To my Jill Stein and Gary Johnson voters


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Work locally

Support the movement to retake the democratic party from corporate centrist who are only concerned with their own pockets.

Work and support progressive candidates so that we won't have another election with such shitty candidates who are more alike than dissimilar that people try to pass off as good choices..

The work started Nov 10 so that 2018 stops the current trends.

This is exactly what i felt the thought process was for the "don't vote" crowd or the crowd that voted for alternative candidates..
The democrats will realize the error of their ways with this election and cultivate a more progressive prospect so this disaster doesn't happen again. voters took the"short term pain" for long term gain approach..
there's a possiblity that the short term pain may not be so short term...but that's the risk they were willing to they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results


Rising Star
OG Investor
This is exactly what i felt the thought process was for the "don't vote" crowd or the crowd that voted for alternative candidates..
The democrats will realize the error of their ways with this election and cultivate a more progressive prospect so this disaster doesn't happen again. voters took the"short term pain" for long term gain approach..
there's a possiblity that the short term pain may not be so short term...but that's the risk they were willing to they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results



Rising Star
OG Investor
What? You mean folks shouldn't just roll over and die? They shouldn't go to therapy because their vote was really a vote for Trump? So sick of the bullshit already. Change comes when people stop pissing away their votes and stop listening to the same tired lines. :eek: "Your ancestors died for your right to vote!" and then it's :angry: "You weren't supposed to vote for anyone but who we say!" FOH

Word up.

There are more than two parties why should people only vote for two


Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
I didn't see anything in Stein's platform that would suggest that. She spoke directly to what we deserve. Reparations, actionable criminal justice reform and civil rights SPECIFICALLY for black people. Not "minorities", POC, or other generalized buzzwords they use that benefit everyone but us.

Everyone else backtracked on those topics, including Bernie.

And what are the chances of her getting any of those things for us? You may as well voted for the Easter Bunny.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Work locally

Support the movement to retake the democratic party from corporate centrist who are only concerned with their own pockets.

Work and support progressive candidates so that we won't have another election with such shitty candidates who are more alike than dissimilar that people try to pass off as good choices..

The work started Nov 10 so that 2018 stops the current trends.

But you're not a Democrat. Why are you so worried about what Democrats do. Why aren't you working on your Green party instead?

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
What? You mean folks shouldn't just roll over and die? They shouldn't go to therapy because their vote was really a vote for Trump? So sick of the bullshit already. Change comes when people stop pissing away their votes and stop listening to the same tired lines. :eek: "Your ancestors died for your right to vote!" and then it's :angry: "You weren't supposed to vote for anyone but who we say!" FOH

Nope, vote for who you want to. Just don't have any complaints about Trump and don't complain about the Dems. Work on your 3rd party.


Rising Star
This sums it up for me. It seems like we live in an all or nothing society. I'd rather vote to have someone that I knew had a chance to get in an office and I agreed with at least 75% of their positions than someone who agrees with none.

Bears repeating:

"Which leads back to the main point: Awash in false conspiracy theories and petulant immaturity, liberals put Trump in the White House. Trump won slightly fewer votes than Romney did in 2012—60.5 million compared with 60.9 million. On the other hand, almost 5 million Obama voters either stayed home or cast their votes for someone else. More than twice as many millennials—a group heavily invested in the “Sanders was cheated out of the nomination” fantasy—voted third-party. The laughably unqualified Jill Stein of the Green Party got 1.3 million votes; those voters almost certainly opposed Trump; if just the Stein voters in Michigan had cast their ballot for Clinton, she probably would have won the state. And there is no telling how many disaffected Sanders voters cast their ballot for Trump.

Of course, there will still be those voters who snarl, “She didn’t earn my vote,” as if somehow their narcissism should override all other considerations in the election. That, however, is not what an election is about. Voters are charged with choosing the best person to lead the country, not the one who appeals the most to their egos.

If you voted for Trump because you supported him, congratulations on your candidate’s victory. But if you didn’t vote for the only person who could defeat him and are now protesting a Trump presidency, may I suggest you shut up and go home. Adults now need to start fixing the damage you have done."


