To my Jill Stein and Gary Johnson voters


Rising Star
OG Investor
Bears repeating:

"Which leads back to the main point: Awash in false conspiracy theories and petulant immaturity, liberals put Trump in the White House. Trump won slightly fewer votes than Romney did in 2012—60.5 million compared with 60.9 million. On the other hand, almost 5 million Obama voters either stayed home or cast their votes for someone else. More than twice as many millennials—a group heavily invested in the “Sanders was cheated out of the nomination” fantasy—voted third-party. The laughably unqualified Jill Stein of the Green Party got 1.3 million votes; those voters almost certainly opposed Trump; if just the Stein voters in Michigan had cast their ballot for Clinton, she probably would have won the state. And there is no telling how many disaffected Sanders voters cast their ballot for Trump.

Of course, there will still be those voters who snarl, “She didn’t earn my vote,” as if somehow their narcissism should override all other considerations in the election. That, however, is not what an election is about. Voters are charged with choosing the best person to lead the country, not the one who appeals the most to their egos.

If you voted for Trump because you supported him, congratulations on your candidate’s victory. But if you didn’t vote for the only person who could defeat him and are now protesting a Trump presidency, may I suggest you shut up and go home. Adults now need to start fixing the damage you have done."

You can't make it any simplier or clearer than this, but they still won't get it.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Not talking about a third party candidate winning,I'm talking about folks trying to condemn people for not wanting to vote for a Republican and Democrat

That's fine, but said people should STFU about the Democratic party and who it chooses to run.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
I hear what you are saying but change isn't instant and you won't make change unless you start at some present for the future.

The reason policitcs has remained the same is because no one has moved to make change.

And the longer it stays the same the more chances for corruption and we are in a corrupt political state now.

I didn't throw my vote away and that is the mind frame that has us stagnant....Afraid to think of our vote or 1 vote as having any power.

The bottom line is no body will ever have a chance until people are willing to take that chance to build something different

Until someone step up and make that change politics will remain the same. You have all this awareness and knowledge yet you haven't tried to be that person.

No one said your one vote doesn't have power but the reality is your 1 vote against millions ain't shit. But your vote is yours to do as you choose.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Until someone step up and make that change politics will remain the same. You have all this awareness and knowledge yet you haven't tried to be that person.

No one said your one vote doesn't have power but the reality is your 1 vote against millions ain't shit. But your vote is yours to do as you choose.

The end result of the "change" 3rd party voters helped bring about is that Paul Ryan is probably going to privatize Medicare and slash the fuck out of it. Medicaid will be next. The one chance the left had to regain control of the Supreme court is gone for at least 15-20 years. Tuition won't be touched. The minimum wage hike is dead on arrival. Wall street reform is dead on arrival.

But hey, at least they didn't vote for the lesser of two evils. Now they get the full on evil. Republicans are laughing their asses off at progressive chess.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
That's fine, but said people should STFU about the Democratic party and who it chooses to run.
Said people have not started one thread about the election. It's always Democrats crying , talkin bout " see what you did":crymeariver:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The end result of the "change" 3rd party voters helped bring about is that Paul Ryan is probably going to privatize Medicare and slash the fuck out of it. Medicaid will be next. The one chance the left had to regain control of the Supreme court is gone for at least 15-20 years. Tuition won't be touched. The minimum wage hike is dead on arrival. Wall street reform is dead on arrival.

But hey, at least they didn't vote for the lesser of two evils. Now they get the full on evil. Republicans are laughing their asses off at progressive chess.
Man , you make it sound like Hillary won. Except for the Supreme Court thing.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Not talking about a third party candidate winning,I'm talking about folks trying to condemn people for not wanting to vote for a Republican and Democrat
Good for you that no one around you will be hurt by the republicans. If I lacked empathy I would have not voted also.

Those 20+ million on the ACA most of their lives where saved by it. I would be bankrupt if it wasn't for Obama. My wife is disabled and taking care of her I'm not a able to have a normal 40 hour week job. Fortunately my job has very flexible hours that allow me to take off when I need to. Downside is I'm an independent contractor and no insurance.

