Trad-Wife Influencer Who Said Everyone Is Married to A "Broke azz Nikkaz" Gets Fired!


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
This isn't going to go like she thinks it is.
Someone in the twitter comments says she’ll be gone soon. I highly doubt it. And she’s here in time for the elections to continue to disparage people who don’t look like her and Elon will probably like her to hang around to help him say things he can’t say. Our freedom of speech will either make us or break us.


Rising Star
Platinum Member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

...what does "stand up" mean?!?!? The supposed shyt you used to do to the "nerds" back in the day is assault now!!! Are we really trying to go back to High School?! I mean since she was fired she'll be making the same amount of money that she made back then so, she seems to be leading my example.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
I just wanna say....

I don't give a FUCK about this lil bitch saying broke ass niggas. These cacs say that shit all day at home in private. No need in us putting on rose colored glasses when dealing with them. We need to let them live their truth so we can see them for who they truly are.

And secondly, I don't think she was talking about Black men....AT ALL... "broke ass niggas" has become a cool, cultural term that is simply crossing over. We've made "nigga" so cool that white people are now calling themselves niggas and calling us racist for discluding them from being able to use the term. These cacs want an affirmative action plan for the term nigg**.



Rising Star
Her husband is a broker of some colour
Lol okay I was totally swinging wildly with my shit. How the fuck you know so much about this?:lol:

Lol, I didn't even realize that comment was an attempt to answer that question.

I absorb a lot of information. :dunno:

I suppose from seeing clips of people like Nick Fuentes on left-wing podcasts or on MSNBC. I'm definitely not watching those losers directly.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
WTF is a trad-wife and why care

"Traditional wife" basically conservative bitches cosplaying June cleaver...homemaking, baking etc in vintage aprons and shit while the man goes out and in theory but it's bullshit because ....while there are some that are really about that life....most of the new ones really have jobs/careers and just fronting and virtue signaling for incels and white supremacists.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
If she's a Trad-Wife, then why does she have a job? I thought that was supposed to be the deal, their place is the home, and the whole 'Trad" thing is trying to make it sound sexy, like the whole Redpill thing...
It amazes me we can’t ignore haters. But this is a forum where a strong majority of the posters enjoy hate-watching.