No.Isn’t there a law where women can be sued for getting an abortions out of state?
No.Isn’t there a law where women can be sued for getting an abortions out of state?
Sanger was for birth control not abortion. While she was a eugenicist, she wasn't the only one back then. W.E.B. Du Bois also supported her birth control advocacy.
Fact Check: Was Planned Parenthood Started To 'Control' The Black Population?
"I know who Margaret Sanger is, and I know that she believed in eugenics, and that she was not particularly enamored with black people," candidate Ben Carson said of the organization's
The problem is almost none of it is.What’s the conspiracy theory if everything is verifiable?
Okay. Back it up.
The problem is almost none of it is.
Her racism is irrelevant to the issue at hand. She wasn't pro-abortion nor did she invent it. Bringing her up is a red herring.
Birth control. My mistake. And what does DuBois, a known biracial elitist, have to do with this? And my point remains. To deny her racism is being willfully ignorant. Excusing it as “she wasn’t the only one“ is a definite cop out. Hell, even the president and chief executive of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America says it’s past time to stop making excuses:
I’m the Head of Planned Parenthood. We’re Done Making Excuses for Our Founder.We must reckon with Margaret Sanger’s association with white supremacist groups and eugenics.
We need to talk about Margaret Sanger.
For the 11 years that I’ve been involved with Planned Parenthood, founded by Sanger, her legacy on race has been debated. Sanger, a nurse, opened the nation’s first birth control clinic in Brownsville, Brooklyn, in 1916, and dedicated her life to promoting birth control to improve women’s lives. But was she, or was she not, racist?
It’s a question that we’ve tried to avoid, but we no longer can. We must reckon with it.
Up until now, Planned Parenthood has failed to own the impact of our founder’s actions. We have defended Sanger as a protector of bodily autonomy and self-determination, while excusing her association with white supremacist groups and eugenics as an unfortunate “product of her time.” Until recently, we have hidden behind the assertion that her beliefs were the norm for people of her class and era, always being sure to name her work alongside that of W.E.B. Dubois and other Black freedom fighters. But the facts are complicated.
Sanger spoke to the women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan at a rally in New Jersey to generate support for birth control. And even though she eventually distanced herself from the eugenics movement because of its hard turn to explicit racism, she endorsed the Supreme Court’s 1927 decision in Buck v. Bell, which allowed states to sterilize people deemed “unfit” without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge — a ruling that led to the sterilization of tens of thousands of people in the 20th century.
The first human trials of the birth control pill — a project that was Sanger’s passion later in her life — were conducted with her backing in Puerto Rico, where as many as 1,500 women were not told that the drug was experimental or that they might experience dangerous side effects.
We don’t know what was in Sanger’s heart, and we don’t need to in order to condemn her harmful choices. What we have is a history of focusing on white womanhood relentlessly. Whether our founder was a racist is not a simple yes or no question. Our reckoning is understanding her full legacy, and its impact. Our reckoning is the work that comes next.
And the first step is making Margaret Sanger less prominent in our present and future. The Planned Parent Federation of America has already renamed awards previously given in her honor, and Planned Parenthood of Greater New York renamed its Manhattan health center in 2020. Other independently managed affiliates may choose to follow.
Sanger remains an influential part of our history and will not be erased, but as we tell the history of Planned Parenthood’s founding, we must fully take responsibility for the harm that Sanger caused to generations of people with disabilities and Black, Latino, Asian-American, and Indigenous people.
Sanger thought birth control would liberate women, and in so many ways it has. According to a University of Michigan study, the availability of the birth control pill is responsible for roughly a third of women’s wage gains since the 1960s. Reassessing Sanger’s history doesn’t negate her feminist fight, but it does tarnish it. In the name of political expedience, she chose to engage white supremacists to further her cause. In doing that, she devalued and dehumanized people of color.
We will no longer make excuses or apologize for Margaret Sanger’s actions. But we can’t simply call her racist, scrub her from our history, and move on. We must examine how we have perpetuated her harms over the last century — as an organization, an institution, and as individuals.
Opinion | I’m the Head of Planned Parenthood. We’re Done Making Excuses for Our Founder. (Published 2021)
We must reckon with Margaret Sanger’s association with white supremacist groups and
Bro, you must be an agent. Because ain't no real black man, even if he is super ultra pro-choice, gonna come on a black man's forum and try to defend this cracka ass cracka racist.Sanger was for birth control not abortion. While she was a eugenicist, she wasn't the only one back then. W.E.B. Du Bois also supported her birth control advocacy.
