U.S. Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe vs. Wade


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Faux News on that bull shit

(Link is from a Faux News story re-posted on MSN)

The abortion industry preys on Black women
T W Shannon

2 hrs ago

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Abortion survivors share their stories amid fallout over Supreme Court leak
After an historic breach of Supreme Court protocol, where an original draft of an opinion to overturn Roe v Wade was leaked to the public, Chief Justice Roberts has confirmed its authenticity.

While we await the Court’s final ruling, it is worth noting that Justice Alito wrote in the draft opinion that some supporters of abortion "have been motivated by a desire to suppress the size of the African American population." He went on to write, "It is beyond dispute that Roe has had that demographic effect. A highly disproportionate percentage of aborted fetuses are Black."
What Justice Alito spotlighted in his draft opinion is the dirty secret of the abortion industry: Their officially sanctioned regime of murder is especially effective in snuffing out the lives of Black and Brown babies. Big Abortion, led by Planned Parenthood, puts profit over principle, and lies over life.
Consider: Most abortion clinics are within walking distance of minority neighborhoods; more than 33% of all abortions in America are done to Black babies, even though Black Americans only comprise 12% of the overall population.
Every single year since 1973, over 400,000 Black babies have been exterminated by the abortion industry. That’s more than 19 million boys and girls. And Planned Parenthood has received billions in taxpayer dollars from Democrats who control Congress and the White House.
© Michael Caterina /South Bend Tribune via AP Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito addresses the audience during the "The Emergency Docket" lecture Thursday, Sept. 30, 2021 in the McCartan Courtroom at the University of Notre Dame Law School in South Bend, Ind. Michael Caterina /South Bend Tribune via AP
If you wonder how we got here, just look to Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger, one of the early leading proponents of eugenics. Sanger said, "We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." She hoped for the "elimination and eventual extinction of defective stock — those human weeds which threaten the blossoming of the finest flowers of American civilization."
© Bettmann / Contributor ARCHIVAL PHOTO – (Original Caption) Margaret Sanger (1883-1966), American leader of Birth Control Movement. Undated. Bettmann / Contributor
Human weeds. For Sanger, a liberal white supremacist, her arrogance was surpassed only by her malice. She believed white people were somehow genetically superior to all other humans. Today, liberal Democrats like Vice President Kamala Harris, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi carry on Sanger’s dirty work, boasting about their support for abortion anytime and anywhere.
Today, "Abortion Inc." is a multi-billion-dollar industry, aimed at preying on vulnerable young women – especially young Black women. Because that was always the plan.

That is why it is so outrageous to me that the Abortion Party in America – the radical left – dares to claim they care about racial equality. As I have plainly said, don’t tell me that Black lives matter until Black babies’ lives matter, too.

In 2009, Hillary Clinton accepted the "Margaret Sanger Award" from Planned Parenthood and said in her acceptance speech, "I am really in awe of her and there are a lot of lessons we can learn from her life."

A few years later, I was proud to help Donald Trump beat Clinton, as he became the most pro-life president in U.S. history.

Harris, America's first Black vice president is beholden to Big Abortion. As attorney general of California, she urged supporters to "stand with Planned Parenthood" and even prosecuted pro-life journalists whose investigative videos documented Planned Parenthood’s illegal harvesting and sale of baby body parts.

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Vice President Kamala Harris gives speech defending the 'rights' of women to abort
Now, swearing to protect late-term abortion on demand is a litmus test for every Democratic presidential candidate.
The bottom line here? The same race-hustling, (mostly rich and white) Democrat politicians who have been telling Black Americans for 50 years that all conservatives hate them, the same politicians who rail about the supposed structural racism of America, proudly support an organization that is single-handedly responsible for the deaths of more Black people than the Ku Klux Klan.
The same left-wing agitators demanding racial reparations in America are fine with giving Planned Parenthood billions in federal giveaways so they can continue ripping Black babies out of their mothers' wombs.
The Supreme Court may be on the verge of overturning a decision that has been devastating to Black babies. I welcome that day. And I’m not afraid to tell the truth: don't tell us "Black Lives Matter," until Black Babies Lives Matter, too.


