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They could be using a trainer. Put the camera on him while the actual pilot is flying the plane from the other seat.I kmow this mufucka ain't really flyin no gottdamn fighter jet! Gotta be cgi. That shit looked realer than
I dont understand why Louis Gossett Jr. didn't have more "voice" roles. He's not James Earl Jones, but I think he's on par with Morgan Freeman.
I guarantee that some one from the afterwork crowd is going to post a repost of one of these movie trailer threads I just made.
My money is on this one. .. Jay and Silent Bob would be the second one.
That's exactly what they didThey could be using a trainer. Put the camera on him while the actual pilot is flying the plane from the other seat.
Oh it's happening. They posted this a few months ago.
I thought the F-35 would be the hero plane, but it looks like they're giving the F/A-18D its swan song as it goes into retirement.
Sadly you are probably right...
But I'm going to need me some of this..
The Top gun nintendo game... was straight up one of the most frustrating games that I've played... I couldn't land for shit.
lou working tho i was even surprised to see how many roles he got. he is coming out with like 10 moviesI dont understand why Louis Gossett Jr. didn't have more "voice" roles. He's not James Earl Jones, but I think he's on par with Morgan Freeman.
By the way, that scene flying through the mountains was BADASS!!
Navy still flying a lot of the FA-18 E and F block III packages... The Marines are converting over to the F-35's as they scrap the F18 C platforms...
Have you seen what she looks like now?Damn. Maverick fucked up his easy 9-5 training job of beating up on young pilots with Viper all day and then going home to fuck his broad in a soft bed.
Yes, the Navy will keep flying the Growler package F-18 in the electronic warfare role the same way they pushed the A-6 into that role when they moved the platform out of air & ground combat roles.
I’ll do you one better on the pictures and video though.
I was at the JBA Airshow about 2 months ago where the Thunderbirds & Blue Angels performed together. This only happens about once in every in ~15 years. Seeing them both lined up together on the flight line was amazing. I’ll post more later today and video if I can figure out how to upload it to a light host.
Good shit!! That HAD to be a hell of a show! re.
The show was incredible.
They had an A-10 do an acrobatic aerial demonstration flight followed by two mock strafing runs with the 30mm Gau-8 and a bombing run.
One of the Red Tail P-51s flew formation passes with some other WW2 warbirds. McGee, one of the last remaining Tuskegee Airmen was in attendance. He lives not very far away in Bethesda
Speaking of airforce movies who remembers Firefox?
Kelly McGillis Pretty Sure She Knows Why She Wasn’t Asked Back for the New Top Gun Sequel
By Halle Kiefer@hallekiefer
Photo: Larry Busacca/Getty Images
In case you were wondering if Top Gun: Maverick features any kind of cameo from Kelly McGillis’s Charlie Blackwood (she was an astrophysicist and Top Gun instructor, so it stands to reason she’d still run in the same circles), we’ve got some bad news. In a new interview withEntertainment Tonight, McGillis says she was not asked to be a part of the upcoming sequel, and she’s fairly certain she can guess why.
“I’m old and I’m fat and I look age-appropriate for what my age is, and that is not what that whole scene is about,” the Top Gun actress, who played the film’s romantic lead across from Tom Cruise, told ET (You can hear audio of her interview in the video on this page.) “I’d much rather feel absolutely secure in my skin and who and what I am at my age, as opposed to placing a value on all that other stuff.” When asked if she’s planning to see the film, McGillis didn’t seem too interested either way. “I’m not racing to the theater, and I’m not racing away from the theater to see it,” she said. “It’s just not on my little list of things that I would like to get done.” And before you ask: no, she hasn’t seen the trailer, either.
@fonzerrillii @tallblacknyc
I do not know how to feel about this.
I would. If he invites her, it will make her not being in the movie that much more of an issue.
Clint should try and remake this with his son Scott as the lead
Wouldnt be surprised if Tom personally invites her to the premiere..
I guess this means that it's actually happening.. My only hope is that we get a fucking kickass video game based on it.
And you can't post top gun without getting these songs stuck in your head again..
No lie.. this might be my all time favorite song from a movie.
If anybody would, it would be Tom. Dude takes his roles very seriously.Like the fact that he salutes correctly.