TRUMP INDICTED! TRUMP CONVICTED! GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES! ... and more convictions yet to come!!!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Truth has been saying nothing will happen to him for a while now.

He has. I'm also sure he posted somewhere that Trump would never be charged, he would never have a mugshot, he would never be in court...yet here we are. I'm certain he's never had to use so much of his powers for simple things like football games-and he has a stellar record on those... so we need to give him time. He has my full faith.

so plz hush and let that man cook, lol


Rising Star
Platinum Member
If you don’t wanna throw this evil cracker in jail because he’s the former president then you basically given him immunity

I.M.O, this is the way it has to happen- if he sat 45 down on the "first offense", he'd be giving ammunition to all those supporters- "see? we knew it was a set-up" "he can't get a fair trial" etc.. this way, he's walking that muthafucka right into the lockup, because we ALL KNOW this orange asshole can't keep his mouth shut- and MAGA can't cry about how he didn't get fair warning. Well, they will cry, but then he will be able to just look at them and :dunno: hey, I TOLD the fool....


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
They slowly leaking evidence about what they got on Trump with this document trial and yeah Judge Cannon is going to have to get it extremely creative because the powers that be is going to crush Trump eventually on this case


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

Oh, this rabbit hoe is getting deep. Even Secret Service should know that you never could delete things permanently. Will you send a text message? It goes to a server and stays on there for quite a while so you could delete it off your phone, but never deleted from the server.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Not sure what the strategy is by Trump and Co trying to get jail time?

The only thing I can think of is it delays his overall case that much more and puts him that much closer to election time.

I assume the goal would be to win the election and basically use POTUS power suspend any further proceeedings and/or sentencing etc.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Not sure what the strategy is by Trump and Co trying to get jail time?

The only thing I can think of is it delays his overall case that much more and puts him that much closer to election time.

I assume the goal would be to win the election and basically use POTUS power suspend any further proceeedings and/or sentencing etc.

He's a spoiled brat with no impulse control who is used to getting his way.