Told you the ADOS/FBA shit is a scam


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
DC_Dude and others were co-signing some shit Myron had to say about Black Americans:

Wow they APPROVE of that weirdo racist hybrid Arab from the sudan, where his hybrid

arab people are raping CHILDREN in the SUDAN and he wants to talk about the TRUE AMERICANS,

anybody that likes anything myron says or does are truly AMERICANS NATURAL ENEMY,


TARIQ RENDERED HIM USELESS.... anybody that sides with myron are telling on themselves....

and myrons cohost from Barbados is NOT representing Bajans well at ALL ....!!!!

Not surprised that bitch daydream paint sides with the likes of a myron....

is dc dude still crying in the car... does he finally realize how bad kamala sucks

as a presidential candidate or he still dreamin???

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Wow they APPROVE of that weirdo racist hybrid Arab from the sudan, where his hybrid

arab people are raping CHILDREN in the SUDAN and he wants to talk about the TRUE AMERICANS,

anybody that likes anything myron says or does are truly AMERICANS NATURAL ENEMY,


TARIQ RENDERED HIM USELESS.... anybody that sides with myron are telling on themselves....

and myrons cohost from Barbados is NOT representing Bajans well at ALL ....!!!!

Not surprised that bitch daydream paint sides with the likes of a myron....

is dc dude still crying in the car... does he finally realize how bad kamala sucks

as a presidential candidate or he still dreamin???

Oh yes, I forgot that his co-host was Bajan. Just like mcguyver. Explains a lot now!

“Birds of a feather tether together!”



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh yes, I forgot that his co-host was Bajan. Just like mcguyver. Explains a lot now!

“Birds of a feather tether together!”

Bruh THEY BEEN CURSED ever since they dissed the goddesses of the Universe,

they ain't been WINNING since...!!!

Thats some serious SELF HATE going on there, both those guys HATE where they are from,

and want to replace True Americans.. many have tried, many have lied, many have died..

stick the fork in fresh and fit, and its not like they are canceling them, they are SLOW COOKING THEM,

watching them burn slow...they are torturing those guys going out... they are like demonetized on

EVERY FUCKIN PLATFORM.. how the fuck you get demonetized on X bruh... bruh since Dissing

THE GODDESS of the EARTH the SHANIQUAs etc.. not only they been demonetized,


coming to their rescue..... and instead of changing their approach, they double down,

normally I hate watching train wrecks, but this one entertaining as fuck!!!

they ain't just get demonetized they lost their YOUTUBE PARTNERSHIP......
trying to please pale face, and they are so corny and goofy, their clips are actually

entertaining you will find yourself laughing at how stupid they are and cant see themselves,

putting the straws in their own camels back... its intriguing that folks could be so stupid

lack such situational awareness...burning down their own house, while thinking,

they are doing the opposite..

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Having a crush on multiple male pornstars should be a bannable offense. He kept testing how far he could get with that faggot-bait without being banned. Probably had Nzinga and Bullet sliding in his DMs back then.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Having a crush on multiple male pornstars should be a bannable offense. He kept testing how far he could get with that faggot-bait without being banned. Probably had Nzinga and Bullet sliding in his DMs back then.

That's what gay dudes do, they'll poke their heads out the closet, if you ignore it, then a hand, till finally they come running out with their boyfriend in tow.

I don't know how he got pass that Sinn thread. Dude had multiple gay posts on thatthread alone. I think everyone was occupied with the fact she was posting.
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Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor

Why did black Americans run from the South and now running back to South again.

You muthafuckas get gentrified so often, it should be an official holiday this point.

Its definitely a culture shock relocating to America.

For a while I would fill out other and write in west Indian on anything that asked nationality.

There are no racial classifications in the west indies, (when I lived there). West Indian is a way better classification then BLACK. Tell anyone that you are West Indian they know exactly what you are talking about. Just like sometimes we say we are from the caribbean.

BGOL Investor
The ADOS/FBA angle is an attempt to feel powerful (because they aren't). They can't beat white supremacy so they imitate it by creating a "sandbox hierchy" where they pretend they are at the top and everyone else is underneath them.

It's like watching the scene from DJango where the "black bulls" fought for the appreciation of the whites.
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Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Why did you run from that thread when Dtownfinest posted that Pic of you?

Because his schtick of me being a light skinned man on the West Coast is over 10 years old and played out. I've posted my pic on the board several times. Why would address a lie? He ran from the basketball thread cuz dickeating Michael Jordan isn't what it used to be on this board. :lol:

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Because his schtick of me being a light skinned man on the West Coast is over 10 years old and played out. I've posted my pic on the board several times. Why would address a lie? He ran from the basketball thread cuz dickeating Michael Jordan isn't what it used to be on this board. :lol:

He loves throwing rocks and hiding his hand. Pussy-ass tether needs to stick to the "gooch" licking and gay DP videos!

Last scene has a gay DP featuring wesley pipes

Carmen Hayes tries her best to swallow Wesley's huge pipe of a cock.

LOL @ wesley pipes kissing her after she sucks the other guy's dick.

