UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I would hope that it does the opposite of whatever voting for the Donkeys blindly since the 1960s has gotten us. Were what they refer to as an "captured electorate". So because we dont not care if they do or dont do shit for our people, you get the results that we have gotten so far. Crumbs if anything. Abstaining from voting would put the Dems on notice.

And to follow up your last paragraph, please give me just ONE time where Tariq "hustled the people"?
I believe in practicing electoral self defense. Abstaining from voting is not practicing electoral self defense. That is allowing the white supremacists, who vote like a muthafucka, to win electoral battles unopposed. Fuck that.

Whenever there are crowd funding requests that does not MATERIALLY benefit those that are being asked to outlay funds, but DOES materially benefit that requestor, my hustle radar goes off. Not saying it is a hustle; but it could be a hustle. And I am not down with that.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
I believe in practicing electoral self defense. Abstaining from voting is not practicing electoral self defense. That is allowing the white supremacists, who vote like a muthafucka, to win electoral battles unopposed. Fuck that.

Whenever there are crowd funding requests that does not MATERIALLY benefit those that are being asked to outlay funds, but DOES materially benefit that requestor, my hustle radar goes off. Not saying it is a hustle; but it could be a hustle. And I am not down with that.
I understand that these evil Republicans want to put us back in chains and whatever you think. How do you reconcile the unquestionable fact that your way, voting for the Dems for the last 55+ years, has improved our people's plight. By every metric we are last place, still. We literally GIVE AWAY the only power we have, voting.
Do you understand the point I make when I say that they should work for our votes at least?

And can you at least concede that you have no concrete evidence of Tariq ever hustling people at least lol? Men dont deal in emotions bro.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I understand that these evil Republicans want to put us back in chains and whatever you think. How do you reconcile the unquestionable fact that your way, voting for the Dems for the last 55+ years, has improved our people's plight. By every metric we are last place, still. We literally GIVE AWAY the only power we have, voting.
Do you understand the point I make when I say that they should work for our votes at least?

And can you at least concede that you have no concrete evidence of Tariq ever hustling people at least lol? Men dont deal in emotions bro.
I get where you are coming from. I do. But again, just like I am not going to have someone walk up and slap me unopposed, I am not going to have white supremacists attempt to electorally slap me unopposed. It really is that simple.

And I didn’t say Tariq is hustling people. What I said was how he operates has an aspect to it that raises my radar. Want to film a documentary? Fund that shit yourself and have your fans pay to watch it. Want to open a museum? Secure your own funding and charge the patrons to view it. Don’t consistently ask your fans to break bread for shit that does not materially benefit them. Not sure how having that view is emotional, but whatever.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
I get where you are coming from. I do. But again, just like I am not going to have someone walk up and slap me unopposed, I am not going to have white supremacists attempt to electorally slap me unopposed. It really is that simple.

And I didn’t say Tariq is hustling people. What I said was how he operates has an aspect to it that raises my radar. Want to film a documentary? Fund that shit yourself and have your fans pay to watch it. Want to open a museum? Secure your own funding and charge the patrons to view it. Don’t consistently ask your fans to break bread for shit that does not materially benefit them. Not sure how having that view is emotional, but whatever.
I would question your mode of thinking however. This is the case of fox vs the wolf as Brother Malcom put it in 1963. Unless you can point to me the Democrat policies that have helped Black people out?

And i said emotional thinking as you could NOT point to any specific hustle, just that you felt like he was hustling the people. Do you think any museum was built by one person solely? Everything has investors. You're not even speaking in facts brother.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I would question your mode of thinking however. This is the case of fox vs the wolf as Brother Malcom put it in 1963. Unless you can point to me the Democrat policies that have helped Black people out?

And i said emotional thinking as you could NOT point to any specific hustle, just that you felt like he was hustling the people. Do you think any museum was built by one person solely? Everything has investors. You're not even speaking in facts brother.
I can name one that we started getting in July and is helping tons of black families; the child tax credit. Now please name me one conservative policy that has helped black people.

Investors usually see tangible gains on their investments, no? So if folks are investing to the creation of this museum, as you state, what tangible gain will they see?


