U.S. Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe vs. Wade


Rising Star
For the record, I am a Christian. I've had this discussion and made posts about this in the past:

"If we go by biblical standards, death of a child before it was fully formed and able to survive on it’s own was not considered murder. In Exodus 21:22 When men have a fight and hurt a pregnant woman, so that she suffers a miscarriage, but no further injury, the guilty one shall be fined as much as the woman’s husband demands of him, and he shall pay in the presence of the judges. If a fetus dies before being fully formed and able to live outside a woman’s body, it was a fine, not a capital offense such as murder would have required. So according to scripture, abortion would not be murder. (Note: not everyone agrees that this is the proper interpretation of this scripture Various translations: https://biblehub.com/exodus/21-22.htm) I think the partial birth abortions qualify, but not the standard ones that are performed. Since the bible says the life is in the blood there has been some saying that life begins when blood forms in the fetus, but that was never the traditional view for Jews or Christians. Traditionally life began with the first breath. In Gen 2:7 man was fully formed, but didn’t become alive until the breath of God entered. …then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. According to scripture you are not a living human being until you draw your first breath and your soul enters. Now people say, “well that was then, now we have modern technology and we know when the heart starts beating, ” and so on and so forth. Either the bible is infallible or it’s not. God created man. Our biology is not new to Him. He didn’t need ultrasounds to be created to figure out when the heart starts beating. You mean to tell me He didn’t know how what He put together worked? Any other time science is opposed to God, but now they want to use technology. I’m not saying I agree or disagree, I just wish they’d be consistent. "

All of this is relevant...to a christian.

The rest of us do not wish to be ruled by a 2000 year old myth. Might as well quote the Silver Surfer.

The Abrahamic religions were written by MEN. The men who wrote them did not recognize women as fully human.
This is why the godhead is male.

Most men will tell you that, if they had been God, the FIRST thing that would have been created, before ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, is a GODDESS.

This same religion nearly wiped out my father's ancestors, and enslaved those of my mother.

Frankly, I am sick of the bible, and the lies and terror that accompanies it anywhere it rears its bloodthirsty head.
It is the very source of the ideology that allows a small group of white men to tell hundreds of millions of women
what they can and cannot do with their own bodies.

However, I will defend your right to do what you will with your womb, whether I or anybody else likes it or not.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
no more hot girl summers...awwww.


hear me out

get on the fucking pill or take the morning after.

this is a female problem. we don't have a say anyway if they decided to keep a kid or not.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
All of this is relevant...to a christian.

The rest of us do not wish to be ruled by a 2000 year old myth. Might as well quote the Silver Surfer.

The Abrahamic religions were written by MEN. The men who wrote them did not recognize women as fully human.
This is why the godhead is male.

Most men will tell you that, if they had been God, the FIRST thing that would have been created, before ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, is a GODDESS.

This same religion nearly wiped out my father's ancestors, and enslaved those of my mother.

Frankly, I am sick of the bible, and the lies and terror that accompanies it anywhere it rears its bloodthirsty head.
It is the very source of the ideology that allows a small group of white men to tell hundreds of millions of women
what they can and cannot do with their own bodies.

However, I will defend your right to do what you will with your womb, whether I or anybody else likes it or not.

The point is that the religious reasons given to end abortion are not supported by scripture. Which tells me you did not read past the first sentence.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
All of this is relevant...to a christian.

The rest of us do not wish to be ruled by a 2000 year old myth. Might as well quote the Silver Surfer.

The Abrahamic religions were written by MEN. The men who wrote them did not recognize women as fully human.
This is why the godhead is male.

Most men will tell you that, if they had been God, the FIRST thing that would have been created, before ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, is a GODDESS.

This same religion nearly wiped out my father's ancestors, and enslaved those of my mother.

Frankly, I am sick of the bible, and the lies and terror that accompanies it anywhere it rears its bloodthirsty head.
It is the very source of the ideology that allows a small group of white men to tell hundreds of millions of women
what they can and cannot do with their own bodies.

However, I will defend your right to do what you will with your womb, whether I or anybody else likes it or not.
I honestly scrolled past her post. What an awful post. Are we dissecting Cat in the Hat type of books and basing it on the real world. It's goofy shit.

The Bible is contradictory. When you have to even go down to Orthodox Road, you have already lost.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The point is that the religious reasons given to end abortion are not supported by scripture. Which tells me you did not read past the first sentence.
This isn't a nation based on theology. It's a nation based on slavery and the exploitation of Africans.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Don't trust that morning after, I gotta Plan B baby on the way.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Where in my post did I mention Black people. You’re the one that immediately thought about Black people when you thought about people being irresponsible and having no self control.

We are on a black site with what I assume to be black people. Im not known a the ku

So you just proved you’re the racist against black people and probably white.

How can a black man exercise racism? LOL. You only proved you don't have a penis Ms Emotional.

You don't even know what the word means. Try prejudice like we did in the 80s. Racist was the word all the dumb kids in my neighborhood used to use. Thats racist, are the first two words every ghetto rat in my classes used to skate thru HS.

Take that energy to your white boss tomorrow. Tell them how you really feel. But you wont, you just gonna be mad with bunched up panties and look for the first black man to lash out at.

Didnt vote for Trump or Biden but its my fault cause white people being white people. LOL. Chris Rock, I know how you feel. Beggars can't be choosers, but beggars are probably gonna be losers.

Now go be a victim on someone elses time.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
What happens when they say blacks cannot have guns?
Yall really taking this that far. Why didn't that happen sooner. Trust me, gun companies aint gonna like that, we great customers.

Now you gonna tell me they gonna take all the cartel guns away. You guys are so silly.

Do you go to sleep thinking like that?

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
How can a black man exercise racism? LOL. You only proved you don't have a penis Ms Emotional.

You don't even know what the word means. Try prejudice like we did in the 80s. Racist was the word all the dumb kids in my neighborhood used to use. Thats racist, are the first two words every ghetto rat in my classes used to skate thru HS.

Take that energy to your white boss tomorrow. Tell them how you really feel. But you wont, you just gonna be mad with bunched up panties and look for the first black man to lash out at.

Didnt vote for Trump or Biden but its my fault cause white people being white people. LOL. Chris Rock, I know how you feel. Beggars can't be choosers, but beggars are probably gonna be losers.

Now go be a victim on someone elses time.

You're the one that asked "Who's the racist" dumbass. You can't even keep your bullshit straight. I'll just put you on ignore and be done.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
A lot of leftist / progressives were telling you in 2016 both sides are the same and that shaming people to vote because of the Supreme Court is wrong and that the Court wouldn't change anything.

This was the first step.

The ultimate goal is to get rid of Birthright citizenship within the United States. That way even though if you're born here they can only say that certain people are really US citizens. Trust me when a lot of you Black people on here will suddenly not become US citizens.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
A lot of leftist / progressives were telling you in 2016 both sides are the same and that shaming people to vote because of the Supreme Court is wrong and that the Court wouldn't change anything.

This was the first step.

The ultimate goal is to get rid of Birthright citizenship within the United States. That way even though if you're born here they can only say that certain people are really US citizens. Trust me when a lot of you Black people on here will suddenly not become US citizens.
And then you won't have to worry about reparations. They'll strip you of your rights and then that's when the fun begins.

Only white men should be citizens.