UPDATE: Donald Trump Takes Office as the 47th US President


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Trump just called Kamala Harris a sleaze bag. How in the fuck? Who the fuck votes for someone who acts like this just because they hate the person you hate or they don't think the same way you do?

It'd be one thing if he was Joe blow, but this is a guy running for president. Presidents don't act like this, presidents of anything don't act like this. Not the president of the PTA. Not the president of Enron. Not the president of a union. But he's calling her names with no rebuke from anybody who heard it. What the fuck?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor


one of the reasons why this Superbowl win felt SOOOOOO SWEET! beating this bitch ass Trump supporting institution of Whiteness


Rising Star
A long time ago I used to like Corey Holcomb, but now I don’t know what got into him, but he is unbearable right now. He’s just not positive with nothing. And Kamala Harris do not need to be called a bitch by a black man never in life
He’s full of shit! And if he doesn’t participate in the process and he thinks it’s sucka shit; then why does he have a problem with anything about it? He shouldn’t because you don’t care right. He’s full of shit!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

A long time ago I used to like Corey Holcomb, but now I don’t know what got into him, but he is unbearable right now. He’s just not positive with nothing. And Kamala Harris do not need to be called a bitch by a black man never in life
1. He doesn't vote so his opinion ain't worth shit.

2. He's ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT..you're just now seeing it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A long time ago I used to like Corey Holcomb, but now I don’t know what got into him, but he is unbearable right now. He’s just not positive with nothing. And Kamala Harris do not need to be called a bitch by a black man never in life

That nigga is the epitome of a dusty, ignorant, low vibrational, self hating, negative ass bottom feeder..

he just ran down a whole list of the greatest hits of misinformation without any fact check.

It's important that if these people are on platforms spreading their bullshit they need to be checked by somebody who's
well read and knowledgeable. Shout out to Cam for the slight pushback but he ain't the brightest bulb in the pack


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

^^^^% I have been speaking about the same subject. He been speaking about a lot of motherfuckers died during Covid and most of them was Trump supporters. There is a strong chance that he may get less than 74 million votes to go around.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Interesting listening to this. I’m a fan of Kamala. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to hear criticism of her but I’m all for hearing, listening, engaging and learning.

Listening to Corey, the thought of “strong and wrong” keeps coming to mind. Usually, I feel like his opinions are supported by rational things regardless if I agree or disagree but not this time. He says that he isn’t supporting Trump but…he’s sure as shit walking that line.

I’m curious and want to ask the community here: it’s common to hear Black people who don’t like Kamala to talk about her being a prosecutor and hurting the Black community so I’m wondering…

1. Did her time has a prosecutor make things safer in the Black community?

2. Were any of her cases returned due to wrongful convictions?

3. Did she prosecute Black men and women who were actually criminals? (I would think that if you live in the criminal side of the world, you know the law better than most and that the consequences can’t be a surprise)

4. As a prosecutor and before that, was she unjust?

5. I don’t recall people questioning her Black identity until this race. Has that ever been a thing before?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm telling yall..first time voters here in Charlotte are going to push NC to blue. We are sick of this dude..

Charlotte has to do it. The turnout there is critical. By comparison, Wake and Mecklenburg county had the same number of voters in 2020 but Wake had 63k more voters that voted. Now Wake and Mecklenburg combined have 105k new registered voters since then. Turnout is critical.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
My only concern is that if this ends up not being close (which seems possible), it will feed back into the whole "fake news" narrative again. Which the media almost deserves at this point, but will not help with rebuilding trust in the press in the future.

I'd wager that the Harris-Walz campaign loves the media tripping over themselves to sell the razor thin margin EVERYWHERE (Hell, VP Harris is probably CACKLING about it, while sipping an adult beverage, as we speak) since it helps their messaging of keeping the foot on the gas. There will always be some level of mistrust with the press, when decisions made are ratings-driven.


Rising Star
An executive order is not a law. It is not binding on everyone, only on employees of the executive branch. If you have a point share it instead of asking silly questions homie.

It was a correction, not a question... And they are not binding only on employees of the executive branch. Obama's most famous executive order was DACA. You don't have a clue about this.

Look at this article from Biden's first weeks in office. This is all wide-reaching stuff. If you don't understand, ask a question. Everything doesn't have to be an argument.

President Joe Biden's efforts to move the country forward have, in his early days in office, been to put it in reverse.​
The president has already issued more than three dozen executive orders and memorandums on a wide range of issues, from LGBTQ rights to climate change and immigration. And virtually all of them have been done to reverse or stop actions taken by the administration of President Donald Trump.​
The president has given each day a topical theme, signing his name to documents on matters ranging from immigration to the pandemic. On Thursday, Biden signed executive orders on health care, including reopening the health care marketplace beyond its original deadline last December so people can sign up for an Affordable Care Act plan from Feb. 15-May 15. He also directed agencies to reexamine policies that undermine protections for people with pre-existing conditions as well as waivers that make it harder to get Medicaid, such as work requirements. ...​
Another executive order gets rid of the the so-called global gag rule and domestic gag rule, both of which ban federal funds to entities performing abortions, even if other monies are used to pay for the procedures. Trump expanded the global gag rule to deny all U.S. health assistance – not just family planning aid – to entities that provide, or even discuss, abortion with patients.​
Biden noted before signing the documents Thursday that he wasn't doing anything other than returning things to a pre-Trump status quo.​
"There's nothing new we're doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president," Biden said from the Oval Office.​
"Again, I'm not initiating any new law, any new aspect of the law. This is going back to what the situation was prior to the president's executive order," Biden said, appearing to address concerns that he is making new law without congressional input.​
Earlier in the week, Biden signed executive orders and memorandums aimed at combating climate change, largely by making climate change a central factor in the development of both domestic and national security policy.

You're welcome. :smh:


Rising Star
Our comrades to the North...

Thank you!
RE in Canada is fucking crazier than here in the US - so i dunno what this "intrest" is ...if its to buy a home there the Canadians wont be to pleased at all since 1) houses cost as much if not more than what they cost here in the US

2) most canadians dont earn enough to even consider buying a home - and thats even in places that are in the middle of nowhere like Saskatchewan or Alberta or Manitoba let alone in Ontario or BC more people wanted to buy will just drive up the cost ....the last thing Canadians want.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
EXACTLY. Otherwise, it might be a collective...

"Ohhh shit, he won? WTF happened?!!"

"I KNEW I should turned in a ballot before leaving town for that trip!! FUCK!!"

"This motherfucker, AGAIN?!!"
That last one is one i definitely don't want to say on Tuesday night..cause ill follow it up with calling my cousin and his family in Toronto and saying"I'll see you guys in January."