Rising Star
It's true, y'all arguin ass niggas are fucking exhausting and I can only take this BGOL shit in lil chunks these days. Most of y'alls takes is busted as hell lmao. :lol:

Of course you've alluded to EXACTLY that. Your post (and all these paragraphs you typed) was in response to mine in which I pointed out that the logical conclusion to the erosion of these kinds of hard won Civil Rights legislation would obviously one day extend to something as fundamental to Black folks as 'Brown vs Broad of Education'. That's as clear an allusion as you could've possibly made without just saying the thing. That's what an allusion is my G. If that wasn't your intention you need to step your allusion game up.

I don't know that there is tbh. You're making an absolutely wild claim here for sure but the onus is on you to prove it. I personally love data. Make your case my dude. Let's see it in it's final form on some Super Sayian shit. No allusions or suggestions. Before you do so let's be clear on a couple of things:

a) Don't mistake my disgust for conservative arguments as "ad-hominem" attacks. I legitimately hate conservative ideology. IMO, most conservative arguments (in the American political context especially but not exclusively) are consistently very, very dumb, mean spirited/selfish, regressive and/or lionizing some previous status quo, totally un-realistic and un-tethered from reality, morally bankrupt and extremely easy to unpack and disassemble. That's just my opinion on having thought my way through a lot of this stuff over many years. Don't take it personal lol! It's not you, it's the ideology that sickatates me.

b) Thurgood Marshall would be turning in his grave rn lol. Correlation doesn't equal causation and there has been an array of deliberate policies and structures aimed VERY specifically at disenfranchising black Americans historically (the impact of which reverberates into the present day) that likely account for something like the black/white wealth gap as an example which persists in a very real way in 2022. There's a lot to say and discuss about the failures of "incrementalism" in the context of legislative/activist efforts to undo literal centuries of codified legal dehumanization. I'm not here to argue that these efforts have been perfect or that there isn't a lot of work to do yet. But to move from this vague dissatisfaction with incrementalism to a full-throated (or even muted) endorsement of a return to segregation would be some literal clown shit. I would argue that there are ideas, legislation, activism opportunities and honest to goodness WORK to be done that would be more worthy of your time (if you're honestly interested in improving the status quo) rather than engaging in a disingenuous thought experiment about how useful 'Brown vs Board of Education' was "really", especially given how hard our forefathers fought for the legal recognition of our essential humanity/equality. I'm completely baffled by the position you're staking out, on some real shit.

Lmao stop tryna lure me into your beef with @Darkkman , dude is cool and I've got no problems with him. Dem supporters are closer to reality than the perpetual "both sides!" apologists imo.

I fixed your link after searching for the article source myself but would disagree that folks are wrong to be dismissive about these kinds of bullshit sources. I don't read conservative propaganda and neither should anyone else. I mean look at that Ann Coulter/Townhall link you initially posted bruh, who tf has time for that kind of shit?

If anything the Dunbar school's early success speaks to how fucking amazing black folks are. To triumph at this level in the face of so much adversity? Ironically, it turns out that one of it's graduates (Charles Hamilton Houston) was one of the literal architects of 'Brown vs Board of Education'

Furthermore, this example misses the mark in a number of important ways: For one thing, it drew the literal best and brightest black educators from all over the country, existing as it did as the premier schools for black kids in one of the only places that allowed for black education at the time. For another, examples of black folks succeeding in spite of the massive forces arrayed specifically against us are numerous and aren't particularly instructive in the context of expanding rights and access for everyday black Americans. See below with regards to Dunbar:

The thing about a guy like Sowell that you always have to remember is.... dude is a fundamentally broken down Stephen-ass-nigga who's sole entire purpose is to gleefully pantomime white grievance politics and make it palatable for CACs.

