UPDATE: Tariq Nasheed pushed for $7Mil for Hidden History Museum; FBA is 1000% officially a cult via new Religion, “MOJAURA”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is backwards. You ask for funding for a building without having land to put it on? I don't see him coming through with this. He's biting more than he can chew, and frankly, I don't think he has any intentions of opening this "museum".
Maybe he has an agreement to rent the land provided he get can produce a signed contract for the building construction :dunno:

I don’t know I’m just being optimistic.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
whatever crack you smoking, that shit is strong. All non FBAs look up to you? lmao, fuck outta here. lmao. and that part about you on the other hand don't look up to us, this goes to show how ignorant and less traveled you are. I Just got back from Ghana. tourism is booming and guess who's the cause of that mostly? african americans. the enlightened ones. the ones with passports. the ones who haven't been infected by this ados/fba bullshit. so u know what? keep living in your little bubble. i heard that dumbass tariq the other day talking about "allies" can donate to the museum. i was like "allies"??? nigga yall ain't got any allies outside of your so called FBA/ados circle. you used to have some allies like me that were non ADOS and non FBA who were rocking with yall and were slowly enlightening some of our brethren who didn't have much exposure to African american culture and history and a lot of them were slowly starting to get it. But noooo, as soon as yall heard reparations, your leaders like Tariq immediately thought, oh, we better harden this line between us and them cos it's all about money now and we don't want them africans and islanders getting any reparations. that's when the insults and the falsehoods and lies started. and dumbasses like yall bought into it line hook and sinker. so no, you aint got no fucking allies outside America and the ones that you had, you done lost. just like tariq himself said a couple years ago that yall don't owe us anything, well guess what motherfucker, it's vice versa. we don't owe yall a gotdamn thing. tariq has singlehandely insulted just about every black person on the continent, in the carribean and everywhere else that isn't from America. that's over a billion people in Africa alone. a billion. that's not counting people from the islands. and now he wants allies. fuck him and fuck you too. you aint getting squat from us. we don't owe you anything. you do your thing we will do our thing and in the end let's see who prevails.

"Kumerica"?!?!?! " Chicago Drill"?!?!? Using ADOS slang?!??! Naming towns in Ghana after Black American cities?!?! Nope, Ghanaians don't look up to the Soul people like the rest of the world, they different!!!

:roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3:

@FLoss @Soul On Ice @VAiz4hustlaz @xfactor


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
Man yaw need to form teams, get some t-shirts, and have sa neter style debates to get all this arguing shit out the way.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Man yaw need to form teams, get some t-shirts, and have sa neter style debates to get all this arguing shit out the way.

It's not that serious. These people can only vent and talk shit on BGOL and the internet, they have no clout or say in Black America no public figures echoing their sentiment so their opinions are worthless. :dunno:


Transnational Member
We got another person claiming the establishment is rejecting them after working at these institution for decades, I won't name, names but they got on the campaign trail for somebody appearing anti-establishment. This guy doesn't have heavy Fox Newscorp ties but he is suspect. I have already anticipated bait videos on Youtube and other platforms soon.

1. Look for the amateur looking Youtube set, while the real amateurs are trying to look polished and professional as possible. They are trying to occupy and take over our space to prevent us from effectively distributing our content.
2. Alleged rejection and conflict with the establishment even while working for them for decades.
3. Shooting their shows with a cell phone camera instead of the expensive equipment that they can easily afford, down resolution their videos to 480p.
4. Shooting a video with a smartphone that crops its in that format.


5. Obsessively targeting a person on each video for no reason, stealing their content and doing a video to minimize their impact.

It is no different than how white supremacists had Afghani fighting for them, translating, doing menial jobs; than getting their special immigrant visas

Another thing these clowns do is similar to defectors that flee their country and get paid spreading lies. They have instant credibility for living in the country or knowing a high level person. Here they will attempt to work with people that are being targeted and get to know them like Umar Johnson. In effect, they are defecting from their personal relationship with that person. Their attacks against that person are more credible due to their personal knowledge with working with them.


I watched an excellent program on Youtube about this which exposed these tactics that propagandists use with defectors. Umar Johnson is now struggling to raise funds for his school. He actually congratulated Tariq Nasheed like a fool, not realizing he had been setup.
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The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Does anyone have details of the organisation/foundation that will spearhead this project?
What about trustees, advisory board, management?
Does Tariq personally profit from the foundation’s work?
Does Tariq get tax breaks for their donations to the foundation?
To ensure transparency and access, does Tariq's org/foundation provide information on various policies, statements, and definitions?
What about the financials? who are its accountants and auditors?
Has anyone viewed its 990-PF on IRS (where applicable)?
How about sustainability?
Who are the architects and project consultants?

This. Btw only a million dollars to build? Surely you jest! Not sure if serious but as someone else stated, he has no plot of land to build a tool shed on and last time I checked pleiboi that’s gonna run you at least a couple hundred thousand! Ok ok, so let’s say some city donated the plot of land there is still the matter of obtaining the structural, mechanical,electrical, architectural engineering experts to draw up the project and that too is going to run you another million. A piece for each engineer expert. Btw, since this is a public building and will be built on American soil you have to adhere to the physical security standards after 911 for seismic, blast and survivability for the region it will be built. Let’s not forget you’ll need a utility expert (building has to have shitters, water,phones, pipes and stuff) to draw up plans to ensure you can access public services and as @GAMETHEORY stated how have your forecasted sustainment and funding for this building? No budget analyst? Budgets for workers and maintenance? Normally in 3+ years cause Yknow a year ain’t gonna cut it pleiboi. Maybe people will come to his aid and donate another 15-30 million?


Transnational Member

There is something funny about this deal, he made some trip over to the UAE just recently. He is doing this deal with some Middle Eastern connect. This guy just obsessively attacks me non stop on his videos after posting bait videos. I smell some type of foreign agent type of arrangement with some Islamic foreign country. This U.S. does nothing again and lets these fools operate with impunity; meanwhile I am sandbagged with surveillance.

Another major religious group trying to make covert moves behind the scenes to push their ideology. Tariq Nasheed is getting terrorist financing overseas to build this museum mosque under the nose of the CIA/FBI. If they can operate like this without notice, we are going to have another 9/11 soon.

You better take your shoes off when going in. This is a mosque in disguise with all the Middle Eastern connects involved.


Another major religious group trying to come at me. What happen to secularism in the U.S.?

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Where is the parking?

He's sounding dumber and dumber. You get with the city engineers and yours to establish the traffic flow plan and estimate how much traffic the 'museum' will generate mostly at it's peak hour. Man......you know what? Anybody dumb enough to fall for these clowns and give their money needs to have it taken. I mean, you didn't like the parking? Really? With no metrics at all to substantiate not acquiring the property for that reason alone? Ok. :smh: