Transgender athletes are DESTROYING women’s sports


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who is she and what man did that to her?

*two cents*

That’s the broad that whooped her ass and this happened in 2018. It was probably posted on here when it happened.....



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
We're literally catering to 0.5% of the population. It's like forcing all stores across America to build a restroom only for people named Evan that no one else can use.

Trans women are not and will never be women. What happens if women refuse to compete against these fake women? I wouldn't do it. You can not be what you want to be simply because you desire to be that. If so, I'm going to call myself Trans-Rich and go to the bank and demand money


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
We're literally catering to 0.5% of the population. It's like forcing all stores across America to build a restroom only for people named Evan that no one else can use.

Trans women are not and will never be women. What happens if women refuse to compete against these fake women? I wouldn't do it. You can not be what you want to be simply because you desire to be that. If so, I'm going to call myself Trans-Rich and go to the bank and demand money

All women athletes should strike from HS, to NCAA, to professional. Take a stand real women. Fuck the political correct agenda and the feelings of these freaks. If I was a woman athlete I would refuse to compete and class action sue whatever entities that allows these things to compete and steal scholarships.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you have daughters who are athletes this has to be nerve racking because the scholarship oppurtunies are going to just fade away.. The records that legitimate women set are going to get crushed. There was a video of a tranny racing a bunch of teenage girls, the shit was sickening, it was like an Formula One car vs a Honda Civic and the girls were visibly upset.

Like somebody else said, it's going to take the WNBA to have some 6-9, 250 tranny to come in and average Wilt Chamberlain numbers for people get their eyes truly open.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
If you have daughters who are athletes this has to be nerve racking because the scholarship oppurtunies are going to just fade away.. The records that legitimate women set are going to get crushed. There was a video of a tranny racing a bunch of teenage girls, the shit was sickening, it was like an Formula One car vs a Honda Civic and the girls were visibly upset.

Like somebody else said, it's going to take the WNBA to have some 6-9, 250 tranny to come in and average Wilt Chamberlain numbers for people get their eyes truly open.
They throw key words around like "hate" and "transphobic" to make the world bow to their ridiculous plight, "I want to be seen by everyone by what I think I am or how I feel inside"

When I argue that they are forcing US to live in THEIR fantasy, people trip out. But isn't that the case?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
If you have daughters who are athletes this has to be nerve racking because the scholarship oppurtunies are going to just fade away.. The records that legitimate women set are going to get crushed. There was a video of a tranny racing a bunch of teenage girls, the shit was sickening, it was like an Formula One car vs a Honda Civic and the girls were visibly upset.

Like somebody else said, it's going to take the WNBA to have some 6-9, 250 tranny to come in and average Wilt Chamberlain numbers for people get their eyes truly open.

I have 2 daughters and can't believe folks cosign this trans nonsense.
They throw key words around like "hate" and "transphobic" to make the world bow to their ridiculous plight, "I want to be seen by everyone by what I think I am or how I feel inside"

When I argue that they are forcing US to live in THEIR fantasy, people trip out. But isn't that the case?

I hope you ain't doing that under your real name on social media. It's only a matter of time before folks get fired for not cosigning this nonsense. Fools in 2023 will dig up your post from 2019 and be like :angry: "Let's contact his employer!!!"

Outside of BGOL, I don't discuss this shit online.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
I have 2 daughters and can't believe folks cosign this trans nonsense.

I hope you ain't doing that under your real name on social media. It's only a matter of time before folks get fired for not cosigning this nonsense. Fools in 2023 will dig up your post from 2019 and be like :angry: "Let's contact his employer!!!"

Outside of BGOL, I don't discuss this shit online.

Colored for emphasis. The Saturnalian type society the extreme far-left kooks have been planning for a long time is coming to fruition.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
women seem to be strong advocates fro LGBTQ , i dont have n issue with them, they should have their own leagues( becos it caters to the dynamic peculiarity of their genetics, yes its a slippery slope and what not) and not be discriminated against! but born a man is a man , u cant be fighting natural born women dude!! u can be liberal as a human and call bs , its not all or nothing philosophy


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
women seem to be strong advocates fro LGBTQ , i dont have n issue with them, they should have their own leagues( becos it caters to the dynamic peculiarity of their genetics, yes its a slippery slope and what not) and not be discriminated against! but born a man is a man , u cant be fighting natural born women dude!! u can be liberal as a human and call bs , its not all or nothing philosophy

The feminist painted themselves into a corner when they formed their alliance with the diversity mafia. They had a big problem with patriarchy and wanted to take spaces away from traditional men. So in their alliance with the diversity mafia all displays of real manhood was under a propaganda attack. Traditional men were vilified for being the way nature intended us to be. The feminist painted themselves into a corner and only the TERF feminist are pushing back in an unapologetic way. So since manhood was made to be bad by the propaganda machine some weaker men over time turned the other way and in the more extreme cases take pills and go under a knife. Now all the struggles of the woman's movement is being under attack by the soft impostors who are taking their spots which they fought hard for. The feminist got duped by the diversity mafia but the dishonest ones will not admit it. I bet the Gloria Alreds, the KRS 2 Tarana Burkes, and the rest of the meetoo hashtag crew will not say a peep while soft men (which their alliance help to create by the way) push them out their spots. Some people have to learn the hard way that nature works a certain way. When feminist stop trying to define manhood for men and recognize the traditional way just works, we will be able to help them. As long as the feminist are in denial, they don't have to worry about strong alpha men "keeping them down", it will be the soft men that will be their problem. Real men know that they have no place in women's spaces and have no desire to occupy them. When women recognize the same thing and stop falling for the diversity mafia's propaganda they can/will be saved. The rest will fester in the bed of sores they made.
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Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Colored for emphasis. The Saturnalian type society the extreme far-left kooks have been planning for a long time is coming to fruition.

