An executive order is not a law. It is not binding on everyone, only on employees of the executive branch. If you have a point share it instead of asking silly questions homie.
It was a correction, not a question... And they are not binding only on employees of the executive branch. Obama's most famous executive order was DACA. You don't have a clue about this.
Look at this article from Biden's first weeks in office. This is all wide-reaching stuff. If you don't understand, ask a question. Everything doesn't have to be an argument.
President Joe Biden's efforts to move the country forward have, in his early days in office, been to put it in reverse.
The president
has already issued more than
three dozen executive orders and memorandums on a wide range of issues, from LGBTQ rights to climate change and immigration. And virtually all of them have been done to reverse or stop actions taken by the administration of President Donald Trump.
The president has given each day a topical theme, signing his name to documents on matters ranging from immigration to the pandemic. On Thursday, Biden signed executive orders on health care, including reopening the health care marketplace beyond its original deadline last December so people can sign up for an Affordable Care Act plan from Feb. 15-May 15. He also directed agencies to reexamine policies that undermine protections for people with pre-existing conditions as well as waivers that make it harder to get Medicaid, such as work requirements. ...
Another executive order gets rid of the the so-called global gag rule and domestic gag rule, both of which ban federal funds to entities performing abortions, even if other monies are used to pay for the procedures. Trump expanded the global gag rule to deny all U.S. health assistance – not just family planning aid – to entities that provide, or even discuss, abortion with patients.
Biden noted before signing the documents Thursday that he wasn't doing anything other than returning things to a pre-Trump status quo.
"There's nothing new we're doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president," Biden said from the Oval Office.
"Again, I'm not initiating any new law, any new aspect of the law. This is going back to what the situation was prior to the president's executive order," Biden said, appearing to address concerns that he is making new law without congressional input.
Earlier in the week, Biden signed executive orders and memorandums aimed at combating climate change, largely by making climate change a central factor in the development of both domestic and national security policy.
You're welcome.