This dude kept it all the way 100 on this R.Kelly shit


Rising Star
when i was in 8th grade, there was a chick in my class who had a boyfriend that was 23.
he used to pick her up from school everyday. a couple times they were caught fuckin in his truck in the school parkinglot...

Damn!!! Unbelievable, but Im not surprised one bit!!


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
“Every body was doing it “

Is not a good defense against past bad behavior.

The argument is : was it wrong or right?

In the documentary most of the victims and some accomplices say it was wrong. That’s what people should agree or disagree on. And yet most arguments appear to be blame deflection from RKelly


"everybody" wasn't doing shit.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
It still doesn't change the fact that older men were circling our high schools in the hood. It was hard trying to compete with the flashy cars and shit. Luckily for me I played sports and even I got played. At my high school it got so bad that by senior year they had to put a nursery in the motherfuker. And since rap music taught y'all not to snitch none of the predators never got prosecuted. The shit that happens inside the hood is some sick shit but you want to minimalize it into not getting play in high school. Come on man

I’m not minimalizing it. Read my other posts.

Lol @ "boyfriend"


Some days I have to remind myself BGOL is not representative of all Black America. Then I have to pray it’s not.


BGOL Legend
I've seen smaller age gaps not huge age gaps fortunately
Small meaning 18-17 or 18-16 going on 17 or 19- senior in high school
No extreme things which doesn't mean it didn't happen. It did. Dudes were sick imo
I think in my 20s I went to my old highschool a total of 0 times
I don't see how these old niggas were even allowed on campus


Rising Star
OG Investor
This is why Black People continue to fail our children because of that Plantation Behavior that we keep practicing. Children are supposed to be protected no matter what. This Nigga sounds like he was a dry dick loser in high school that jerked off so much his poor little dick looked like a handlebar grip. There were girls that I went to high school with that were fucking older guys but they weren't flaunting that shit around ADULTS! The knew better them and the older Niggas would have gotten fucked up where I come from had they bragged about fuck some teenager. Children can't consent to have SEX! This isn't some slippery slope muhfuckas!

Statutory rape occurs when someone has sexual intercourse with a person who has not yet reached the age of consent (determined by state law), whether or not the sexual act was against that person’s will.


The R&B Master
OG Investor
This dude kept it all the way 100 on this R.Kelly shit. Many of the women who are out here condemning R.Kelly for doing what he did was 14 fucking with a 25 year old back in high school.

Like my man Andre 3000 said oh, where a bonafide brother like me can't even get a back rub these days. Back in high school, man anytime you hit on a chick she would say "I got a boyfriend he's 27 oh, he's got a car..." As a high school dude how are you going to compete with that?

If you are any kind of parent, if you got a kid who is 14, 15 or 16 as she's fucking with R Kelly (or that type) and you don't know about it you are a bad parent

I know Facebook videos don't play for some of y'all so this guy was basically calling it straight down the line

I agree with you 100% But calling them bad parents is so understated.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
I haven't liked Kelly since his Vibe single.

As a 13-year old, I didn't like the effect he had on girls my age with Honey Love and his other slow jams. When Bump n' Grind came out, I really saw the effect it was having. All his nursery rhyme, dumbed down shit got on my nerves. Then when he came with "I believe I can Fly" which my own parents were just LOVING, I was looking at them like "Do you realize R Kelly is the devil??". And this was BEFORE I knew anything about a sex tape. AND YES, the majority of black girls at my high school (cuz I went to a mixed school, black, white & hispanic) were getting pregnant/abortions by older dudes and were all suprfans of R Kelly.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He didn't ignore the fact that R Kelly did what he did. He clearly says fuck R Kelly. He just said that all this outrage is coming from a lot of women AND men who have had sex either when they were underage with an older person, or vice versa. And its true. Robert Kelly just went somewhere else with his shit though. And his ass continues to do it. Finally, no one is saying this shit is ok. But if your one of those women that fucked grown men when you were younger, then gtfoh. And Im not talking bout the abused ones with fucked up heads. There were hoes in high school that wanted to fuck with older cats just because they had a car. Bitch never been touched or abused in her life.
And had a good 2 parent home upbringing. Ive known many of them. They were some of the biggest hoes with grown men.

They can't be outraged? Women who were taken advantage of and manipulated as children by grown men can't be outraged and pissed about someone taking advantage of other children?

I don't understand any thinking that implies...and that's what some are implying...that because they as children fell for grownups predatory behavior, they should be quiet.


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
They can't be outraged? Women who were taken advantage of and manipulated as children by grown men can't be outraged and pissed about someone taking advantage of other children?

I don't understand any thinking that implies...and that's what some are implying...that because they as children fell for grownups predatory behavior, they should be quiet.
They can be outraged all they want..
I dont give a fuck. Still doesnt change the fact that alot of these hoes engaged in this activity when they were younger.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
How does that relinquish R.Kelly's guilt?


