U.S. Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe vs. Wade


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Did you know that cites get $5k per person in federal funding. Why should people have a kid if they are gonna end up on welfare?

You act like black people have no self control. That more racist than stoping abortion. Thankvyou thinking so lowly of us. I gues we are just cats and dogs fucking on instincts to you.

Now who's the racist???

You're thinking is stupid. You're assuming that people want abortions they legal because it's some sort of way for people to keep fucking without any consequences. That's not the case and if that's the only way you think about it you're being a fucking idiot. I told you all in here before my wife has a colleague that had to deliver 12 year old pregnant girl because uncle was molesting her. She had to get a C-section because her body physically wasn't big enough to deliver the baby. And a bunch of these states have made it illegal for even a victim of rape and molestation to get an abortion.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You're thinking is stupid. You're assuming that people want abortions they legal because it's some sort of way for people to keep fucking without any consequences. That's not the case and if that's the only way you think about it you're being a fucking idiot. I told you all in here before my wife has a colleague that had to deliver 12 year old pregnant girl because uncle was molesting her. She had to get a C-section because her body physically wasn't big enough to deliver the baby. And a bunch of these states have made it illegal for even a victim of rape and molestation to get an abortion.
Rape is okay and contraception is wrong. What's the worse that can happen?


waking people up
BGOL Investor
A lot of leftist / progressives were telling you in 2016 both sides are the same and that shaming people to vote because of the Supreme Court is wrong and that the Court wouldn't change anything.

This was the first step.

The ultimate goal is to get rid of Birthright citizenship within the United States. That way even though if you're born here they can only say that certain people are really US citizens. Trust me when a lot of you Black people on here will suddenly not become US citizens.
now thats crazy talk. I'm not even going to entertain the loss of government positions and military that would cause. US would be weak as fuck.

Then you have no lower class for poor whites to feel good about. Uprising next.


Rising Star

"The fascists are some heavy dudes
They don't really give a damn about life
They just don't want a woman to control her body
Or have the right to choose
But baby that ain't nothin'
They just want a male finger on the button
Because if you say war, they will send them to die by the score"

"If Roe v. Wade was overturned, would not the desire remain intact
Leaving young girls to risk their healths
And doctors to botch, and watch as they kill themselves"


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Not just white men. Black men as well. Africa as well as Europe are cauldrons of abrahamic religion, which naturally fosters patriarchy, which inevitably leads to blood letting, conquest, rape, etc., etc., etc.

Patriarchy is doomed to failure. It is literally a cycle of feast, famine, and disaster.

Ok, silly girl. What's going to replace it. You in power? Stopt it. Take that energy somewhite it might work.

You got all the fat ugly girl talking points down. Calling niggas gay on a straight porn site and naggiing people to death.

You new here but I see you aint gonna be here long. But imma tell you real quick why the lesbo crowd has already lost this battle.

During the fight for the right for women to vote, women of the time would stage sex protest with their husbands. Them being religious men at the time, the majority did not force themselves on their wives.

This was a very effective negotiation tactic that help bring both parties to the table.
This allowed for active discussion between both parties that eventually led to compromise.

In 2022 with marriage being and after thought you being against religion most of the negotiations that could take place in the home dont exist.

You have zero leverage when you can't withold what you need to make ends meet. Non religious people will shit on you quicker than religious or did you forget Nazis and the CCP are atheist.

You seek compassion yet give none. You seek compromise yet dont negotiate. This is why no one will EVER take you seriously and we are were we are now.

You can take you ass in the streets and protest and get your ass whooped by those white cops who won't be as nice as me.

Alphas make real change (Amazon Union) because the people actually follow them. You are just a crybaby with an internet echo chamber with no numbers.

A special interest that nobody is interested in.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
You're the one that asked "Who's the racist" dumbass. You can't even keep your bullshit straight. I'll just put you on ignore and be done.
Welp you lost. Get over it. Bye hunnie. If you got a fat ass, Let me smack it on the way out for old time sake, tho. LOL.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
LOL. All these selfish ass kids who were robbing Gucci and LV in 2020. All the current wanted kids making crime go up.

These terrible parents are to busy trying to make 50 the next 20. A lot old ass people need to sit the fuck down and watch their kids. I hope this kills the spirt of some of these endless summer MFers.

