The same thing that makes you laugh can sometimes be the same thing that make you cry.
The unemployment benefits were the beta test
Compton Launches Largest Universal Basic Income Program In The Nation
Author: CBSLA Staff
October 19, 2020 at 10:43 am
COMPTON (CBSLA) — Compton is launching the nation’s largest universal basic income program, with plans to distribute regular cash payments to about 800 low-income residents for two years.
The Compton Pledge, which will be launched by the end of this year, will distribute cash relief to a pre-verified group of low-income Compton residents. Recipients will be kept anonymous and the program will be “rigorously evaluated” by an independent research team, who will report preliminary findings at six-month intervals.
Recipients will get to choose between multiple payment options, and residents who don’t have a current bank account will be provided with no-cost financial services, according to Compton city officials.
“I know firsthand what guaranteed income could have done for my mother. I’ve watched the many sacrifices she made, including walking to work to provide for my brother and I,” Compton Mayor Aja Brown said in a statement. “Like most Americans, we were one emergency away from having to move, which we did many times, if anything unplanned happened because of her restricted income and prioritizing being present for her children.”
The Compton Pledge is in partnership with the Jain Family Institute and the Fund for Guaranteed Income. According to The Compton Pledge’s fact sheet, the program has already raised upwards of $2.5 million in private donations and more in-kind support. All donations will go to the Fund for Guaranteed Income, which is led by Nika Soon-Shiong, the daughter of LA Times owner and billionaire bioscientist Patrick Soon-Shiong.
Compton, with a population of 95,000, has upwards of 1 in 5 residents living in poverty, double the nationwide average, city officials said. Local housing assistance in the city is at capacity, and 46% of its residents are renters. Since the outset of the pandemic, city officials say its unemployment rates have skyrocketed to 21.9%, and a growing segment of its population are relying on food pantries.
“People in our community are going through tough times, and I know that guaranteed income could give people a moment to navigate their situation, and have some breathing room to go back to school, explore a new career path, spend time with their children, or improve their mental and emotional wellbeing.”
A number of cities across the country are expressing more willingness to consider universal basic income, and the concept was the basis of tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang’s presidential run. The California city of Stockton launched their program last year, and Los Angeles and Long Beach exploring their own pilot programs.
Now since they ran their test in that small town they getting ready for the big leagues!! This should be real interesting.. i knew would be here sooner or later, well in a bigger town/city!
covid was the national test...we ALL been on UBI for the last year,.. it's no longer theoretical.....It's FEASIBLE!Now since they ran their test in that small town they getting ready for the big leagues!! This should be real interesting.. i knew would be here sooner or later, well in a bigger town/city!
UBI is supposed to be a supplement not a replacementI think UBI would force businesses to raise their wages instead of the government having to enforce minimum wage. Some people were making more on unemployment during covid than returning to a job that pays shit.
You can t have UNIVERSAL basic income and exclude ANYONE no matter how much money they make or there is a problem with the whole thing.covid was the national test...we ALL been on UBI for the last year,.. it's no longer theoretical.....It's FEASIBLE!
if I was andrew yang I'd be on a I TOLD YOU SO tour
You can t have UNIVERSAL basic income and exclude ANYONE no matter how much money they make or there is a problem with the whole thing.
?What about those who refused vaccinations? Can that play a part?
I don t know if that will happenIf covid vaccination passports become the norm but those who refuse can't work because of medical or religious or whatever reason.
Majority of American's are cluless that Alaska (A GOP Controlled State) has a form of UBI for its residents.
The funding primary comes from the Oil and Gas Industry.
Governor proposes $5,000 super-PFD as part of annual budget plan
- By Tim Bradner
- Dec 12, 2020
Governor proposes $5,000 super-PFD as part of annual budget plan
Governor Mike Dunleavy is proposing 2021 Permanent Fund Dividend checks that would total $4,972 per Alaskan. Money needed to pay this would come from the Permanent Fund’s earnings reserve,
Governor Mike Dunleavy is proposing 2021 Permanent Fund Dividend checks that would total $4,972 per Alaskan. Money needed to pay this would come from the Permanent Fund’s earnings reserve, the governor said in a briefing Friday, and would be in addition to an annual payment from the fund to help support the state budget.
