They Said No to My Show, Then Made Their Own Version—Help Me Outshine Them. ✪Promo✪


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, there is so much lack of accountability.

"We're sorry you feel wronged"

The fuck you mean you're sorry I feel wronged

People keep asking or the debate that is currently hot is why would Elon Musk steel from people like us when he's the richest man in the world?

For some reason, rich people want to get even richer Even when they have all of the monopoly money and Park place and boardwalk and most of the other properties.

Folks like me just want to get Oriental avenue. Maybe St James place. These folks got the whole board sewed up, And want to keep me poor So they can get even richer. Makes no fucking sense
To remain rich and you remain poor poor ish


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I hope you make episodes about this and call it 'The midget chronicles' episode 1 - The story stealing gnome
It's height jealousy. Kevin Hart at 5'4" didn't want to stand next to 6'7" P. Kevin Hart is the perfect replacement for Wendy as basura.

I've always made it a point to support black people. Even though I couldn't handle seeing the movie Till, about the murder of Emmett Till, I bought two tickets and walked out the door.

Stealing from people is fucked up, but when the rich steal from somebody's significantly poorer it makes it even worse when the thief is black and the victim is also black


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Some folks are just grimey. A little over 3 years ago I was telling people on BGOL about The novel that I was working on, Naughty Nurse Chronicles, and one of these shady fucking bastards reserved the domain name for themselves.

They probably wanted me to have to buy it from them

I ended up having to secure - but the problem was knowing how stupid people were, many would forget to include THE and would be directed to his site instead.

I never found out who it was, but since I've had issues with copy editors and other issues I couldn't get the book out and they didn't bother renewing it, so I just purchased today.



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
You said something in the last trashterpiece, "but did you die?"

I'm on a date with a chick right now and she said her girlfriend used to get her into a whole bunch of shit, and every time she was swear not to go out with that girlfriend again. That girlfriend always said, "But did you die?"

I swear that line, "But did you die" is the craziest shit ever


Rising Star
Some folks are just grimey. A little over 3 years ago I was telling people on BGOL about The novel that I was working on, Naughty Nurse Chronicles, and one of these shady fucking bastards reserved the domain name for themselves.

They probably wanted me to have to buy it from them

I ended up having to secure - but the problem was knowing how stupid people were, many would forget to include THE and would be directed to his site instead.

I never found out who it was, but since I've had issues with copy editors and other issues I couldn't get the book out and they didn't bother renewing it, so I just purchased today.

Bruh, I remember. I was the one to hip you on reserving the name. Not sure if I DMed you or just replied to you about it. But I do remember doing a search before I responded to you about it and it was available. Shit's fucked up bruh. But glad you were able to secure it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You said something in the last trashterpiece, "but did you die?"

I'm on a date with a chick right now and she said her girlfriend used to get her into a whole bunch of shit, and every time she was swear not to go out with that girlfriend again. That girlfriend always said, "But did you die?"

I swear that line, "But did you die" is the craziest shit ever

It's either gonna piss you all the way off, or make you double think, "Eh! I guess it wasn't that bad." :lol:


Rising Star
Some folks are just grimey. A little over 3 years ago I was telling people on BGOL about The novel that I was working on, Naughty Nurse Chronicles, and one of these shady fucking bastards reserved the domain name for themselves.

They probably wanted me to have to buy it from them

I ended up having to secure - but the problem was knowing how stupid people were, many would forget to include THE and would be directed to his site instead.

I never found out who it was, but since I've had issues with copy editors and other issues I couldn't get the book out and they didn't bother renewing it, so I just purchased today.

Ima say this coz we all fam on here, "Stop bullshitting bruh!" You are a really good writer. I've read most of the stories you've posted on here. Many stand out, but the one about the person almost drowning and you saved them was some compelling shit. Not sure if I remember it all correctly but, you got what it takes. Get that shit going bruh!

Bounty Killah

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just decided to take a read on this whole thing.... This isn't legal advice but to prove infringement you will have to make a distinction between the idea and the expression of that idea.

Copyright law protects the specific expression of an idea, not the idea itself. For example, if you presented a general concept of the cartoon series, then that concept alone may not be protected. However, if you developed characters, scripts, artwork, or other tangible elements, and presented thos, then these are copyrighted and you may be able to assert infringement. In any event, it would be a long expensive road to prove infringement.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
BGOLiens, I need your help.

