten years on national TV. So hang on. You are going to find out that I am the commissioner. I am the one running the show and I am going to bring you up to speed just like your girlfriend and your kids are.”
How old Ric Flair is:
“Well I am fifty-six. I figure that he has got a couple of years on me. I do have the advantage because last week his wife just beat him up so I know that I am going to beat the hell of out him.”
How much Ric Flair’s chop to the chest hurts:
“That hurts a lot. Not as bad as when Andre the Giant chops you or the Big Show but it hurts.”
How his personal life is doing:
“You know what the deal is brother? My life is perfect since I switched gears and breathed clean air. I have got nothing but positive great people around me. Any little thing that is still left over is kind of a like a real life situation. There are some things out there that are just some small temporary things. But everything is cool man. Everything is behind me.”
Hulk Hogan on 106.7 the Fan in DC with The Junkies


According to Dixie Carter, Sting will be back for the Monday night debut.
He better do more than hang out in the rafters.

Sting Appearing on Monday's iMPACT, Update on His Future with TNA
By Marc Middleton
Mar 5, 2010 - 3:27:00 PM

- Dixie Carter noted on Twitter today that Sting has re-signed with the company and will be appearing on Monday's live iMPACT. Sting hasn't been seen since appearing in the rafters on the January 4th iMPACT. Dixie wrote:

Spoke w/Sting last nite. We've renewed his contract & he said he wouldn't miss Mondays live show for anything. Can't wait to work w/Hulk"



Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
You have so much stuff in here I agree with, I had to split it up.
I love Flair and have since I was a kid and he's doing good at his role, it's the way they have AJ that's fucked up. Flair and Dinero ripped it a couple weeks ago and they could be and should be building up to the AJ/Dinero match at the Lockdown ppv. I don't even see where Abyss and Hogan fit into that.

He's a WWE guy. Trained by Rocky Johnson and used to be JBL's underling on Smackdown. Don't blame WCW or Tough Enough for this one. He's horrible in the ring and horrible on the mic. He has no redeeming qualities but Bisch thinks he's a "star" and he's beaten Dinero and Joe, clean.
Flair would have been better off with someone else but the weird thing is that AJ Styles always seems more assertive as a heel. Being that he has been in TNA from jump and his moveset he should be a face but he shows alot more personality as a heel.
As for Orlando Jordan I agree that he is garbage. There is nothing that stands out about him in a positive way. BTW, TNA needs to ignore who Bischoff thinks is a star. Yes, he built up Goldberg. But when the WWF defeated WCW in the Monday Night wars it was on the strength of people like Stone Cold Steve Austin, HHH, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho, The Rock, and The Undertaker. With the exception of The Rock all of those guys were in WCW first and other than Taker all left while Bischoff was in charge with Jericho being the only one not fired.
That muthafucka is gay, that's why. He's an admitted bisexual (*cough* HOMO! *cough*).

Jordan was then fired from the WWE on May 26, 2006 because of traveling with someone not authorized by WWE to travel with him.[16] Before his firing, there were plans for Jordan to be repackaged with a bisexual gimmick in a storyline that would have involved Trinity and a friend of Jordan's with no wrestling background,[16] considered in some circles to be taboo in wrestling, but was passed for Jordan since it is his real-life lifestyle.[4] The storyline was Jordan's idea, because the WWE creative team had no plans for him.[17]

Jordan is openly bisexual.[4]

Apparently before his last match with Samoa Joe Orlando Jordan was escorted to the ring by a man and a woman and then he kissed both before entering the ring. So TNA has at least thought about doing some bullshit bisexual storyline with him.

TNA is wasting their time with some of these guys they have brought in recently while ignoring people who were already there and at the least bring wrestling ability to the table. That and they have ignored differences they have with the WWE with the Knockout division and the tag team division. I would rather watch the likes of Christopher Daniels, Homicide, Beer Money Inc, The Beautiful People and Awesome Kong over the Nasty Boys, Orlando Jordan and The Band any day of the week. If anything they should be stealing some people away from Ring of Honor namely Chris Hero, Claudio Castignioli, The Briscoes and Kenny King. And the angle with people fighting over a WWE Hall of Fame ring is stupid as well.
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BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Flair would have been better off with someone else but the weird thing is that AJ Styles always seems more assertive as a heel. Being that he has been in TNA from jump and his moveset he should be a face but he shows alot more personality as a heel.
As for Orlando Jordan I agree that he is garbage. There is nothing that stands out about him in a positive way. BTW, TNA needs to ignore who Bischoff thinks is a star. Yes, he built up Goldberg. But when the WWF defeated WCW in the Monday Night wars it was on the strength of people like Stone Cold Steve Austin, HHH, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho, The Rock, and The Undertaker. With the exception of The Rock all of those guys were in WCW first and other than Taker all left while Bischoff was in charge with Jericho being the only one not fired.

Apparently before his last match with Samoa Joe Orlando Jordan was escorted to the ring by a man and a woman and then he kissed both before entering the ring. So TNA has at least thought about doing some bullshit bisexual storyline with him.

TNA is wasting their time with some of these guys they have brought in recently while ignoring people who were already there and at the least bring wrestling ability to the table. That and they have ignored differences they with the WWE with the Knockout division and the tag team division. I would rather watch the likes of Christopher Daniels, Homicide, Beer Money Inc, The Beautiful People and Awesome Kong over the Nasty Boys, Orlando Jordan and The Band any day of the week. If anything they should be stealing some people away from Ring of Honor namely Chris Hero, Claudio Castignioli, The Briscoes and Kenny King. And the angle with people fighting over a WWE Hall of Fame ring is stupid as well.

Is that the shit Abyss is supposed to be obsessed over? I missed a couple weeks of TNA, I finally record an episode and the first thing I see is this big bitch fawning over a ring, then it's supposed to be like it gives him powers or something.

I never liked Abyss, but the way they fucking up his character reminds me of how the WWE done fucked up Kane. Ever since they took Kane's mask off :itsawrap: