Fuck it.. just do a ground up DCEU re-do..
Since they dragging their feet on bringing Cavill back,just end Superman & Lois after next season and let Tyler Hoechlin be the new movie version...bring in either Bryan Cranston or Billy Zane as Luthor
Jensen Ackles always said he wanted to play Batman/Bruce,so grant him his wish..spin him off into his own movie w/ Cameron Monaghan as Joker and Alexa Bliss as Harley Quinn
..as for the Flash,reshoot the ending so that Ezra(CG double) does the whole Cosmic Treadmill thing and run into the Speed Force..then Gustin pops up as the NEW Barry in a mid-credits scene
Since the JJ Abrams/Ta'nehisi Coates Black Superman and the Michael B Jordan Val-Zod project both not happening,Jordan for John Stewart GL and maybe Tom Cruise for Hal Jordan
The next Wonder Woman film may be Gal Gadot's last,so ya'll can come up with a replacement

same for Aquaman