BGOL Patreon Investor
Good response, even though there are a few holes I can poke at, I won't.
Let's just agree to disagree. There are MANY people in the Black community not helping but hurting. Tariq is definitely not one of them.

Remember, there are not any perfect messengers. Only perfect messages.
It is true that no one is perfect. I believe on judging people on their overall merits. There is nothing new under the sun. For example, Umar had once made the claim of being the only Black scholar to write a book on how the school system fails Black boys. But I remember in college reading Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu’s, “Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys”, which specifically deals with that subject. Point is, many make claims. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by making sure information given is correct.

On the subject of Tariq, we disagree and I can live with that. Be well, bro.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
It is true that no one is perfect. I believe on judging people on their overall merits. There is nothing new under the sun. For example, Umar had once made the claim of being the only Black scholar to write a book on how the school system fails Black boys. But I remember in college reading Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu’s, “Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys”, which specifically deals with that subject. Point is, many make claims. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by making sure information given is correct.

On the subject of Tariq, we disagree and I can live with that. Be well, bro.
You too homie


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
BGOL accountants: "They got museums in Detroit & DC why we need another Black museum?!?!?!"

Tariq: "They got a liquor store in Memphis and Baltimore why we need one in every Black community?!?!?!"



Transnational Member
He raised $1.2 million dollars. I don't know, he is into racial cannibalism hard, so no telling what his plans will be with this project. What is the price the black community is paying for him to get $1.2 million dollars.

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Transnational Member

You have to be careful with these people, many of them came out of legacy media (Fox, MSNBC, CNN) than reappeared on social media/Youtube. All of them have their fake gimmick stories of being forced out of the establishment due to some controversial comment which caused them to appear on Youtube. This is to bolster their credibility.

They will intentionally down resolution their videos to make them look underground. They will make their Youtube 'set' look amateur as possible. A professional filmmaker doing shows with sound deadening tiles just haphazardly placed.


All of his videos with him doing Fox Shows have disappeared on Youtube, it only has his TV interviews with Tucker Carlson. One of them had to get high level government backing to travel internationally after being denied entry in a couple of countries which suggest being an intelligence asset. If you mess with this person, or deny entry exposing this person, that country could face reprisals.

Finally, there will be an unhealthy fixation and monitoring of my activity, constantly looking for ways to discredit and counter any statement I make publicly.


Transnational Member

You have to be careful with these people, many of them came out of legacy media (Fox, MSNBC, CNN) than reappeared on social media/Youtube. All of them have their fake gimmick stories of being forced out of the establishment due to some controversial comment which caused them to appear on Youtube. This is to bolster their credibility.

They will intentionally down resolution their videos to make them look underground. They will make their Youtube 'set' look amateur as possible. A professional filmmaker doing shows with sound deadening tiles just haphazardly placed.


All of his videos with him doing Fox Shows have disappeared on Youtube, it only has his TV interviews with Tucker Carlson. One of them had to get high level government backing to travel internationally after being denied entry in a couple of countries which suggest being an intelligence asset. If you mess with this person, or deny entry exposing this person, that country could face reprisals.

Finally, there will be an unhealthy fixation and monitoring of my activity, constantly looking for ways to discredit and counter any statement I make publicly.

We got another person claiming the establishment is rejecting them after working at these institution for decades, I won't name, names but they got on the campaign trail for somebody appearing anti-establishment. This guy doesn't have heavy Fox Newscorp ties but he is suspect. I have already anticipated bait videos on Youtube and other platforms soon.

1. Look for the amateur looking Youtube set, while the real amateurs are trying to look polished and professional as possible. They are trying to occupy and take over our space to prevent us from effectively distributing our content.
2. Alleged rejection and conflict with the establishment even while working for them for decades.
3. Shooting their shows with a cell phone camera instead of the expensive equipment that they can easily afford, down resolution their videos to 480p.
4. Shooting a video with a smartphone that crops its in that format.


5. Obsessively targeting a person on each video for no reason, stealing their content and doing a video to minimize their impact.

