UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What’s sad none of them have ever probably been to Africa. Crazy to talk bad about a place you never been.
They’d have nothing to talk about if they don’t talk their hate for Africa,

my issue is this is a tread about museums , a museum that hosts the replica works of many PanAfricans at that ,, the 2 biggest ppl who expose fba are black Americans somehow he never addresses them but always resorts to fishing for clips of ppl disparaging Africa at every turn but how is that a response to the claims about his grifter museum ?
Well the comment section confirm what their hatecult is all about
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They’d have nothing to talk about if they don’t talk their hate for Africa, my issue is this is a tread about museums , a museum that hosts the replica works of many PanAfricans at that ,, the 2 biggest ppl who expose fba are black Americans somehow he never addresses them but always resorts to finish clips of ppl disparaging Africa at every turn but how is that a response to the claims about his grifter museum ?
Well the comment section confirm what their hatecult is all about

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Ever since son showed up to his 4th grade class wearing church shoes, shorts, a bowl cut and a Pele jersey in 1984 fresh off the inner tube and the young FBA brothers clowned the fuck out of him, he's been salty since....

Seek therapy mangoslob69


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Looking through this thread, I'm reminded of something I said about younger generations not being as quick to accept Tariq as some sort of guru, or master teacher.

These kids are pulling these clips, finding the audio and when you look at the bullshit Tariq has stated it's almost like there is a Tariq Nasheed multiverse because of the amount of contradictions going on.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Looking through this thread, I'm reminded of something I said about younger generations not being as quick to accept Tariq as some sort of guru, or master teacher.

These kids are pulling these clips, finding the audio and when you look at the bullshit Tariq has stated it's almost like there is a Tariq Nasheed multiverse because of the amount of contradictions going on.
Becos the kids are more travelled than their parents& are more knowledgeable about the world they live in today , many of these fba Ados minions are loser adults in their 30s & 40 & even 50 plus who r bitter &failed at life n need someone to blame for their failures n also to look down on to make their miserable loser lives feel better ,


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
ha so u get to chose & pick who is African ? "senegalese" isnt in africa , Senegal is in Africa ...
I didn’t pick her. They did. Should have picked someone that didn’t have African lineage to make your point without spitting in the wind.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
OG Investor
Those punk ass ados and fba clowns have no zero smoke for the white man. Their agenda has a clear, precise and unwavering path. The destruction of any postive progression by any "black" person is their goal. These agents of white supremacy loves Caucasians and feel gratified and indebted to them for all they have today and may have in the future. That is why they attack and look down on all other "black" cultures.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I always wonder how many of the ADOS and FBA folks ever been to Africa?
Beautiful place and I bet many would have a change in their viewpoints if they ever visited. Just my thoughts

ADOS movement has nothing to do with Africa. I wonder how many of the critics of the ADOS movement have ever read the website?



BGOL Patreon Investor

I'm not an advocate for that pseudo-intellectual de-facto. black white supremacist grifter AT ALL.

However, he MIGHT actually have a case on the grounds of fair use which permits the use of copyright-protected works in certain circumstances. One of those circumstances is for documentaries.

Relying on the fair use doctrine, a well-established defense to copyright infringement pursuant to the Copyright Act of 1976, documentary filmmakers may incorporate such preexisting third-party materials into their projects without securing licenses. This practice aligns with the US Supreme Court precedence, which has long recognized that a secondary work that is "transformative" -meaning that it adds something new- with a further purpose of different character than the original, may fall under the fair use doctrine.

I'm not sure what the criteria is for the part in bold and if Tariq's film qualifies.