Again, this is a mixed bag because I feel sorry for people who lose their jobs because of automation but at the same time we need to move into the 21st-century. Please get your children to go into coding and electronics/computers because they going to need a ton of those people in the near future.
That Coding is not a profession with job security. Back during the Obama Administration/Great Recession, the thing was “Go Learn Code”.
Big Tech/Silicone Valley is laying off workers and transitioning their workforce to Artificial Intelligence. And those are White workers, you know how it works for Black folks…”Last Hired, First Fired”.
Bay Area tech layoffs jumped during the last three months.
Cisco Systems and IBM have decided to slash several hundred jobs in the Bay Area.
They got AI that can do the work faster and more efficiently than a human can.
My sons are 18/20. I have told them they are entering a completely different labor market from what I grew up with and the generation behind me grew up with.
The labor market is moving fast with technological advancements faster than what economists can predict.
I told them you are entering a labor market that when you get a job, start looking for your next job cuz there is a high chance you will be getting a Pink Slip in about 5 years cuz they made your job obsolete due to AI or automation.
The idea of getting into a long term professional trade is slowly becoming rare.
The job market today, nobody saw it coming 10 years ago….we can’t even imagine what it will be 10 years from now.