UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
After finding out Jamaica still uses the colonizer wig in courts something told me to look up Africa. And long behold

This shit is all making sense now.

African courts also uphold the colonizer peruke wig till this day
I can’t unsee this shit

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah whining like fba ados been online for the past 7yrs scouring the internet looking for anything u can twist to push ur “white supremacy in blackface” adjacent agenda
The real face of white supremacy in black face

Gone do some learning today




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sneaky Reeky couldn’t get this gathering at the Hidden Hookah Lounge.

KRS did right in the BX. :lol:

Microphone check had all the day ones. These dudes is wayyy later

Where’s the first b boys. And baby zulus I don’t see them there. Where’s dj hollywood. Where’s melle Mel. Where’s the first female mc sha rock. Where’s Debbie d?? Where’s grandmaster caz

Respectfully not one of these niccas was there except for coke la rock. :lol: These dudes was 4 years old tops

Other than coke la rock the oldest dude he got there was from sugar hill gang which had the first ghost writer that’s about it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The real face of white supremacy in black face

Gone do some learning today


how are they the face of white supremacy all the way in africa? how are the affecting ur life here in america? but ur hategroup who mocks dying african children aren't ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
how are they the face of white supremacy all the way in africa? how are the affecting ur life here in america? but ur hategroup who mocks dying african children aren't ?
Any niccas that wears a white supremacy wig is a black face of white supremacy. And anyone that comes from there have been taught to be that.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Congratulations to the sister for teaching the highest level of colonialism.

imagine a highschool dropout trying to mock a highly educated & accomplished blackwoman thousand miles removed from ur america ,(since ur hatecult complain %& cry that they are here in america to take from u & ur reparations, so even when they are all the way in Africa u still spew ur hatred about them ?) a woman who went thru a high educational achievement of a law school, living & working all the way in Africa where her work doesn't affect ur life in usa in anyway shape or form but u trying to want to claim she's the face of whitesupremacy, while ur hatecult regurgitate white supremacist tropes about Africans daily on twitter, and somehow think ure making a point ?

and I certainly didn't see any of them sit down to "yes sir"-ing & "no sir" -ing with a white supremacist while spewing xenophobia against other black ppls


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
imagine a highschool dropout trying to mock a highly educated & accomplished blackwoman thousand miles removed from ur america ,(since ur hatecult complain %& cry that they are here in america to take from u & ur reparations, so even when they are all the way in Africa u still spew ur hatred about them ?) a woman who went thru a high educational achievement of a law school, living & working all the way in Africa where her work doesn't affect ur life in usa in anyway shape or form but u trying to want to claim she's the face of whitesupremacy, while ur hatecult regurgitate white supremacist tropes about Africans daily on twitter, and somehow think ure making a point ?

and I certainly didn't see any of them sit down to "yes sir"-ing & "no sir" -ing with a white supremacist while spewing xenophobia against other black

alright you be tweaking. I gotta stop


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No one has done more for black people than fba.

Meet John Robinson.
A fba Tuskegee airman that went africa (Ethiopia) with his Tuskegee airmen to help the Ethiopians fight off the Italian in a war. He taught them to build and fly war planes.
For his help Hallie sellassie gave him land in Africa. Rastafarians of Jamaica moved into that land.
Your welcome.

You ungrateful summa ma bitches



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No one has done more for black people than fba.

Meet John Robinson.
A fba Tuskegee airman that went africa (Ethiopia) with his Tuskegee airmen to help the Ethiopians fight off the Italian in a war. He taught them to build and fly war planes.
For his help Hallie sellassie gave him land in Africa. Rastafarians of Jamaica moved into that land.
Your welcome.

You ungrateful summa ma bitches

1 person went to Ethiopia so that gives u the right to form a hatecult spewing YTsupremacist rhetoric about Africans , and u think Africans & Carribeans in America didn’t fight alongside black America during the civil rights era or didn’t sacrifice n contribute to the freedom struggles?
This is what I always enjoy , u keep trying to make a bs fba ados xenophobic point but only keep exposing yourself

And No u dumbass the Emperor didn’t give the land “Shashemani” to the honorable John Robinson ! the Emperor gave the land to Rastas after he visited Jamaica and met Rasta elders where they said they wanted anyone in the diaspora to be able to touchdown. They moved into that land !
But we know u have to manufacture ur lies to help u justify ur need to spew ur xenophobic YTsupremacist in blackface bs


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1 person went to Ethiopia so that gives u the right to form a hatecult spewing YTsupremacist rhetoric about Africans , and u think Africans & Carribeans in America didn’t fight alongside black America during the civil rights era or didn’t sacrifice n contribute to the freedom struggles?
This is what I always enjoy , u keep trying to make a bs fba ados xenophobic point but only keep exposing yourself