Prior to the ACA I didn't have insurance and that was ok until I got food poisoning. The hospital bill was $5000. I have affordable healthcare and don't have to worry about going bankrupt if I get sick. Now, I'm losing my insurance again.

On top of losing my insurance I have to worry about the republicans gutting Medicare insurance that my wife has. For her no insurance equals death.

Sorry if I get a little upset with people and their protest vote. We didn't have to go backwards..
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Rising Star
OG Investor
The end result of the "change" 3rd party voters helped bring about is that Paul Ryan is probably going to privatize Medicare and slash the fuck out of it. Medicaid will be next. The one chance the left had to regain control of the Supreme court is gone for at least 15-20 years. Tuition won't be touched. The minimum wage hike is dead on arrival. Wall street reform is dead on arrival.

But hey, at least they didn't vote for the lesser of two evils. Now they get the full on evil. Republicans are laughing their asses off at progressive chess.

I still don't understand how Trump can be president and own businesses. He will not make policies that will hurt them. If he makes policies to help big businesses he will profit. This shit is amazing to me. These motherfuckers about to see a real crook.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
democrats been working like HELL for ME.

doesnt seem like they're taking me for granted either.

i wonder how some of yall concluded that.

Really ? explain how for me since i don't see it.

I am only ask that because you don't seem to know you aren't alone black man

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Said people have not started one thread about the election. It's always Democrats crying , talkin bout " see what you did":crymeariver:

I would suggest you re-read the title of the very thread you are responding in.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I am not going to play the game but I will ask this.

Watcher and his ilk.

What do you have to say about the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration suppressing the evidence of the cross count given to AG Lynch but Congressman Hastings ?

You cry about Comey disclosing bullshit before the election but have been curiously silent about hiding this information prior to the election .

What say you ?

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Because people are connected to the Matrix. People can't even think outside of tradition and that's why tradition ain't always good. Furthermore, it disgust me that black people are angry that other blacks are trying to disconnect themselves from the Matrix. People get so mad when people become woke.

Niggas fighting over who would be a gentlier
oppressor-Clinton or Trump. Smdh

Trump is about to show you the difference.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I am not going to play the game but I will ask this.

Watcher and his ilk.

What do you have to say about the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration suppressing the evidence of the cross count given to AG Lynch but Congressman Hastings ?

You cry about Comey disclosing bullshit before the election but have been curiously silent about hiding this information prior to the election .

What say you ?
I skipped that thread because once again you said nothing about the people actually doing crosscheck...
a system used by 27 states, almost all under Republican control, which claims to find illegal “double voters,” those who vote in the same election in two different states.

I will look into the democrats staying silent. If they did its bullshit on their part.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I am not going to play the game but I will ask this.

Watcher and his ilk.

What do you have to say about the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration suppressing the evidence of the cross count given to AG Lynch but Congressman Hastings ?

You cry about Comey disclosing bullshit before the election but have been curiously silent about hiding this information prior to the election .

What say you ?

If true they played politics while trump was playing a cut throat game and lost. But they were up against a different type of public opinion than Trump. He was unapologetic about shit that was thrown at him and you gotta admit the shit thrown at him was way worst than what was thrown at Hillary. He was right he could do what ever and say what ever and asshole still voted for him. They knew people would hang on to the email bullshit that is why they kept hammering her with it. Dude his wife has nude pics on the net and he still didn't lose any votes. Where in history has the first lady had pussy pics floating around? And America supposed to be on such a high moral ground?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I am not going to play the game but I will ask this.

Watcher and his ilk.

What do you have to say about the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration suppressing the evidence of the cross count given to AG Lynch but Congressman Hastings ?

You cry about Comey disclosing bullshit before the election but have been curiously silent about hiding this information prior to the election .

What say you ?
i can't find anything. So yea it's baffling why this wasn't covered more and no direct message on it from democratic leaders. I think I saw someone say they stayed silent thinking Hillary would win and didn't want to undermine US elections legitimacy.