It is no different than how white supremacists had Afghani fighting for them, translating, doing menial jobs; than getting their special immigrant visas


Rising Star
OG Investor
All non FBAs look up to us. We are the standard for Blackness globally. When they had that Jamaican reparations thread none of us was in there hating or cracking jokes. We don't look up to them or care about what they got goin on at all. :dunno:
whatever crack you smoking, that shit is strong. All non FBAs look up to you? lmao, fuck outta here. lmao. and that part about you on the other hand don't look up to us, this goes to show how ignorant and less traveled you are. I Just got back from Ghana. tourism is booming and guess who's the cause of that mostly? african americans. the enlightened ones. the ones with passports. the ones who haven't been infected by this ados/fba bullshit. so u know what? keep living in your little bubble. i heard that dumbass tariq the other day talking about "allies" can donate to the museum. i was like "allies"??? nigga yall ain't got any allies outside of your so called FBA/ados circle. you used to have some allies like me that were non ADOS and non FBA who were rocking with yall and were slowly enlightening some of our brethren who didn't have much exposure to African american culture and history and a lot of them were slowly starting to get it. But noooo, as soon as yall heard reparations, your leaders like Tariq immediately thought, oh, we better harden this line between us and them cos it's all about money now and we don't want them africans and islanders getting any reparations. that's when the insults and the falsehoods and lies started. and dumbasses like yall bought into it line hook and sinker. so no, you aint got no fucking allies outside America and the ones that you had, you done lost. just like tariq himself said a couple years ago that yall don't owe us anything, well guess what motherfucker, it's vice versa. we don't owe yall a gotdamn thing. tariq has singlehandely insulted just about every black person on the continent, in the carribean and everywhere else that isn't from America. that's over a billion people in Africa alone. a billion. that's not counting people from the islands. and now he wants allies. fuck him and fuck you too. you aint getting squat from us. we don't owe you anything. you do your thing we will do our thing and in the end let's see who prevails.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Does anyone have details of the organisation/foundation that will spearhead this project?
What about trustees, advisory board, management?
Does Tariq personally profit from the foundation’s work?
Does Tariq get tax breaks for their donations to the foundation?
To ensure transparency and access, does Tariq's org/foundation provide information on various policies, statements, and definitions?
What about the financials? who are its accountants and auditors?
Has anyone viewed its 990-PF on IRS (where applicable)?
How about sustainability?
Who are the architects and project consultants?


Rising Star
Does anyone have details of the organisation/foundation that will spearhead this project?
What about trustees, advisory board, management?
Does Tariq personally profit from the foundation’s work?
Does Tariq get tax breaks for their donations to the foundation?
To ensure transparency and access, does Tariq's org/foundation provide information on various policies, statements, and definitions?
What about the financials? who are its accountants and auditors?
Has anyone viewed its 990-PF on IRS (where applicable)?
How about sustainability?
Who are the architects and project consultants?
If u ask questions your a hater. Ive been trying to save people from him but they luv being pimped on LOL


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
whatever crack you smoking, that shit is strong. All non FBAs look up to you? lmao, fuck outta here. lmao. and that part about you on the other hand don't look up to us, this goes to show how ignorant and less traveled you are. I Just got back from Ghana. tourism is booming and guess who's the cause of that mostly? african americans. the enlightened ones. the ones with passports. the ones who haven't been infected by this ados/fba bullshit. so u know what? keep living in your little bubble. i heard that dumbass tariq the other day talking about "allies" can donate to the museum. i was like "allies"??? nigga yall ain't got any allies outside of your so called FBA/ados circle. you used to have some allies like me that were non ADOS and non FBA who were rocking with yall and were slowly enlightening some of our brethren who didn't have much exposure to African american culture and history and a lot of them were slowly starting to get it. But noooo, as soon as yall heard reparations, your leaders like Tariq immediately thought, oh, we better harden this line between us and them cos it's all about money now and we don't want them africans and islanders getting any reparations. that's when the insults and the falsehoods and lies started. and dumbasses like yall bought into it line hook and sinker. so no, you aint got no fucking allies outside America and the ones that you had, you done lost. just like tariq himself said a couple years ago that yall don't owe us anything, well guess what motherfucker, it's vice versa. we don't owe yall a gotdamn thing. tariq has singlehandely insulted just about every black person on the continent, in the carribean and everywhere else that isn't from America. that's over a billion people in Africa alone. a billion. that's not counting people from the islands. and now he wants allies. fuck him and fuck you too. you aint getting squat from us. we don't owe you anything. you do your thing we will do our thing and in the end let's see who prevails.

