Trump’s Son Met With Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Information on Clinton


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Shit..... you have to throw out the playbook on this client. All I know is that I'd have my malpractice insurance on lock.. cause no matter what happens I'm 100 percent certain that Trump is going to sue his lawyers.
no - no matter what his check is going bounce - so make sure the retainer is huge


Rising Star
Platinum Member
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Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
thats dried and flaking paint...
there isso much more to come
Banks and others have years of experience with him and how dirty he is

When / if they really break this all the way open- one of the headlines will target Trump's insolvency
he has been threadbare for years now - juggling debt to keep the illusion

They have already started reporting that Jared is a deadline away from financial peril but they are leaving out the peril includes personal bankruptcy because he is personally on the hook for the first building in NYC he bought, but so much craziness is going on that TV and print has left it alone

When / If they start reporting on Trump's lack of funds - its going be real ugly - the only truth he reacts to stronger than small hands

I'm waiting on the fundraising letters to start going out to his base for his legal fees.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
I'm trying to tell yall... this shit doesn't get serious until people start coming after Trump's wife. He doesn't give a fuck about those 3 sons and his daughter Tiffani... but once this shit starts implicating his wife, he's gonna fucking lose it.

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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I'm trying to tell yall... this shit doesn't get serious until people start coming after Trump's daughter. He doesn't give a fuck about those 3 sons and his wife... but once this shit starts implicating his daughter, he's gonna fucking lose it.




Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
That was almost 11 in the morning. Was he still there in the afternoon when they had the meeting?
we'll soon find out...
I'm trying to tell yall... this shit doesn't get serious until people start coming after Trump's wife. He doesn't give a fuck about those 3 sons and his daughter... but once this shit starts implicating his wife, he's gonna fucking lose it.

that pos is hollow - he don't care about none of them (wife too) outside of potential to make him look good, embarrass or outshine him

only thing that will make him melt down is if his financial mirage is exposed or if somehow he really feels that everyone is looking down / laughing at him (another Obama type ether in public and on TV)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So...the man that invites Russia to be involved with the election...

Who surrounds himself with people who were foreign government advisors to countries Putin was controlling (Manafort, Lewandowski, Flynn, and more), who has had shady dealings with Russians for decades...motherfucking Jordi LeForge can see that predator & thief is crooked. His family is crooked. Pence has to have known what the fuck he was signing up for. All the congress, senate and governors who continue to back 45 and turn blind eyes or bait & switch through 45 need to go and have special laws enacted that revoked any type of government pensions or royalties from government service.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor

Honest mistake to forget those 100+ meetings with people from 20+ countries.

Obviously he's hiding man. How the fuck do you not include a meeting in Trump Tower with multiple Russians operatives after you've had to append it already and after the Russian story being front page news every day. Man...can you imagine a group of black people trying to pull this shit off???

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
The long drawn out process is just right. Exposing and destroying every one of them, their credibility, along with their initial rationale for... this has defined intent. Drip, drip, mothafukas.
Also eventually it has to penetrate into the faux newscycle 1st as spin, Obama's fault rhetoric and than leftist conspiracy.

Who knows maybe those thick sculls will learn something...

But they CAC cave beast so I doubt it.