I grew up with delusional women. Yep, the kind of Black women he described. They all felt like they should be worshiped by men, but yet they are coming to the table with no money, other men's children, and disgruntled Baby Daddies. The only thing they have to offer is the cooch and good looks. To me, that ain't enough.
Now they are in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and even 60s talking about, "All men are dogs; and if they want me, they gotta take my kids too... we're a package." Shiiiiiiit! Fuck that! They are single, lonely and bitter as Hell.
They may have hated the way he delivered the message, but that message was truth and it was on point.
R.I.P. Brother...
You gave them the truth. Unfortunately, most people don't want to hear it.