Retracing a slave route in Ghana, 400 years on

By Siphiwe Sibeko, Francis Korokoro

ADIDWAN, Ghana (Reuters) - Nana Assenso stands at the grave of his uncle, remembering the man he loved but also a past that has haunted his family for generations.

His uncle was called Kwame Badu, a name that has been passed on through the family in remembrance of an ancestor with that name who was captured and sold into slavery long, long ago.

“Growing up, I was told the story of two of my great-great-grand-uncles Kwame Badu and Kofi Aboagye who were captured and sold into slavery,” says Assenso, 68, the chief of Adidwan, a village in Ghana’s interior. He followed the family tradition and named his youngest son Kwame Badu.
This month marks 400 years since the first recorded African slaves arrived in North America to work plantations in English colonies. In the centuries after, European slave traders shipped millions of African men, women and children across the Atlantic Ocean. Many died in horrific conditions on the slave boats, while survivors endured a life of misery and backbreaking farm work.

For some of them, the terrible journey began here, deep inside Ghana. Captured by slavers, they were marched along dirt tracks for 200 kilometers (125 miles) to slave castles perched on the Atlantic Coast, where they boarded ships for North America. They never saw their homeland again.

From here in Adidwan, the slaves were forced south, passing through the gold-mining town of Obuasi.

Kwaku Agyei is a pastor and elder in Obuasi. He tells the story of the slave trade to young workers in his neighborhood, the indignity of it mixed with pride in his ancestors.

“They captured us because they realized we were very strong,” the 71-year-old says. “They sent our ancestors to work on sugar plantations. The slave trade made us realize that the white man was cruel.”

But many rulers of West African empires, such as the Ashanti kingdom, whose descendants still live in this part of modern-day Ghana, also profited, selling captured slaves in exchange for guns, cloth, alcohol and other Western manufactured goods.

“Our elders exchanged their children for ‘nice things’ like matchboxes,” Agyei says.

But once again, his pride in his heritage shows through. “I can say our ancestors were the ones who developed America,” he says.

Abdul Sumud Shaibu, 50, also lives in Obuasi and tells of his strong ancestors. He shows a photograph of his grandfather that he saved to his mobile phone. “My ancestors were giants,” he says. “They were well-built and strong. Look at the height of my grandfather in this picture.”

They did battle with slave raiders, he says. In those fights, sometimes they lost. And sometimes they were captured into slavery.

Near the journey’s end in Ghana, the captives were given a last, ritual bath in a river before being sold. Today, the Assin Manso site is a sacred place of remembrance. In this area of mangrove swamps, an image of slaves chained by the feet promises, “Never again.”

In the river, 75-year-old New Yorker Regis Thomson sits within circle with five other women from her church and prayed.

“When I think of what my ancestors had to go through...” the U.S. tourist says, adding that she would go back and tell of her experiences so today’s children are made aware of their past. “We have a lot of work to do.”

After they bathed in the river, the captives were then taken on the final leg of their journey in Ghana, to the last place they’d ever see in their homeland: slave forts on the Atlantic like the Cape Coast and Elmina castles.

Saviour Asante, 30, a hairdresser in Obuasi, had given little thought to slave history growing up. That changed with a visit to Cape Coast castle. “I cried the whole day,” she says. “It was a very painful experience to hear these stories.”

From the castles, where European authorities lived in comfort right above the dungeons that held the slaves, the captured Africans walked through the Door of No Return onto the ships that would take them to America.

