Transgender athletes are DESTROYING women’s sports

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I referenced this story in reply #93

That shit foul as fuck. Hope she wins the suit.

I didn't even know about that HR-5 bullshit bill. It's a fucked up day when you have to rely on republicans in the senate for common sense. :smh:

They sat up there and told those idiots in congress it would end women's sports and the pandering fucks won't listen. :smh: @ male and co-ed sports.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I salute her for taking a stand. I hope she wins. Fair is fair, fuck hurt feelings of the confused. The feminist better have her back or they will continue to lose credibility.

Feminists are going to have to reevaluate everything...All of the gaines they've worked for are going to be lost to mentally ill idiots who dress like women....


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Feminists are going to have to reevaluate everything...All of the gaines they've worked for are going to be lost to mentally ill idiots who dress like women....

The feminist made their bed:yes:. They should not expect men who have traditional values to help them either after decades of attacking males just for being in their natural state the way it was intended:tut:.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
That shit foul as fuck. Hope she wins the suit.

I didn't even know about that HR-5 bullshit bill. It's a fucked up day when you have to rely on republicans in the senate for common sense. :smh:

They sat up there and told those idiots in congress it would end women's sports and the pandering fucks won't listen. :smh: @ male and co-ed sports.

This is,the result of people having. all their attention on the Republicans, while ignoring the Democrats fuckery...

I mean,the Republicans are pieces of shit but so are the Democrats. This is,why I don't understand this lesser of two evils bullshit.Both parties are willing to tear this country apart to push their ideology.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
This is,the result of people having. all their attention on the Republicans, while ignoring the Democrats fuckery...

I mean,the Republicans are pieces of shit but so are the Democrats. This is,why I don't understand this lesser of two evils bullshit.Both parties are willing to tear this country apart to push their ideology.

Notice how other democratic countries that have elections have more than two major parties. There needs to be a will to build a nation wide political infrastructure necessary to birth new political party options. It is heading that way but not fast enough.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Notice how other democratic countries that have elections have more than two major parties. There needs to be a will to build a nation wide political infrastructure necessary to birth new political party options. It is heading that way but not fast enough.

The Democratic and Republican Party haven't done nothing to fix this country's infrastructure yet folks want to tell grown people voting for a third-party is a waste of vote but want those folks vote for one of the two parties.

You have the Democrats that will fight for gay history in school,allow transgenders to play women sports,want to say you're guilty without any evidence,thinks straight men are evil and etc.

Then,you have the Republicans that want force religion on people,blatant with their racism, thinks a woman shouldn't get equal pay,wants to expand mass incarceration,think white men should do whatever they want and etc.

Like,gene always say all the time it's going to get worse...:smh::smh::smh:


BGOL Investor
Notice how other democratic countries that have elections have more than two major parties. There needs to be a will to build a nation wide political infrastructure necessary to birth new political party options. It is heading that way but not fast enough.
I am a registered independent and I will vote Democrat the majority of the time. There isn't a lesser of 2 evils Republicans are fucking cowardly and evil. They put a son of a kkk member in the cac house.


BGOL Investor
The Democratic and Republican Party haven't done nothing to fix this country's infrastructure yet folks want to tell grown people voting for a third-party is a waste of vote but want those folks vote for one of the two parties.

You have the Democrats that will fight for gay history in school,allow transgenders to play women sports,want to say you're guilty without any evidence,thinks straight men are evil and etc.

Then,you have the Republicans that want force religion on people,blatant with their racism, thinks a woman shouldn't get equal pay,wants to expand mass incarceration,think white men should do whatever they want and etc.

Like,gene always say all the time it's going to get worse...:smh::smh::smh:
Fuck the gay agenda but you forgot Democrats want universal health care, living wage, and monthly stipends. Republicans want to reduce your rights and federal, state, and local protections while giving your money to the already wealthy.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Fuck the gay agenda but you forgot Democrats want universal health care, living wage, and monthly stipends. Republicans want to reduce your rights and federal, state, and local protections while giving your money to the already wealthy.

One good deed doesn't take away all the fuckery the Democrats has done.

It was them that that agreed with the Republicans to vote for all these Blue Lives Matter laws.And,you can't forget the Three Strikes bill was signed by a democratic president.


BGOL Investor
One good deed doesn't take away all the fuckery the Democrats has done.

It was them that that agreed with the Republicans to vote for all these Blue Lives Matter laws.And,you can't forget the Three Strikes bill was signed by a democratic president.
As long as the only alternative is the Republicans it is still an easy choice. More than 1 good deed. Democrats are responsible for social security and Medicare. Republicans are responsible for nearly collapsing the government. Giving enough support or the lack of opposition they still might.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
You may be right. I just say diversity mafia to avoid using obvious identifiers of said group pushing these new so-called "progressive" ideals.
I don't know man. Folks tiptoeing around issues simply because of something cacs do or say. I give a fuck if they use 'diversity mafia'. They might use 'gay mafia' too. Doesn't mean it ain't a thing.