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Sleep with a free conscience because we didn't vote to put a white supremacist in office that wanted to destroy us in every conceivable way while profiting off of it.
You elected Trump who is collecting the worst of the worst white supremacist to run the country. Smart

Bank Led By Donald Trump’s Top Treasury Contender Accused Of Racist Lending
OneWest allegedly avoided lending to communities of color.
11/17/2016 03:01 am ET | Updated 2 hours ago

Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He Might Become Trump’s Attorney General.
He allegedly joked that he only took issue with KKK’s drug use and referred to civil rights groups as “un-American.”
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Work locally

Support the movement to retake the democratic party from corporate centrist who are only concerned with their own pockets.

Work and support progressive candidates so that we won't have another election with such shitty candidates who are more alike than dissimilar that people try to pass off as good choices..

The work started Nov 10 so that 2018 stops the current trends.


You and a lot of others didn't support the most Proggressive Democratic platform ever and now you think they will move left? Democrats have to court the white racist vote now if they want to win. Can't count on you bitches to support Proggressive platforms.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Very good question.

I was a Jill Stein voter.

Despite everything going on in my life, I cannot make any excuses for not being politically active.

As a special ed teacher, I'm busy working way more than 40 hours a week. Still, I'm aware some local elections are upcoming for March of 2017 - specifically the Los Angeles City Clerk, City Controller, and City Attorney. So I'm staying a cognitively active participant for who my city is trying to get in those positions.

Currently, in my neighborhood of Los Angeles, the city council person is some Asian nigga. And Black people need a code of conduct in being politically ubiquitous despite only being 13% of the population. So I want to create a push for a reputable brother or sister who is coded. Otherwise, I may try and take the position myself.

Do those special ed classes receive federal funding?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Democrats have to court the white racist vote now if they want to win.

No they don't. That will be a mistake. They need to get people registered and then get them to the polls on election day. That cac vote that goes for republicans has a ceiling and is diminishing


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This is exactly what i felt the thought process was for the "don't vote" crowd or the crowd that voted for alternative candidates..
The democrats will realize the error of their ways with this election and cultivate a more progressive prospect so this disaster doesn't happen again. voters took the"short term pain" for long term gain approach..
there's a possiblity that the short term pain may not be so short term...but that's the risk they were willing to they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

They will have to court racist whites to win now. Can't count on progressives anymore.


AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
Fuck Johnson & Stein :angry:
& their names together sound like some law firm :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well, I am going to continue to control my own destiny, just as I have under every other president, stay abreast of policy on how to circumvent that that leaves me at a disadvantage, vote local in the midterms, and tell/help Jill to start campaigning NOW, for 2020.

To be desscendants of the ancestors that created all that white people do, love, and covet, we sure lack vision.

Indoctrination is a muthafucka!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
No they don't. That will be a mistake. They need to get people registered and then get them to the polls on election day. That cac vote that goes for republicans has a ceiling and is diminishing
I thought it was diminishing too until this year.

I know you all don't want to see it or believe it but this was the most Proggressive platform EVER.

We had minimum wage hike momentum.
We had moving to single payer momentum.
We had battling climate change momentum.
Net neutrality
Protect Social Security
Bank regulations
Healthier food
Voter rights
Would have had the SC to protect all of it....

And it's all gone. We are back to the Reagan years. Probably worse.
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Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
All that sounds good and it is contrarily to the article I posted from Hillary's staffers and those who worked in her campaign.

I guess as long as she isn't responsible for her shitty campaign then she can sleep at night.

I haven't read that thread yet, but I don't doubt there is criticism to be leveled at the Hillary campaign. All that aside tho, with a normal candidate losing to one party or another wouldn't have been a major deal. John McCain made a horrible choice in Sara Palin, she was the low key version of DT when it came to riling up racists, and I thought it spoke to poor judgement, but with him at the top of the ticket, we'd have been ok. It would have been rough, and we'd probably still be in a recession because they wanted to close the auto plants, but hard economic times have been survived before. Romney, I didn't care for, but again, things would not have been catastrophic. DT is a whole different animal though. If a voter was savvy enough to have heard about the third party candidates, then there is no way they were able to escape DT, his hateful rhetoric and willful ignorance. Even if they hadn't heard of the third party candidates, there was no way to escape following the DT campaign, because the news coverage was everywhere, even on local news during the primaries. His riling up of racists, demonizing races, lying constantly, sowing discord and division, utter lack of knowledge related to anything concerning how government works - there was no way for any sane, semi-rational, semi-intelligent person to avoid knowing what we were dealing with. Either people were not smart enough to discern or too stubborn to care that the man was dangerous at his core and people voted in a way to put him in charge of our government.