Retracing a slave route in Ghana, 400 years on | Reuters

Tariq doesn't make money off slave castle tours and tourism scams and hustles. He's never sold a person into bondage before. There will be an exhibit detailing Ghana's role in the slave trade in the museum. You should come check it out brother, it will be very detailed for the world to see. :yes:


BGOL Investor
Does anyone have details of the organisation/foundation that will spearhead this project?
What about trustees, advisory board, management?
Does Tariq personally profit from the foundation’s work?
Does Tariq get tax breaks for their donations to the foundation?
To ensure transparency and access, does Tariq's org/foundation provide information on various policies, statements, and definitions?
What about the financials? who are its accountants and auditors?
Has anyone viewed its 990-PF on IRS (where applicable)?
How about sustainability?
Who are the architects and project consultants?



Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
@FLoss literally a day after saying we on crack for knowing all non-FBA's look up to us, there's a thread about an FBA athlete being cut off an NFL team that 1 of the losers that liked his post made. It's getting more interaction than any thread about a non FBA athlete here. How many threads about Ghana are generated on this board? Outside of tourism scams? @rph2005 is upset nobody cares about his country and sees no value in having him as an "ally".

Most of the threads on BGOL revolve around Black America and 90% of the music in the music forum is Black American, but we on crack for noticing just how much they look up to and can't stop talking about us? :yawn:



Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report suspicious activity
BGOL Investor
@FLoss literally a day after saying we on crack for knowing all non-FBA's look up to us, there's a thread about an FBA athlete being cut off an NFL team that 1 of the losers that liked his post made. It's getting more interaction than any thread about a non FBA athlete here. How many threads about Ghana are generated on this board? Outside of tourism scams? @rph2005 is upset nobody cares about his country and sees no value in having him as an "ally".

Most of the threads on BGOL revolve around Black America and 90% of the music in the music forum is Black American, but we on crack for noticing just how much they look up to and can't stop talking about us? :yawn:

Before FBA got on code with each other I could never understand why so many niigros would be so happy and energized about the plight of successful American black folk.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
To all of the Tariq supporters i have one question. Is there anything you all disagree with him about? Im just curious. Dude seems to have a cult like following. Reading some of these posts I can actually hear his voice

I haven't contributed to any of Tariq's campaigns.

I had an issue with Tariq because he talks about staying on code (Neely Fuller's UIC code), but he doesn't stay on code himself. But then I realized Neely Fuller's UIC code isn't a book of laws, but rather a book of suggestions. So I can't be mad at Tariq for not following the code perfectly. I don't follow the code perfectly so I would be a hypocrite to talk shit about Tariq.

He does his crowdfunding, delivers the product he promises to deliver and the products are successful. I don't see the "scam" inside of that. So I don't have a problem with dude. I hope he continues to grow and do better. That's all I expect. :dunno:

Kwame Coltrane

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I haven't contributed to any of Tariq's campaigns.

I had an issue with Tariq because he talks about staying on code (Neely Fuller's UIC code), but he doesn't stay on code himself. But then I realized Neely Fuller's UIC code isn't a book of laws, but rather a book of suggestions. So I can't be mad at Tariq for not following the code perfectly. I don't follow the code perfectly so I would be a hypocrite to talk shit about Tariq.

He does his crowdfunding, delivers the product he promises to deliver and the products are successful. I don't see the "scam" inside of that. So I don't have a problem with dude. I hope he continues to grow and do better. That's all I expect. :dunno:

So basically, other than one misunderstanding, you agree with everything he says? Got it


Transnational Member

There is something funny about this deal, he made some trip over to the UAE just recently. He is doing this deal with some Middle Eastern connect. This guy just obsessively attacks me non stop on his videos after posting bait videos. I smell some type of foreign agent type of arrangement with some Islamic foreign country. This U.S. does nothing again and lets these fools operate with impunity; meanwhile I am sandbagged with surveillance.

Another major religious group trying to make covert moves behind the scenes to push their ideology. Tariq Nasheed is getting terrorist financing overseas to build this museum mosque under the nose of the CIA/FBI. If they can operate like this without notice, we are going to have another 9/11 soon.
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A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
He does his crowdfunding, delivers the product he promises to deliver and the products are successful. I don't see the "scam" inside of that. So I don't have a problem with dude. I hope he continues to grow and do better. That's all I expect.
He ain't ain't gonna deliver on this one.