Told you the ADOS/FBA shit is a scam


Rising Star
Platinum Member wait moving off of the Dem plantation, but WON'T move to the Repub plantation...while wearing a MAGA hat? No tangibles no vote...have Republicans given tangibles that I haven't heard of? I am ALL for voting for my best interest. What isn't that I am not seeing that the GOP is going to be better for me, cause I don't see too many Republicans jumping up to say: 'We need more Black History!'

You know who lobby's for illegals? Farmers and manufacturing. Two industries that KNOWINGLY hire illegals. I used to support various bakeries in the MidWest, guess who's working those bakery floors? If you yelled IMMIGRACION! That floor is getting cleared out. Farmers can't/won't pay a wage that make folks want to work, so who picks all the fruits and vegetables that we buy?

So GOP is the answer for black people. What makes them the option for you? What benefit am I missing?
The days of being a maroon are over. Did you not learn from the Tigray war? You can’t run to the mountains anymore because of the drones. But here yall are, arguing with Mothafuckas that don’t know shit and ain’t interested in acquiring knowledge either.

I couldn’t imagine arguing with a slave about the benefits of enslavement.

BGOL Investor
At the end of the day, it's simple.

Is the current trajectory of Black people something good or bad?

BGOL is so out of touch its fucking sad. I know everyone here are Balling ass millionaires (literal unicorns as the avg Black HH is like $32k collectively lol) and can't be bothered to ask for representation. Shut up and don't dare rock the boat ass niggas lol.

You only make 32k a year?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Look at my tweet again.
You didn't get it...

Regarding lobbying, so you and Camille concede that Black people dont get shit because "we don't lobby".. so if we don't get shit, why even vote for the neglect then?

Also I was today's years old when I learned about the booming agricultural centers that are secretly located in NYC and Chicago Southside.

Okay, I don't get it dumb it down for me. I am generally interested in your thought process.

The vote is so that people like DeSantis don't get into power. You know what old white people have time for? Voting. Trump supporters are gonna take time off to get their boy in. Darren Bailey was the GOP nomination for Illinois. This motherfcuker said he planned on rolling the red carpet for Trump in Illinois when he won.

I was today years old when I was reminded that you pick and choose parts of a post and disregard EVERYTHING else! You do realize I said manufacturing as well right? I talked about bakeries as a personal experience. I used the plural of bakery cause of the different facilities that I had to visit. Romeoville, Bolingbrook, Alsip, Itasca, Northlake, McCook. All over Illinois so it isn't just a region of...Why is this the topic of conversation now?!?!? The topic of the thread is about Tariq and his newfound love for Trump!

BGOL Investor
Props to @Drayonis for being the ONLY one of the shills to flat out admit that him and his circle are good and therefore doesn't care about other Black people in America.
"au contraire mon frère"

I care deeply about black people. I love everything about black people here in America and every corner we reside. Your plan doesn't advance the lives of black folks. In facts it hurts us.

I've asked you for a better part of 2-3 years how exactly does not voting get reparations and you say nothing.

I've asked you directly what's the "congressional pathway" to achieving this? - nothing. Crickets. Instead, you respond "you don't think we should get something for our vote?" - which is a non-answer - all you have to do is explain to me how it gets congress to vote on it...very simple....nothing.

See. You don't care about achieving your goal, I believe. You hate Democrats. That's it. That's the totality of your schtick.
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Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Whew we up to 5 pages of the ADOS /FBA don't vote coons still singing and dancing around their golden boy and a huge chunk of his followers heaping praise on Trump and the GOP. The same GOP that got rid of affirmative action and want to ban Black history in schools.

But yeah the Dems are the problem.

As I keep saying.......i hate always being right.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Okay, I don't get it dumb it down for me. I am generally interested in your thought process.