I take particular issue with Christians on this matter who have put the SCOTUS and the potential for restrictions on abortion above any and everything else. His past and current behavior is full of every character trait that Christians are taught to avoid and taught to use as a guide to discern someone who has poor intentions as best, evil at worse. Everything vulgar about him is being excused. I understand the politicians who want to hold on to power who only use faith and these things to manipulate Christians into voting a certain way, but that so many people were willing to vote for him in the face of his being incompetent, and surrounding himself with white supremacists, I just can't wrap my head around it. I have friend and family who believe there is a spiritual component to this, and that it's necessary for the US to decline as a world power. I don't know about this, even though I wonder about how many Christians who are being deceived and the comments and arguments they have put forth to rationalize supporting him, but I'd be lying if the thought hadn't crossed my mind after the world markets started to crash the first night, if other countries were going to seek to diminish the effect the US has globally so that when we fuck up, their economies don't pay for it. There was even a question put to Obama to that effect today in Germany. I don't know how we got the perfect storm to elect him in the face of being shown that he is totally unprepared and unqualified and surrounded by people who are also totally unprepared and unqualified, but we'll see how it all pans out.

Edit: And I haven't been paying attention to your posts on this Ballscout, if you or anyone voted third party or whatever and are OK with DT being president, then this doesn't apply to you. But the people who enabled him to get elected AND are bitching about it now, they need to have a seat. There are already signs that the fallout behind this is going to be different. Bill DeBlasio has indicated that it has been inferred that if states don't do the nationwide stop and frisk that they have been told federal funding will be withheld. He said that there are laws surrounding this, that they can't withhold education funds for something not related to education for example, but the fact that that punishment is out there being floated is highly concerning. He said we don't have a national police force, and that locally he is going to do what is best for his citizens.
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Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
This is exactly what i felt the thought process was for the "don't vote" crowd or the crowd that voted for alternative candidates..
The democrats will realize the error of their ways with this election and cultivate a more progressive prospect so this disaster doesn't happen again. voters took the"short term pain" for long term gain approach..
there's a possiblity that the short term pain may not be so short term...but that's the risk they were willing to they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

No, the Dems are now talking about appealing more to working class white voters. Black Jill Stein voters just checkmated themselves.


Rising Star
Because people are connected to the Matrix. People can't even think outside of tradition and that's why tradition ain't always good. Furthermore, it disgust me that black people are angry that other blacks are trying to disconnect themselves from the Matrix. People get so mad when people become woke.

Niggas fighting over who would be a gentlier
oppressor-Clinton or Trump. Smdh
Just because they didn't vote for Hillary and/or the democrat party doesn't me they are awoke. Many are still asleep (regardless of who they voted for or against).
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Professional Bastard Bum
Platinum Member
This shit is like a violent prison rape. All you can do is hope its over soon.........


Rising Star
OG Investor

They will have to court racist whites to win now. Can't count on progressives anymore.



still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
By the same token you don't seem to understand the reason the establishment democratic party takes your vote for granted and doesn't work for you.

because they know you are afraid to vote for anybody other than them.

While you were talking about Russia hacking you were also ignoring the bullshit the DNC was doing to limit your choice .
democrats been working like HELL for ME.

doesnt seem like they're taking me for granted either.

i wonder how some of yall concluded that.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Like you voted for the person who help lock up hundreds of thousands of black men

How many black men are in Federal Prison? Because the President has as much power to send someone to city, county, or state prison as you do. The people responsible for hundreds of thousands of black men are the people that voted those state officials into office (or stayed home and allowed them to get voted in)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Like you voted for the person who help lock up hundreds of thousands of black men
Yes, the crime bill had horrible consequences. But put ALL candidates thru your truth machine. DT getting elected should have been unacceptable at all costs. Yes you should have votes against DT. As bad as Clunton was she was better than Stein and Johnson combined.

