TV SHOWS / SERIES - Seen any good ones lately? Please feel free to post reviews / feedback / trailers / articles / TV news / all that shit ...


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Black Twitter: A People's History


This is a new limited series that recently debuted on Hulu. I started it last night and finished it up this afternoon on the road.

I never had and currently do not have a twitter account. So my interest in watching it was mainly to find out why the service is so popular, especially for Black folks.

There are only 3 episodes that run just under one hour each.

Episode One mainly is a collective on the history of Twitter and its impact along with Black peoples involvement and impact on American culture, politics and way of life.

Episode Two covers Black Twitter’s involvement and origin in popular hashtags like Black Lives Matter and Oscar’s So White. Along with Black Twitter reaction to Trump and the blow back from his time in office.

Episode Three goes into the pandemic, BLM protests and its worldwide impact. It goes in depth on Elon Musk’s involvement of purchasing the service and how it affected Black Twitter.

For the InCells, there is a segment on misogyny on Black Men going against Black Women.

For the Gay Agenda trackers, there is a segment on the LGBT community and its relationship with Black Twitter. There is a round table of openly gay Black men, Lesbians and Black Male Trans having a discussion together.

It’s brought up on why a Black owned social media service is not being used as a replacement.

Overall, it’s a interesting series on the history and future of Twitter.


Prentice Penny looks at the rise, movements, voices and memes that made Black Twitter an influential and dominant force in nearly every aspect of American political and cultural life.




Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Meant to also add that we're all caught up on The Sympathizer and Sugar over here too.

The Sympathizer has been quite good. Good story and assortment of characters. Nice score / soundtrack too. Fucking RDJ playing 4 characters? Oh yeah - that too. The lead actor has a good screen presence too. Unique look. Wouldn't be surprised to see him in a bunch more stuff moving forward.

As for Sugar ... enjoyable too, though the end of the most recent 6th episode ... I dunno. Had heard that the critics / reviews weren't too fond, so we'll see what happens with the story moving forward on the latter half of the season. Can't say too much as I have to be vague and not spoil anything for those who may want to watch it.

yes episode 6 of Sugar...was like WTF? ARE THEY SERIOUS? HEAD SCRATCHER


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
interesting how it's basically going right back to cable with many of them though

In a perfect world they should have left cable alone and made A LA CARTE more readily available for people, and they would have been less likely to cut the cord. Instead of having a bunch of "bundles" wherein you only need 1 or 2 of the five or six channels offered, just make it so people can select say ... their fave 10 - 15 channels. Maybe they pay a little bit extra for select choices, but shit ... within reason.

And it's clear as day when they bundle shit with stuff no one really wants. Oh ... to get X channel, you also have to pay for these other 4 channels you don't want, lol. Fuck.