Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star
Platinum Member
One of things that doesn’t get talked about enough is the Trump takeover of the RNC. Harris putting together all these digital ads and field offices is going to take a lot of money and infrastructure to combat. Good luck to down ballot candidates getting any help oh and Trump claims to have spent 100 million on anti-Biden ads.

When news 1st broke of the Trump syndicate USURPING the RNC, I new the down ballot GOP candidates were FUCKED. But somehow, the resident MAGA bros. think that FELONIOUS will miraculously, "win the WH in a landslide" and both Houses, even after the 2022 Midterms were a trickle instead of the GOP tsunami their talking points memo leaders, from where they get their talking points, predicted.

This is the problem to me.

His mind was changed by a convention of speeches and celebration instead of by actual information and policies.

This means that he is someone easily swayed by shiny objects and spectacle like a lot of voters unfortunately.


That’s a series problem. If you not voting on REAL Policies, that’s a serious problem.

This is the VIBES era. It's why the Harris machine had to pivot away from the traditional DRY campaign to fun and festive, while outlining the policies platform. One of the main reasons Biden was asked to step down. Dem Leadership got that part right. However, the initial suggestion of a brokered convention is what they got WRONG.

all them muhfuckas sound like that?

Yep, and one of the main reasons majority of voters are not feeling RFK Jr., a shaky-voiced flip flopper candidate that is still on the ballot in some states after announcing, at the 11th hour, he's joining the Trump campaign. The Kennedy brand is long gone, politically. His polling dropped like a rock, after VP Kamala Harris was announced as the Presidential nominee. Again, VIBES era.
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darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Trump connected with the boomers, which I’m still bugging out how a multimillionaire New Yorker was able to convince a bunch of backwood rednecks he actually likes them.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Turnout from Tampa south has to be overwhelming...also, jax has a large military population, send walz down there to play up the vet angle and about trump insulting veterans..i would put walz in Florida and keep him there. the dems have more surrogates than the republicans...use them. People still like michelle and barack..use them..as much as they are willing to help