UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
It’s mostly Republican correct?

It’s based on who wins this election.

The House goes into session on January 3, 2025, a few days later they certify the election.

Right now the GOP controls the House, if Dems win, they get to pick POTUS.

Your vote doesn’t really matter for POTUS, but it matters for all political positions from Congress down to your local dog catcher.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s based on who wins this election.

The House goes into session on January 3, 2025, a few days later they certify the election.

Right now the GOP controls the House, if Dems win, they get to pick POTUS.

Your vote doesn’t really matter for POTUS, but it matters for all political positions from Congress down to your local dog catcher.
Appreciate that info


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
The dems fumbled this election
Put her up there dancing and doing that stupid ass laugh instead of answering questions
This shouldn’t be this close

Welp get ready for the purge and Martial law

This is fucked up what I'm gonna say, but Dems/Libs may have to re-think "over-caping' for the trans folks. That really alienates a good portion of the country, including many of the LGB's.

That’s the problem, you cater to a certain demographic and dance for blacks
We don’t want the source awards, we want results

I've been saying Trump was going to win from the beginning. Democrats are 100% to blame for it too. Hillary was one of the most unlikable candidates ever. Then they ran a senile Biden. Then they ran Kamala who is a Black woman and connected to Biden. I said from the beginning that they will blame Black men too. We are only around 5% of the eligible vote. The truth is that white women will not vote for a black woman. Wait till the numbers come out and watch all of the black and female pundits be silent about the women's numbers for Trump. Additionally, issues like Israeli genocide, Transexuals, and our economy are key issues that are influencing votes. Yall should be mad at the Democrats and demand better next time.


BGOL Investor


Rising Star
The irony is that I think more American whites actually l
I've been saying Trump was going to win from the beginning. Democrats are 100% to blame for it too. Hillary was one of the most unlikable candidates ever. Then they ran a senile Biden. Then they ran Kamala who is a Black woman and connected to Biden. I said from the beginning that they will blame Black men too. We are only around 5% of the eligible vote. The truth is that white women will not vote for a black woman. Wait till the numbers come out and watch all of the black and female pundits be silent about the women's numbers for Trump. Additionally, issues like Israeli genocide, Transexuals, and our economy are key issues that are influencing votes. Yall should be mad at the Democrats and demand better next time.
Also, only the independent media clearly voiced, what a hypocritical, inept, piece of shit T.rump is. The corporate mainstream media was too bitchassed to do so..with any oomph.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
I've been saying Trump was going to win from the beginning. Democrats are 100% to blame for it too. Hillary was one of the most unlikable candidates ever. Then they ran a senile Biden. Then they ran Kamala who is a Black woman and connected to Biden. I said from the beginning that they will blame Black men too. We are only around 5% of the eligible vote. The truth is that white women will not vote for a black woman. Wait till the numbers come out and watch all of the black and female pundits be silent about the women's numbers for Trump. Additionally, issues like Israeli genocide, Transexuals, and our economy are key issues that are influencing votes. Yall should be mad at the Democrats and demand better next time.
Hillary beat Trump by 7 million votes, what are you talking about? You act like the Electoral College isn’t a thing. If that dumb shit didn’t exist there would be zero Republikkklan presidents. FOH

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
I've been saying Trump was going to win from the beginning. Democrats are 100% to blame for it too. Hillary was one of the most unlikable candidates ever. Then they ran a senile Biden. Then they ran Kamala who is a Black woman and connected to Biden. I said from the beginning that they will blame Black men too. We are only around 5% of the eligible vote. The truth is that white women will not vote for a black woman. Wait till the numbers come out and watch all of the black and female pundits be silent about the women's numbers for Trump. Additionally, issues like Israeli genocide, Transexuals, and our economy are key issues that are influencing votes. Yall should be mad at the Democrats and demand better next time.
You know this country ain't shit when someone can seriously write we should demand better than Harris when Trump is her opponent.


BGOL Investor
I've been saying Trump was going to win from the beginning. Democrats are 100% to blame for it too. Hillary was one of the most unlikable candidates ever. Then they ran a senile Biden. Then they ran Kamala who is a Black woman and connected to Biden. I said from the beginning that they will blame Black men too. We are only around 5% of the eligible vote. The truth is that white women will not vote for a black woman. Wait till the numbers come out and watch all of the black and female pundits be silent about the women's numbers for Trump. Additionally, issues like Israeli genocide, Transexuals, and our economy are key issues that are influencing votes. Yall should be mad at the Democrats and demand better next time.
FUCK it, let them blame black men next time those bastards will come correct WITH TANGIBLES instead of rap concerts and bullshit


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
I’m listening to the news on SiriusXm.

That Florida Marijuana referendum. It seems there was some fine print in it where it would allow Corporations to get the licenses and sell/profit and not allow “Joe Citizen” to get into the business.

It’s why folks voted it down.