That mofo kissed her right after she sucked the other dude's dick.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

what does any of his "accent" have to do with "REPARATIONS"? wasn't this whole movement billed as a REPARATIONS movement or are u bereft of basic understanding that ppl can have multiple background? just bcos ur whole existence is stuck to ur little hood & hatecult outlook doesn't mean other americans cant have different background! u think only ur hatecult can be American as if ppl cant have background different for urs?
hispanic ppl speak English/spanglish & standard American English, same as every Asian kid I knew growing up , somehow his is different?! u keep proving the point

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
what does any of his "accent" have to do with "REPARATIONS"? wasn't this whole movement billed as a REPARATIONS movement or are u bereft of basic understanding that ppl can have multiple background? just bcos ur whole existence is stuck to ur little hood & hatecult outlook doesn't mean other americans cant have different background! u think only ur hatecult can be American as if ppl cant have background different for urs?
hispanic ppl speak English/spanglish & standard American English, same as every Asian kid I knew growing up , somehow his is different?! u keep proving the point

Miss me your tether babble!! You probably engage in this fake, two-faced type of behavior yourself, which is why you defend it. You cosplaying "Black American when convenient" assholes have already shown yourself to be in opposition to our reparations movement. At least half your posts on BGOL are anti reparationist. You've never contributed to our struggle.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Miss me your tether babble!! You probably engage in this fake, two-faced type of behavior yourself, which is why you defend it. You cosplaying "Black American when convenient" assholes have already shown yourself to be in opposition to our reparations movement. At least half your posts on BGOL are anti reparationist. You've never contributed to our struggle.

yeah u mad that we aint stupid to believe ur fba hatecult babble!
Defend what ? how is he cosplaying blackAmerican ? he is a black man with an American citizenship! he uses his African name, sings afrobeat? proudly celebrates &recognizes his Nigerian background so remind me how is he "cosplaying blackamerican aka u ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
At least half your posts on BGOL are anti reparationist. You've never contributed to our struggle.
btch fba hatecultist babble...
refusing to be dehumanized by ur hatecult using xenophobic white supremacist rhetoric is being anti reparations?

what does Davido language code switching have to do with ur reparations?

show me
pROVE it !!
show me the proof
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

So no proof of me being anti reparations?
Since u can’t answer anywhere as it pertain to ur claim about me being antireparations but deflect with another video complaining about how African
s run any country in Africa ?!

u live in hoods where ur the majority but the Asian Jews n Latin control,
u cant even run n control the hoods u live n r the majority but think u can opine on any country while never ever in all human history been able to build a ln fba countr ?

And again what does any of this have to do with ur reparations? Isn’t that what this fba ados movement claimed to be about ?

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
So u can’t answer anywhere as it pertain to ur claim about me being antireparations but deflect with another video complaining about how Africans run any country in Africa ?!
u live in hoods where ur the majority but the Asian Jews n Latin control,
u cant even run n control the hoods u live n r the majority but think u can opine on any country while never ever in all human history been able to build a ln fba countr ?

And again what does any of this have to do with ur reparations? Isn’t that what this fba ados movement claimed to be about ?

Your posts are barely legible you illiterate tether! But I do see your slick anti-Black Americans insults.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your posts are barely legible you illiterate tether! But I do see your slick anti-Black Americans insults.
Show me the “over half the posts I posted where u claim I was antireparation” u blackface neonazi loser hatecultist

, I could never be ur TETHER bcos there’s nothing u have or are that I could ever tether to, ur mama is the tether ur whole generations before u are tethers to white American nutsack!

Slick antiblack America insults ? Where ?

U can spew white supremacist rhetoric to dehumanize Africans everyday on this app and @HNIC n others quiet about it but when I push back against ur hate to set the records straight about ur verbatim whitesupremacist kkk neonazi propaganda n rhetoric narrative n lies suddenly im the one at fault for not keeping quiet & letting yall spread ur xenophobia whitesupremacist propaganda on bgol becos i wont let ur propaganda slide ?

FYI ur FBA ADOS hatecult dont speak for not represent BlackAmerica / AfricanAmericans
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I rest my case tether!
Yes I proved my point !
u called me and a whole continent of 1.5billiin ppl “tether” and I called ur whole generations b4 u “tethers” , what’s the problem? it seems bgol is fine with ppl calling other black ppl tethers but not N***r so what’s the problem ?

Bitch U want to dish out all dehumanizing xenophobic demonic antiafrican antiblack Ytsupremacist kkk style rhetoric of Africans n black immigrants unchecked for years on this forum but wanna clutch ur pearls and now play victims when I literally called u what u called me ?

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Yes I proved my point !
u called me and a whole continent of 1.5billiin ppl “tether” and I called ur whole generations b4 u “tethers” , what’s the problem? it seems bgol is fine with ppl calling other black ppl tethers but not N***r so what’s the problem ?

Bitch U want to dish out all dehumanizing xenophobic demonic antiafrican antiblack Ytsupremacist kkk style rhetoric of Africans n black immigrants unchecked for years on this forum but wanna clutch ur pearls and now play victims when I literally called u what u called me ?

I called YOU a tether because that’s what your tethering ass is! I didn’t say all Africans are tethers. It’s the specific immigrant ones like YOU who deliberately attack and derail ADOS! When we started the reparations discussions on this board, you and your tethering crew came into our threads with all kinds of vile lies and misinformation, talking about Russian bots and other dumb shit, when we weren’t even saying anything about y’all. It was all economics and politics at the time.

Now I don’t even give a fuck and I hope this shit spills off the internet and leads to real-world violence against tethers like you!


Rising Star
OG Investor