I hope 2018 gets folks off their asses to vote en mass. No more symbol votes.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I haven't read that thread yet, but I don't doubt there is criticism to be leveled at the Hillary campaign. All that aside tho, with a normal candidate losing to one party or another wouldn't have been a major deal. John McCain made a horrible choice in Sara Palin, she was the low key version of DT when it came to riling up racists, and I thought it spoke to poor judgement, but with him at the top of the ticket, we'd have been ok. It would have been rough, and we'd probably still be in a recession because they wanted to close the auto plants, but hard economic times have been survived before. Romney, I didn't care for, but again, things would not have been catastrophic. DT is a whole different animal though. If a voter was savvy enough to have heard about the third party candidates, then there is no way they were able to escape DT, his hateful rhetoric and willful ignorance. Even if they hadn't heard of the third party candidates, there was no way to escape following the DT campaign, because the news coverage was everywhere, even on local news during the primaries. His riling up of racists, demonizing races, lying constantly, sowing discord and division, utter lack of knowledge related to anything concerning how government works - there was no way for any sane, semi-rational, semi-intelligent person to avoid knowing what we were dealing with. Either people were not smart enough to discern or too stubborn to care that the man was dangerous at his core and people voted in a way to put him in charge of our government.

I take particular issue with Christians on this matter who have put the SCOTUS and the potential for restrictions on abortion above any and everything else. His past and current behavior is full of every character trait that Christians are taught to avoid taught and use as a guide to discern someone who has poor intentions as best, evil at worse. Everything vulgar about him is being excused. I understand the politicians who want to hold on to power who only use faith and these things to manipulate Christians into voting a certain way, but that so many people were willing to vote for him in the face of his being incompetent, and surrounding himself with white supremacists, I just can't wrap my head around it. I have friend and family who believe there is a spiritual component to this, and that it's necessary for the US to decline as a world power. I don know about this, even though I wonder about how many Christians who are being deceived and the comments and arguments they have put forth to rationalize supporting him, but I'd be lying if the thought hadn't crossed my mind after the world markets started to crash the first night, if other countries were going to seek to diminish the effect the US has globally so that when we fuck up, their economies don't pay for it. There was even a question put to Obama to that effect today in Germany. I don't know how we got the perfect storm to elect him in the face of being shown that he is totally unprepared and unqualified and surrounded by people who are also totally unprepared and unqualified, but we'll see how it all pans out.

Edit: And I haven't been paying attention to your posts on this Ballscout, if you or anyone voted third party or whatever and are OK with DT being president, then this doesn't apply to you. But the people who enabled him to get elected AND are bitching about it now, they need to have a seat. There are already signs that the fallout behind this is going to be different. Bill DeBlasio has indicated that it has been inferred that if states don't do the nationwide stop and frisk that they have been told federal funding will be withheld. He said that there are laws surrounding this, that they can't withhold education funds for something not related to education for example, but the fact that that punishment is out there being floated is highly concerning. He said we don't have a national police force, and that locally he is going to do what is best for his citizens.
I've got to admit. .. I am so looking forward to protesting against that Lil orange faced fucker when he comes to town.... If all of the Hillary voters had just voted for Jill Stein. .. she would have beaten Trump..:idea:


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
I thought the line was, "if you didn't vote then you can't complain"? You idiots changed it up, huh? lol

Black people didn't do this, independent voters didn't do this, white people did this.

I've been seeing this dumb ass logic for a week now.

If,you don't vote,you shouldn't be complaining

If,you voted for a third party,you shouldn't be complaining,even though it was white people,who put Trump in office...



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I've been seeing this dumb ass logic for a week now.

If,you don't vote,you shouldn't be complaining

If,you voted for a third party,you shouldn't be complaining,even though it was white people,who put Trump in office...

If you voted third party, your candidate didn't win either. So why shouldn't you complain?