How long before Trump calls this “witch-hunt “ anti white and being done by Black racists .
How long before Trump calls this “witch-hunt “ anti white and being done by Black racists .
he's been saying democratsHow long before Trump calls this “witch-hunt “ anti white and being done by Black racists .
But Biden is racist too!!!!Watch the same coons on bgol attack her over this.
You know it's coming.Watch the same coons on bgol attack her over this.
Who you going to hire to give it to her?I wish I could award all her hard work with some fire D
You way too hopefulThe bullshit Trump used to do to New York Court system back in the days do not apply anymore. Some Republicans are finally starting to see the reality of trump demise. I mean for god sake the DOJ has him by the balls in their group is getting tight.
Who you going to hire to give it to her?
All it'll take is for someone to get on the stand and start singing like Luther Vandross.. with the vocal runs and everythingSome Republicans are finally starting to see the reality of trump demise. I mean for god sake the DOJ has him by the balls in their group is getting tight.
Grant no quarter! Keep them gators on his bacon ass neck! Maybe he will fall out and die first!
Gets me every time
Yup Republicans it’s now or never. You tried to get President Biden yesterday and that shit blew up in your face so now do you have a huge decision to make go down with Trump ship or jump in a flimsy gop rescue boat….it’s your choice.Spectrum news reported indictment papers have been handed up to the judge in GA.
Aww man.. this old bitch got me thinking about de bella and nina Hartley.
Damn it's like every time I turn around he's indictedJust been indicted again!