US Rep. HOE-bert: Report alleges that Lauren Boebert was a 304


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Listen the GOP is about the moment. They are about the movement. Right now you republicans backing a boldface proven liar in Herschel Walker but they don't give a fuck. What they give a fuck about is whether or not you will toe the white supremist line and keep it alive.
Just like the Democrats. The current POTUS - Biden was trained by KKK members and hard-line segregationists. Good call out.

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Did he beat?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These are not rational people who use common sense to guide their decisions.

That man was not lying when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th ave and not lose any supporters.

I expected ignorant red state cacs to fall for his bullshit but it is sad as fuck to see some of Us, on this board even, support it too. :smh: They will be here soon to explain it is really about everything but this clown ass cac. :smh:


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
This is where the left fucked up with all their caping for BS.

The minute someone says anything about Boebert being a whore, people will come to her defense and say the left is slut shaming her…. And the left would have to shut the fuck up because of the way they cape and defended fuckery all these years, they’ll be missing a prime opportunity to rake this bitch over the coals.

She’ll win in spite of being a whore. Years ago a political party could have destroyed for this. But now, they would be “slut shaming” a fucking whore.


Rising Star
This is where the left fucked up with all their caping for BS.

The minute someone says anything about Boebert being a whore, people will come to her defense and say the left is slut shaming her…. And the left would have to shut the fuck up because of the way they cape and defended fuckery all these years, they’ll be missing a prime opportunity to rake this bitch over the coals.

She’ll win in spite of being a whore. Years ago a political party could have destroyed for this. But now, they would be “slut shaming” a fucking whore.
This is complete bullshit I have no problem with her being an escort and honestly believe women should have the right. However she's clearly a hypocrite especially if she had multiple abortions it's that simple. Also she has no power in congress even if she gets reelected it's inconsequential really.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

How da fuck hasn't this exploded already?


my god.... someone.... ANYONE..... send this to AOC..... PLEEEEEEASE
They way HOEbert be coming after her... it'll be a WWE Smackdown event

sidebar: tell her just like we're selling Ukraine weapons.... we got a nuke for you

:roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2:
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A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
lets get real here. Assume everything is true about her that's being reported? do you really think it matters to the voting members of her district? they way congressional maps are drawn and manipulated, many people with no business breathing let alone running for office, get voted in and join congress and proceed to fuck shit up. I have no issues calling her out but is what she doing any worst or different than the bunch of jackasses already in congress? Until this country stop voting into office, these damn devils, we gonna keep being distracted by this bullshit and more.