The vote is so that people like DeSantis don't get into power. You know what old white people have time for? Voting. Trump supporters are gonna take time off to get their boy in. Darren Bailey was the GOP nomination for Illinois. This motherfcuker said he planned on rolling the red carpet for Trump in Illinois when he won.
People are tired of voting for this "do-nothing politician" to keep this "evil/racist politician" out of office homie.
Right or wrong, as you just mentioned, the republicans who are pro-Trump are "rolling out the red carpet" to get their guy in.
Why cant the Dems do the same for their constituents? Shaming and fear-mongering won't change people's minds (see the latest poll numbers please.

I was today years old when I was reminded that you pick and choose parts of a post and disregard EVERYTHING else! You do realize I said manufacturing as well right? I talked about bakeries as a personal experience. I used the plural of bakery cause of the different facilities that I had to visit. Romeoville, Bolingbrook, Alsip, Itasca, Northlake, McCook. All over Illinois so it isn't just a region of...Why is this the topic of conversation now?!?!?
my fault I somehow missed you mention manufacturing jobs.
But you do realize that having all of these people moving into the city's will harm Black people right? You act like Black employment if 99% and there's just 1000s of factory jobs just sitting vacant lol.
Do you even care?

The topic of the thread is about Tariq and his newfound love for Trump!
I already addressed this, but you all TOTALLY DISREGARDED WHY/WHAT Tariq tweeted.
Ya'll saw the mean twitter man (word to Gene for that name lol) and lost all sense of discernment lol.

It's like everyone here hates everything Trump does, even if it'd benefit Black people,
and will love everything (or ignore it), even if it'll harm Black people.


Rising Star
I want to play nice but you motherfuckers are intentionally obtuse.

I'm going to treat this shit like I treat repugs and just ignore these conversations from now on as you don't have the capacity to engage in honest discourse. Ya'll some filthy boot lickin ass niggas and it's truly disgusting.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor wait moving off of the Dem plantation, but WON'T move to the Repub plantation...while wearing a MAGA hat? No tangibles no vote...have Republicans given tangibles that I haven't heard of? I am ALL for voting for my best interest. What isn't that I am not seeing that the GOP is going to be better for me, cause I don't see too many Republicans jumping up to say: 'We need more Black History!'

You know who lobby's for illegals? Farmers and manufacturing. Two industries that KNOWINGLY hire illegals. I used to support various bakeries in the MidWest, guess who's working those bakery floors? If you yelled IMMIGRACION! That floor is getting cleared out. Farmers can't/won't pay a wage that make folks want to work, so who picks all the fruits and vegetables that we buy?

So GOP is the answer for black people. What makes them the option for you? What benefit am I missing?

Okay, I don't get it dumb it down for me. I am generally interested in your thought process.

The vote is so that people like DeSantis don't get into power. You know what old white people have time for? Voting. Trump supporters are gonna take time off to get their boy in. Darren Bailey was the GOP nomination for Illinois. This motherfcuker said he planned on rolling the red carpet for Trump in Illinois when he won.

I was today years old when I was reminded that you pick and choose parts of a post and disregard EVERYTHING else! You do realize I said manufacturing as well right? I talked about bakeries as a personal experience. I used the plural of bakery cause of the different facilities that I had to visit. Romeoville, Bolingbrook, Alsip, Itasca, Northlake, McCook. All over Illinois so it isn't just a region of...Why is this the topic of conversation now?!?!? The topic of the thread is about Tariq and his newfound love for Trump!

People are tired of voting for this "do-nothing politician" to keep this "evil/racist politician" out of office homie.
Right or wrong, as you just mentioned, the republicans who are pro-Trump are "rolling out the red carpet" to get their guy in.
Why cant the Dems do the same for their constituents? Shaming and fear-mongering won't change people's minds (see the latest poll numbers please.

my fault I somehow missed you mention manufacturing jobs.
But you do realize that having all of these people moving into the city's will harm Black people right? You act like Black employment if 99% and there's just 1000s of factory jobs just sitting vacant lol.
Do you even care?

I already addressed this, but you all TOTALLY DISREGARDED WHY/WHAT Tariq tweeted.
Ya'll saw the mean twitter man (word to Gene for that name lol) and lost all sense of discernment lol.

It's like everyone here hates everything Trump does, even if it'd benefit Black people,
and will love everything (or ignore it), even if it'll harm Black people.

Funny you have touched on EVERY other point in my posts BUT the one where you explain why the GOP vote is the better vote. If the slogan is No tangibles, no vote. What is the GOP giving that you'll give them your vote?


Rising Star
People are tired of voting for this "do-nothing politician" to keep this "evil/racist politician" out of office homie.
Right or wrong, as you just mentioned, the republicans who are pro-Trump are "rolling out the red carpet" to get their guy in.
Why cant the Dems do the same for their constituents? Shaming and fear-mongering won't change people's minds (see the latest poll numbers please.

my fault I somehow missed you mention manufacturing jobs.
But you do realize that having all of these people moving into the city's will harm Black people right? You act like Black employment if 99% and there's just 1000s of factory jobs just sitting vacant lol.
Do you even care?

I already addressed this, but you all TOTALLY DISREGARDED WHY/WHAT Tariq tweeted.
Ya'll saw the mean twitter man (word to Gene for that name lol) and lost all sense of discernment lol.

It's like everyone here hates everything Trump does, even if it'd benefit Black people,
and will love everything (or ignore it), even if it'll harm Black people.
Lying motherfuckers acting like stimulus and covid relief funds didn't help them under Drumpf. I'm telling you these some grimey foul ass niggas that I could never trust and have zero faith in. Literally saying every policy only hurt them is just lies.


Rising Star
Okay, I don't get it dumb it down for me. I am generally interested in your thought process.

The vote is so that people like DeSantis don't get into power. You know what old white people have time for? Voting. Trump supporters are gonna take time off to get their boy in. Darren Bailey was the GOP nomination for Illinois. This motherfcuker said he planned on rolling the red carpet for Trump in Illinois when he won.

I was today years old when I was reminded that you pick and choose parts of a post and disregard EVERYTHING else! You do realize I said manufacturing as well right? I talked about bakeries as a personal experience. I used the plural of bakery cause of the different facilities that I had to visit. Romeoville, Bolingbrook, Alsip, Itasca, Northlake, McCook. All over Illinois so it isn't just a region of...Why is this the topic of conversation now?!?!? The topic of the thread is about Tariq and his newfound love for Trump!
This nigga said he was generally interested in what someone had to say and then highlighted it for emphasis in another post just to be sure you don't mistake it for a typo.... this is the level you got to be at to rock with these clowns *smmfh*


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Lying motherfuckers acting like stimulus and covid relief funds didn't help them under Drumpf. I'm telling you these some grimey foul ass niggas that I could never trust and have zero faith in. Literally saying every policy only hurt them is just lies.

Who said that?


Rising Star
You only make 32k a year?
See, this is the mentality you are debating with. Proving what my mans said about elitist bullshit that undergirds all these trash ass beliefs. Truly only in it for what they personally can get out of every transaction and then questioning the next man's integrity. It's a mad house.
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Rising Star
I didn't need to attend a civics class to know common sense. People who say the part in bold are dishonest and stupid mfers who are trying to deflect from the fact that democratic politicians have overwhelmingly voted in favor of bills that support black people. They think they sound smart/ critical by saying "both sides", but they only sound smart to stupid people. It's deflection. It has nothing to do with holding politicians accountable.
You are overwhelmingly an ashy faced bitch my guy.

See, I can use that word incorrectly just like you have done with so much of the language in this basically retarded ass reply you gave to my post. The shit you bolded isn't even a complete thought and I'd bet you a years membership, dollars to donuts, you couldn't explain it back within the context of its ACTUAL meaning. In fact who have you ever heard utter that phrase you quoted? Name one fucking person you close eyed coon.