Whew, but anyways, here we are, dozens of pages into a sad thread about the very predictable erosion of human rights led by medieval conservative psychopaths (engineered over decades by ONE SIDE) and we're now debating the merits of other Civil Right landmark legislation. Good times lol :smh:
My nigga


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You'd be amazed at what people will do once they get in that booth alone. How do you think we ended up with 45?
I knew Comey was dead wrong with his press conference with the perverts laptop. I knew it. But I still voted for Stein. I wanted to how rottenness of the political electorate. There are 72 million really bad people in this country. And there’s more.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
It Wasn’t Abortion That Formed the Religious Right. It Was Support for Segregation.



Jerry Falwell got his start fighting for segregation.

The modern religious right formed, practically overnight, as a rapid response to the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Roe v. Wade. Or, at least, that’s how the story goes.

The reality, Randall Balmer, a Dartmouth professor writing for Politico Magazine, says, is actually a little less savory to 21st century Americans: The religious right, who liked to call themselves the “moral majority” at the time, actually organized around fighting to protect Christian schools from being desegregated. It wasn’t Roe v. Wade that woke the sleeping dragon of the evangelical vote. It was Green v. Kennedy, a 1970 decision stripping tax-exempt status from “segregation academies”—private Christian schools that were set up in response to Brown v. Board of Education, where the practice of barring black students continued.

As Balmer shows, feelings about Roe v. Wade were mixed in the conservative Christian community in the early 1970s, with quite a few evangelical leaders agreeing with the court that abortion is a private matter. Desegregation, however, was a different issue altogether. Anger about forced desegregation of private schools galvanized conservative Christians. Bob Jones University stalled and resisted admitting black students, forcing the IRS to strip its tax exempt status in 1976, an event that spurred evangelical leaders to action. Jerry Falwell and Paul Weyrich, two conservative activists who had been seeking a way to marshal evangelicals into a Republican voting bloc, pounced. Balmer writes:

Weyrich saw that he had the beginnings of a conservative political movement, which is why, several years into President Jimmy Carter’s term, he and other leaders of the nascent religious right blamed the Democratic president for the IRS actions against segregated schools—even though the policy was mandated by Nixon, and Bob Jones University had lost its tax exemption a year and a day before Carter was inaugurated as president. Falwell, Weyrich and others were undeterred by the niceties of facts. In their determination to elect a conservative, they would do anything to deny a Democrat, even a fellow evangelical like Carter, another term in the White House.


The argument they used to defend school segregation will sound familiar to anyone following the lawsuits against mandatory contraception coverage in health insurance plans or the battles over whether businesses have a right to refuse gay customers: “religious freedom.”

So what changed? How did abortion eclipse pro-segregation as the rallying cause of the evangelical right? Balmer argues that Weyrich, in particular, was a sharp enough political thinker to realize that pro-segregation sentiment was enough to get the ball rolling, “but they needed a different issue if they wanted to mobilize evangelical voters on a large scale.” They took their new coalition of evangelicals and pointed them in the direction of fighting abortion. The strategy worked. In 1978, religious right leaders got their first victories by pushing the anti-abortion agenda, defeating Democrats in statewide elections in Minnesota and Iowa in campaigns that focused heavily on abortion.

Why were conservative Christians more interested in hearing about the supposed evils of abortion in the late ’70s than in the early ’70s? Balmer suggests that “the spike in legal abortions” after Roe was the shock to their system that made them realize that women really were going to use this new right they’d been granted. There was also a more concentrated effort to put out anti-abortion propaganda that framed the procedure as “murder” and suggested the next step was legal infanticide.

