Wait. Is Kevin Samuels DEAD or is it a Rumor? Update: RIP Kevin Samuels


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They can never replace him. He has a unique way of doing his work.

He told the truth and people don't like that, truth is educated prefer educated and educated usually has a certain way of doing things. We don't expect a single mother of 4 to be educated, he kept it 100% real and these chicks got in their feelings.

Lotta them really hunting for a educated man but don't qualify for him and they wonder why, it's not the pussy he cares about and they don't get that, KS kept it pretty 100 with facts especially based around CLASS which is something most people completely overlook especially us in the black community cuz we usually socialize so freely with everyone but not everyone we socialize with gets something back from us.

He kept it too 100 for most people which is why they got offended.

I'm in my 40s and I got my life together not too long ago, I was 35 and doing pretty fucking bad, truth is I know who I am and which woman is gonna respect me, I know alot of women won't deal with me due to a long history of struggle they don't find too attractive or they feel I'm not marriage material based on my struggles. I know my place and I stay in it, KS had that same vision, just because someone got money that don't mean they ready for something.

All these hoes chase money end up getting nothing but dick or a ass beating and no ring, KS dropped real game on heads and people got upset. No one wants a fat 40 year old with 2 kids, we gotta keep it 100... and during my poor years trust me I'd rather watch some porn, beat off and go to sleep before I date that:roflmao:


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
I used to drink them shit when I was in grad school, but the crash was too much for me. I stopped after a year or so. It definitely wasn’t an everyday thing either.

Hell, I stopped smoking blacks back in 2018. I still smoke bud, but I run regularly. I breath way better now, my blood pressure is nicely regulated, and blood sugar is in good shape. But I smoked them things for about 14 years. All I can do is create the best quality of life as possible. To me that means, keeping my health in order for as long as possible without having to go to the doctor every week or having someone help me get in and out of the bed.

Dude I cut back on smoking, still vape dry herb though. Still smoke a lil bit, but trying to stop completely one day.

I started drinking a giant berry smoothie everyday with a big chunk of ginger. I use frozen blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and maybe cherries or grapes. And I eat a big salad every other day. Gotta pack in those antioxidants.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Small world but guess not too small since I live in the same city.

I know Ortensia


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
This entire thread is pure comedy. Shit has had me cracking up for HOURS now.

:lol: :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I used to drink them shit when I was in grad school, but the crash was too much for me. I stopped after a year or so. It definitely wasn’t an everyday thing either.

Hell, I stopped smoking blacks back in 2018. I still smoke bud, but I run regularly. I breath way better now, my blood pressure is nicely regulated, and blood sugar is in good shape. But I smoked them things for about 14 years. All I can do is create the best quality of life as possible. To me that means, keeping my health in order for as long as possible without having to go to the doctor every week or having someone help me get in and out of the bed.
Yeah I felt this because I smoked Blacks and weed like that shit was going out of style. Cut both out, but I do vape some and trying to stop. Get this Covid weight off right now.
I pop hella pills though from Vitamin D, C, cordeceyps, and etc. working out more consistently as well.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Truth is most people that have issues with energy drinks are also taking cocaine and adderrall with it.
The others are mixing it with vodka and shit like that. Don't know where they thought that was a good combo.

KS didn't drink alcohol so I'm not sure if he took drugs, but i do know that he's been drinking that redbull since i started watching him in 2018. If he drunk those things throughout the day like he did during the broadcasts in the evening... :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I agree Bro. From the day one I said to myself that man is doing gods work. And I am in no way religious. I also said to myself and few others his attempts to sort out the heedless, delusional and egotistical would be used against him. That he would be vilified by those who need his help the most. Today that can be seen by those who revel in his death.

Peace to that Black man and the work he put he in. He said what my father, uncles and grandfather says about women. Mind you those men have wives. No to be confused with delusional broads looking to go out and eat $300 meals 5 nights a week.


These women celebrating an hi-fiving but gonna get in their feelings when they see his name is still a top trending topic and people are thumbing through his content as I type this.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

These women celebrating an hi-fiving but gonna get in their feelings when they see his name is still a top trending topic and people are thumbing through his content as I type this.

and you know someone is going to eventually step right in and pick up where he left off.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He battled Lymphoma when he was young, this may shed some light on his heart attack.

Patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma had a significantly higher rate of deaths caused by heart attacks than the general population. This risk persisted for up to 25 years following initial therapy. The risk of death from heart attack was significantly increased among patients who were diagnosed and treated before age 65



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Im not the only one that sees the irony of his death. It’s sort of poetic in a way and I mean no disrespect when I say that. It’s like me dying in a hurricane or something even though I follow weather like I breath air.