I vote too you, have in every single election that I have been eligible for since coming of age and have even worked polls, canvased, and been a strategic political operative in multiple political campaigns... how many times have you ever actually gotten involved in the gearing of the machine... seen it up close and personal? Deployed people? Raised money? My family name rings bells in my city god and it's a major metropolitan city in the nation not some backwoods hole in the wall shit. I GREW UP in the mix you dumbass turd so *whoomp whoop whooooooomp* to you dummy.
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Rising Star
Who said that?
It was said in not so many words. You the quote goat I can't even fuck with that energy right now. I'm exhausted for real. Y'all won by attrition, this same debate has been raging on here for years and the willful ignorance never abates so just take your lap mama, I'm done.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
It was said in not so many words. You the quote goat I can't even fuck with that energy right now. I'm exhausted for real. Y'all won by attrition, this same debate has been raging on here for years and the willful ignorance never abates so just take your lap mama, I'm done.

Dems fully supported the stimulus. They wanted to provide more. Nancy was in charge of the house. All but 6 people voted for it. It passed 419-6. Mitch was in charge of the senate. Everyone present voted for it. 94-0. Dems always sign on to legislation if it helps Americans, regardless of who gets credit. Nancy and other dems praised Trump for signing the bill.

Republicans are not the same. It started with Obama. They will vote against the interests of their own constituents in order to deny dems a "win" viewed favorably by the public.

So when Biden got elected? We got another stimulus but EVERY republican voted against it. It passed the house 220-211 and the senate 51-49.

You know what the GOP did after they voted against the Biden stimulus? They walked out the door and proceeded to take credit for it.

The child tax relief credits in that bill lifted children, including black children, out of poverty. So now the GOP won't support it. They will harm Americans to deny Biden another win. Plus Joe Manchin who think the money will be spent on drugs, but the one Democrat doesn't get more blame than the other 49 Republicans where not even one or two will do the right thing and now child poverty is back up.

Americans paying attention will know this is the GOPs fault. Those who don't follow politics only know they are under a dem president doing worse - which is precisely what the GOP wants.



Rising Star
Dems fully supported the stimulus. They wanted to provide more. Nancy was in charge of the house. All but 6 people voted for it. It passed 419-6. Mitch was in charge of the senate. Everyone present voted for it. 94-0. Dems always sign on to legislation if it helps Americans, regardless of who gets credit.

Republicans are not the same. It started with Obama. They will vote against the interests of their own constituents in order to deny dems a "win" viewed favorably by the public.

So when Biden got elected? We got another stimulus but EVERY republican voted against it. It passed the house 220-211 and the senate 51-49.

You know what the GOP did after they voted against the Biden stimulus? They walked out the door and proceeded to take credit for it.

The child tax relief credits in that bill lifted children, including black children, out of poverty. So now the GOP won't support it. They will harm Americans to deny Biden another win. Plus Joe Manchin who think the money will be spent on drugs, but the one Democrat doesn't get more blame than the other 49 Republicans where not even one or two will do the right thing and now child poverty is back up.

Americans paying attention will know this is the GOPs fault. Those who don't follow politics only know they are under a dem president doing worse - which is precisely what the GOP wants.

You talk out of both sides of your mouth though. You like, "Republicans ain't shit," we agree and say we holding Dems feet to the fire and then ya'll turn around and say, "Hey, why don't yall give Republicans the same kind of hell you give to Dems?!" It's fucking ludicrous but I see you.


Rising Star
Aye @Camille lmao you got me, can't believe I fell back in the trap... I'm trollin from here on out. I'm not goin waste genuine intent on blanket idolatry or whatever the motivation is behind this wagon circling. At the end of the day they are both working for the same marketing agency, just with a different set of leads and yes the Republicans are more cruel and inhumane but that's just what they demo gets off on, it's all just marketing.


Rising Star
You talk out of both sides of your mouth though. You like, "Republicans ain't shit," we agree and say we holding Dems feet to the fire and then ya'll turn around and say, "Hey, why DON'T yall talk to XBOX about your faulty PS5?" It's fucking ludicrous but I see you.
I feel like this would have hit better if I had made this edit :lol:

I love/ hate how ya'll try to act like you don't know how analogies work.