I think it's important to think about perception when talking about how people feel. Why are cacs saying they the 'diversity mafia' is white racism? @ansatsusha_gouki says he doesn't talk politics much with folks he don't know and he's a black man. If we're being completely fucking honest, anything someone says that doesn't go with the narrative is deemed a racist, xenophobic(swear no one used that term prior to 2015), transphobic, islamphobic, homophobic, etc.

People are under the perception that they are walking on eggshells. Straight black men are experiencing what cacs been bitching about. It's getting to the point where it's cool to attack straight black men just like it is to do with straight white men. :smh: I take shit on a case-by-case basis. Why are people viewing situations like they are. It's easier to scream 'ism' or 'phobic' than it is to take an objective look at the complaint.

This board -- a black one -- would be ripped to shreds by leftist(diversity mafia). So I don't care what cacs or the right call them. Whatever term you want to use, shit is real and is a problem to anyone who doesn't have extreme views.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor


The push back will come. Either 1.) lawsuits will happen 2.) females will refuse to compete and reorganize and create spaces that exclude trans athletes. This is common sense legislation I will give the political right props for overturning this. This shit is disgusting to the core:smh:. Men can now alter themselves to legally beat up women and get paid for it:confused::eek:. How many men are sitting in jail right now for beating up women for freeo_O?

The ball is in the feminist court now. What will they do? Will they bow down to the diversity crew out of far left media smear campaign? Or will the use the same energy and effort they used against straight men for years in resistance? :popcorn: <<< I will be doing this while it plays out.

Well for years straight men were told being born with a penis makes you innately a rapist by nature. So since hetero males were vilified the weak ones totally bitched out from not being able to resist the mechanization's of the weirdos. Now real men will be positioned to be the hero in this bizarro world for women ready to be rescued. Women cannot defend themselves physically against these weirdos as quoted video above proves. The real men can and will take care of any weirdos assaulting our beloved females. Feminism was never the black woman's struggle so they really need to snap out of that madness and take the black man's side as our complimentary half.
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Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
That is ridiculous and dangerous. No women should accept a fight like that. Just make an open division for all genders, anything goes as long as you make the weight

It is a mess all the way around. Either women fight for women sports or else women sports :itsawrap:. If the conservative media was smart(LOL) they would push this issue front and center to expose this irresponsibility that was legislated and bankrolled by the far fringe left liberal agenda. The only problem is that when the conservatives usually do speak out on it some get caught up and are found to fagmopedosexuals themselves:lol:.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Slick ass WBC...easy way to drum up some money

Nah, they're just getting on front of this to avoid as much controversy as possible or the potential that a transgendered woman will get in the ring with an actual woman and kill her. Or that a transgendered man will get in the ring with an actual man and get killed.

AAs far as money I doubt that is the case. I honestly don't see a market for two transgendered individuals fighting.

If this was a financial move they wouldn't be putting this in place since the spectacle would be more profitable.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah, they're just getting on front of this to avoid as much controversy as possible or the potential that a transgendered woman will get in the ring with an actual woman and kill her. Or that a transgendered man will get in the ring with an actual man and get killed.

AAs far as money I doubt that is the case. I honestly don't see a market for two transgendered individuals fighting.

If this was a financial move they wouldn't be putting this in place since the spectacle would be more profitable.
Drums up interest in a tranny division...WBC is a corrupt ass organization and I still feel this is a money making thing...havent heard much talk about trannys in boxing...the fact that it actually makes sense is just a bonus


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Nah, they're just getting on front of this to avoid as much controversy as possible or the potential that a transgendered woman will get in the ring with an actual woman and kill her. Or that a transgendered man will get in the ring with an actual man and get killed.

AAs far as money I doubt that is the case. I honestly don't see a market for two transgendered individuals fighting.

If this was a financial move they wouldn't be putting this in place since the spectacle would be more profitable.


There are not about to potentially lose money in litigation and controversy because the Far Left is being retarded AF.


Rising Star
What is with this assigned male or assigned female at birth. I'm starting to see this terminology more & more in both legal and non legal documents where gender identity is required. What if I don't identity myself as being assigned a specific gender at birth but more so instead I identity as being born a specific gender.

Now I know how women feel, it feels like your identity as a biological male or female is slowly being erased.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Nah, they're just getting on front of this to avoid as much controversy as possible or the potential that a transgendered woman will get in the ring with an actual woman and kill her. Or that a transgendered man will get in the ring with an actual man and get killed.

AAs far as money I doubt that is the case. I honestly don't see a market for two transgendered individuals fighting.

If this was a financial move they wouldn't be putting this in place since the spectacle would be more profitable.
Weirdos just going to call this 'transphobic' because they want the men to be able to fight women.

If this were as easy as giving trans their own everything, we wouldn't have any problems. They want to drop 'trans' and just be whatever their mental disorder claims. :smh:

And fuck this 'assigned at birth' shit. Man, I can't believe shit has got this far. What a mess.