Wait. Is Kevin Samuels DEAD or is it a Rumor? Update: RIP Kevin Samuels


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Yeah, that shit will kill ya.

I don't do energy drinks. A partna of mine was hooked on em, and he fucked around and went to the emergency room. The doctors couldn't believe it. They said his blood was like antifreeze. :smh:

So you are just going to ignore your friend's unhealthy lifestyle and blame energy drinks?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
At least he died in some pussy. If a nurse was with you and you couldn't be revived I mean it was probably nothing that could be done.
A nurse? More like an escort. I guess you can be both but her inability to revive him from the intake of the drug he was on tells me she was more of the latter. Doesn’t take away from the situation but the new evidence released proves original hypothesis.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's interesting that the people who claim to be on the "right side" can engage in such despicable behavior. Really? Celebrating a man death because you didn't like his tone?? Because he didn't coddle women or men?

I had a little chat with about 5 single/ divorced women in my department this morning. They were all teeth, just grinning and cheesing about KS' death. The first question I asked was, do you think any man would find your behavior at this very moment worthy of a wife or mother? The answer..."no, but this is different." I also asked, please tell me, ignoring the tone, what did he say that was wrong? The reply? "Men shouldn't judge women. All women are beautiful. A woman can get a high value man if she wants to, even if she has kids and even if the kids have different fathers. Getting old doesn't diminish a woman's value."

These women, black and white really believe this. And anyone telling them anything different is a threat to their hope.

I feel sorry for you single brothers.

yeah they laughinh now

but will be crying later when

they realize he went from youtuber

to youtube legend...

he left a blueprint on modern female behavior

that young men will be able to study for

years to come

the reelationship and marriage fuckery is what

really died...

MR Samuals infinite wisdom


tell em mrfreddygoofbud said...

fuck u mean??

CPT Callamity

Titty Feelin Villain
BGOL Investor
Who was telling you to settle with a single mom? Unless you are some weirdo who people think cant do any better than that I dont see anyone telling yo to do that.

A middle aged woman who was probably one herself. Plenty of them around here.
When I worked tech support I was at the desk of such a woman and she started asking about myself and offering "advice." So in the small talk she said I should find a "home church" and don't "look over the single mothers."
She went on about they are established, have to know how to cook and just need a good dude. :smh:
Obviously out of touch with reality but that's what we deal with out here. When I mention to some of them that I don't date single moms and even told single moms themselves it wasn't going to be anything serious...they got upset...but they did respect what the my decision was.
The hivemind is real and they all read from the same script.
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You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
So you are just going to ignore your friend's unhealthy lifestyle and blame energy drinks?


Who said I was ignoring his lifestyle? The doctors didn't say "You haven't been getting enough sleep". They asked him if he had been drinking antifreeze. So that's cause to blame energy drinks for the antifreeze blood.

You sell energy drinks out of the trunk of your car or somethin?


Rising Star
Some of you grow men need to chill out cause people were talking shit about him before he passed away,there another thread on him that's long and I threw shots at him back when he was wearing foundation,fur coats and high heel boots walking into a store looking like he was going to meet Little Richard,Prince and RUPAUL for lunch nigga and I ain't taking it back but I'm not celebrating the death of another black man ,that did nothing to me personally.
I understand what he did, how he did it and if he can accept the negative then most of y'all should be able too.

I haven't seen much hate for him on bgol, some of you are just hurt and this witch hunt for his detractors is turning into something else....what y'all going to do?jump on someone?.Chill out,donate to him if available,watch his videos,like em, promote his channel,make rip tshirts,type his qoutables...all that.

I'm not coming back in here....you niggas in here about to get into it like y'all crips & bloods.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
I only knew of him from The Coli honestly. I don't have an opinion, positive or negative, since I didn't watch his content.

If the brother could cause this much of an emotional response from people, both fans and critics, who didn't know him personally though, then his work seems like it's worth looking up so I can judge for myself.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah I agree

For example that millionaire chick he recently had on

She did an interview with one brother and she looked somewhat smart

Her next interview with Samuels and he exposed her for what she was; a money worshiping undependable fool.
Drop a link to the vid please


Rising Star
Yeah, but that’s why I said “most”.

Circumstances are bigger than what KS was trying to get this women to understand.
That was more than just towards you.

I agree, the situation of black women, especially, is bigger than just dating & relationships.

Relationships are the basic building blocks of family, friendship, community, culture, and nations.

These black women have contributed to undermining of the Black family (as has the black man in other ways) by including family courts in the family dynamic, choosing material wealth over meaning relationships, using children as pawns, selfishly being shortsighted with how they manage expectations as well as raise children in ways that are not redeeming or sustainable.

"Whats does your life look like at 55 years old?"
"Why not try to make it work with your ex/baby's father?"
"Who filed for divorce?"
"Why did you choose to carry a child before marriage?"

These questions are about making people see their own broken logic.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I rarely listened to /watched Samuels' podcast regularly. It would mostly come on when I was asleep for work. And the clips I was able to view, most of those Black Women bought on themselves when wanting to be an Attention Whore practically backfired on them. But the sadder thing is all the Sista Social Media slap-happying over Dude's death. That behavior just further proves how right he's been about many of them. These Women truly believe that They are beyond Accountability.