Some of you know I’ve been grinding on my animated comedy, Trashterpiece Theater. It’s an edgy adult animated show set in 1990s and 2000s North Philly, and it’s my baby. It’s my love letter to Philly, the era, and the utter ridiculousness of coming of age as a Xennial. The cool part is it shows how so many of us have similar stories regardless of background and location. I’ve been developing it for a larger platform and pitching it over the past few years, staying patient while waiting for the industry to shift from shows like Rick and Morty back to grounded, character-driven stories like The Boondocks.

Here’s the kicker: This isn’t just a concept. It’s a proof of concept. I’ve got 91 episodes of Trashterpiece Theater out right now. That’s years of work, all done independently—writing, animating, voicing, editing, everything. With no budget.

Here’s the bullshit:

  • 2020: I tried to pitch the show to an A-list comedian from my neighborhood through a mutual friend. He passed, then created his own version of my show and posted it on his IG (it’s still up). He was checked on it and never did another episode.
  • 2021: A producer I was working with sent it to his team. They passed, saying they “weren’t doing anything edgy.”
  • 2022: It was sent to him again by an industry mutual colleague (A John Singleton apprentice). He passed a third time, saying he wasn’t doing edgy content because he was in hot water for some personal stuff and wanted to stay in that Disney/The Rock pocket.
  • 2025: Dude announces his own edgy adult animated coming-of-age series set in 90s North Philly. It’s now airing on a streaming service, and the irony is fucking brutal.
  • This is gonna make pitching to production companies and streamers significantly harder. When I start pitching again, there may be some folks who say my series is too close to his (peep the irony).
I’m not here to bitch about it (okay, maybe a little). There’s nothing I can do to stop his show or force him to admit he stole my premise. But I can fight back by boosting Trashterpiece Theater as much as possible. I’m not giving up on my vision.

Here’s how you can help:
  1. Subscribe to my YouTube channel ( Bigger numbers = more eyes = more chances to get this show in front of the right people. Plus, higher subscriber counts actually matter when proving to industry folks that there’s interest in my concept. I have 77k on IG, but IG doesn’t push videos over 3 minutes anymore, and my episodes are all 8-10 minutes.
  2. Share the series with anyone who loves edgy, irreverent animation. Word of mouth is everything.
  3. If you’re a YouTuber/Reviewer, I’d love for you to check out the series and share your thoughts. It’s hard to grow when you’re a one-person team grinding out episodes every week. To grow on YouTube, you really have to be uploading daily, and that’s impossible for me right now because animation is so tedious. If you know a review channel or YouTuber, would you refer it to them?
I’m not asking for pity, clout, or to push him down to lift myself up. I don’t want things to get messy because I still want homie to win (maybe I shouldn’t, but I do). All I’m asking for is a fighting chance. Trashterpiece is my heart, and I refuse to let it get overshadowed by someone who couldn’t be bothered to meet with me when I pitched it to them.

Check out a couple of episodes:
  • Pimps, Pranks, & Poltergeist: The Legend of Daddy God

  • The Mason-Dixon Lie

Thanks for reading, and thanks for having my back.

And yeah, I know... :lol:


Dude, if you have records that you talked to him about pitching your show, then you not only can stop it, but you can get paid off of him stealing your creativity. Find you a good intellectual property lawyer. If you have emails, text, etc, before the launch of his show, you can get that ass. I also, think there has to be some kind of copyright infringement because, the intellectual property of your show has to be connect to youtube. There has to be some type of contract that you have with youtube, thus, it will established that you were there first. Then, I haven't looked at his work, but if is has the same type of concept then you got his ass. It is clear that there is some shenanigans going on. Do all of this quickly, time is of the essence. Still, you have 2-3 years to fill a case. The quicker the better.


BGOL Investor
That would fucking hurt. I mean it. The novels that I'm working on, and I have some really really good premises, if I sold them and they ended up being an embarrassment I didn't want to be associated with instead of the greatness that I saw in them when I started writing them I would be pissed.

I was working on one of them last night creating dialogue between the characters. I would be heartbroken. One, if done properly is Oacars-quality content/subject matter.

Yeah, and it was his 2nd script that he sold. He was still riding the high from the success of his 1st script & it was pretty much in tact when it went in to production. The reviews for it were favorable. So, for them to gut his 2nd script & to see people critique the studio's rendering of his story, as if it was the story that he wrote bothered him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Apparently Kountry became a multimillionaire strictly through his social media. He had the viewer numbers to get Netflix to bite.