You know...

Usually threads like this?

I would say its because no one cares about black girls...

But then i remember the Nassar case with the gymnasts

Then i remeber Penn State with those boys

And then the school shootings


Who in the hell do they care about?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This nigga here :smh:
A lot of black girls go missing every year and some are sold into the sex trade. Strange thing is if they get caught red handed then the person that caught them would get in trouble before them. I watched Amarosa being interviewed and asked what was the greatest injustice that happened between the dude that killed Eric Gardener, Zimmerman, and O.J. She said of course O.J the other two do not even come close. We watched Eric Gardener get choked on camera. With the O.J. case many blacks feel O.J did kill those two but the evidence and common sense says other wise. The police know for a fact it was O.J. son Jason.
The campaign they had against Bill Cosby and showing these pictures of him at an old age. It looks sad and blacks are showing their outrage but it supposedly happened at a time when most of those women would have been chasing him. I do not know if he did what they say that he did but with the right interrogation they can make Bill believe in some stuff he did not do. I have seen them wear people down in interrogation before.
Let us see what white people are doing before they try to send us into a time period again where they can try to claim we are one fifth of a man like they did when they wrote the constitution of America. Clinton was raping under age girls early on in his political career and his nose was well fed with cocaine.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
A lot of black girls go missing every year and some are sold into the sex trade. Strange thing is if they get caught red handed then the person that caught them would get in trouble before them. I watched Amarosa being interviewed and asked what was the greatest injustice that happened between the dude that killed Eric Gardener, Zimmerman, and O.J. She said of course O.J the other two do not even come close. We watched Eric Gardener get choked on camera. With the O.J. case many blacks feel O.J did kill those two but the evidence and common sense says other wise. The police know for a fact it was O.J. son Jason.
The campaign they had against Bill Cosby and showing these pictures of him at an old age. It looks sad and blacks are showing their outrage but it supposedly happened at a time when most of those women would have been chasing him. I do not know if he did what they say that he did but with the right interrogation they can make Bill believe in some stuff he did not do. I have seen them wear people down in interrogation before.
Let us see what white people are doing before they try to send us into a time period again where they can try to claim we are one fifth of a man like they did when they wrote the constitution of America. Clinton was raping under age girls early on in his political career and his nose was well fed with cocaine.

This was film produced by a black woman about a black man abusing black girls. Drop the woke persona for just a moment and have some outrage and empathy for you black girls.

If this isn’t a character you’re playing, get help. I mean it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This was film produced by a black woman about a black man abusing black girls. Drop the woke persona for just a moment and have some outrage and empathy for you black girls.

If this isn’t a character you’re playing, get help. I mean it.
Look man R. Kelly is not bigger a threat to black girls than the motherfuckers that steal so many of them each year. I was just commenting on this Jonestown or plantation type shit when we act like whites are not stealing money and raping. Dyncorp was actually caught on camera trafficking little girls in the sex trade and got rewarded with more government contracts after getting caught. What I mean by the plantation days is that they would rape your women in your face and you better not even act like you are mad about it.
That same lady better not find out about some of the other things going on. She may feel she is doing what is right and she is right. But there is more going on than what she knows about.
I hate to say this about Aaliyah but she was very beautiful and Damon Dash was smart to try to marry her. He did not try to judge her or anything else he just saw quality in her just like I did.


fuck you
Some of you niggaahz have daughters 14, 15, 16, &17 fucking & sucking grown man dick if not a grown man buddy is @ least 21...
You dnt know shit about who shes sucking off & fucking & you cant do shit about it. :lol:zod deciples in training.... just like their freak bitch mothers.


Behind the Boards
BGOL Investor
My thing was all of the ADULTS that worked for and with R-Kelly that knew what was going on. All of his security, personal assistants, friends, family, ect... Once it came out that he married Aaliyah people in the industry should have backed away from the dude. It seems like that made him more popular. Jay-Z ended up doing a album and tour with him. His wife trying to play the victim but it's no way she didn't know what was going on. Her brother was his security. But as log as he was generating millions it's cool.
Just like Bill Cosby, as long as he was making the industry money, he could do what ever he wanted.

That goes along with it being accepted in black communities that younger girls get sexualized and are considered "FAST". So when men swoop in and take advantage of them nothing happens because we rationalize it by blaming the girl. And it's 10 times worse now.