A Black Man who advocates Black Men raising our Standards when it comes to (Black) Women. And We're called "Misogynists" and how WE hate Black Women, etc if/when WE do. As far as I'm concerned, these Black Women are no different from White Society when it comes to Black Men. White Feminism along with the U.S. Government taught Black Women that.

Hell. Many of US are either Dead or Imprisoned because of them.

Black Men,
Don't Relax Your Standards for any of these Women.
They need to learn some valuable lessons regarding Gender and Relationships.
Don't tell Me how you want a "High-Value Man" when your ASS ain't even worth it.
Like I have no choice, but to take a Wildebeest with a bunch a kids.
From Different Dudes at that.

Though it's tough being Black in General in this Society.
It's even Tougher being a Black Man.
On a Planet in which We're vehemently HATED even more than ever.
WE practically have NO FRIENDS!

So it's high time WE work on finding some sense of Inner Peace within Ourselves in order to deal with the daily Bullshit.
Or continue to be weak enough to succumb to it.

Kevin Samuels

Bounty Killah

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Outside of everything, it saddens me to hear another Black man has died of a heart issue. I guess the quality of health care provided to Black people is being missed here.

Have any of you (Black men here) taken a "stress test" at any point in time? I hear white boys talking about them all the time. I never hear Black people mention the word.

Just saying, the larger question is why did this man die from a heart condition? Mind you, he did have prior health issues. I also wonder why a doctor would prescribe ED medication to a person with questionable health (if this part of the cause of death is even true)? Again, this plays into the issues surrounding health care for African Americans in the US.

RIP Mr. Samuels


BGOL Patreon Investor
Where was these concerned women when black men were called no good, rapist, scrubs, dead beats, and told that if we weren't thugs we were gay, soft or bitches. And for the record many more black men were killed behind this, often sent to jail for crimes they didn't commit only because some salty hoe wanted her get back. What's equally troubling is they love throwing around big numbers (a million black women killed and raped) without ever being able to site their numbers. All lies to fit their narrative, that no matter if they are a crack fiend, the black women are the black queens, queens without a king or a kingdom!!!!
This is the type of coon thinking that led to the death of Malcolm X so I take that shit very seriously!!!!
About a year ago, my own biggest critique of Kevin was that it seemed a portion of his male audience used his presentation to have a blanket negative image of Black women.

But that really wasn't a critique of the man. It's not really his fault if certain ones of his watchers were not getting the nuance and were not seeing that almost all of his snark and cutting words were situational to the repetition of bullshit he was hearing. Kevin said what he said. It's up to his audience whether they half listened or whether they paid attention.

The caller was right in that Black women are marginalized in the greater society and often victimized. However she overblew things by saying "millions" of Black women are being pulled from cars, etc. I'm not sure what she was talking about nor am I sure she knew what all she was talking about nor whom the perpetrators were. But Kevin never advocated any kind of physical abuse of women. And if the perpetrators she was speaking of were cops or white supremacists, I don't endorse that kind of respectability politics- as if they haven't always treated our people like that anyway before there was a Kevin Samuels.

I've been reading these posts on social media from women celebrating his passing. Aside from being inhumane and immature, it feels like a kind of entitlement.

...The entitlement being that many Black women are not used to having to address the things that Kevin would address in terms of how THEY are seen from the other side of the mirror. There is a perception among many that somehow we as men don't have any feelings worth respecting, and so those women say whatever to us: micromanaging, criticizing us and "speaking their mind". And all of the shit is supposed to just bounce off of us. As men, we are supposed to just toughen up and take it. But if we turn around and make one observation, however mild, about where they are deficient, the same go ballistic or fall apart like snowflakes. They simply are not used to a man speaking to them with the same matter of factness and frankness that many of them speak to us.

I'm not speaking of all women- just that particular segment. I know and love many mature, smart, secure Sistas that I'm honored to have in my life.

But for those cheering his death? They likely are the exact ones whom if they got out of their feelings and remove their fingers from their ears could benefit from the wisdom he gave.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Like I said....

Let them be cruel towards Kevin and his followers, but nothing will be more cruel to them than... Reality.

Until they become accountable for their own actions.... Pets and loneliness is their future....

It seems some women get offended when Kevin distinguished being with a pet vs being with a man

:lol: Checkmate!
I would hate Kevin too if he was lying but the brotha was telling the absolute truth!

We don't drink enough. I think folks were even telling KS to slow up on the Red Bulls and drink more water. I agreed. I have a 32 oz bottle that I always take with me in the car. Stop by 7-11 whenever I'm about to go on my runs and fill it with ice water. It's always there when I'm thirsty. Costs nothing and is much more refreshing than a sugary drink. Add lemon or lime if you want a hint of taste without the sugar. Keep a big tumbler of water next to my bed at all times. If I wake up in the night, I have a sip. I could care less about going to the bathroom...staying hydrated is important.

When I saw his format for the 1st time, just before he blew up on social media, those red bulls were concerning. Wishful thinking on my part when I thought to myself, maybe he drinks those in moderation. Those red bulls are not as harmless as some may think.


Seeing booty, imagining shit.
BGOL Patreon Investor
Poor guy died after having sex with an overweight woman. Can't make this stuff up.

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