Female Algerian Olympic boxer Imane Khelif, mis‐gendered as trans, faces backlash after win


Mr. Pool
For the illiterate mufuckas

I need some of yall to post creditials. I need to see some diplomas, doctorate, certificates, certification, something.. Niggas talk all confidently but I'm going to listen to actual experts.
This is bgol lmao you're looking for logic and expect people to read on this site? Same site that beloved the Harris rally was all homeless people because a random Twitter account says so? Same bgol that was telling people to inject ivermectin? Same bgol that was proclaiming Terrence Howard was a genius and donated to Tariq? Lmao this place is pure entertainment at this point. Back in the day this place was somewhere to exchange ideas/talk shit/find movies music and porn, now it's a shadow of its former self filled with cosplaying whites, geriatrics, and trolls.


Rising Star
Michael Phelps is literally referred to as a freak of nature because of his disproportionate wingspan, double jointed ankles, lung capacity twice that of an average human, body that produces half the lactic acid of a typical athlete, and he is rightly celebrated for being the greatest male swimmer in history. Meanwhile, female athletes with genetic differences are legally discriminated against and harassed to no end. This is not about “protecting women in sports” - this is about protecting a very specific idea of what a woman is.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Italian knew what was up before the fight and should've handled it accordingly.

She should've hit his dick


And once he screamed in pain "She hit me in the dick", he would've been exposed and disqualified.


Walter Panov

Rising Star
She was born a woman, so she's a woman. Period. She has no XY chromosomes. It was some Russian committee who claimed to have found the XY chromosomes more than likely cause she was beating everyone up in the World Championships last year.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Michael Phelps is literally referred to as a freak of nature because of his disproportionate wingspan, double jointed ankles, lung capacity twice that of an average human, body that produces half the lactic acid of a typical athlete, and he is rightly celebrated for being the greatest male swimmer in history. Meanwhile, female athletes with genetic differences are legally discriminated against and harassed to no end. This is not about “protecting women in sports” - this is about protecting a very specific idea of what a woman is.

"Transvestigators". Why y'all show me shit like this... @Megatron X will never know peace now.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
So what's the real truth

Is the person a transgender

or intersex/hermaphrodite?
From my understanding, she’s not a transgender. She’s intersex. The XY chromosome was present but testing didn't show she gained a significant advantage so she was cleared to box. Took 9 losses in her career as well. Not sure if those were against men or women tho.

From Krassenstien:

“Khelif is NOT transgender or transsexual. Khelif is a biological woman. In Algeria, the country that Khelif represents, transgender identity is prohibited, as is changing sex or gender and medical or hormonal treatments to transition to another sex.

And for the record I’m not saying whether she should have been able to compete or not. I’m just stating that she is not transgender. You all can stop using this to attack trans people.

Yes, a biological woman can have XY chromosomes due to certain genetic conditions. One prominent example is Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS), where an individual has XY chromosomes but is resistant to androgens (male hormones). As a result, they develop female external genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics despite having a typically male chromosomal pattern. Another example is Swyer syndrome, where individuals have XY chromosomes but develop as females because their gonads do not produce the hormones necessary for male development. These individuals often have female external genitalia and a uterus, but their gonads are non-functional.

These conditions illustrate that biological sex and chromosomal patterns can sometimes diverge due to variations in genetic expression and hormonal influences.”


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
This guy was born intersex but was raised as a girl to start.

He was born with a vagina and internal male testicles.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From my understanding, she’s not a transgender. She’s intersex. The XY chromosome was present but testing didn't show she gained a significant advantage so she was cleared to box. Took 9 losses in her career as well. Not sure if those were against men or women tho.

From Krassenstien:

“Khelif is NOT transgender or transsexual. Khelif is a biological woman. In Algeria, the country that Khelif represents, transgender identity is prohibited, as is changing sex or gender and medical or hormonal treatments to transition to another sex.

And for the record I’m not saying whether she should have been able to compete or not. I’m just stating that she is not transgender. You all can stop using this to attack trans people.

Yes, a biological woman can have XY chromosomes due to certain genetic conditions. One prominent example is Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS), where an individual has XY chromosomes but is resistant to androgens (male hormones). As a result, they develop female external genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics despite having a typically male chromosomal pattern. Another example is Swyer syndrome, where individuals have XY chromosomes but develop as females because their gonads do not produce the hormones necessary for male development. These individuals often have female external genitalia and a uterus, but their gonads are non-functional.

These conditions illustrate that biological sex and chromosomal patterns can sometimes diverge due to variations in genetic expression and hormonal influences.”

Thanks and thanks to @RAY V. for the clarification.

While I have more sympathy for intersex individuals because they are actually born that way. There seems to be no easy answer for this situation.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Michael Phelps is literally referred to as a freak of nature because of his disproportionate wingspan, double jointed ankles, lung capacity twice that of an average human, body that produces half the lactic acid of a typical athlete, and he is rightly celebrated for being the greatest male swimmer in history. Meanwhile, female athletes with genetic differences are legally discriminated against and harassed to no end. This is not about “protecting women in sports” - this is about protecting a very specific idea of what a woman is.

Yet another reason why these advocates are not to be taken seriously. Drawing a comp between Phelps physical attributes in a discussion about gender, genetics and inherent differences and disadvantages for women against men is patently idiotic and intellectually dishonest at best. Flat out fucking stupid and uneducated at worse.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Thanks and thanks to @RAY V. for the clarification.

While I have more sympathy for intersex individuals because they are actually born that way. There seems to be no easy answer for this situation.
Society are gonna always view it as black and white, one thing or another, cause that’s what we’ve done since forever and a day.

I feel you on the intersex group. They really have no say in how their genetics play out. Must be tough.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Michael Phelps is literally referred to as a freak of nature because of his disproportionate wingspan, double jointed ankles, lung capacity twice that of an average human, body that produces half the lactic acid of a typical athlete, and he is rightly celebrated for being the greatest male swimmer in history. Meanwhile, female athletes with genetic differences are legally discriminated against and harassed to no end. This is not about “protecting women in sports” - this is about protecting a very specific idea of what a woman is.



Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
The level of projection in this thread has reached peak parody. That nigga @Soul On Ice has not put together a coherent thought Just quoting niggas and calling them gay. Why you taking this so personal? Did you get touched by an uncle? You having conflicting feelings? Let's get a look at your pornhub history. I bet it explains your all this anger and vitriol.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
The level of projection in this thread has reached peak parody. That nigga @Soul On Ice has not put together a coherent thought Just quoting niggas and calling them gay. Why you taking this so personal? Did you get touched by an uncle? You having conflicting feelings? Let's get a look at your pornhub history. I bet it explains your all this anger and vitriol.
Live YOUR truth playa



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The level of projection in this thread has reached peak parody. That nigga @Soul On Ice has not put together a coherent thought Just quoting niggas and calling them gay. Why you taking this so personal? Did you get touched by an uncle? You having conflicting feelings? Let's get a look at your pornhub history. I bet it explains your all this anger and vitriol.

He's definetly been touched by a tranny. lol