To my Jill Stein and Gary Johnson voters


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i understand you guys couldn't vote for Clinton or Trump because you thought they were both equally bad choices. So what is your plan now?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i understand you guys couldn't vote for Clinton or Trump because you thought they were both equally bad choices. So what is your plan now?

Work locally

Support the movement to retake the democratic party from corporate centrist who are only concerned with their own pockets.

Work and support progressive candidates so that we won't have another election with such shitty candidates who are more alike than dissimilar that people try to pass off as good choices..

The work started Nov 10 so that 2018 stops the current trends.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Their plan should be to stfu.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But you did vote to do that, you just don't realize it.

By the same token you don't seem to understand the reason the establishment democratic party takes your vote for granted and doesn't work for you.

because they know you are afraid to vote for anybody other than them.

While you were talking about Russia hacking you were also ignoring the bullshit the DNC was doing to limit your choice .


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Work locally

Support the movement to retake the democratic party from corporate centrist who are only concerned with their own pockets.

Work and support progressive candidates so that we won't have another election with such shitty candidates who are more alike than dissimilar that people try to pass off as good choices..

The work started Nov 10 so that 2018 stops the current trends.

I really hope this happens; but a lot of folks just wanted to have a voter tantrum without rationally think thru the consequences


Rising Star
OG Investor
There are more than two parties why should people only vote for two

Because people are connected to the Matrix. People can't even think outside of tradition and that's why tradition ain't always good. Furthermore, it disgust me that black people are angry that other blacks are trying to disconnect themselves from the Matrix. People get so mad when people become woke.

Niggas fighting over who would be a gentlier
oppressor-Clinton or Trump. Smdh

Mentor B

"All literature is protest."
Very good question.

I was a Jill Stein voter.

Despite everything going on in my life, I cannot make any excuses for not being politically active.

As a special ed teacher, I'm busy working way more than 40 hours a week. Still, I'm aware some local elections are upcoming for March of 2017 - specifically the Los Angeles City Clerk, City Controller, and City Attorney. So I'm staying a cognitively active participant for who my city is trying to get in those positions.

Currently, in my neighborhood of Los Angeles, the city council person is some Asian nigga. And Black people need a code of conduct in being politically ubiquitous despite only being 13% of the population. So I want to create a push for a reputable brother or sister who is coded. Otherwise, I may try and take the position myself.

Work locally

Support the movement to retake the democratic party from corporate centrist who are only concerned with their own pockets.

Work and support progressive candidates so that we won't have another election with such shitty candidates who are more alike than dissimilar that people try to pass off as good choices..

The work started Nov 10 so that 2018 stops the current trends.

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Rising Star
OG Investor
Because people are connected to the Matrix. People can't even think outside of tradition and that's why tradition ain't always good. Furthermore, it disgust me that black people are angry that other blacks are trying to disconnect themselves from the Matrix. People get so mad when people become woke.

Niggas fighting over who would be a gentlier
oppressor-Clinton or Trump. Smdh

Bullshit its cause the 2 major parties are the strongest, whether its by media's help or the fact more money is funneled into them. The other parties can't compete.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Work locally

Support the movement to retake the democratic party from corporate centrist who are only concerned with their own pockets.

Work and support progressive candidates so that we won't have another election with such shitty candidates who are more alike than dissimilar that people try to pass off as good choices..

The work started Nov 10 so that 2018 stops the current trends.

What? You mean folks shouldn't just roll over and die? They shouldn't go to therapy because their vote was really a vote for Trump? So sick of the bullshit already. Change comes when people stop pissing away their votes and stop listening to the same tired lines. :eek: "Your ancestors died for your right to vote!" and then it's :angry: "You weren't supposed to vote for anyone but who we say!" FOH


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bullshit its cause the 2 major parties are the strongest, whether its by media's help or the fact more money is funneled into them. The other parties can't compete.

It's the reason they are stronger. It is the corruptness of the money that controls the media and the message and keeps any other party weak.

It isn't because they are better it is because they are in cahoots to maintain their grip on the process

Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member
What? You mean folks shouldn't just roll over and die? They shouldn't go to therapy because their vote was really a vote for Trump? So sick of the bullshit already. Change comes when people stop pissing away their votes and stop listening to the same tired lines. :eek: "Your ancestors died for your right to vote!" and then it's :angry: "You weren't supposed to vote for anyone but who we say!" FOH

Yea it's really sad this election. Black people still talking "Oh you shoulda voted" while the democrats have already taken the L and putting together a strategy for 2018/2020.


Rising Star
OG Investor
It's the reason they are stronger. It is the corruptness of the money that controls the media and the message and keeps any other party weak.

