The days of being a maroon are over. Did you not learn from the Tigray war? You can’t run to the mountains anymore because of the drones. But here yall are, arguing with Mothafuckas that don’t know shit and ain’t interested in acquiring knowledge wait moving off of the Dem plantation, but WON'T move to the Repub plantation...while wearing a MAGA hat? No tangibles no vote...have Republicans given tangibles that I haven't heard of? I am ALL for voting for my best interest. What isn't that I am not seeing that the GOP is going to be better for me, cause I don't see too many Republicans jumping up to say: 'We need more Black History!'
You know who lobby's for illegals? Farmers and manufacturing. Two industries that KNOWINGLY hire illegals. I used to support various bakeries in the MidWest, guess who's working those bakery floors? If you yelled IMMIGRACION! That floor is getting cleared out. Farmers can't/won't pay a wage that make folks want to work, so who picks all the fruits and vegetables that we buy?
So GOP is the answer for black people. What makes them the option for you? What benefit am I missing?
I couldn’t imagine arguing with a slave about the benefits of enslavement.