Just occurred to me maybe it's not an act .. carry on
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Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
You talk out of both sides of your mouth though. You like, "Republicans ain't shit," we agree and say we holding Dems feet to the fire and then ya'll turn around and say, "Hey, why don't yall give Republicans the same kind of hell you give to Dems?!" It's fucking ludicrous but I see you.

They ain't shit. Any sane republican left the party years ago. I have no problem with holding dem feet to the fire, but I don't want to hear about what dems aren't getting done without the full context of the GOP opposition blocking them, and I don't want to hear shit from anyone who can criticize dems but not the GOP when they are in power.

Some of these fools are actually advocating to put Trump back in the WH. Not once did they complain about his administration. They avoided any thread about his actions, or only came in to complain about Obama. As soon as election season comes around, then these same people are making a million anti dem threads and comments. They have threads about how Biden left Afghanistan with no mention of the deal Trump made that required it. They have a list of what didnt get done for black people. Affirmative action was overturned and black people are being sued for helping black people, but they want to reinstate the party that made it possible? Does that make sense to you?

But all this is just a smoke screen. Their ULTIMATE goal is to get black people not to vote PEROID. That is what I'm going on and enraged about. Ask yourself why a black person would promote black people giving up their voice and political power to effect change? Who benefits from black people sitting out? Whose agenda is getting served?


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I feel like this would have hit better if I had made this edit :lol:

I love/ hate how ya'll try to act like you don't know how analogies work.

It was a poor analogy. Xbox can't fix what is broken with PS5, but both parties can make fixes (as well as break things) in government.

Keep in mind that reparations is the backdrop to most of these discussions. The folks I'm going back and forth with say they won't vote for dems until they get them, and that black people should sit out of the political process until we do, but can't state how we get those outside of the political process and votes to pass them.

On the surface, they are basically trying to get black folks to become single issue voters with reparations as the line in the sand. We don't have the luxury of being single issue voters. But again the ultimate goal is to get us to sit out entirely. They reject any strategic voting plan and only accept not voting as a path.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They ain't shit. Any sane republican left the party years ago. I have no problem with holding dem feet to the fire, but I don't want to hear about what dems aren't getting done without the full context of the GOP opposition blocking them, and I don't want to hear shit from anyone who can criticize dems but not the GOP when they are in power.

Some of these fools are actually advocating to put Trump back in the WH. Not once did they complain about his administration. They avoided any thread about his actions, or only came in to complain about Obama. As soon as election season comes around, then these same people are making a million anti dem threads and comments. They have threads about how Biden left Afghanistan with no mention of the deal Trump made that required it. They have a list of what didnt get done for black people. Affirmative action was overturned and black people are being sued for helping black people, but they want to reinstate the party that made it possible? Does that make sense to you?

But all this is just a smoke screen. Their ULTIMATE goal is to get black people not to vote PEROID. That is what I'm going on and enraged about. Ask yourself why a black person would promote black people giving up their voice and political power to effect change? Who benefits from black people sitting out? Whose agenda is getting served?
Where did Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Lindsay Graham and all of them go? They went to Trump why cuz they got bills, they went no where, they need to eat :roflmao:

They hate his guts but he's the lifeline of the GOP currently without him they all falter now ask yourself why with all his issues and fraud, why is he still here? Still running....

You guys are smarter than this but like to play dump, the people are waking up


Rising Star
Aye @Camille lmao you got me, can't believe I fell back in the trap... I'm trollin from here on out. I'm not goin waste genuine intent on blanket idolatry or whatever the motivation is behind this wagon circling. At the end of the day they are both working for the same marketing agency, just with a different set of leads and yes the Republicans are more cruel and inhumane but that's just what they demo gets off on, it's all just marketing.
How can black people reason that the parties are different sides of the same coin, when we've historically and currently are a primary target of the GOP's "more cruel and inhumane" policies/treatment? :dunno:
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Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
"au contraire mon frère"

I care deeply about black people. I love everything about black people here in America and every corner we reside. Your plan doesn't advance the lives of black folks. In facts it hurts us.