Balmer doesn’t mention it, but there was one other shift in the public consciousness going on at the time. The “Stop ERA” campaign, headed up by Christian right leader Phyllis Schlafly to kill the Equal Rights Amendment banning sex discrimination, got moving in 1972. By the time male Christian conservative leaders like Weyrich and Falwell decided to make abortion a centerpiece issue, Schlafly had done the yeoman’s work of convincing huge numbers of evangelical Christians that feminists were a threat to the very fabric of society. With hostility to women’s equality rising, making the anti-abortion pitch was probably much, much easier.

Balmer notes at the top of his piece that it’s common for anti-choicers to compare themselves to abolitionists. Once you know the pro-segregationist history of the religious right, however, it becomes clear that this comparison is not only obnoxious, but offensive.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member



The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Interesting how the GOP/Conservatives/Religious extremists are focused on punishing women for getting a abortion thru the Government.

Anybody notice there is no discussion on the government forcing men to get vasectomies as a way of using it as a alternative for unwanted pregnancies?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You'd be foolish to believe that white folks, specifically these peckerwoodettes overwhelmingly care about that shit. Just look at da percentage of those that voted for Trump. That should tell you all you need to know.

White folks are not the only voting bloc and Trump became a one-term President when more voting blocs participated. For example, If it were left up only the White vote, it would have been a double shot of Trump after the McCain/Palin ticket. The majority of White voters did not vote for neither Obama nor Biden.

Regarding the mid-terms, we'll see.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Are these really people that should have control of their bodies. Should these individuals really be able to decide issues of life and death? I'm just asking.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
@VAiz4hustlaz … you know what bruh? Looking back at this a few days later I’m not really thrilled with the tone I used in my response. That’s a condescending tone I reserve for the coons and undercovers up on here and not brothers I have disagreements with from time to time. My bad, this topic boils my blood.

The truth is, I think most people don’t have a realistic understanding of how dire the current situation is. We’re experiencing this slow-motion descent into fascism and it irks the fuck out of me when I see brothers cheerleading this kind of authoritarian bullshit. I honestly don’t understand it tbh. I’ll gather my thoughts and post something when I can make a meaningful contribution but just wanted to put this out there. Peace to you (and the rest of you non-coon knuckleheads cheerleading this assault on the bodily autonomy of over half of humanity)

Akata King

D3port Th3m @ll!!
BGOL Investor
@VAiz4hustlaz … you know what bruh? Looking back at this a few days later I’m not really thrilled with the tone I used in my response. That’s a condescending tone I reserve for the coons and undercovers up on here and not brothers I have disagreements with from time to time. My bad, this topic boils my blood.

The truth is, I think most people don’t have a realistic understanding of how dire the current situation is. We’re experiencing this slow-motion descent into fascism and it irks the fuck out of me when I see brothers cheerleading this kind of authoritarian bullshit. I honestly don’t understand it tbh. I’ll gather my thoughts and post something when I can make a meaningful contribution but just wanted to put this out there. Peace to you (and the rest of you non-coon knuckleheads cheerleading this assault on the bodily autonomy of over half of humanity)

It’s all good, man. I was being semi-trollish with my comment on Brown v Board, although I do see the overall situation of Black America generally as dire as you see this “slow-motion descent into fascism.” And I am more apocalyptic in my world-view on that.

Akata King

D3port Th3m @ll!!
BGOL Investor
Voting Won't Save Abortion Rights

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion declaring their decision to overrule Roe v. Wade and allow states to recriminalize abortion, Americans have turned to their pro-choice elected officials looking for a plan. While some local legislators have offered creative solutions to ensure abortion will remain available to as many people as possible, such as allotting funding for people traveling to their cities and states, declining to prosecute those accused of terminating a pregnancy, and promising not to extradite abortion providers to other states for prosecution, federal legislators have been far less inspiring, largely telling abortion rights supporters to vote for them in November.