Can anyone confirm this?.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
lol, no one actually cares about trans issues @nycmicrowaive. Even the folks on here that pretend to care about this shit haven’t lost one second of sleep over it.

The fact is that this election is as retardely close as it is because Dems are impossibly weak and retarded. All Kamala had to do to secure Michigan with Whitmer for example was to make
some vaguely humanastic “sounds” regarding our disastrous Gaza policy but like all mainstream corp Dems she decided to go full Warhawk for no reason at all. :dunno:

Just from a basic cynical optics pov she could’ve undone a lot of damage but nah… same as always, corp Dems have LITERALLY the worst fucking instincts. Same with the Liz Cheney bullshit. Same with the insistence that the economy is “good” while folks struggle with groceries while corp profits are at all time highs.

If these stupid fucks lose it’s because they’re totally incompetent and/or controlled oppo. Period.
Which is why they will.

This sham of a thread is a microcosm of how out of touch the super liberals are, not the “moderates”.


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
This is fucking disgusting.

And Trump gained Latino voters in PA compared to 2020 :angry:
I keep telling people, these second and third and fourth generation Latinos see themselves as white and only conveniently consider themselves Latino when there is some “minority” issues at hand they get them to some money or some scholarship jobs, etc. All you have to do is look at their marriage pattern and see that by the second or third generation they are marrying white, both men and women.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Trump is going to win again and they are going to blame Black folks for it.
The Democrats are really fucking this up.

Trump is going to win. While liberal CACs and misguided brothers/sisters will blame US, the truth is that the Democratic Party fumbled it. All this time and the best they came up with is Biden and Harris and still have no clear Black agenda. Where is Reperations? “We aren’t Trump” is not good enough for my vote.

We need our own party and force Democrats to actually earn our support. If they had a clear agenda regarding Black folks, our support would be clear.

Fact is that this whole "Blame Black Men" trend has become another money-making venture for Social Media Attention Whores.
At OUR Expense.

All these Black Women are using this platform to throw Black Men under a bus.
And Sadly, even some Black Men are participating in it.
Especially in this current Political/Social environment.

Believe Me,
If Biden doesn't win,
Guess who's going to get blame?

Sistas want to change the narrative.
But fact is that they've listened to White Feminism about Black Men for almost 50 years now.
And believed in White Access since Slavery.
While Black Men had virtually remained silent.
Now Brothers are all over the Internet expressing their feelings.
And Black Women can't handle it.
Witness women like Symone Sanders, Jemelle Hill, Brittney Cooper, etc.
We're are like food for them to feed off of.

I bet these same Sistas would shit on some one like Susan Taylor today.
Who not only dealt with Black Women's issues when She started "ESSENCE" mag,
She also supported Black Men and preach Black On Black Love and relationships.
After Taylor left "ESSENCE", see the attitude adjustment of the last decade+?

And the ironic thing of all of this?
Most White Feminists are married and in STABLE relationships.
Because they know any union takes a collaborative effort.
Especially being WHITE!

Black Women fell for the "I Don't Need A Man" hype.
What works for White Feminists necessarily didn't work for Them.
So it's easier to blame Black Men than it is to look in a mirror.

And so it goes in how many of Them raise their Sons.

The Democratic Party is fckin up. Their #1 priority should be to invigorate our vote but they are too racist to prioritize us like they need to. On top of that, Progressives are running off Moderate Democrats like Trumpsters and Teapartiers ran off Moderate Republicans.

The Republicans are going to gain control and the Democrats are going to blame us for it.

My Prediction:

1.) Biden will be the Democratic Candidate vs Trump the Republican Candidate.
2.) Biden's campaign will center around him being a better option than Trump. Trump's campaign will be the US economy under Biden and Biden's choices around the Isreal-Palastinian conflict.
3.) Trump will win the election
4.) Black folks will attack and blame each other for Biden losing to Trump

Remember this post and other posts calling for another Democratic nominee. Trump was a horrible candidate, but he won because he ran against Hillary who is was an even worse candidate. Even though Hillary was very disliked, it was decided that she would be the nominee. Then we ended up with Trump. Now we have Biden who was a bad candidate before, but even worse now. Keep in mind, Biden only won 51% of the popular vote against Trump. And this was while Trump was messing up Covid and Biden was the VP for Obama. Now the US has experienced Biden, the economy is worse, and he is engaged in an unpopular and polarizing conflict. I live in one of the most liberal areas of the US and I have not witnessed such a low level of confidence in a sitting President since George W Bush. Trump is a buffoon but will win against Biden. Its like a slow-moving train wreck that people are pretending not to see. The Democratic party should have been working on a moderate candidate without dirt on him. A relatively unknown Democrat could beat Trump. Trump didn't and won't win because of who he is, but we won and will again because of who he isn't.

In the end, Biden will be the Democratic candidate and Democrats(especially Black Democrats) will blame Black folks for it.