I've asked you for a better part of 2-3 years how exactly does not voting get reparations and you say nothing.

I've asked you directly what's the "congressional pathway" to achieving this? - nothing. Crickets. Instead, you respond "you don't think we should get something for our vote?" - which is a non-answer - all you have to do is explain to me how it gets congress to vote on it...very simple....nothing.

See. You don't care about achieving your goal, I believe. You hate Democrats. That's it. That's the totality of your shtick.
Sir, if you don't even understand voting 101.
Maybe if I drew a cartoon of what quid pro quo is you'd "get it it".


Rising Star
They ain't shit. Any sane republican left the party years ago. I have no problem with holding dem feet to the fire, but I don't want to hear about what dems aren't getting done without the full context of the GOP opposition blocking them, and I don't want to hear shit from anyone who can criticize dems but not the GOP when they are in power.

Some of these fools are actually advocating to put Trump back in the WH. Not once did they complain about his administration. They avoided any thread about his actions, or only came in to complain about Obama. As soon as election season comes around, then these same people are making a million anti dem threads and comments. They have threads about how Biden left Afghanistan with no mention of the deal Trump made that required it. They have a list of what didnt get done for black people. Affirmative action was overturned and black people are being sued for helping black people, but they want to reinstate the party that made it possible? Does that make sense to you?

But all this is just a smoke screen. Their ULTIMATE goal is to get black people not to vote PEROID. That is what I'm going on and enraged about. Ask yourself why a black person would promote black people giving up their voice and political power to effect change? Who benefits from black people sitting out? Whose agenda is getting served?
And then here ya'll come and try to couch some random motherfuckers personal opinions as the political beliefs of ADOS as if ADOS was a political organization when as far as I've heard no such party or PAC exists. I'm ADOS and you can't find one post I've ever made that supports that stupid fucking pretense. Talk about a smokescreen. I'm sure some ADOS are die hard republicans but I literally don't know of a single one that I personally interact with on my day to day and believe me I go out my way to fucks with my peoples irl....intentionally.... on a regular basis not on some internet chat shit. ADOS is as much a political party as CELTIC, GALIC, or HUTUS.

So who are these niggas you talking about trying to convince other people not to vote that YOU personally know? All I could say to that is tighten your circle or maybe move in a different orbit if thats what you having to run into outside of 1440p resolution.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
And then here ya'll come and try to couch some random motherfuckers personal opinions as the political beliefs of ADOS as if ADOS was a political organization when as far as I've heard no such party or PAC exists. I'm ADOS and you can't find one post I've ever made that supports that stupid fucking pretense. Talk about a smokescreen. I'm sure some ADOS are die hard republicans but I literally don't know of a single one that I personally interact with on my day to day and believe me I go out my way to fucks with my peoples irl....intentionally.... on a regular basis not on some internet chat shit. ADOS is as much a political party as CELTIC, GALIC, or HUTUS.

So who are these niggas you talking about trying to convince other people not to vote that YOU personally know? All I could say to that is tighten your circle or maybe move in a different orbit if thats what you having to run into outside of 1440p resolution.

I'm ADOS/DOAS. Now go though all the threads and tweets posted on here by the majority of people promoting ADOS/FBA and see how many are about policy and action steps vs bashing immigrants.

I'm not anti reparations. There are plenty of people who are doing the work. I am anti hate politics and divisive rhetoric that is being promoted around here. We don't need to attack other groups to get what is due.

The majority of people in my personal life are not into politics and they have never heard of ADOS. If they use the internet at all its for email, Facebook, shopping and watching youtube.


Rising Star
It was a poor analogy. Xbox can't fix what is broken with PS5, but both parties can make fixes (as well as break things) in government.