Hopefully this opened a lot of peoples eyes. This dude either needs life in jail or a bullet. Therapy is not going to help him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

R. Kelly is definitely a predator just like Harvey Weinstein but what's new? I think the real slippery slope is that for the most part people enable them and a lot of women who seek out these men know they are in a quid pro quo situation. You wonder how some actress got a movie part and can't act for shit or singer got a deal but can't hold a note, quid pro quo. The Me Too movement is filled with successful and failed actresses who made the decision their careers were more valuable then their self worth. Then they want to go back on the deal they made with the devil and claim victim. The young lady R. Kelly had on video, someone else failed her along with R. Kelly victimizing her. No 14 year old girl should be hanging out at a older man's crib, much less someone who is idolized, has money, and can dingle stardom in front of them. The singer Sparkle worked with dude, she should have been the first one to tell her niece and family "hell naw". Keep her the hell away from him but some how everyone turn a blind eye. It's deeper than the Predator, it's his enabler's and star driven woman making bad choices and wanting someone else to take the blame.
Exactly. I'll keep saying it, mainstream(white) America had no problems with Kelly when he believe he could fly and the world's greatest. As soon as he did that performance with Lady Gaga NOW they're looking him o_O. Katz in the community been yelling for years that dude wasn't right.

Not too mention our contrarian asses on here start a got dawm 17 year old count down to 18 to start the licking booty holes and Raw commentary.
This here :smh:...


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
The majority of this type of shit happens in a certain socio economic group. Lower income single parent homes. I know because I grew up in a hood/community where this was very common back in the early to mid eighties. Older dude with money (probably street money) gets with teenage girl with no father figure and he spends money. People looked the other way most times unless she had a father at home or an older brother. Often times she got knocked up. If you think I'm lying check the birth certificates of a lot of the kids born in the mid to late eighties. This shit ain't new. At least it ain't where I come from.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Maaan, is this topic ever complicated! There are so many nuances to the subject at hand that it ain't even funny. I haven't watched the special either, as of yet, but I do take into consideration what this dude is saying.

I'm reading the banter back and forth from you guys and I'm trying to bring everything into perspective of two decades ago vs now.
Comments like "victim blaming" are only a recent phenomenoa, and reflect a shift in our culture and attitudes.
Some are dismissive of the comments of others, claiming that they are bitter about pussy they didn't get access to in HS, and I disagree wholeheartedly.

We've always had predators amongst us, and we've always had young women and girls who've availed themselves to these predators. This has ALWAYS been the case, and is the subject of movies and songs, most popularly, Olivia, sang by The Whispeers.

This was a cautionary tale set to music.

A lot of us are applying the logic and Standards of TODAY to shit that happened decades ago. This is NOT in defense of the predatory nature of R. Kelly, but people are also reacting to the deliberate targeting of Black males to Public scrutiny, shaming, and destruction. It's not a defense of HIM, but a focus on the how uneven the Laws are applied to Black men while White's are flying under the radar or provided cover for while the heat is applied to a Black man.
"Surviving R Kelly," as though he had his own personal Jonestown or Church of Scientology...many people reject the way that it's obviously being played out.

The dude is an Ephebophile, not a Pedophile:
Ephebophilia is the primary sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19. The term was originally used in the late 19th to mid 20th century. It is one of a number of sexual preferences across age groups subsumed under the technical term chronophilia. Ephebophilia strictly denotes the preference for mid-to-late adolescent sexual partners, not the mere presence of some level of sexual attraction.
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FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
This is the category that these Female School teachers fall into as well. I'll bet that the prevailing attitude 10 years ago upon hearing of a Teacher engaging in sex with her male student, was closer to, "Man, I wish I had a Teacher like that back in my day!" Only nowadays do we look at it for what it actually is. Female predators seducing young, inexperienced males.

What was the prevailing attitude back in the day, when Lil Coco/Lil Baby was in porn? We knew the genre was aimed at muhfuckas who fantasized about bangin' out Teens, and I'd imagine that it's still a popular genre today, but I'll bet that the Way Back/BGOL machine could drum up comments about her that weren't ALL disapprovals. We knew WHO the genre was there for the pervs who wanted to fuck with School girls, but she ain't REALLY underaged and that pussy is PHAT dan a we watched.

Some of the outrage IS manufactured, and some is genuine, given TODAY'S attitudes, but we have to keep things in perspective. There are victims here, and then there are the opportunists who have been recruited to pile on as well. There is a mix of those who thought they were ready, and those who were star struck and succumbed to the wants and wishes of the include some Parents.


Rising Star
Don't forget LL Cool J
I went to the high school about three o'clock
To try to catch a cutie riding my jock

My homeboy's jeep, the system blasting
Cold forty dogs, smiling and laughing
Girls all over, the kind I adore
I felt like a kid in a candy store

That's when I seen her, her name was Brenda
She had the kind of booty that I'd always remember
I said to my man, stop the jeep
She's only seventeen but yo don't sleep
I kicked the bass like an NFL punter
And scoped the booty like a big game hunter
I said to the girl, yo, you look tired
Let's go get some rest, relax by the fire
I put the big booty on a bearskin rug
She gave me a kiss, I gave her a hug
I said to the girl, them young boys ain't nothing
You want to get freaky, let me kiss your belly button
I circled it and teased it and made her squeal
Grabbed a pack of bullets and pulled out the steel
When I was through, I wiped the sweat from my eyes
When to the kitchen and got some sweet potato pies
Tina busted in my house while I was eating
You know what I said
Too bad you caught me cheating but


Rising Star
So he would rather ignore the proven pedophile and instead attack some of the critics who possibly happened to have slept with older men when they were teens ?

