UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Rising Star
What's "over-caping" though? Most of the shit Republicans have said have been lies. Sex changes in prison happened under Trump, kids aren't getting sex changes in school, and women aren't forced to play with men.

If Democrats lose backbone on a group they claim to care about, I definitely won't be voting Democrat in any more federal elections. It would show they have no principles.
You make a good point.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Every call decision desk has made tonight has been called by NBC news 5-10 minutes later. Even if it's 20-30 minutes, I don't think they've been wrong yet.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The states in the MST/PST have not called in yet.

There is a possibility that either candidate will not get the 270.

If that happens, it goes to the House of Representatives.

That’s where your vote counts, who controls the House picks POTUS.
It’s mostly Republican correct?


Rising Star
My late Dad and I talked about how folks who were prosecuting T.rump had to be careful and not do overkill. He plays the victimized martyr better than anyone. I don't even think I would have pursued the NY election fraud case when there were bigger fish to fry.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
This is fucked up what I'm gonna say, but Dems/Libs may have to re-think "over-caping' for the trans folks. That really alienates a good portion of the country, including many of the LGB's.
lol, no one actually cares about trans issues @nycmicrowaive. Even the folks on here that pretend to care about this shit haven’t lost one second of sleep over it.

The fact is that this election is as retardely close as it is because Dems are impossibly weak and retarded. All Kamala had to do to secure Michigan with Whitmer for example was to make
some vaguely humanastic “sounds” regarding our disastrous Gaza policy but like all mainstream corp Dems she decided to go full Warhawk for no reason at all. :dunno:

Just from a basic cynical optics pov she could’ve undone a lot of damage but nah… same as always, corp Dems have LITERALLY the worst fucking instincts. Same with the Liz Cheney bullshit. Same with the insistence that the economy is “good” while folks struggle with groceries while corp profits are at all time highs.

If these stupid fucks lose it’s because they’re totally incompetent and/or controlled oppo. Period.
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