Fact Check: Was Planned Parenthood Started To 'Control' The Black Population?
"I know who Margaret Sanger is, and I know that she believed in eugenics, and that she was not particularly enamored with black people," candidate Ben Carson said of the organization's
Bro, you must be an agent. Because ain't no real black man, even if he is super ultra pro-choice, gonna come on a black man's forum and try to defend this cracka ass cracka racist.
Margaret Sanger said this, and I quote:
“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
This was after she spoke at a Ku Klux Klan rally.
This racist cracka ass cracka wrote this article titled “A Better Race Through Birth Control,” she wrote, “Given Birth Control, the unfit will voluntarily eliminate their kind.”
Beat it kid. I refuse to allow you to spread false information. Even if it's to brothers who I have a difference of opinion with.
Gon git!!
Her racism is irrelevant to the issue at hand. She wasn't pro-abortion nor did she invent it. Bringing her up is a red herring.
Bro, you must be an agent. Because ain't no real black man, even if he is super ultra pro-choice, gonna come on a black man's forum and try to defend this cracka ass cracka racist.
Margaret Sanger said this, and I quote:
“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
This was after she spoke at a Ku Klux Klan rally.
This racist cracka ass cracka wrote this article titled “A Better Race Through Birth Control,” she wrote, “Given Birth Control, the unfit will voluntarily eliminate their kind.”
Beat it kid. I refuse to allow you to spread false information. Even if it's to brothers who I have a difference of opinion with.
Gon git!!
If he and she can't afford it, then there is medicaid. Are really gonna debate that a child's life is of less worth than a hospital bill? The average cost of a vaginal child birth is $13K. Is that the market value for babies these days?
Point out where I denied her racism. You claimed liberals want to exterminate Black babies, I called that a conspiracy theory, then you mentioned her for some reason.So first you want to deny her racism. Then you want to excuse it. And now you want to say it is “irrelevant” and a ”red herring”, even though she is the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the country, whose current president herself acknowledges Sanger’s racism and says it’s time to stop making excuses for it!
BGOL, I tell ya!
You need to put down the stopwatch to every person you meet, to get their test scores or 40 yard times. This might work to perform simple task that repeat, but the greater the complexity, the less this matters. Unwanted pregnancies can greatly alter our gene pool which is too reliant on stop watches, the Tom Brady/Jerry Rice effect.
1. Here the real problem, first our life span has increased, where you would hit puberty and get married shortly after, so waiting until you married in a biblical sense made sense. Having a high school degree was like having a master degree now. Religious dogma has not been updated for modern times where you expect somebody at peak sexuality to wait 10-20 years before they unload on a seal.
2. Now the norm is waiting until you early 30's dating random person based on sexual attraction resulting in unwanted pregnancies. You also waited until marriage to make sure the father was known, technology has solved this problem now.
3. Women trying to project to their potential mates that they don't sleep around when they actually do. Taking birth control pill is acknowledgement that you are sleeping with multiple sexual partners.
You decide to accept a religious belief that has not updated to modern times and you fail to wait until marriage, you need to deal with the consequences. Maybe some religious practice changes might be promoted.
Craziest nigga on BGOLI did some research, it looks like you were eligible to marry during the Roman times when you hit puberty for male and female. Overtime this has slowly creeped up to almost 30 years old. The age at which you can support a wife and family has increased, very few decent paying jobs available to somebody just coming out of high school. If you don't finish high school and just work, which was common back in the day, you are looking at minimum wage jobs. I don't think it is possible for somebody to leave high school and financially support themselves with housing.
Than you have religious dogma saying you should wait until you are married and criminal code shunning any sexual activity of young adults.
Catholicism. Catholicism equates premarital sex with fornication and ties it with breaking the sixth commandment ("Thou shalt not commit adultery") in its Catechism: Fornication is carnal union between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman.
All of this is a cesspool that leads to unwanted pregnancies and sexual assaults, damn it 15 to 20 years before you are situated right to unload on a seal proper. It reminds me of prison where inmates are sexually deprived and turn to homosexuality.
This Supreme Court ruling could be the impetus for society to make changes that are sorely needed. We should not sex deprive young adults like a prison inmate as punishment. Look at the priests that spew this nonsense engage in child pedophilia.
Point out where I denied her racism? You claimed liberals want to exterminate Black babies, I called that a conspiracy theory, then you mentioned her for some reason.
