Thot Rapper Sexy Redd


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Do clubs even exist anymore because everybody just be standing around being in their phones not dancing with each other unless it's with another women.

Clubs aint for dancing no more, its for FLEXING... fuck the dance move, what yo clothes sayin, what,

Yo footwear saying... and most of all what yo watch sayin and how yo chain swingin...

and then you gotta be able to pay for overpriced bottles of liguor and just pour it on the floor,

those are the dance moves of todays clubbin..

Bruh I been got woke on the club bullshit in my fuckin early twenties... da fuck am I standing on line,

to get approval from some steroid taking security guard, to enter an overprice establishment, to pay

for overpriced drinks, to watch overpriced hoes dance with each other...

thats one reason a lot of bruh got their passports on, the clubs in places like DR, Columbia,

bruh its ingrained in the culture for women to go out an dance with men.

Not get all dressed up, go to a club, and dance with each other like its dyke night in

the village...

nothing wrong with gettin yo drip on, but just know, real drip is a magnet for

fake people.

and clubbin in America is nothing but a Game of Drip...

buuut there are still some hole in the walls and private clubs that bump.

if you are willing to network and do a lil research, youll find em.

Nothing beats a good house party with good food, and good friends tho..



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I know what young thug is sayin tho, he is sayin, if he had to do FED time plus,

he would rather get his breast implants and spend that time with females,

then spend that time with dudes...

I dont know if I would take it that far.. but Id rather spend big jail time with

women then with dudes anyday.... I heard tho, the prison system got wise to that,

and now if you want to go that fag route to be in a womens prison, you have to get

castrated, dont know how true it is, I was just hearing that was the case from the streets.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I think they are planting these masculine, hard face, slutty female rappers in the industry for the same exact reason they are planting the soft face skinny half fags! Because if you look at white artists (or any other race, for that matter) in the music industry, you don't see these types of entertainers being propped up! The sad part is they are trying to pass it off as uplifting and progress!