That’s it. That seems to be the full plan for this constitutional crisis threatening a right established nearly 50 years ago, the right for all of us to decide if, when, and how to grow our families, one that serves as the bedrock of our right to marry whom we love and anything else that falls under our right to privacy. As a someone who had an abortion at 19 and organizes people who have abortions to share our stories, I am befuddled. The Democratic Party holds control of the House, the Senate, and the White House, it’s not like any of this came as a surprise, and yet here we are, at the proverbial cliff, being asked to wait just a little while longer. That should scare and infuriate all of us.

Let me tell you something: the worst thing you can do to someone who needs an abortion is ask them to wait a while longer. That’s why state-mandated delays of 24, 48, and 72 hours are so cruel. Even with Roe v. Wade in place, pregnant people are being forced to travel out to state, arrange childcare and time off work, and spend money they don’t have just to get abortion care. Now, it’s likely to get worse and we’re being asked to wait another six months in hopes that Democrats will win in the midterms.

At what point will Democrats deliver on their promises?

I understand the issue: Thanks to Democrats like Senator Kyrsten Sinema and Senator Joe Manchin, who obsess over outdated procedures like the Jim Crow filibuster rather than actually taking actions that would benefit the American people, the Women’s Health Protection Act cannot pass the Senate. But it’s always something, isn’t it?

It’s been decades of something.

In March 2010, in order to get the support of anti-abortion Democrats, President Obama signed an executive order that reaffirmed the Hyde Amendment, which blocks federal funds from being used to pay for most abortions, and said it applied to the Affordable Care Act. This action allowed states to ban abortion coverage from insurance marketplaces. The next year states also enacted a record number of abortion restrictions. Abortion activists, who had long pushed to overturn the Hyde Amendment (first passed in 1976), were told we’d have to keep waiting.

After President Trump won, we were told that Democrats needed a “big tent” party—one inclusive of anti-abortion Democrats—in order to win back the house in 2018. Meanwhile, Democrats like Governor John Bel Edwards in Louisiana signed some of the worst anti-abortion restrictions largely without public ostracization from his fellow Democrats. Every campaign season, PACs, super PACs, and candidates warn about the potential fall of Roe, urging supporters to donate if they care about their constitutional rights. Then after they win, these elected officials don’t take much action. Even as the Supreme Court leak was making headlines, top Democrats were rallying the vote for the last anti-abortion Democrat in the House.

So when they say vote for us to protect abortion, I’m simply asking how? After we vote, then what?

In 2020, Democrats asked for our vote so they could protect our rights. I remember the slogans flying around the internet after the presidential election and the Georgia run-off declaring that Black women saved the Democratic Party and the nation, yet Black women are asking for abortion access and there’s no plan to be found. Democrats have failed again and again to protect voting rights during the first two years of the Biden Administration, so the one solution they have to offer is the one that is actively being suppressed, gerrymandered, and rigged. And there’s no plan to fix that either.

Read More: These States Are Set to Ban Abortion if Roe v. Wade Is Overturned

To be clear, I am not suggesting that anyone not vote or vote for legislators who would take away their bodily autonomy. Quite the opposite. I am asking that the people we do put in office keep their promises and deliver. I am asking, how many votes do we need to cast before we’ll see some action? At what point will abortion stop being a fundraising tactic and actually become the focus of an economic and racial justice policy agenda?

I was raised to believe that voting is one of the most important things we can do in a democracy. It was something my Black grandparents and elderly relatives couldn’t do for a long time. I love voting. Voting is critical, especially at the local level. But voting should produce change and we’re still waiting. It’s disgrace that our elected officials have no plan other than asking us to once again use a system that’s faulty at best to help them retain power when they won’t use the power they have. It’s always about the next election and not the people who need help here and now.

We already voted. Now it’s time for our federal officials to do their jobs.


Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bitches literally got Baskin Robbins of contraception along with the morning after pill. Most of them know when its that time of the month and still need abortions. That just illustrates a fucking lack of accountability and responsibility. Nothing more nothing less.