They fucked up. Saying that doesn't make Comey's actions any less bullshit.

And I don't think the answer was to put the architect of crosscheck into the White House.

The Crosscheck program, started by Kris Kobach, has spread to over two dozen states, tagging more than 7 million voters as possibly suspect.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i can't find anything. So yea it's baffling why this wasn't covered more and no direct message on it from democratic leaders. I think I saw someone say they stayed silent thinking Hillary would win and didn't want to undermine US elections legitimacy.

They fucked up. Saying that doesn't make Comey's actions any less bullshit.

And I don't think the answer was to put the architect of crosscheck into the White House.

The Crosscheck program, started by Kris Kobach, has spread to over two dozen states, tagging more than 7 million voters as possibly suspect.

Not only staying silent but also who put Comey in that position ?

What republican put a democrat in a position like that ?

How many bricks does it take until you see the democratic leadership has been fucking up all along ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If true they played politics while trump was playing a cut throat game and lost. But they were up against a different type of public opinion than Trump. He was unapologetic about shit that was thrown at him and you gotta admit the shit thrown at him was way worst than what was thrown at Hillary. He was right he could do what ever and say what ever and asshole still voted for him. They knew people would hang on to the email bullshit that is why they kept hammering her with it. Dude his wife has nude pics on the net and he still didn't lose any votes. Where in history has the first lady had pussy pics floating around? And America supposed to be on such a high moral ground?

But all that ain't issues people think about.

But to answer your question Dolly Madison

Nancy Reagan was a Hollywood Ho.

But Trump told the democrats that all that bullshit won't work and they still ran on it.

I could shoot somebody on 5th avenue and not lose a vote.

Now that may show his base is fucked up but it also shows that ain't what to run on..

You had the media making outrage that wasn't there.

Like saying Hillary would not have 10% of her support if she was a woman isn't woman hating ......

Like saying NATO nations have to pay their fees isn't saying I want to destroy NATO.

Like saying I want to defend the southern border by building a wall ain't gonna work especially when those voting are out of work and the southern border already has fences.

Like saying NATFA and TPP are costing jobs....Don't matter if it is or isn't.

They hung on the email bullshit because they already thought Hillary was dishonest.

It was a dumb ass campaign


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So resist white supremacy by helping elect a white supremacist..

One Hillary got the black vote so stop pretending white supremacy was the top campiagn issues

And Two stop pretending that Hillary was some sort of equality warrior.

Even her husband said she ran a dumb campaign and Obama said the same thing.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Not only staying silent but also who put Comey in that position ?

What republican put a democrat in a position like that ?

How many bricks does it take until you see the democratic leadership has been fucking up all along ?

Lmao Obama gets blamed for everything y'all even blamed him for Hillary losing. Shouldn't we be outraged that Comey purposely announced he was looking into the emails without knowing what was in the emails knowing it would sway voters?

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
One Hillary got the black vote so stop pretending white supremacy was the top campiagn issues

And Two stop pretending that Hillary was some sort of equality warrior.

Even her husband said she ran a dumb campaign and Obama said the same thing.

She ran a dumb campaign, it's true.

Hillary spoke out more on Black issues than any other candidate this election. Bernie just a couple weeks ago said Trump voters aren't racist and was still catering to that white vote.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Nope, vote for who you want to. Just don't have any complaints about Trump and don't complain about the Dems. Work on your 3rd party.

:confused: The fuck is with the obsession with folks telling people what to do? Seriously? Zombie rhetoric. People who choose to vote 3rd party have every fucking reason to complain. People who choose not to participate in ONE fucking election can complain if both candidates are fucked especially if they voted in the primaries. Choosing 3rd party or not voting for a presidential candidate doesn't mean a person doesn't participate from the bottom up.

This shit is disgusting. Anyone who voted Clinton or Trump during the primaries should be fucking banned from voting. Fucking dumb asses made this election what it was. What fucking person with half a fucking brain votes for Trump or Clinton during the primaries?