I've said this a million times,people keep talking about,how crazy conservatives are and rightfully so...People rarely talks about,how crazy the left are in this country. And,when you point that out,folks want to label you a Trump supporter and a Republican,which makes no sense at all.

Two things can be true,the Republicans are crazy,racist and irrational. And,the Democrats can be crazy,racist and irrational too.

For,years the Democrats keep saying the Republicans isnt willing to listen to the other but they do the same thing as the Republicans.

And yall dumb nighas here rep hard for the Democrats who rep hard for this filth

It's amazing,how folks don't understand how both parties don't give a fuck about the people they supposedly represent.


Rising Star
I've said this a million times,people keep talking about,how crazy conservatives are and rightfully so...People rarely talks about,how crazy the left are in this country. And,when you point that out,folks want to label you a Trump supporter and a Republican,which makes no sense at all.

Two things can be true,the Republicans are crazy,racist and irrational. And,the Democrats can be crazy,racist and irrational too.

For,years the Democrats keep saying the Republicans isnt willing to listen to the other but they do the same thing as the Republicans.

It's amazing,how folks don't understand how both parties don't give a fuck about the people they supposedly represent.

It all comes down to power. When people feel like they are losing they become more desperate and extreme.

Take for example the NRA and Guns. When Obama was President. Gun Sales went through the roof and NRA was getting flushed with cash. Now that president trump is the president. Gun sales have went down and a few manufacturers went bankrupt because people feel like trump will not try to take away there guns.

In the late 80s to the early 2000s you had the Christian Conservative Right that were extreme because due to population and demographic changes. Republicans thought they can never win a national election so they became more extreme.

Now you have the Ultra Left Wing of the Democrats because they feel that they are losing power because of the whole nationalism movement that is not only happening in the United States but all over South America and Europe.

Putin has stated that liberalism and liberal ideas are dead due to immigration crisis in America and Europe plus all this LGBT political correctness bullshit.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When feminist stop trying to define manhood for men and recognize the traditional way just works, we will be able to help them. As long as the feminist are in denial, they don't have to worry about strong alpha men "keeping them down", it will be the soft men that will be their problem. Real men know that they have no place in women's spaces and have no desire to occupy them
i hate to use "diversity mafia" becos the right hijacks it for their "diversity is white racism" bs talkin point , i just call it "diversity hijack" they use the morality of diversity to hijack the movement for their own goals , similar tactics as ppl who use reparations or nationality or patriotism

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I've said this a million times,people keep talking about,how crazy conservatives are and rightfully so...People rarely talks about,how crazy the left are in this country. And,when you point that out,folks want to label you a Trump supporter and a Republican,which makes no sense at all.

Two things can be true,the Republicans are crazy,racist and irrational. And,the Democrats can be crazy,racist and irrational too.

For,years the Democrats keep saying the Republicans isnt willing to listen to the other but they do the same thing as the Republicans.

It's amazing,how folks don't understand how both parties don't give a fuck about the people they supposedly represent.
They are vicious and relentless. It's funny because the far right does foul shit in the name of god and family. The far left does foul shit in the name of inclusion and tolerance. Both extremes really believe they are doing good. :smh:

Shit is going to get a lot worse. Far left hipsters/LBGTQXYZ are disproportionately represented in the media and Hollywood. Country is devolving into far right vs far left. :smh:


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
It all comes down to power. When people feel like they are losing they become more desperate and extreme.

Take for example the NRA and Guns. When Obama was President. Gun Sales went through the roof and NRA was getting flushed with cash. Now that president trump is the president. Gun sales have went down and a few manufacturers went bankrupt because people feel like trump will not try to take away there guns.

In the late 80s to the early 2000s you had the Christian Conservative Right that were extreme because due to population and demographic changes. Republicans thought they can never win a national election so they became more extreme.

Now you have the Ultra Left Wing of the Democrats because they feel that they are losing power because of the whole nationalism movement that is not only happening in the United States but all over South America and Europe.

Putin has stated that liberalism and liberal ideas are dead due to immigration crisis in America and Europe plus all this LGBT political correctness bullshit.

This is,why both Democrat and Republican Party needs to stop acting like everyone is one or the other.There can never be no middle with these two parties.

They are vicious and relentless. It's funny because the far right does foul shit in the name of god and family. The far left does foul shit in the name of inclusion and tolerance. Both extremes really believe they are doing good. :smh:

Shit is going to get a lot worse. Far left hipsters/LBGTQXYZ are disproportionately represented in the media and Hollywood. Country is devolving into far right vs far left. :smh:

This is,why I dont really talk about politics much to folks I dont even know....Too much bullshit going on.

I don't even fuck with atheists like that because most of them act crazier than conservatives.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
i hate to use "diversity mafia" becos the right hijacks it for their "diversity is white racism" bs talkin point , i just call it "diversity hijack" they use the morality of diversity to hijack the movement for their own goals , similar tactics as ppl who use reparations or nationality or patriotism

You may be right. I just say diversity mafia to avoid using obvious identifiers of said group pushing these new so-called "progressive" ideals.