And No u dumbass the Emperor didn’t give the land “Shashemani” to the honorable John Robinson ! the Emperor gave the land to Rastas after he visited Jamaica and met Rasta elders where they said they wanted anyone in the diaspora to be able to touchdown. They moved into that land !
But we know u have to manufacture ur lies to help u justify ur need to spew ur xenophobic YTsupremacist in blackface bs
The Tuskegee air “men”. Is plural. . That means more than one in America.
He also provided arms dealing in Central America to fight and then built Ethiopian airlines Africas first airbus which is now used for mass fleeportation unfortunately

Your welcome again
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Black Americans have done more for black people in the world than anyone

In the early 20th century, connections between the African diaspora in the New World and those who remained in Africa helped fuel Pan-Africanism, which influenced social movements that resulted in the wave of independent states in Africa and Civil Rights legislation in the United States during the 1960s.


Rising Star
OG Investor
imagine a highschool dropout trying to mock a highly educated & accomplished blackwoman thousand miles removed from ur america ,(since ur hatecult complain %& cry that they are here in america to take from u & ur reparations, so even when they are all the way in Africa u still spew ur hatred about them ?) a woman who went thru a high educational achievement of a law school, living & working all the way in Africa where her work doesn't affect ur life in usa in anyway shape or form but u trying to want to claim she's the face of whitesupremacy, while ur hatecult regurgitate white supremacist tropes about Africans daily on twitter, and somehow think ure making a point ?

and I certainly didn't see any of them sit down to "yes sir"-ing & "no sir" -ing with a white supremacist while spewing xenophobia against other black ppls
save your energy bro. don't argue with these fools anymore. either they got it or they don't. i just got back from Ghana, saw many african americans there. they were chilling and having a good time. wasn't nobody worrying about no gotdamn ADOS or FBA or white supremacy this or white supremacy that. It was just one love and experience being shared by anyone melanated. the only ones complaining right now about pan africanism and want to argue it's demerits are the ones who aren't making any money from it, or feel like they're being supplanted etc etc. the ones who get it, get it. the whole gotdamn world is changing and you can either change with it or choose to fight it. in the end, change will win.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Black Americans have done more for black people in the world than anyone

In the early 20th century, connections between the African diaspora in the New World and those who remained in Africa helped fuel Pan-Africanism, which influenced social movements that resulted in the wave of independent states in Africa and Civil Rights legislation in the United States during the 1960s.
ur hategroup been trying to push ur fba ados hate ideology but now that u keep getting clipped u wanna deflect about some “connections” ur hategroup claims never existed ! Fawk off !!
The liberation struggles in Africa & the civil rights movement in the USA inspired each other but
u speak as if u liberated African countries !
Which countries did u liberate ? Which wars did u fight in Africa ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
save your energy bro. don't argue with these fools anymore. either they got it or they don't. i just got back from Ghana, saw many african americans there. they were chilling and having a good time. wasn't nobody worrying about no gotdamn ADOS or FBA or white supremacy this or white supremacy that. It was just one love and experience being shared by anyone melanated. the only ones complaining right now about pan africanism and want to argue it's demerits are the ones who aren't making any money from it, or feel like they're being supplanted etc etc. the ones who get it, get it. the whole gotdamn world is changing and you can either change with it or choose to fight it. in the end, change will win.
I have to put the acronyms cultists in their place , I don’t care that hate Africa but I won’t be silent on this blog when they push their lies n propaganda about Africa, I’m not pushing for brotherhood with any of their hatecult but I won’t be silent to allow them spread their propaganda backed by YTsupremacist rightwing JohnTanton network !
I’m completely fine with their hate of Africa im fine with that but lies won’t stand to be allowed to spread


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
just got back from Ghana, saw many african americans there. they were chilling and having a good time. wasn't nobody worrying about no gotdamn ADOS or FBA or white supremacy this or white supremacy that. It was just one love and experience being shared by anyone melanated


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
ur hategroup been trying to push ur fba ados hate ideology but now that u keep getting clipped u wanna deflect about some “connections” ur hategroup claims never existed ! Fawk off !!
The liberation struggles in Africa & the civil rights movement in the USA inspired each other but
u speak as if u liberated African countries !
Which countries did u liberate ? Which wars did u fight in Africa ?
They did not inspire each other. Those aren’t my words. These are reports.

And don’t ask me which war did “I” fight in cause half the shit you spew I have not said but you attach what other people say to everyone. Can’t have it both ways moron


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They did not inspire each other. Those aren’t my words. These are reports.

And don’t ask me which war did “I” fight in cause half the shit you spew I have not said but you attach what other people say to everyone. Can’t have it both ways moron
this is the comment of a fool noticing his agenda is falling apart & Its getting exposed ! fuck off loser failed at life hate cultist!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
the legacy of fba ados , this is the latent hate that has existed in many of them who didn't have an outlet to express their xenophobic ideologies