I pointed out she was for birth control and worked with Du Bois. Where did I say she wasn't a racist? You're putting words in mouth because you have no argument.
Did you read the article? It doesn't deny that she was racist. I posted it to disprove your claim she wanted to exterminate Black people. You brought her up to prove some point that Planned Parenthood and liberals want to exterminate Black babies. You still haven't given any proof of this.You made it a point to say she was a “eugenicist”, worked with DuBois, and then posted an NPR article that denied her racism. So if you weren’t trying to deny her racism yourself, then what where you trying to do?
I mentioned Sanger because she is the founder of Planned Parenthood, which, as I stated earlier, is the largest abortion provider in the country. Abortion is an avowedly liberal cause. And it’s an avowedly liberal organization. And a vastly disproportionate number of its abortions are performed on Black women.
I hear all of that. But, you have to admit that bringing up chikd support and hospital cost deflects from the main issue.........what justifies the murder of a baby?Worth wasn't the issue. I've stated numerous times that I believe abortion should be last resort and would prefer for it not to happen at all, but I'm against the choice being taken away and the interference into a woman's life.
The initial tweet inquired about laws regarding pre and post natal care. You and a few others said it was child support. I asked if child support pays for the mother's hospital bills, which is what the tweet was referencing, and you went off on some tangent about worth and medicaid. Many states, particularly the Red states most eager to outlaw abortion, did not expand medicaid under the ACA, so not everyone is covered or able to get medicaid. There are no workplace protections either assuming the woman is working. No paid family leave or time off.
Didn't i tell you it's about precident. Y'all were saying how I was out there saying they're eventually going to go after birthright citizenship. They're already taking steps....
Didn't i tell you it's about precident. Y'all were saying how I was out there saying they're eventually going to go after birthright citizenship. They're already taking steps....
Didn't i tell you it's about precident. Y'all were saying how I was out there saying they're eventually going to go after birthright citizenship. They're already taking steps....
They've been making moves so they can have minority rule... shit, thats all the electoral college is. Since the failed coup, they've been putting the right stooges in place, shifting powers from Sec of state to the legislatures, passing voter suppression laws, etc to make sure that even if they lose, they will win. And it will be "legal"See this is the slippery slope that it’s going to get a lot of Republicans in Trouble especially that fool on the picture. The demographics of this country is changing to rapidly they are trying to hold down to every little power they can at this point.
Did you read the article? It doesn't deny that she was racist. I posted it to disprove your claim she wanted to exterminate Black people. You brought her up to prove some point that Planned Parenthood and liberals want to exterminate Black babies. You still haven't given any proof of this.
I pointed out that she wasn't for abortion because it shows she's irrelevant to the abortion debate. You also mention that PP has renounced her. If that's the case, how is she relevant to what PP is doing in 2022 rather than 1922?
There is a striking kinship between our movement and Margaret Sanger’s early efforts. She, like we, saw the horrifying conditions of ghetto life. Like we, she knew that all of society is poisoned by cancerous slums. Like we, she was a direct actionist – a nonviolent resister.
I guess I'll be called an "agent" again by posting this quote by Coretta Scott King.
Imo it's really that simple but conservatives always want to be in two consenting adults sex life. I don't get that shit never will.My thoughts.....
This issue is between a woman and her doctor.
Abortion laws already exist. If a woman says she doesn't want to have an abortion, then she ain't gonna have the abortion. That's pretty much the law before the government has anything to do with it.
If you and your wife are against abortion, then you won't have one. But when you're concerned about what every couple in your neighborhood is doing when it comes to the internal workings of the women's bodies, that's first of all weird af and secondly some strong authoritarianism.
So my only question right now is, will white women remain in support of this? (I know white supremacist ww certainly will) Or will they come running to the Democrat Party in 2022?
You didn't answer the question. Cool“Politicians argue for abortion largely because they do not want to spend the necessary money to feed, clothe and educate more people. Here arguments for inconvenience and economic savings take precedence over arguments for human value and human life... Psychiatrists, social workers and doctors often argue for abortion on the basis that the child will grow up mentally and emotionally scarred. But who of us is complete? If incompleteness were the criteri(on) for taking life, we would all be dead. If you can justify abortion on the basis of emotional incompleteness, then your logic could also lead you to killing for other forms of incompleteness — blindness, crippleness, old age.” - (Then pro-life) Jesse Jackson, January 1977