Now, my biggest gripe with KS show is that he rarely, if ever, had anyone to challenge his thought process. Holding bitches accountable is one thing, the other this is that NOBODY is above this human shit. And that’s the part I wanted to challenge him on.

Death is the end result of us all and most of us will die alone regardless of who you’re with, what your money look like, how you label yourself, or whatever else.

So whatever we are doing out here. Whatever we call this life thing; ain’t none of us going to make it out here alive.

Until then, wing this life shit the best way you can.


One of my biggest fears is dying alone, but not alone in the sense of no one is at home, but you're dead at home for a like a week or something. There was this woman i worked with that passed away and she didn't get discovered for 3 days. Now I'm not sure if she could have been saved if someone checked on her sooner, but you just never know. For Kevin, it happened the way they say it happened, he may have had a massive heart attack and there was nothing anyone could do anyway.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
WTF?! has this been confirmed?!!

saw a couple of his videos and thought he was entertaining and had his niche.

I'm aware there was a lot of controversy around him and that there were those gender war type of conversations between sistas and brothas that light up gossip blogs...but I have no interest in that shit so I'm not familiar with all that.

from what I saw...he didnt seem to be cooning, disrespecting all black women and seemed to mostly concerned about helping men level up with their fashion game, and their confidence. it's a shame that a brother with that type of mission/influence is gone if this is true.
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4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dude I cut back on smoking, still vape dry herb though. Still smoke a lil bit, but trying to stop completely one day.

I started drinking a giant berry smoothie everyday with a big chunk of ginger. I use frozen blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and maybe cherries or grapes. And I eat a big salad every other day. Gotta pack in those antioxidants.

Good luck with the quitting, bro. It definitely wasn't cold turkey for me. It was gradual.

I went from 2 to 3 black per day, until I got down to a half. I remember when I was smoking that half, I said "I don't need it anymore."

So my running ended up replacing my smoking. I can take deep breaths now. That was something I couldn't do when I was on them blacks.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
No...KS had a different way, once he started addressing women and he changed up the whole setup and made it more about being a conversation; thats when he started to separate himself..go back and look at some of his older videos when he was in Oklahoma. You could see him consistently upgrading his equipment and how the show would go.

Yep...he was sophisticated..with his shit...if I let a woman...watch his show...and if she say he not Right...I fucks and keeps it moving...brah

Bad Andy

No time for a 304
BGOL Investor
Damn R.I.P to his family. Dudes message was real if people would take a minute to listen. For years women walked around unchecked and men would never dare to upset them. One of his biggest points he ever made is; black women can be cooperative and submissive in their jobs and to their white bosses yet can't find a way to bring that energy back home to their black man. Sometimes our women need to hear the message and not jump to attack the messenger.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
No...KS had a different way, once he started addressing women and he changed up the whole setup and made it more about being a conversation; thats when he started to separate himself..go back and look at some of his older videos when he was in Oklahoma. You could see him consistently upgrading his equipment and how the show would go.

Gonna miss that. These other jokers with 50k+ followers just sit in a room with four walls and talk into their iPhone. Another cat just puts a picture on the screen as he babbles on for 3 hours.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Small world but guess not too small since I live in the same city.

I know Ortensia

Well they said he was into Hispanic and Asian women so I guess this fits right in, I'm guessing sisters seen this a mile away and started acting up on him.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
One of my biggest fears is dying alone, but not alone in the sense of no one is at home, but you're dead at home for a like a week or something. There was this woman i worked with that passed away and she didn't get discovered for 3 days. Now I'm not sure if she could have been saved if someone checked on her sooner, but you just never know. For Kevin, it happened the way they say it happened, he may have had a massive heart attack and there was nothing anyone could do anyway.

Man, if someone found me dead 3 or 4 days later, then that's THEIR trauma because I'm certainly not going to know about it. LOL

But, I know what you mean, fam. My grandmother has lost two husbands and she just turned 92 on the 2nd of May. She lives alone in the country by herself. Her kids and grandkids check on her, but for the most part, she is alone in that house. It's been that way since 2014.

This is the broader scope of what I was saying. Dying alone isn't an option for many of us when the time comes. Some of us may see it coming (i.e. an illness that can't be cured) and we can make arrangements. But MOST people I know that died suddenly were alone.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
RIP to Mr. Kevin Samuels if true. This news saddens me. Kevin always said what needed to be said and gave the advice that the person in the other end needed to hear. Society is taking that power away from us and it was refreshing to see someone wield it so unabashedly.

I certainly respected that brother.

Society meets Killamayne...and I call them bitch ass kniccas..brah