Tito_Cacson. BGOL’s biggest coon


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Personally I don’t get why we attack each other like this. I like Tito. He makes valid points and articulates them well. U may not agree but isn’t that the point of this board? Truth is a funny dude who likes Asian pussy. I love it too so he’s a cool dude in my book. I know we got differences of opinion but like ol boy said decades ago: can’t we all just get along?


waking people up
BGOL Investor
From that statement, nothing is relevant to how he died. Family beef exists in many families. Doesn't mean you should get murdered. Kanye was out of line by saying he died because of fentanyl. No proof of that. Now he open himself up to a lawsuit. He should have used, I believe, or I think but I don't know. Stating it as a fact fucked him up.

I think that cop murdered him. Although the scam organization BLM came to collect on everyone's grief and anger, it doesn't take away the fact that a man was murdered for no reason. I'm glad dude is locked up and I hope he takes a gang of dicks.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Personally I don’t get why we attack each other like this. I like Tito. He makes valid points and articulates them well. U may not agree but isn’t that the point of this board? Truth is a funny dude who likes Asian pussy. I love it too so he’s a cool dude in my book. I know we got differences of opinion but like ol boy said decades ago: can’t we all just get along?

Nah we can't all get along if someone says some flagrantly dumb shit.

They also all should get called out.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Of course you find a problem with it considering you’re another coon. You and Actinacoon were expected to come running to save your fellow trash eating marsupial. All you Republikkklan faggots. Meanwhile BGOL always been about starting threads about people and talking shit you soft ass fuck nigga sambo
A whole thread though? The take wasn't even that hot, then you went and made it a multiple page thread.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Straight to the point...fuck all the other bullshit....doesnt matter if dude and his family were beefing...matter of fact, it doesnt matter if George Floyd was even a good person...cop kneeled on that man's neck for almost 9 minutes in full view of a crowd that was actively yelling for him to get off dude's neck....fuck everything else




Truth Teller
Straight to the point...fuck all the other bullshit....doesnt matter if dude and his family were beefing...matter of fact, it doesnt matter if George Floyd was even a good person...cop kneeled on that man's neck for almost 9 minutes in full view of a crowd that was actively yelling for him to get off dude's neck....fuck everything else
I never disagreed with this.

The CAC cop murdered a black man. The family and BLM is attempting to profit from his death.

Two things can be true.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I never disagreed with this.

The CAC cop murdered a black man. The family and BLM is attempting to profit from his death.

Two things can be true.

Who gives a sh*t about them?

Candace done worse with her cooning than anyone you named.

That doc does nothing and says nothing, without me even seeing it, if it inspired Ye to spout that trash to the world.


Truth Teller
Kanye said he got all that bullsh*t he was spewing from that doc, same doc you were championing.

A doc by Candace Owen

A doc before it started filming was gonna be nothing but lies upon lies

About an innocent black man a father who was publicly executed.
What lies though?

BLM founders didn't buy several homes across the country using BLM funds? BLM founders didn't pay their relatives 6 figures for bs jobs? BLM didn't give away millions of dollars to LGBTQ organizations? BLM didn't ignore other BLM chapter requests for funding? BLM didn't take in $80 million and now have millions unaccounted for? All the BLM founders didn't suddenly leave the organization and went radio silent about the accusations? George Floyd Square doesn't look like trash currently?

Here is the last one..... are you saying BLM doesn't only come around to profit off if black death at the hands of CAC cops while ignoring all of the black death?

Listen bro, Ye is off his meds. I have even mentioned that dude. But, to be honest, he's not completely wrong with some of the things he has said as well.

He is still out there though and needs help.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
He came out and said he was perfectly fine with the GOP making it hard for black people to vote, making us wait in 8 hour lines to vote because if we really want to vote we could.

You know what, that was actinacoon not Tito.


Rising Star
OG Investor
First, Dr. Roof, you a clown for even making this thread. What kinda lame makes a thread about another dude? Oh? The kind of dude that marries a massage parlor happy ending giver. Makes sense.

Nonetheless, at no point did I say George Floyd wasn't murdered by that CAC cop. If anyone can find a post where I said that he died of anything other than that CAC, pull the receipts. I will delete my account today. But, of course a lie is always more entertaining than the truth.

What I stated was a simple fact. George Floyd's family is all distraught over his death, but George Floyd's friends and roommates say out of their own mouth that the family was never around. He hadnt spoken to many of them in years. Hell, they didn't even come get his ish when he died. That was my point. These are facts.

Regardless of personal opinions, I think some of what Candace Owens says is spot on. I'm cool with saying that. Conversely, there is some stuff she says, where she loses me. There aren't many people who I 100% agree or disagree with.

What I find most interesting is so many black people on this forum really consider talking about financial literacy, education, family, holding people accountable, home ownership, etc. as being a coon?

Cool, I'll be that. Carry on. This is entertaining.


George Floyd was killed by a stray bullet.


Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Tito swings on Tariq Nasheed’s nuts who incidentally is capping for Koonye right now so why are you shocked?

You’d be surprised how many negroes that Coondace Owens swayed with this bullshit doc ( which I refuse to watch, even for free ).

But my question is what does trashing George Floyd or his family have to do with your case against the BLM corp?

Stacks for all his own coonery and buffoonery is dead on with his take on this. The good money right now is to shit on George Floyd.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The man can’t simply have a different opinion, right or wrong? How he died was tragic AF. COONdance is absolutely trash. Crump lost me after Trayvon. Yeah, he gets a few families their bread but I still see dude as a mumbling ambulance chaser. I want him to keep breaking police and cacs pockets all day; I simply view him as a clown. I see Al Sharpton the same way; though I don’t dislike Sharpton at all, like I dislike Crump. As for Floyd’s family going after Kanye; I don’t see it. Black on black crimes in my opinion. Clearly Kanye is missing screws. A black family going hard after Kanye and not Coondance is Extra suspect. The cops went to jail that killed Floyd; rightfully so. That doesn’t excuse his actions or justify his death due to his actions. Soon as I see something on the real news I often check Fox News spin on it for entertainment, so I see how he watched her documentary. Fuck her, but I’d watch it if it’s not too long, just to see how she introduces alternative facts.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Lol! Damn G. You gonna create a fake post?? Didn't think it was that serious. And the messed up thing is someone is going to see it and believe it is real.

Actually, this might be a good time to take a little hiatus.

See you in the new year. Famo.

"Someone"? This is beagle, ignorance is contagious around here.

I dunno if you were trying to put a spin on the discussion, but that bitch is on the same level as Alex Jones and Sean Hannity.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I never disagreed with this.

The CAC cop murdered a black man. The family and BLM is attempting to profit from his death.

Two things can be true.
Didnt watch the documentary (and probably wont because I believe its a right wing propaganda piece even if some truths are sprinkled here and there) but I will agree that 2 things can be true and I will say that BLM (the behind the scenes people, not the movement) is suspicious

Ultimately we all know what Candace's real opinion on the George Floyd case is

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
The man can’t simply have a different opinion, right or wrong? How he died was tragic AF. COONdance is absolutely trash. Crump lost me after Trayvon. Yeah, he gets a few families their bread but I still see dude as a mumbling ambulance chaser. I want him to keep breaking police and cacs pockets all day; I simply view him as a clown. I see Al Sharpton the same way; though I don’t dislike Sharpton at all, like I dislike Crump. As for Floyd’s family going after Kanye; I don’t see it. Black on black crimes in my opinion. Clearly Kanye is missing screws. A black family going hard after Kanye and not Coondance is Extra suspect. The cops went to jail that killed Floyd; rightfully so. That doesn’t excuse his actions or justify his death due to his actions. Soon as I see something on the real news I often check Fox News spin on it for entertainment, so I see how he watched her documentary. Fuck her, but I’d watch it if it’s not too long, just to see how she introduces alternative facts.
An opinion on what? There’s nothing to have an opinion on. Racist pigs killed Floyd not Drugs which is what Coondace and now Koonye are implying so fuck anybody’s opinion that takes that angle. Two autopsies confirmed his death was from asphyxiation so fuck anybodys stupid ass fake ass right wing opinion.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
First, Dr. Roof, you a clown for even making this thread. What kinda lame makes a thread about another dude? Oh? The kind of dude that marries a massage parlor happy ending giver. Makes sense.

Nonetheless, at no point did I say George Floyd wasn't murdered by that CAC cop. If anyone can find a post where I said that he died of anything other than that CAC, pull the receipts. I will delete my account today. But, of course a lie is always more entertaining than the truth.

What I stated was a simple fact. George Floyd's family is all distraught over his death, but George Floyd's friends and roommates say out of their own mouth that the family was never around. He hadnt spoken to many of them in years. Hell, they didn't even come get his ish when he died. That was my point. These are facts.

Regardless of personal opinions, I think some of what Candace Owens says is spot on. I'm cool with saying that. Conversely, there is some stuff she says, where she loses me. There aren't many people who I 100% agree or disagree with.

What I find most interesting is so many black people on this forum really consider talking about financial literacy, education, family, holding people accountable, home ownership, etc. as being a coon?

Cool, I'll be that. Carry on. This is entertaining.

You said all of that to say nothing. You out of pocket getting all in a dead man's family business commentting like that bitch Candace. She has sold her soul and you right behind her. And you're broke Tito. You live in the hood in a $100K fixer upper. How the fuck can you speak on financial literacy, education, family, holding people accountable, home ownership? You're in no position to help anyone. You a phony.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
You said all of that to say nothing. You out of pocket getting all in a dead man's family business commentting like that bitch Candace. She has sold her soul and you right behind her. And you're broke Tito. You live in the hood in a $100K fixer upper. How the fuck can you speak on financial literacy, education, family, holding people accountable, home ownership? You're in no position to help anyone. You a phony.