There isn't anything but short buses pulling up and I'm not getting on. :angry: "keep it moving!!" Short buses on my side of the street. Short buses on the other. Left. Right. At this point, it's fuck both sides. Others feel like me. I'm not about to jump on the short bus with the rest of the drooling fools for a party that doesn't give a fuck. Don't want to be surrounded by fools who don't know how to make people give a fuck.

Fuck Trump. Fuck the GOP. Fuck the Clintons. Fuck the way democrats have treated black voters. But most of all, fuck all these ignorant Americans(because mostly whites have fucked up by even making this close) who allow this shit to continue. But black voters? It's been a clown show. Damn near 3 generations of black people who have helped to further the interests of the democrat party while getting scraps in return. That's winning? FOH.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
:confused: The fuck is with the obsession with folks telling people what to do? Seriously? Zombie rhetoric. People who choose to vote 3rd party have every fucking reason to complain. People who choose not to participate in ONE fucking election can complain if both candidates are fucked especially if they voted in the primaries. Choosing 3rd party or not voting for a presidential candidate doesn't mean a person doesn't participate from the bottom up.

This shit is disgusting. Anyone who voted Clinton or Trump during the primaries should be fucking banned from voting. Fucking dumb asses made this election what it was. What fucking person with half a fucking brain votes for Trump or Clinton during the primaries?

There isn't anything but short buses pulling up and I'm not getting on. :angry: "keep it moving!!" Short buses on my side of the street. Short buses on the other. Left. Right. At this point, it's fuck both sides. Others feel like me. I'm not about to jump on the short bus with the rest of the drooling fools for a party that doesn't give a fuck. Don't want to be surrounded by fools who don't know how to make people give a fuck.

Fuck Trump. Fuck the GOP. Fuck the Clintons. Fuck the way democrats have treated black voters. But most of all, fuck all these ignorant Americans(because mostly whites have fucked up by even making this close) who allow this shit to continue. But black voters? It's been a clown show. Damn near 3 generations of black people who have helped to further the interests of the democrat party while getting scraps in return. That's winning? FOH.

So, who was the candidate that has actually done something for black voters to vote for?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So, who was the candidate that has actually done something for black voters to vote for?

What has she done.

Not what did she say but what has she done ?

She ran a dumb campaign, it's true.

Hillary spoke out more on Black issues than any other candidate this election. Bernie just a couple weeks ago said Trump voters aren't racist and was still catering to that white vote.

It is stupid to think that everyone who voted for Trump is racist and that none of those who voted for Hillary is racist.

She also changed her positions to speak on black issues in the primary but once she was sure she had the black vote she wasn't speaking to anything during the general.

Hillary has been involved publicly in politics for damn near 30 years and what black issues did she promote during that time ?

Read the article ,how she ignored any efforts in Milwaukee leading during the general election ?

Her arrogance and sense of being entitled is why she lost.

She did nothing to energize voters she simply assumed.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
What has she done.

Not what did she say but what has she done ?

It is stupid to think that everyone who voted for Trump is racist and that none of those who voted for Hillary is racist.

She also changed her positions to speak on black issues in the primary but once she was sure she had the black vote she wasn't speaking to anything during the general.

Hillary has been involved publicly in politics for damn near 30 years and what black issues did she promote during that time ?

Read the article ,how she ignored any efforts in Milwaukee leading during the general election ?

Her arrogance and sense of being entitled is why she lost.

She did nothing to energize voters she simply assumed.

Why didn't you hold Sanders to the same standard. He actually has been in politcal power over 30 years.

Once he realized black folks weren't voting for him, he didn't give a single fuck about our issues. Yet he made sure to personally go out to protest the pipeline. FOH.

And the KKK and white nationalists are celebrating Trump being elected.

And he's appointing them to the government now.

Not everyone that voted for Trump were racists, but all the open racists voted for him.

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Did that journalist really ask why there's an arrest warrant for Putin but not one for Netanyahu? Really? There is no comparison in war criminality between Netanyahu and Putin. That shit's not even close. Netanyahu should be decapitated. Not even arrested. That journalist is a grade-A moron.
He thinks he is a war criminal. He added the word yet to that statement.