TRUMP INDICTED! TRUMP CONVICTED! GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES! ... and more convictions yet to come!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I should have you on ignore, but I don't because you are pure unaduh, unaduh unaduh...unadulterated comedy

I have never seen the nigga break character once. I mostly read through these threads without paying attention to who's posting, 3 or 4 words into to reading his posts, I automatically know it's him and just skip to the next post.

For his commitment to the troll game, I cannot put him on ignore.


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor

Bought and paid for


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Republicans are some manipulative motherfucker

I forgot where I read the statistic on this.

But essentially it said if everyone voted statistically Reps have NO CHANCE!

Hence why they’re always trying to suppress the vote.

If 50-60% of the voting populaces voted they also stood no chance.

So bottom line instead of becoming a better party and manufacturing those votes on merit.

The default strategy is the suppress votes by various mechanism and/or blatantly lie to suppress votes or garner votes on their end.

Its wild!
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Donald Trump went on Live TV and said he never chanted lock her up about Hilary because he felt no President or wife of a president should go to jail, and all 3 Fox News “journalists “ sat there like he told the truth. It’s a cult

It’s beyond a cult at this stage. It’s a straight up mob.

The reason those “journalists” and other politicians bite their tongues and go with the crowd is because being ostracized is the worst thing you can be with this group.

These fuckers and their followers will not only end your career. But your very lives and the lives of your family and friends are at risk.

Where have we seen this before?

Just call Trump
FUHRER at this point and let’s drop all pretense.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I forgot where I read the statistic on this.

But essentially it said if everyone voted statistically Reps have NO CHANCE!

Hence why they’re always trying to suppress the vote.

If 50-60% of the voting populaces voted they also stood no chance.

So bottom line instead of becoming a better party and manufacturing those votes on merit.

The default strategy is the suppress votes by various mechanism and/or blatantly lie to suppress votes or garner votes on their end.

Its wild!
Truth. I know many people on that bullshit writing a name in, staying home. Dumbasses. “I don’t like either of em!” So you just gon make sure the worst wins? Like Chris Rock said preslap “I love black people…but I hate ni@@as!” Fools making 77k a year talmbout they like Trumps tax breaks.
:roflmao: :hithead: If half the black population voted, as you said, we’d always win.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Truth. I know many people on that bullshit writing a name in, staying home. Dumbasses. “I don’t like either of em!” So you just gon make sure the worst wins? Like Chris Rock said preslap “I love black people…but I hate ni@@as!” Fools making 77k a year talmbout they like Trumps tax breaks.
:roflmao: :hithead: If half the black population voted, as you said, we’d always win.

They have 0% chance if even a fraction of people voted. It’s shocking how many people that are capable of voting actually do.

In 2020, 66.8% of the citizen voting-age population voted in the presidential election, the highest turnout since 1992.


The Legend
BGOL Investor

BREAKING: Former FBI Director James Comey enrages MAGA world by bluntly stating that Donald Trump is "begging" to be sentenced to prison time by attacking the judge and court after his conviction.

"I would ordinarily say it’s unlikely, in a white-collar offense of this sort. But this is a defendant who’s begging for a jail term by taking a flamethrower not just to the judge, but to the entire process and the jury," said Comey during an appearance on CNN.

"A judge will take that very seriously into consideration, in deciding whether to deter this person, and to send a message, more broadly, he needs to spend some time behind bars," he added.

"I do, as well as him having to find that the defendant had acted in contempt of the court’s orders, on multiple occasions," said Comey.