Keep in mind that reparations is the backdrop to most of these discussions. The folks I'm going back and forth with say they won't vote for dems until they get them, and that black people should sit out of the political process until we do, but can't state how we get those outside of the political process and votes to pass them.

On the surface, they are basically trying to get black folks to become single issue voters with reparations as the line in the sand. We don't have the luxury of being single issue voters. But again the ultimate goal is to get us to sit out entirely. They reject any strategic voting plan and only accept not voting as a path.
There you go with the attrition again. Do ya'll ever concede any points or is that just part of your debate strategy? For folks who say They hate Republicans you sure are doing a bang up job of debating like they do. What is the primary use of XBOXs and Playstations? I'm confused about why you keep trying to one to one this analogy (which is not how analogies work) but also the manner in which you are going about it is making me go cross-eyed.

What Is An Analogy? | How to Use and Mistakes to Avoid Here is something that might help the crew. Btw this is also a reflection of the lack of nuanced understanding ya'll keep unwaveringly exhibiting.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Where did Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Lindsay Graham and all of them go? They went to Trump why cuz they got bills, they went no where, they need to eat :roflmao:

They hate his guts but he's the lifeline of the GOP currently without him they all falter now ask yourself why with all his issues and fraud, why is he still here? Still running....

You guys are smarter than this but like to play dump, the people are waking up

Tim Scott and Nikki Haley "Racism doesn't exist" but the GOP is asking about a girlfriend only because I'm black and can't use her given name Nimarata because it's not American enough Tim Scott and Nikki Haley? And in the closet in a party of homophobes Lindsay Graham?

Like I said. All the SANE republicans left the party. At least at the national level. Practically no one is left who hasn't kissed the ring of Trump.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
There you go with the attrition again. Do ya'll ever concede any points or is that just part of your debate strategy? For folks who say They hate Republicans you sure are doing a bang up job of debating like they do. What is the primary use of XBOXs and Playstations? I'm confused about why you keep trying to one to one this analogy (which is not how analogies work) but also the manner in which you are going about it is making me go cross-eyed.

What Is An Analogy? | How to Use and Mistakes to Avoid Here is something that might help the crew. Btw this is also a reflection of the lack of nuanced understanding ya'll keep unwaveringly exhibiting.

I don't hate anyone. I brought it up because it was presented to me, first by Soul and then by you when you made your "edit."
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Rising Star
I'm ADOS/DOAS. Now go though all the threads and tweets posted on here by the majority of people promoting ADOS/FBA and see how many are about policy and action steps vs bashing immigrants.

I'm not anti reparations. There are plenty of people who are doing the work. I am anti hate politics and divisive rhetoric that is being promoted around here. We don't need to attack other groups to get what is due.

The majority of people in my personal life are not into politics and they have never heard of ADOS. If they use the internet at all its for email, Facebook, shopping and watching youtube.
I've never seen you once clap back at these bitch ass niggas talkin ADOS this and that. It don't matter what acronym it is, you know what it is refering to. You knew you were ADOS before that term existed. The underlying idea is the same and yet you sit quiet as a church mouse while these skieevy slimey cowards sit behind they keyboards just trouncing the ancestors. Soon as somebody responds (out of anger at the utter disrespect and gall of the shit) then it's red alert to come to they defense? How you choosing that? I just can't see it. I'm not anti-immigrant I'm anti these niggas. Would it be better for you if folks started calling for straight swaps instead of blanket deportation? I'm down for that.


Rising Star
I don't hate anyone. I brought it up because it was presented to me, first by Soul and then by you when you made your "edit."
You ain't got to lie now sis, as a mod I'm sure you can see what was edited and that was not the portion of text that was added. I took nothing out of my original post. The edit only added the bit about analogy. You getting down in your dirt bag now. That's crazy *smh*

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
dude is classist as they come man, just leave buddy alone...
If my classist you mean uninformed dipshit, Then yeah he's that lol
He's actually like Bubba Gump ass nigga to me. Like I don't hate the dude. Just that I gotta talk to him like a child because all he knows is "art" lol