The supersized PFD will consist of two payments, the first a supplement to a dividend for 2020 paid last June and the second a regular 2022 dividend that will be calculated according to a 1980s statute that guides how the PFD is calculated.
Despite the statute the Legislature has final authority to set the amount of the dividend and does so depending on what funds are available.
Dunleavy released details of the new PFD plan along with his state budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2022, the state financial year that begins July 1.
The budget must be submitted Dec. 15 under state law but the governor chose to release the proposal several days early.
Along with the larger PFD, which Dunleavy defends is needed to stimulate the state economy, the governor also proposed a constitutional amendment to guarantee the annual dividend; state general obligation bonds for infrastructure construction that would total between $300 million and $350 million, and a general spending plan that would cut $294 million from state programs.
Voter approval is needed for general obligation bonds, and rather than wait for the next scheduled election in 2022 Dunleavy proposed s special election to be held next spring to get money from the bond issues out quickly, assuming voters approve.
In the same election the governor would ask for an advisory vote on a plan to restructure the method of calculating the amount of the PFD so that 50% of the payment made annually from Fund earning to support the budget would go to pay for the dividend.
This would have the effect of reducing money available for budget support, but there were no estimates of amounts given. The advisory vote itself would have no legal effect but legislators will pay close attention if voters approve the change in the PFD calculation.
Actually doing it would require a bill to pass the state House and Senate.
On other issues, the governor said he will not seek further cuts in the University of Alaska budget and that state money to support the state ferry system will be maintained at near the current levels.
The $294 million in proposed reductions will come from state programs but the details of where they will occur will be spelled out in budget documents to be released separately.
Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy (R)
Elon Musk is the richest man in the world. Has he quit his job shilling a coming soon for a decade autonomous driving?But critics worry that it will disincentivize work, cheating economies out of productivity and cheating individuals out of the sense of meaning that work can bring. Plus, they say, it’s just plain unaffordable for the government to pay every citizen enough to live on regardless of whether they work.
Everywhere basic income has been tried, in one map
Which countries have experimented with basic income — and what were the results?
this is essentially PLAYER HATING/MINDING SOMEONE ELSE'S BUSINESS and it's something cacs been doing in American society since DAY 1.
Literally, EVERYTHING those fuckers do is viewed thru the lens of a zero-sum game. It's the reason for all of the social divide and why class issues perpetuate particularly between the middle and poor classes. And the main types who pull that bullshit are CONSERVATIVES.
It's the reason the 2nd stimulus (yes this is STILL the second stimulus) was watered down (CONSERVATIVE Democrats) and why no republicans voted in favor of it.
CONSERVATIVES regardless of color or ethnicity are the reason for every social conflict and problem in American society...conservatives perpetuate racism, sexism, homophobia, poverty, etc, etc... any negative ISM that holds anyone back or excludes or divides that you can think of...fucking conservatives are in favor of it.
How the fuck can anyone be nonwhite or female or gay and be an American conservative... KNOWING that white supremacy (and ALL that entails) is rooted in right-wing conservative politics is incredible to me.
This summer I'm gonna take out the time to either teach low income residents or create simple videos to show them how to trade stocks. Even if it takes me renting out a conference room at a hotel or setting up shop at the local library for a few hours. Everybody can have their phones and or computers and trade right along with me at the same time....buying when I buy....exiting when I em how to make their money work for them. And I won't charge them a dime. Show my people a life beyond living paycheck to paycheck and not having to depend on the govt for shit.
This summer I'm gonna take out the time to either teach low income residents or create simple videos to show them how to trade stocks. Even if it takes me renting out a conference room at a hotel or setting up shop at the local library for a few hours. Everybody can have their phones and or computers and trade right along with me at the same time....buying when I buy....exiting when I em how to make their money work for them. And I won't charge them a dime. Show my people a life beyond living paycheck to paycheck and not having to depend on the govt for shit.
I appreciate your willingness to help out but I don't think teaching poor people how to gamble in the stockmarket is the best way to go for financial stability or independence.This summer I'm gonna take out the time to either teach low income residents or create simple videos to show them how to trade stocks. Even if it takes me renting out a conference room at a hotel or setting up shop at the local library for a few hours. Everybody can have their phones and or computers and trade right along with me at the same time....buying when I buy....exiting when I em how to make their money work for them. And I won't charge them a dime. Show my people a life beyond living paycheck to paycheck and not having to depend on the govt for shit.