It isn't because they are better it is because they are in cahoots to maintain their grip on the process

Look the future holds possibility of change. We don't live in the future, the way politics runs today is the way its been running for ages. Can it change in the future yes, are we in the future no. So where we are today is with mainstream candidates. Who in your eyes are both evil. So you say fuck it and vote for someone who doesn't have a chance. Now when the one that is proven more evil gets in and fuck your life up. You shouldn't have anything to say because you essentially threw your vote away. You want to empower more parties then its gonna take a lot more that your trolling on bgol and your 1 vote.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Bears repeating:

"Which leads back to the main point: Awash in false conspiracy theories and petulant immaturity, liberals put Trump in the White House. Trump won slightly fewer votes than Romney did in 2012—60.5 million compared with 60.9 million. On the other hand, almost 5 million Obama voters either stayed home or cast their votes for someone else. More than twice as many millennials—a group heavily invested in the “Sanders was cheated out of the nomination” fantasy—voted third-party. The laughably unqualified Jill Stein of the Green Party got 1.3 million votes; those voters almost certainly opposed Trump; if just the Stein voters in Michigan had cast their ballot for Clinton, she probably would have won the state. And there is no telling how many disaffected Sanders voters cast their ballot for Trump.

Of course, there will still be those voters who snarl, “She didn’t earn my vote,” as if somehow their narcissism should override all other considerations in the election. That, however, is not what an election is about. Voters are charged with choosing the best person to lead the country, not the one who appeals the most to their egos.

If you voted for Trump because you supported him, congratulations on your candidate’s victory. But if you didn’t vote for the only person who could defeat him and are now protesting a Trump presidency, may I suggest you shut up and go home. Adults now need to start fixing the damage you have done."


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Hillary fucked up. Didn't visit Wisconsin til the very end. Spent no money on Black voter turnout and ignored Black political consultants warnings. Instead they spent time and money on white women who ended up voting for Trump. I said months ago she is a terrible politician and if not for Bill's coattails she'd have maxed out as a house rep in Illinois.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Look the future holds possibility of change. We don't live in the future, the way politics runs today is the way its been running for ages. Can it change in the future yes, are we in the future no. So where we are today is with mainstream candidates. Who in your eyes are both evil. So you say fuck it and vote for someone who doesn't have a chance. Now when the one that is proven more evil gets in and fuck your life up. You shouldn't have anything to say because you essentially threw your vote away. You want to empower more parties then its gonna take a lot more that your trolling on bgol and your 1 vote.

I hear what you are saying but change isn't instant and you won't make change unless you start at some present for the future.

The reason policitcs has remained the same is because no one has moved to make change.

And the longer it stays the same the more chances for corruption and we are in a corrupt political state now.

I didn't throw my vote away and that is the mind frame that has us stagnant....Afraid to think of our vote or 1 vote as having any power.

The bottom line is no body will ever have a chance until people are willing to take that chance to build something different


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bears repeating:

"Which leads back to the main point: Awash in false conspiracy theories and petulant immaturity, liberals put Trump in the White House. Trump won slightly fewer votes than Romney did in 2012—60.5 million compared with 60.9 million. On the other hand, almost 5 million Obama voters either stayed home or cast their votes for someone else. More than twice as many millennials—a group heavily invested in the “Sanders was cheated out of the nomination” fantasy—voted third-party. The laughably unqualified Jill Stein of the Green Party got 1.3 million votes; those voters almost certainly opposed Trump; if just the Stein voters in Michigan had cast their ballot for Clinton, she probably would have won the state. And there is no telling how many disaffected Sanders voters cast their ballot for Trump.

Of course, there will still be those voters who snarl, “She didn’t earn my vote,” as if somehow their narcissism should override all other considerations in the election. That, however, is not what an election is about. Voters are charged with choosing the best person to lead the country, not the one who appeals the most to their egos.

If you voted for Trump because you supported him, congratulations on your candidate’s victory. But if you didn’t vote for the only person who could defeat him and are now protesting a Trump presidency, may I suggest you shut up and go home. Adults now need to start fixing the damage you have done."

All that sounds good and it is contrarily to the article I posted from Hillary's staffers and those who worked in her campaign.

I guess as long as she isn't responsible for her shitty campaign then she can sleep at night.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
There are more than two parties why should people only vote for two
The same reason that master didn't have to put a fence around the plantation..... just tell the negro that bad things will happen to you if you leave and that picks off about 80% of your potential revolters right there..Put another 8% in the house..i.e. make them house niggas and use them to spread the word about the bad things that await you negros if'n you don't comply..give 4 percent a little bit of white meat(pussy/dick) and the snap to attention and start to heel to. That just leaves about 8 percent of us for the man to have to deal with.... so say hello to the status quo for the rest of your natural life.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Bullshit its cause the 2 major parties are the strongest, whether its by media's help or the fact more money is funneled into them. The other parties can't compete.

If that doesnt give you any other incentive to disconnect from the matrix , I dont know what else you need. You have 4 parties but they only give you two choices.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But you did vote to do that, you just don't realize it.
I didn't see anything in Stein's platform that would suggest that. She spoke directly to what we deserve. Reparations, actionable criminal justice reform and civil rights SPECIFICALLY for black people. Not "minorities", POC, or other generalized buzzwords they use that benefit everyone but us.

Everyone else backtracked on those topics, including Bernie.


Rising Star
The same reason that master didn't have to put a fence around the plantation..... just tell the negro that bad things will happen to you if you leave and that picks off about 80% of your potential revolters right there..Put another 8% in the house..i.e. make them house niggas and use them to spread the word about the bad things that await you negros if'n you don't comply..give 4 percent a little bit of white meat(pussy/dick) and the snap to attention and start to heel to. That just leaves about 8 percent of us for the man to have to deal with.... so say hello to the status quo for the rest of your natural life.


*two cents *