Did you know that cites get $5k per person in federal funding. Why should people have a kid if they are gonna end up on welfare?
You act like black people have no self control. That more racist than stoping abortion. Thankvyou thinking so lowly of us. I gues we are just cats and dogs fucking on instincts to you.
Now who's the racist???
You're thinking is stupid. You're assuming that people want abortions they legal because it's some sort of way for people to keep fucking without any consequences. That's not the case and if that's the only way you think about it you're being a fucking idiot. I told you all in here before my wife has a colleague that had to deliver 12 year old pregnant girl because uncle was molesting her. She had to get a C-section because her body physically wasn't big enough to deliver the baby. And a bunch of these states have made it illegal for even a victim of rape and molestation to get an abortion.