Prediction: Biden will lose this election and Black Men will receive the blame for it.

I said months ago that Trump was going to win this election and the blame will be put on Black folks.

Some things to think about:

1.) Biden is obviously compromised mentally. He looked horrible in the debate and he sounds bad. Why haven't Democrats addressed this months or even years ago? They didn't realize his condition when he was prepping or even talking to him?

2.) We didn't really hear about this "Project 2025" stuff until after the debate. If viewed as so harmful, why did Democrats wait until after the debate to push it? It was published in APRIL. Why did was it released days after Biden messed up in the debate? I believe that they were sitting on it as a strategy.

3.) With Biden's age, why was Kamala shelved during Biden's whole Presidential term? Why wasn't she front and center and put in a position to actually look Presidential? Kamala wasn't really seen or heard from during his whole term.

Democrats had 4 years to groom candidates. The reality is that Biden barely beat Trump last election and Trump was fresh into totally messing up the pandemic. Now Biden is looking and sounding senile and Covid is a distant memory. Democrats should have been aware of Biden's condition long ago and prepared another candidate. They had 4 years! Instead they are looking surprised and caught off guard that Biden is this bad and scrambling months before a Presidential election. Kamala Harris would have even less of a chance than Biden.

Both Republicans and Democrats are racist CACs who are very tone deaf when it comes to Black folks. Kamala Harris does not have anywhere near the same support from Black folks that Obama had. I predict they run Kamala Harris and blame Black folks for losing. I'm already seeing CACs say that the Democratic party is getting pressured to run Kamala out of fear of alienating "the Black community" if they ran another candidate. They know she will lose and actually care about Gavin Newsom's political future, so he won't be on the ticket.

Has Kamala done any interviews where she has articulated her positions on key issues since announcing her Presidency?

Trump sounded horrible in this interview. He rambled and came off as very self centered. That said, he will win this election because of his opponent. It is crazy to see democrats make the exact same mistake they made last time he won. Hopefully Black folks don’t blame each other over it.

I found it very difficult to get statistics indicating how many eligible Black male voters are in the US. I have seen that Black folks are only 14% and 33% of Black male voters have felonies. In addition to health and violence related issues that disproportionately effect Black men, I’d guess that Black men account for less than 5% of the total vote. In addition to our low numbers, the majority of Black men are heavily concentrated in a few areas of the US.

For the past year I’ve predicted that the Democratic candidate will lose this election and Black men would get the blame.

They will. Black women are very emotionally tied to this election. The Democratic strategy has been one of fear. We have been flooded with propaganda to fear a Trump presidency. Black men are much less fearful and now shame is used. The prevailing narrative is that everything is going to go to hell if Trump is elected and Black men are too ignorant to see it. Last election, we let CACs convince us to call Jim Brown and Ice Cube coons for just meeting with Trump to hear his proposal for Black men. This election, they brought out Obama to shame us.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I live in TN and got family in Louisiana and Texas these mf white devils think trump gone give them free range to do whatever they want
Watch your mouth

you see if I lived down south where I didn't have to experience them fucked up bully a knigga mandates, I would vote for kamala

in a heartbeat simply because of stupid pinktoe pale faces, that are going to be out of control...Im ready

to fuck summin up if they get on some kkk bullshit... they ain't gonna be that way in NYC... all the racist kkkops went to Florida..

nypd have been pretty cool lately, if it wasn't for the immigrants kicking their asses.. they would be doing lovely....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you see if I lived down south where I didn't have to experience them fucked up bully a knigga mandates, I would vote for kamala

in a heartbeat simply because of stupid pinktoe pale faces, that are going to be out of control...Im ready

to fuck summin up if they get on some kkk bullshit... they ain't gonna be that way in NYC... all the racist kkkops went to Florida..

nypd have been pretty cool lately, if it wasn't for the immigrants kicking their asses.. they would be doing lovely....
It’s all good bruh no disrespect intended


Rising Star
OG Investor
I’m listening to the news on SiriusXm.

That Florida Marijuana referendum. It seems there was some fine print in it where it would allow Corporations to get the licenses and sell/profit and not allow “Joe Citizen” to get into the business.

It’s why folks voted it down.

Can anyone confirm this?.

Isn't that how it is in most states where it's legal? Folks can possess and smoke it, but only the big boys can make serious money from it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m listening to the news on SiriusXm.

That Florida Marijuana referendum. It seems there was some fine print in it where it would allow Corporations to get the licenses and sell/profit and not allow “Joe Citizen” to get into the business.

It’s why folks voted it down.

Can anyone confirm this?.
I don't think so
It's because weed smokers can't be bothered to vote.
The opposition was running ads basically saying people will be smoking weed everywhere in public.
Yes it turns it corporate but it's better than getting locked up.
Once it's in it can always be adjusted
Gotta knock the door down first