I remember when he first got started. Some of his skits were hit or miss. Overall I thought he was a funny dude. He has built himself a small empire and has put a lot people on. Dude really went out and got it out the mud. Nick Cannon offered him spot on Wild'n Out for pennies. Told Wayne he would benefit from the exposure. Wayne looked at the numbers and said I'm good. Dude gambled on himself and it paid off.

The one thing KW is a great example of is consistency. Not everyone will like your style of comedy, or content. But if you are consistent and continue to work your craft. Chances are you will find a following. With a little luck you could find yourself with enough support to go full time.

The comedian Bub Dub(known for his "Trash" catch phrase) was relatively unknown. Until he had a couple of well known music artist share some of his content. The first being Slim Thug and then Snoop. It's been up for him ever since. Especially when he begin to transition into more sports commentary.

Another example would be Druski and what he is doing now. Social media is a great way to get your content out there. Having a well known help get the word out is a major plus. It has helped even the playing field somewhat. But HoLLyWood is still where the major players are at and they still gate keep. It just depends on the path one is willing to take.
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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Ima say this coz we all fam on here, "Stop bullshitting bruh!" You are a really good writer. I've read most of the stories you've posted on here. Many stand out, but the one about the person almost drowning and you saved them was some compelling shit. Not sure if I remember it all correctly but, you got what it takes. Get that shit going bruh!
I was gonna heart eyes this shit, but just after I did I heard Riley from The Boondocks of n my ear saying, "That's gay," so I just turned it into a regular like :lol:

I do remember that story. I'm glad you enjoy my work. I really appreciate the love. I just headed up to the lab before going to bed. I got to get this shit done and stop bullshitting.

I'm having a worst fucking luck with copy editors - these wonderful people who are supposed to read my book after I get done with it and point out the things I need to change.

1st one did a shitty job
2nd one going through a divorce
3rd one her grandmother then her brother died
4th one works for FEMA so she's always busy as fuck...too busy to have time to read my novel when she reads it all day everyday.

I need a good copy editor for real for real


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just decided to take a read on this whole thing.... This isn't legal advice but to prove infringement you will have to make a distinction between the idea and the expression of that idea.

Copyright law protects the specific expression of an idea, not the idea itself. For example, if you presented a general concept of the cartoon series, then that concept alone may not be protected. However, if you developed characters, scripts, artwork, or other tangible elements, and presented thos, then these are copyrighted and you may be able to assert infringement. In any event, it would be a long expensive road to prove infringement.

This is what folks have been telling me. He did a really good job of taking my premise and flipping it so much that if you didn't know the back story you might not think he jacked it. I had a good convo with someone in the industry the other day and they said it might be easier to prove if he used a similar style of animation as I do or was dumb enough to steal some of the catchphrases (one thing homie is not, is dumb). His folks would just argue that it was parallel thinking despite my people sending him my shit (including deck, sizzle, and episodes) on three separate occasions. He could just say he had the idea years before I ever sent him anything.


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
wow ... this up to 5 pages so not gonna read all that shit

but bro thats fucked up u a better man than me i wouldnt take it so lightly ...smh

anyway i subscribed n plan to watch as much eps as possible ...

but thats some fuckery ...good luck keep grinding ....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
wow ... this up to 5 pages so not gonna read all that shit

but bro thats fucked up u a better man than me i wouldnt take it so lightly ...smh

anyway i subscribed n plan to watch as much eps as possible ...

but thats some fuckery ...good luck keep grinding ....

Appreciate you fam. And appreciate all your contributions to the board over the years


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Thanks fam. Almost quit last year, but I'm glad I didn't. Just gotta be patient.
I'm glad you didn't. I look forward to the videos, And the stories are fun along with the music throwbacks. I got Love Homicide saved in my Spotify favorites

By the way, do you know of a copy editor? I am having shit for luck when it comes to that area and I need to get my own project to the point of publishing and I can't get there without a competent copy editor, I'm 0 for 4 right now


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm glad you didn't. I look forward to the videos, And the stories are fun along with the music throwbacks. I got Love Homicide saved in my Spotify favorites

By the way, do you know of a copy editor? I am having shit for luck when it comes to that area and I need to get my own project to the point of publishing and I can't get there without a competent copy editor, I'm 0 for 4 right now

I don't, but I'll keep my ear to the ground