Too many over the hill people ain't got the point that they washed. Maybe an extra kid or two will keep them out the club. Sad to say if they get out of line they got plenty of jail space from covid.

Aint really shit to argue. The die is cast. Let see how many of these PAWGs change up on you niggas now that they can't clean up their mistake.

LOL. Swirl gang gonna be on the outside looking in again. LOL.

Have a nice day.
I don't know you but you sound like a miserable motherfucker. Gotdamn.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

This is what people just don't fucking get.

The dye has been cast. WTF did anybody expect with 6 Catholic zealot freaks on the goddamned court?

Hopefully, this will wake a lot of people up (read: STUPID ASSED WHITE BITCHES THAT KEEP VOTING FOR FUCKING NAZIS!).

If republicans regain power-the house, senate and presidency, or even just the house and senate, we are done.

And for the "both sides are the same" assholes: please accept this "go fuck yourself" in advance.
Speaking of , a lot are saying this was leaked to help the Dems in the midterms.


Rising Star

A debate between the Republicans running for Michigan attorney general confirmed warnings from reproductive rights advocates that Republicans aren’t going to stop with abortion bans—they’re coming for birth control next. In the last question of last Friday’s debate, all three men said they thought the 1965 Supreme Court decision striking down laws banning the sale of contraception had been wrongly decided, because states’ rights.

At least two of the three candidates did not know what Griswold v. Connecticut was about—which itself is kind of an issue in people campaigning to be Michigan’s top lawyer, since Griswold is a pretty damn famous case. (I literally learned about it in high school, and I am not a lawyer.) But all three agreed, once they learned what it was, that it was bad.

The Connecticut law struck down in Griswold allowed the prosecution of married couples for buying contraception. In Griswold, the Supreme Court said that the law violated the “right to marital privacy,” foreshadowing the privacy right that would be invoked in Roe v. Wade in 1973.

Michigan is now the Mississippi of the North.

They actually tried to kidnap and kill the governor here.

Shows you what republicans think of women.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
I don't know you but you sound like a miserable motherfucker. Gotdamn.
Thank for judging me off of what I do for humor. If you know anything about this account is that everything said is for pure entertainment purposes and should not be considered the opinion of thegooch, yadda yadda yadda. Legal jargon Legal jargon.

Yall cheering for kids to be prematurly sucked out of pussies and Im the wet blanket. LOL.

Piff, go chill the fuck out and smoke some Runtz or something. Why you care so much, you an abortion king or something?

Type nigga be like, look bae, you know I can't afford another one.........So fuck da kids, huh. Aint you quite the saint.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
You think a Muslim country is better? LOL. They abort the baby by stoning the woman too. You wanna go that route?

You are also free to choose an atheist state like China. See what happens if you share to choose your dissenting opinion with the government.

The solution is to stay in a state that supports your opinion and stay away from those that don't.

Its funny how women act when they dont get their way 100% This is how Republics work, sometimes there are step backwards.

For those that oppsose, its time for you to do more than talk. When I had issues with laws, I became active in getting new laws passed. I rarely bitched about it on line because change was needed in the REAL world. Now I reap the benefits.

Stop getting played and do something real about it of you have an issue with politics.

Been telling you guys local is were the power is. Now you are about to find out.
Bruh, you gotta go from one extreme to the one completely on the other side.

Wees got it, good here. Wees got no business criticizing how massa makes his laws. We ain't in China

I'm not in a position to change the laws, but the bullshit guise of, "Land of the free" is showing America to be a who lot less free by the day."


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
I am convinced he is black, skinny, religious, and gay, and angry at the world
because he is skinny, black, and gay. Seen his type growin' up a few times.

Yeah, Im black again!! You wanna prove Im gay. Open up that pussy and let me prove you wrong. I got dick for days if you got plenty pussy. DM me with pics if you aint a boogerwolf. Ill release that stress properly.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Never forget just how stupid the leftist / I hate Dems group has ALWAYS been...



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bruh, you gotta go from one extreme to the one completely on the other side.

Wees got it, good here. Wees got no business criticizing how massa makes his laws. We ain't in China

I'm not in a position to change the laws, but the bullshit guise of, "Land of the free" is showing America to be a who lot less free by the day."
America is the land of the free. But it's only for white men.

The entire thing is a facade. But if you believe boy is it magical.