If that's all they wanted, they would be sucking up to Trump right now like the rest of the GOP.
I'm sorry to butt in... "belly crawl...powerful''...WHO IN THE ROYAL FUCK DOES HE THINK CHENEY IS? He orchestrated a 20-plus year war, and was very likely a shadow president for 4 years.
The fact that even HIS evil ass realizes an IRREVERSIBLE THREAT on the rise, and is prompted to support someone who would otherwise be his political natural enemy is VERY SIGNIFICANT.
There is a DIFFERENT power structure on the rise, calling itself conservative. They are FASCISTS. There is a difference.
Unrestricted liberalism leads to totalitarianism, usually MIS-identified as communism. True Communism, the idea being "to each according to his need, from each according to his ability" is actually a very positive thing, but is only known to exist among very small communities.
Unrestricted conservatism leads to fascism (same thing as totalitarianism, but with the motivators being race and religion). In either case, government has a subordinate relationship with big business, i.e. billionaires.
In essence, that diatribe amounts to 6 lbs. of horseshit.
We really don't have time to entertain back porch philosophizing over a few 40s of liquid crack. Seriously.
My apologies
@Big Tex. I could not help myself.