You guys have got to stop cosigning stupidity.

thats not what he did. He made it clear fuck r kelly, then went on to what does need to be talked about. The parents of those kids, the people around Kelly getting the kids for him, everyone that knew and didnt press charges. Its a big net that needs to be cast


Rising Star
This thread here has turned into one big mess of how divided we really are as a community,as black people and as people in general.My god some want to hang,lynch and burn em,other's just want to testify about what really goes on and other's just want to sit on top of the highest mountain while looking down on the village people as they do devilish deeds.

For the few,reality is a mother and some won't believe it til it happens to them so hide your daughters,pad-lock em up and or keep them in the dungeon til their 21yr old,good luck with that.

They didn't have a full fledged daycare in my high school for nothing.

R.kelly is a sick man,the video that was circling every urban community in America was all the proof we needed but it didn't start with him and it's never going to end with him either.You all that's upset need to be upset at your local preachers,drug dealer(these niggas get all the tenders),the older dudes that work at your local fast-food joints,at the mall and where ever else that teens congregate,where they will come into contact with these types of people,which is damn-near everywhere .

Here's a list of the type of characters that I saw as a teenager dealing with young females:
Drug dealers-They meaning young high school girls flock to these dudes because they are the one's with money,cars,jewelry and many friends so they would bend over backwards to get his or their attention for whatever reason,these guy's have enough kids for a football team of his own,I have a cousin with 16 kids he started young having kids with older women because he had $$$$ and younger females after he was released because that's who he was around,they all were apart of that lifestyle.

No excuses,no bashing anyone but all I ask is you keep it real,tell the truth or as you see it because I can't be the only one and I don't have no hangup's with no females from high school,the majority of em I wouldn't want to talk to,especially now.....

BGOL Investor
Exactly. I'll keep saying it, mainstream(white) America had no problems with Kelly when he believe he could fly and the world's greatest. As soon as he did that performance with Lady Gaga NOW they're looking him o_O. Katz in the community been yelling for years that dude wasn't right.

This here :smh:...

Not even. Dude what happened is the internet. Back in the day Elvis could marry a teenager and you wouldn't hear about it except for reading some gossip magazine. For the most part your fans had no idea.

NOW? We have the INTERNET. Info is traded faster and is more concentrated than 20 years ago. We all knew he married Aliyah 20 years ago, but it mostly stayed rumors except for the occasional magazine article (and even then it was treated like gossip).

When did it blow up? When his video with the girl in the wooden panel room dropped. Where did it drop? On the internet. Now instead if something that only a few people (in the industry) would have seen, the WHOLE world has seen.

Things have changed because of technology and society at large.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Every idiot is entitled to his opinion, I guess... :dunno:
However; I always find it interesting that when it comes to protecting Black women (and girls), far too many dudes are quick to condemn a community as opposed to standing up and confronting a true predator.
This deep "critical thinker" is clearly no different... :hmm:

In this video, he comes across as the type of dude who blames underage girls for "enticing" adult men in statutory rape cases.... :hithead:
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Nobody is ignoring the proven pedo R. Kelly. He's just pointing out the hypocrisy. Kelly is scum. A predator
Pedophile/child rapist>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hypocrisy.
Also a lot of men in this thread still bitter because they got no play in high school.
Bingo. They in here lashing out at these bitches that "wronged" them.
He didn't ignore the fact that R Kelly did what he did. He clearly says fuck R Kelly. He just said that all this outrage is coming from a lot of women AND men who have had sex either when they were underage with an older person, or vice versa. And its true. Robert Kelly just went somewhere else with his shit though. And his ass continues to do it. Finally, no one is saying this shit is ok. But if your one of those women that fucked grown men when you were younger, then gtfoh. And Im not talking bout the abused ones with fucked up heads. There were hoes in high school that wanted to fuck with older cats just because they had a car. Bitch never been touched or abused in her life.
And had a good 2 parent home upbringing. Ive known many of them. They were some of the biggest hoes with grown men.
You do realize the reason for these laws is to protect young people and minors who are impressionable and prone to make poor decisions at their detriment right? So what you're doing by finger wagging at women who may have slept with adults as minors is another form of victim blaming. Shitting on these KIDS for falling victim to grown ass ADULT predators when they were teens is kinda pathetic my man. And choosing to focus on them opposed to the grown men rapist who violated them-particularly RKelly- is both pathetic and shameful.
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